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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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Look, I'm a boy trapped inside a mans body

I would really enjoy spending time in the female changing room

What can I do

Does it mean you're a lesbian transsexual?lol

Hey, you're marginalizing a minority!

Do you think a lesbian transexual wants to be lesbian transexual? It's currently his/her/whatever "identity". rolleyes.gif

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So you're a man who likes to wear a dress. Seems strange to me (and quite frankly, sad), but hey good for you. But when you try to enter ladies' rooms or girls locker rooms, that behavior is unacceptable.

It's not the person but the behavior that needs to addressed with legislation. It's far too risky for women and young girls to be thrown into this social experiment.

The video just a few posts above shows countless incidents of men wearing dressed who entered ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms and then went on to sexually assault, rape and attack innocent young girls and women. Some here don't seem to have a problem with that. They haven't even referenced the video. As if the facts don't even exist.

As it is being presented here, "identity" is nothing more than a transitory (no pun intended) feeling.

There are bathrooms for biological men and bathrooms for biological women. If you're a man wearing a dress and you feel ashamed to enter a men's bathroom, then I guess you're just going to have to hold it until you get home.

How quickly you retreat from your position when someone pushes back on your baseless, non-credible and frankly ignorant claims. Retreating back into now actual hate speech. You seek to shame me by accusing me of being a trans person? To what end? Think that calling someone a Trans person will make them put their tail between their legs an run off. These are the tactics of the school yard bully. These re the tactics that are promoted by the Reactionaries. Calling someone a sissy for not throwing or catching some bit of leather correctly; picking out the non conformist and harassing them. These are the tactics condoned by those who promote these Religious Liberty laws believing that God allows them to discriminate against anyone they think is unworthy of their self appointed standards.

So keep up your attempts to bully. Descending so quickly into actual hate speech is a blindingly obvious indicator of the lack of substance of your position. Clearly you have not benefited from following the link provided on the relationship between Transgenderism and biology. Instead you continue to refer to propaganda design to inflame and incite hatred. Your 2nd VDO offering was reviewed, referenced and rejected for cause. You may refer to earlier posts if you missed this.

What more do you have to offer? Your silly 'men in dresses' meme was tired even before you used it the first time. You choose to ignore scientific research into the issue. You just continue your dogmatic reactionary view on who should enter mens and womens toilets like it is one of the Ten Commandments. Again, why are you so invested in this issue. Raising the issue of performing bodily functions to the level of discriminatory hate speech against entire minorities? Was your potty training that traumatic?

People who are centred, rational and reasonable about the needs of minorities, people with challenges, non conformists must continue to speak out and push back against bigotry and ignorance. It is precisely these attitudes that jeopardises minorities. These attitudes endorse violent responses against minorities who demand respect for their diversity. Here is a list of unlawfully killed Trans people from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unlawfully_killed_transgender_people. Are you proud of yourself now? You want to add gay and lesbians to this list as well because there are a lot of them. Being accused of wearing a dress is nothing to being a part of this shame.

Edited by lostboy
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Does anyone doubt that sexual assaults in ladies' bathrooms and girls' locker rooms will increase if guys wearing dresses are legally allowed to enter?

I don't.

And if you're honest, neither do you.

The guys in dresses can either use the men's room or hold it until they get home.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Your hysteria contributes to the climate of fear and bigotry that puts Trans people at physical risk. It is shameful.

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Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies


This ill conceived sociology experiment is needlessly putting women and children at risk.

Your little exercises in google bingo are for what purpose? You are attempting to prove that all Trans people are rapists? Your trivialisation of this issue and attempt to diminish the dignity and human rights of a minority is shameful. Demonstrate that all Trans people are rapists or stop this hysteria that puts the physical safety of a minority at risk.

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To be quite honest.

When i go to the loo, i go in, do my business, wash my hands and leave.

I don't see any interest of hanging around in toilets to see who the other users are.

And yes, I have used the mens public toilets at concerts. Beer goes through me!! And i was not accosted at all.

We all had rather a laugh.

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Common sense is spreading across the Carolinas.

A South Carolina senator wants to bar local governments from requiring businesses to let transgender people use the bathroom of their choice, saying he's taking a "stand for decency and common sense."

The bill introduced Wednesday by Sen. Lee Bright would also require multistall bathrooms on public property to be designated and used "based on biological sex."

It specifically includes student bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms in public schools.


And to be clear, I don't think anyone on this thread is advocating for discrimination against trannies, but rather it's about dangerous, risky behavior.

This common sense legislation is about the behavior, not the people.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Common sense is spreading across the Carolinas.

A South Carolina senator wants to bar local governments from requiring businesses to let transgender people use the bathroom of their choice, saying he's taking a "stand for decency and common sense."

