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Donald Trump’s campaign manager charged with battery


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Look at the video - there was no assault. Why should he admit guilt?

Her facial expression doesn't even change - which it would if she'd been hurt. She'd not even touched on her forearm where she claims to be bruised.

You really see an assault with hands, feet, fist & teeth there as she first reported? Or any assault at all?

In the US, grabbing someone can be deemed an assault. If I was a sidewalk huckster in NYC, and I grabbed your arm (and pulled) while you were walking by, you could slap assault charges on me. Trump's campaign manager is a big boy and he knows about such laws. Politics can be dirty sometimes. Trump goons can dish it out, but they lock arms like Mafia tough guys (with a long string of excuses/denials) when things get sticky.

You may be right... I just "hope" he can make a big win out of the insanity. For all his "bluster", he makes some good sense to me. Somebody needs to take down the "Elite" "Insiders" or the US will go the way of the Roman and every other fallen empire

Are you joking? Trump is about as 'inside' as a billionaire New Yorker can be. He's been wheeling dealing, contributing to all sorts of election campaigns, rubbing shoulders with every sort of Wall Street huckster since his daddy gave him 2.5 million $$'s when he got out of high school. He's as insider as a huckster can get. And yes, all empires fall eventually, and Trump, if he gets to the White House, will be a prime facilitator for the demise of America. That will have many Arabs, Chinese, Iranians and N.Koreans cheering, among others. They're probably now all hoping he'll get elected, particularly ISIS. Trump will be a godsend for swelling ISIS recruitment numbers. Indeed, Trump may convince many rich Arabs who would ordinarily stand on the sidelines and watch the M.East burn, to step up and donate big money to ISIS - when they see a NEW SATAN in the form of gold-plated Trump. I'm not hoping for that, I'm just saying Trump inspires hatred and retribution like no one since Saddam Hussein.

Alarmist nonsense. Trump will be like a castrated pussy if he makes power and would probably get nothing through Congress anyway.

America will fall without Trumps help

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals.

I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

Every time he opens his mouth, he's pretty much guaranteeing a GOP leadership ambush at the convention. Even I am surprised at the neophyte level of sophistication and absolute crassness and lack of finesse of this guy.

The biggest "mistake by the lake" in Cleveland would be the GOP establishment allowing this guy to be the nominee and lose to Clinton by massive and historic margins.

Not sure on that. I think Hillary would rather face Cruz. He's a known. Career politician meets career politician. Trump is a great unknown and like a chameleon changes positions continually, they don't where to aim. But don't worry the GOP establishment oligarchs won't nominate him and in true democratic style will deny the people their vote. God bless America.

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The beauty of this kerfuffle is the interaction between Trump, Fox and Breitbart. The old gang ain't what it used to be, eh?

Note how the wingnuts are trying to drag HRC and the "liberal media" into this. No, this is all right wing insanity. Som nom na.

I believe this goes far beyond right wing insanity. There is a core group of people I consider a threat to the USA, a homegrown 5th column who act and do as they please without any respect for the US Constitution or the rule of law. These people all seem to share some very dangerous positions and to be collectively insane. I don't know if Cruz and Trump quite grasp how dangerous they are and that they shouldn't pander to them. It wasn't too long ago that these wackos were accusing Bush and the illuminati of 9-11, alleging the moon landings were fake, that Ruby Ridge and the Waco debacle were plots by the the US federal government etc. Some of these wackos also believe that aliens visit them in their trailer parks and probe their anuses.

I agree. Proof that Obama's wife Michelle is definitely a man is another. There are a lot of loonies right and left but they are a vocal minority who often emerge from the woodwork at election time.

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I know, you right-wingers have it rough lately, with all them modern things goin' on, like evolution, the negro and the woman being allowed to vote ...and other horrific and mindblowing things!

But the worst day surely must have been, when God gave audio- and video recording methods to man!


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I know, you right-wingers have it rough lately, with all them modern things goin' on, like evolution, the negro and the woman being allowed to vote ...and other horrific and mindblowing things!

But the worst day surely must have been, when God gave audio- and video recording methods to man!


Clint Eastwood, a famous Republican, has proposed having a chat with Donald to set him straight on Republican values, and tweeted the following pic of how he set a similar pal straight:


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I know very little about American politics ,but from the video this looks like all that happened was the guy just stopped her from grabbing at Trump ,cannot see why she is making such a fuss

It's called milking her 15 minutes of fame...and finding a prosecutor that is on Hillary's election campaign in Florida.

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Just picked this off the internet. Looks like the prosecution is all about politics and not about an assault.


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council
Published: 3 hours ago
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
I'm certain the liberals will attack the source so let's put an early stop to that nonsense.
Following is a link to the Palm Beach Post article in 2015 showing the prosecutor is, indeed, part of Hillary's election team.

