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I do not have a phone and need to make a private call.


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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

2 years without a phone ? What if you get involved in an accident and need to call for help ? Or if you need to access internet from the mddle of nowhere?

I can't imagine a life without a phone. But I live in the future

Edited by balo
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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

2 years without a phone ? What if you get involved in an accident and need to call for help ? Or if you need to access internet from the mddle of nowhere?

I can't imagine a life without a phone. But I live in the future

I know a couple in their 50's (no kids) who only have a landline and only one more guy who do not have mobiles. Impressive but people used to survive without no?

Thanks to the OP for not bothering everyone in the internet cafe. Buddy Internet had a special room on the upper level for those who had to trouble all and sundry with their loud self-important sounding skype convos.

As for private IDD booths have not seen one for a LONG time.

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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

2 years without a phone ? What if you get involved in an accident and need to call for help ? Or if you need to access internet from the mddle of nowhere?

I can't imagine a life without a phone. But I live in the future

You can use Skype to call any number....If you have on your laptop use that.....Works like a phone....

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To answer a couple questions:

I am 59. I actually did try to get my tablet/phone activated but everywhere i went all i got was "No Can". I guess i need a thai to go with me. I might move to Nepal soon so no sense in getting a phone account here yet.Thanks for the input. TV is a great resource for information and many good laughs.

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Welcome to the future stranger. What's it like in 1980 ?

LIfe without a smartphone sounds pretty smart to me.

I am witnessing a new breed of "Phombies"…they are everywhere, in every country….usually spotted walking on road crossings and crowded pavements, train stations and malls walking while looking at a movie playing on their phone instead of seeing whats around them.

I have no problems 'bumping' into such people.

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To answer a couple questions:

I am 59. I actually did try to get my tablet/phone activated but everywhere i went all i got was "No Can". I guess i need a thai to go with me. I might move to Nepal soon so no sense in getting a phone account here yet.Thanks for the input. TV is a great resource for information and many good laughs.

What kind of Visa can one get to "live" in Nepal?
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You can only stay as a tourist for 5 months. You get a 90 day visa that can be renewed twice for one month for a total of 5 months. Start this in August. January starts the new year and you can repeat the same for another 5 months. Total 10 months. The 2 month interim go live in india or wherever. Nepal is very much like CM in that it has air and gravity. Otherwise, it's very 3rd world but cheap and the weather is very nice. And if i think it sucks, i move back to CM.

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To answer a couple questions:

I am 59. I actually did try to get my tablet/phone activated but everywhere i went all i got was "No Can". I guess i need a thai to go with me. I might move to Nepal soon so no sense in getting a phone account here yet.Thanks for the input. TV is a great resource for information and many good laughs.

Did you try Dtac main offices in the shopping malls? Usually speak very good English, can sell you a 50 baht SIM card for PAYG & set it up for you.

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How long does the euphoria last after bumping into a phombie?

Funny thing is, the morons don't even seem to notice.

One guy dropped his phone after bumping into me….gave me a glare….but no one goes beyond that with the Holmes.

(cuz I walk fast…with 100% situational awareness)

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

2 years without a phone ? What if you get involved in an accident and need to call for help ? Or if you need to access internet from the mddle of nowhere?

I can't imagine a life without a phone. But I live in the future

I know a couple in their 50's (no kids) who only have a landline and only one more guy who do not have mobiles. Impressive but people used to survive without no?

I know several people who only use landlines and don't have mobiles. I use my landline 95% of the time.

This may be funny to some but I only got a mobile a couple of years ago and seldom ever use it. (I did have one in Europe years back because getting a landline in my own name was not possible without a company). There has never, ever been a time in my life where I have needed to make a telephone call so bad that it couldn't wait until I got home, back to my hotel, etc. Since i got my mobile here a couple of years ago, I doubt I've made more than 5 calls from it. I do use Skype sometimes when WiFi is available to call USA or Europe, check stocks quotes sometimes, but that is about it. I much prefer my landline and desktop computer with 24" monitor to read. And I hate maps on mobiles, I much prefer reading a fold out map. To each their own...

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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

Download Skype and buy $10 of Skype time.

And you don't even need to buy a headset if you have a laptop - our headset broke months ago and I haven't got around to buying a new one. It means that calls are on 'speaker phone' but it's private if you're in your room alone. Works perfectly, we phone family and friends and businesses several times a week and never have a problem with being heard or hearing people on the other end. I imagine a tablet would work the same, we've never tried it but we can use it for Skype video calls, so it would have to.

(I intensely dislike using Skype video. I much prefer using the laptop as a phone where I don't have to look respectable.I often tell fibs and say I'm having problems with the web camera.)

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Thank you. I have enough info.

FYI- I have lived here for 2 years and have never needed to call anyone. The wonder of email. My call is to the USA.

2 years without a phone ? What if you get involved in an accident and need to call for help ? Or if you need to access internet from the mddle of nowhere?

I can't imagine a life without a phone. But I live in the future

I can remember life before mobile phones. Then in 1987 I got a job with Vodafone in the UK building their network. I quit in 1988 them to work for Motorola to help build the Cellnet network in the UK. Many years later in 2009 I retired after working in about 30 countries in Asia, South America, the Arab Gulf, Europe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, PNG and NZ.

Now my phone bill is about 250 baht a month and sometimes days go by and I don't use it apart from the clock, calendar and maybe the camera.

Edited by billd766
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