The bill introduced Wednesday by Sen. Lee Bright would also require multistall bathrooms on public property to be designated and used "based on biological sex."

It specifically includes student bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms in public schools.


And to be clear, I don't think anyone on this thread is advocating for discrimination against trannies, but rather it's about dangerous, risky behavior.

This common sense legislation is about the behavior, not the people.

Trans people using toilet facilities is not risky behaviour, except in places like North Carolina, Kansas and Mississippi now.

Appropriate responses to the bigotry, discrimination and marginalisation of LGBT people in those states that have passed religious bigotry laws. American Airlines, IBM, Pay Pal http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/gay-rights-rally-set-lawmakers-overturn-charlotte-act-37890502 and http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/06/us/gay-rights-mississippi-north-carolina.html?_r=0

Real common sense in the Carolinas.

Lots more links to similar reports.

Rational, tolerant and caring people support LGBT human rights and equality. With their dollars.

And to be clear, the use of the word Trannie is hate speech. It is part of the bigot's consistent efforts to trivialise, dehumanise and excoriate LGBT people. LGTB people own this word and do not allow you use this slur. That is Identity Politics, not your denial of biological reality.

I can see that the link to the American Psychological Association information on sexual orientation and gender identity went unsurprisingly ignored in favour of continued LGBT bashing.

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Of course allowing trannies to enter ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms is dangerous. There have been many links posted on this thread that show the very real danger. Some will continue to downplay these horrific incidents or just flat-out ignore them. But they happened. They happened to women and young girls. They happened in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms. And in the incidents listed above, the perpetrators all had one thing in common: they were guys wearing dresses. This ill conceived sociology experiment is needlessly risky and dangerous.

I put the safety of women and children as a higher priority than the convenience of a guy wearing a dress. And looking at all of the legislation being introduced across the US, it's a growing concern.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Of course allowing trannies to enter ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms is dangerous. There have been many links posted on this thread that show the very real danger. Some will continue to downplay these horrific incidents or just flat-out ignore them. But they happened. They happened to women and young girls. They happened in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms. And in the incidents listed above, the perpetrators all had one thing in common: they were guys wearing dresses. This ill conceived sociology experiment is needlessly risky and dangerous.

I put the safety of women and children as a higher priority than the convenience of a guy wearing a dress. And looking at all of the legislation being introduced across the US, it's a growing concern.

Oh please. Defender of the purity of women in the toilet. You have some credentials on this apart from 2 links to newspaper reports of non Trans people committing violence and two off topic VDO's. You stand the wall of protecting women from taking a poop in a stall next to a Trans person. Sure. Whatever.

The current spate of laws to allow religious bigotry and discrimination against LGBT people is a last ditch attempt to revive the Culture War that was lost when SCOTUS endorsed Constitutional protections for marriage equality. The toilet hysteria is a mere tactic in this desperation. Transgender use of female toilets does not put women and girls at risk. Your bigoted, inflammatory remarks about Trannies and Men in Dresses has nothing to do with Trans people. Your attempts to demonstrate that Trans people are rapists have come to nought. Links to evidence based conclusions about the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity have been ignored. All to the purpose of bashing LGBT people.

Now we end up with the Super Hero defense! What a crock. There is no growing concern about women's toilets except among the fringe who want legal protections for their bigotry and discrimination. These laws will disappear as people vote with their dollars. They will be challenged and overturned on Equal Protection grounds, as was the stupid anti-gay marriage movement. We get it. You don't like LGBT people. Deal with it. Or stay within your circle of old men preying on dark skinned girls in Thailand. Or don't they count in your world view? Never been to a girlie bar then, Oh Great Defender of the Purity of Women? Just add hypocrisy to your bigotry.

Edited by lostboy
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The arguments against transgendered people using women's toilets are based on ignorance and fear... and some stupidity or just bullying.

Women and little girls are not likely to be molested or attacked by transgendered people.. Its HETEROSEXUAL men that do these evil things. A pervert heterosexual man who is determined to attack and molest women in public toilets will find a way to get in.. with or without wearing a dress/!!!

As for people saying they don't want their little girls to see a man peeing.... that is not going to happen is it if you think about it? In a female toilets there are no urinals.. people go into PRIVATE STALLS AND SHUT THE DOOR.

And its normal for people to actually pull up their pants and fasten their jeans / skirt BEFORE they leave the stall, right?

The argument that transgendered people are in the minority so its not worth spending money on separate toilets is also flawed. Disabled people have their own toilets.. they are in the minority... and would anyone suggest their little girl does not want to see disabled people using the restroom? Will you tell them to wait till they get home?

Quite frankly, most mens public toilets are disgusting... most heterosexual men are not know for their cleanliness. Maybe its an animal thing, like a dog peeing up trees.. and the smell in there is like a zoo.