Whenever I am looking for hard hitting political analysis I always dial up the Palm Beach Post.

Seriously Chuckd I think your extreme Right Wing ideology makes you lose touch with reality. Trumps campaign manager assaults a woman then him and Trump try to lie and cover it all up and excuse it. You have absolutely lost your mind if you think you can spin and lie your way out of this one your dreaming. There is only one way this will play out with the female electorate, none of it good. Coward sucker punching men, sure you can probably spin your way out of that one but beating up and assaulting women? Good luck with that one.

You don't need to be a brain scientist to work that one out.

Buddha give me strength.

Buddha might give you the strength to realize the Palm Beach Post is supporting the claim that the prosecutor really is on Hillary's campaign committee.

Understanding what you are reading might be a talent Buddha could help you with.

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I know very little about American politics ,but from the video this looks like all that happened was the guy just stopped her from grabbing at Trump ,cannot see why she is making such a fuss

It's called milking her 15 minutes of fame...and finding a prosecutor that is on Hillary's election campaign in Florida.

Yeah, it's all her fault and a conspiracy by HRC's campaign. whistling.gif

This all could have smoothed over with a quick apology. The woman was on the Breitbart team who was in the bag for Trump! But Trump and his team don't roll that way, so it blew up. Som nom na.

Trump's poor national polling numbers are falling. The Republicans are gearing for a convention fight. Everyone concedes he doesn't have a prayer. There is no one "on the bench" to throw in there. The train wreck continues to plow into the side of the mountain. coffee1.gif

Edited by Pinot
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Whenever I am looking for hard hitting political analysis I always dial up the Palm Beach Post.

Seriously Chuckd I think your extreme Right Wing ideology makes you lose touch with reality. Trumps campaign manager assaults a woman then him and Trump try to lie and cover it all up and excuse it. You have absolutely lost your mind if you think you can spin and lie your way out of this one your dreaming. There is only one way this will play out with the female electorate, none of it good. Coward sucker punching men, sure you can probably spin your way out of that one but beating up and assaulting women? Good luck with that one.

You don't need to be a brain scientist to work that one out.

Buddha give me strength.

Buddha might give you the strength to realize the Palm Beach Post is supporting the claim that the prosecutor really is on Hillary's campaign committee.

Understanding what you are reading might be a talent Buddha could help you with.

Sorry Chuckd I didn't have time to look into your conspiracy theory on Trump's campaign manager facing Battery Charges after assaulting a woman. There is an election on and was more interested in the actual issues and policies. I leave all the violence, racism, hatred towards women, Latino, Mexicans, Muslims, building stupid walls and advocating torture for you in the looney Right Wing to get tangled up in.

What a shambles.

How you can support and attempt to defend this Republican idiocy is absolutely beyond any person with even basic intelligence.

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Yea Pinot, it's all a big conspiracy against The Donald, has nothing to do with what the guy actually says..............blink.png

The latest one about arming Japan with nukes and South Korea not paying it's bills.......former ambassador to S. Korea Christopher Hill " I don't know what he is talking about but clearly neither does he".

Justifying Kim Jong Un's policies and nuclear destabilization for the whole region? Trump is an idiot. If we needed to use nukes on Kim Jong Un we would use our subs, meanwhile The Donald with his head up his a** is making U.S. security comments on par with Krusty the clown.

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^I guess Obama and Xi didn't get the memo from Trump that he was overturning 70 years of US nuclear non-proliferation efforts. laugh.png

“President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and full implementation of U.N. sanctions,” Obama saidThursday, according to a White House statement. “We’re going to discuss how we can discourage action like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations.”


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Yea Pinot, it's all a big conspiracy against The Donald, has nothing to do with what the guy actually says..............blink.png

The latest one about arming Japan with nukes and South Korea not paying it's bills.......former ambassador to S. Korea Christopher Hill " I don't know what he is talking about but clearly neither does he".

Justifying Kim Jong Un's policies and nuclear destabilization for the whole region? Trump is an idiot. If we needed to use nukes on Kim Jong Un we would use our subs, meanwhile The Donald with his head up his a** is making U.S. security comments on par with Krusty the clown.

lol that's funny.

Oh man Trump is a disaster.

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I know very little about American politics ,but from the video this looks like all that happened was the guy just stopped her from grabbing at Trump ,cannot see why she is making such a fuss

It's called milking her 15 minutes of fame...and finding a prosecutor that is on Hillary's election campaign in Florida.

Yeah, it's all her fault and a conspiracy by HRC's campaign. whistling.gif

This all could have smoothed over with a quick apology. The woman was on the Breitbart team who was in the bag for Trump! But Trump and his team don't roll that way, so it blew up. Som nom na.