I can understand why most transgendered people would not want to go in there to freshen up and put on some make up!

And what about heterosexual men attacking or molesting transgendered women who use their toilets? Its very dangerous situation if there are a few drunk men in there and they see a attractive female in there on her own.

Gay men have to use the male toilets... and they don't go around molesting the straight men.

Until ignorant people can change their views the idea answer is to have either unisex toilets or a restroom specially for transgendered people.

And finally, I can never understand why a man wearing a dress brings out such feelings of disgust, fear and hatred. Its just a dress or skirt.. its only fabric.. its not a Nazi uniform. Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts.

Edited by jak2002003
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I don't think it's practical to have many special toilets just for transgender people.

It's a case by case thing for the toilets and the people choosing which toilets to use at any particular location.

Unisex toilets of course, that's cool and very common, such as at Starbucks.

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Have you fellows really thought this through? Who is to define transgender and who is to police toilet admission? From a practical approach it seems to me to be very complicated and it should also mentioned that the young ladyboy in the videos in this thread also wants access to female showers in high school.

If we leave up to the individual to choose restrooms that presumes everyone will make an appropriate response.


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Have you fellows really thought this through? Who is to define transgender and who is to police toilet admission? From a practical approach it seems to me to be very complicated and it should also mentioned that the young ladyboy in the videos in this thread also wants access to female showers in high school.

If we leave up to the individual to choose restrooms that presumes everyone will make an appropriate response.

Of course they haven't thought it through. They're so obsessed with forwarding their ill conceived and reactionay agenda that they are putting women and young girls at increased risk of being brutally attacked.

According to some on this thread, it's the guy wearing the dress who makes the decision about entrance/admission. Which is as absurd as it is dangerous. Some guy could make that decision in the morning, put on a dress at noon, and be walking into a ladies' room that afternoon. Of course then he could change his mind again tomorrow, and suddenly revert back to a normal state of being. Hey, it's "identity politics"!

And yes, the high school tranny you referenced wants to shower in the girls' locker room of his school. And he doesn't believe that this would make the actual, biological 14-15 year old girls uncomfortable. And he was offered his own, private bathroom/locker room but turned it down. So now everyone else has to suffer because this drama queen needs more of the spotlight. And you'll notice that certain posters want to gloss over this fact or they'll simply ignore it altogether. And let's not forget the straw men that will be put up in 5...4...3...2..

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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The arguments against transgendered people using women's toilets are based on ignorance and fear... and some stupidity or just bullying.

Women and little girls are not likely to be molested or attacked by transgendered people.. Its HETEROSEXUAL men that do these evil things. A pervert heterosexual man who is determined to attack and molest women in public toilets will find a way to get in.. with or without wearing a dress/!!!

As for people saying they don't want their little girls to see a man peeing.... that is not going to happen is it if you think about it? In a female toilets there are no urinals.. people go into PRIVATE STALLS AND SHUT THE DOOR.

And its normal for people to actually pull up their pants and fasten their jeans / skirt BEFORE they leave the stall, right?

The argument that transgendered people are in the minority so its not worth spending money on separate toilets is also flawed. Disabled people have their own toilets.. they are in the minority... and would anyone suggest their little girl does not want to see disabled people using the restroom? Will you tell them to wait till they get home?

Quite frankly, most mens public toilets are disgusting... most heterosexual men are not know for their cleanliness. Maybe its an animal thing, like a dog peeing up trees.. and the smell in there is like a zoo.

I can understand why most transgendered people would not want to go in there to freshen up and put on some make up!

And what about heterosexual men attacking or molesting transgendered women who use their toilets? Its very dangerous situation if there are a few drunk men in there and they see a attractive female in there on her own.

Gay men have to use the male toilets... and they don't go around molesting the straight men.

Until ignorant people can change their views the idea answer is to have either unisex toilets or a restroom specially for transgendered people.

And finally, I can never understand why a man wearing a dress brings out such feelings of disgust, fear and hatred. Its just a dress or skirt.. its only fabric.. its not a Nazi uniform. Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts.

" Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts. "

I agree, there is no requirement for gender specific dress, as it should be,

so if transgender individuals are allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, how does one determine if the person going in the bathroom is indeed a transgender or a heterosexual who wants , for what ever reason, to use the bathroom of the opposite sex??

So far no one in this long thread has satisfactory answered this question .

If this concern can be satisfactory addressed, I would have no problem with transgender people using the bathroom of their choice.

No skin of my nose if .3% of the population is allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, it is the other 99.7% I am worried about.

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More Republican lawmakers have been arrested for bathroom misconduct than the trans people.

Stats show, no trans person has ever been arrested for sexual misconduct in a public bathroom in the U.S..

However... These 3 Republican lawmakers cant say the same.