Trump's poor national polling numbers are falling. The Republicans are gearing for a convention fight. Everyone concedes he doesn't have a prayer. There is no one "on the bench" to throw in there. The train wreck continues to plow into the side of the mountain. coffee1.gif

Says the guy who supports a military government in a certain country outside the United States.

Edited by Usernames
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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

That shows how misogynic people can try to validate violence against women. You should go consult urgently. This was a citizen getting beaten by a sick politician. If you don't get it, it means you have really serious problem.

A woman beaten,? He hardly touched her even me a Brit who cares nothing for American politics see that is utter <deleted>

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals.

I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

Too late now to say the post was a humorous one, at least by intent or purpose. Or in jest. It is in fact consistent with the posting history.

The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump

“If the worst enemies of conservatism were to construct a Frankenstein figure that represents the worst elements of right-wing politics, Donald Trump would be it. But it is Republicans who are giving him life. And the damage is already deep.”


There really are zombies, individually and as a formal political group and gathering. The Zombie National Convention at the Mistake by the Lake.

Lake Eerie Erie.

No political party in the current Republican state of heaving and pitching chaos can attract the majority it needs to win an election of Potus. The evidence is everywhere and it is both convincing and overwhelming. The American body politic is aghast at this self-shattering bunch of extremist loonies.

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

Megyn Kelly is getting serious payback for his "blood coming from ... wherever" crap.


Indeed, Republicans should have stopped him and it then and there.

They didn't because it was only one lone woman.

It was the media, albeit Faux and its followers which Republicans have been soliciting and suckering for many years.

Now it's come back to bite 'em good right where it hurts. At the ballot box. Which is why Republican controlled swing and blue states are making new laws to stop voting in Democratic party areas.

The catch Republicans and other rightwhigers don't see is that in all the madness Trump and the Republican party are turning away up to half of their own Republican voters.

Deja vu Barry Goldwater 1964 except this time on steroids.

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Remember the opening of the first Republican debate (was it in Sept)? Fifteen or so white men, one black man and a woman sauntered onto the attractive stage - up to their respective diases. The audience applauded.

At that moment, top Republican wheeler dealers were probably thinking, "What a fine selection of top candidates. It will be interesting to see who emerges as front runners in the coming months."

Now those wheeler dealers are miserably tossing and turning at night.

In September 2019, when a slew of "new" (but mostly recycled) Republican contenders take the stage, I'd venture Republican wheeler dealers with their bulging wallets will be watching with their hands plastered to their faces - wondering what sort of Frankenstein will emerge as front runner to challenge Hillary or Bernie to a 2nd term.

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Remember the opening of the first Republican debate (was it in Sept)? Fifteen or so white men, one black man and a woman sauntered onto the attractive stage - up to their respective diases. The audience applauded.

At that moment, top Republican wheeler dealers were probably thinking, "What a fine selection of top candidates. It will be interesting to see who emerges as front runners in the coming months."

Now those wheeler dealers are miserably tossing and turning at night.

In September 2019, when a slew of "new" (but mostly recycled) Republican contenders take the stage, I'd venture Republican wheeler dealers with their bulging wallets will be watching with their hands plastered to their faces - wondering what sort of Frankenstein will emerge as front runner to challenge Hillary or Bernie to a 2nd term.

No doubt about it, the Republicans had a deep bench. Now we know WHY they were on the bench. gigglem.gif

Found this site interesting. Election Betting Odds dot com https://electionbettingodds.com/

Chances of Hillary becoming President 67%

Chances of Trump becoming President 12% (seems a little high)

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals.

I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

Too late now to say the post was a humorous one, at least by intent or purpose. Or in jest. It is in fact consistent with the posting history.

The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump

“If the worst enemies of conservatism were to construct a Frankenstein figure that represents the worst elements of right-wing politics, Donald Trump would be it. But it is Republicans who are giving him life. And the damage is already deep.”


There really are zombies, individually and as a formal political group and gathering. The Zombie National Convention at the Mistake by the Lake.

Lake Eerie Erie.

No political party in the current Republican state of heaving and pitching chaos can attract the majority it needs to win an election of Potus. The evidence is everywhere and it is both convincing and overwhelming. The American body politic is aghast at this self-shattering bunch of extremist loonies.

Of course it was said in jest. I'm not going to stoop to putting in emoticons for you just so you can suss that out.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I think the best thing that can happen for the GOP out of all this is to realize they need to blow up the whole party and start all over.

The elders of the party (Bob Dole et al) are dinosaur relics, the current crop of "candidates" completely unfit to be President. All of them completely out of touch with mainstream voters other than white Klu Klux Klan type middle class who prefers to whinge about the Obama government and harken back to those fantastic GW Bush days.

Need a younger fresh face to start something like "Christian Conservatives For America" (CCA) party or something.

But blammo, blow up the GOP.

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:


I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

Too late now to say the post was a humorous one, at least by intent or purpose. Or in jest. It is in fact consistent with the posting history.

The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump

“If the worst enemies of conservatism were to construct a Frankenstein figure that represents the worst elements of right-wing politics, Donald Trump would be it. But it is Republicans who are giving him life. And the damage is already deep.”


There really are zombies, individually and as a formal political group and gathering. The Zombie National Convention at the Mistake by the Lake.

Lake Eerie Erie.

No political party in the current Republican state of heaving and pitching chaos can attract the majority it needs to win an election of Potus. The evidence is everywhere and it is both convincing and overwhelming. The American body politic is aghast at this self-shattering bunch of extremist loonies.

Of course it was said in jest. I'm not going to stoop to putting in emoticons for you just so you can suss that out.

I'd said in my post you have a posting history of trying to gloss over and to cover up the OTT Republican right wing and to present Trump as a paid Clinton plant instead of recognising Trump as the Frankenstein creation of the Republicans that he is.

I do in special cases take a quick look at a couple of pages in a poster's history which in your instance shows the statement repeatedly and dourly presented. Johnny Carson liked to say the key to humor is a max of three jokes per topic. (Carson's face wuz always right there in front of everybody.)

Yes dour. coffee1.gif

It's what happens to the marginal right when any of 'em tries to clothe themselves as balanced nonpartisan moderate centrists. They instead end up standing there in a zoot suit. wai.gif

I seldom dichotomise but, hey, there are two kinds of independents, those who vote Democratic and those who vote Republican. Many 'Independent' voters lean toward either party and consistently vote for the party. Look it up. Then they say "I vote for the person, not the party." Yet they voted R for president in 6 of the past 8 elections and will vote R this time again and too.

DNC knows this and RNC knows this just as every campaign knows it. And here I'd thought just about everyone knew. wink.png

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I think the best thing that can happen for the GOP out of all this is to realize they need to blow up the whole party and start all over.

The elders of the party (Bob Dole et al) are dinosaur relics, the current crop of "candidates" completely unfit to be President. All of them completely out of touch with mainstream voters other than white Klu Klux Klan type middle class who prefers to whinge about the Obama government and harken back to those fantastic GW Bush days.

Need a younger fresh face to start something like "Christian Conservatives For America" (CCA) party or something.

But blammo, blow up the GOP.

Oh they're blowing up themselves. The Republican party reaches new lows on a daily basis.

You're underestimating how entrenched racism is. I often write the next Republican President hasn't been born yet, but I expect Republicans will continue to own the red states for quite awhile to come. Change is coming with states like California leading the way, but these low-info crackers ain't gonna change their stripes anytime soon.

Why would anybody vote Republican if they're making under $250,000 year? Republicans vote against their own self interest over and over again because they're stupid, fearful, racist, xenophobic and get all their information from Fox News. Jesus tells them to vote Republican.

I'd like to think that these lemmings would see how Republicans have done nothing but fatten the 1% and fail them as a political party, but they can't get past their absurd hate for Obama or Hillary or Feminists or Negroes or Muslims or whoever Rush tells them to hate and fear this week.

The good guys are winning big the ignorance is entrenched.

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

That shows how misogynic people can try to validate violence against women. You should go consult urgently. This was a citizen getting beaten by a sick politician. If you don't get it, it means you have really serious problem.
A woman beaten,? He hardly touched her even me a Brit who cares nothing for American politics see that is utter <deleted>
Oh you are a Brit, nobody is perfect. I sympathize with you and any woman you may meet. Lol Edited by Petchou
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  • 2 weeks later...

The latest on the Michelle Fields' assault claim.

You're going to have to find something else to be outraged about.thumbsup.gif


Sources: Donald Trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted
By Dylan Byers, Josh Gaynor and Tom LoBianco, CNN
Updated 0916 GMT (1616 HKT) April 14, 2016
(CNN)The state attorney's office in Palm Beach County, Florida, will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski for battery, according to sources familiar with the case.
A former reporter for Breitbart, Michelle Fields, sought charges against Lewandowski after an incident in March where she said Lewandowski pulled her away from Trump as she was trying to ask him a question.
The Florida State's attorney's office said it will hold news conference at 2 p.m. Thursday to address the matter, according to a statement.
Edited by chuckd
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The latest on the Michelle Fields' assault claim.

You're going to have to find something else to be outraged about.thumbsup.gif


I don't think anyone was outraged about it, it was a minor incident.

What wasn't minor was that both Lewandowski and Trump lied through their teeth about it.

Funny how you get all outraged about people lying until it's Republicans, eh?


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