Jon Hinson,

Mississippi congressman, was arrested in 1981 for having oral sex in the House of Representatives’ bathroom with a Library of Congress clerk. In 1976, he was arrested after exposing himself at the Iwo Jima memorial.

Larry Craig,

Larry Craig, an Idaho Republican senator, was arrested for lewd conduct in a men’s room at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Bob Allen,

Florida state Representativeas arrested for agreeing to pay $20 so he could perform oral sex on an undercover cop in the men’s room of a public park.

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1zgarz5.gif Slur words mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif against minority groups, such as the N word, etc. are NOT OK here.1zgarz5.gif

The examples of sickeningly extremist anti-GLBT BIGOTRY are bad enough here, we see it daily, but you would think people could be civil enough to avoid hateful SLUR words and phrases.

Edited by Jingthing
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Infamy..Infamy..they've all got it Infamy!

What a bunch of whining bores, the world is going to hell in a hurry and these are the problems they consider important. What has been occurring for the last millennia for

people with these issues? They got the flip on with it, I guess.

Maybe out of their "safe spaces" the world is just a little too gritty, well tough, suck it up.

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1zgarz5.gif Slur words mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif against minority groups, such as the N word, etc. are NOT OK here.1zgarz5.gif

The examples of sickeningly extremist anti-GLBT BIGOTRY are bad enough here, we see it daily, but you would think people could be civil enough to avoid hateful SLUR words and phrases.

Are you inventing posters to respond to because all of the Thai Visa posters are on your ignore list? Who are you accusing of using bad language? I see no posts linked to yours? Are you trying to start an argument with a fictitious person that you made up?

I'm trying to understand to whom you are posting to but cannot.

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1zgarz5.gif Slur words mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif against minority groups, such as the N word, etc. are NOT OK here.1zgarz5.gif

The examples of sickeningly extremist anti-GLBT BIGOTRY are bad enough here, we see it daily, but you would think people could be civil enough to avoid hateful SLUR words and phrases.

Are you inventing posters to respond to because all of the Thai Visa posters are on your ignore list? Who are you accusing of using bad language? I see no posts linked to yours? Are you trying to start an argument with a fictitious person that you made up?

I'm trying to understand to whom you are posting to but cannot.

Are you off topic?

Personally, I hate peeing into a urinal stood next to another man, so more often than not I use the cubicle. Why should women have more cubicles in their restroom's than mens? As for transgender people the risk of being abused or beaten is enough to get me protesting if it were me in this position. As for name calling, this is starting to improve. The n word has decreased a lot since Obama got elected, maybe we do need a transgender president to change people's opinion. Thailand has a transgender politician Yollada Suanyot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yollada_Suanyot

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Onision a youtube star.


I learned about transphobia the hard way, by being transphobic myself and not even realizing it. Eventually I learned the actual definition of "gender" and realized how wrong I was, literally, irrefutably, wrong. I apologized for my ignorance and have sense been generally disgusted with myself.

A lot of people forgive others for making mistakes so long as they admit they were wrong and apologize, but I don't really get it. If someone is capable of doing/saying horrible things, how does anything really change once they realize what they've done? You still said/did whatever it was that brought you to that point... maybe people should forgive former transphobic behavior or maybe they shouldn't... regardless, this video in a lot of ways is a slap in my own face. It's my own characters pointing out the level of stupidity I am capable of in a semi-comedic fashion.

Angus and Vicky say things I would never say myself, but that's not the point. I tried to pull out some of the most offensive opinions I could to shine a clear light on how ignorant and/or stupid transphobic people have and continue to be.

If you've ever been transphobic or are, you owe everyone an apology. Transphobia is one of the most useless and destructive phobias you can have. Please reality check yourself.

10 Things I Hate About Transphobic People (Transphobia)

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1zgarz5.gif Slur words mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif against minority groups, such as the N word, etc. are NOT OK here.1zgarz5.gif

The examples of sickeningly extremist anti-GLBT BIGOTRY are bad enough here, we see it daily, but you would think people could be civil enough to avoid hateful SLUR words and phrases.

Are you inventing posters to respond to because all of the Thai Visa posters are on your ignore list? Who are you accusing of using bad language? I see no posts linked to yours? Are you trying to start an argument with a fictitious person that you made up?

I'm trying to understand to whom you are posting to but cannot.

Are you off topic?

Personally, I hate peeing into a urinal stood next to another man, so more often than not I use the cubicle. Why should women have more cubicles in their restroom's than mens? As for transgender people the risk of being abused or beaten is enough to get me protesting if it were me in this position. As for name calling, this is starting to improve. The n word has decreased a lot since Obama got elected, maybe we do need a transgender president to change people's opinion. Thailand has a transgender politician Yollada Suanyot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yollada_Suanyot

Off topic? I don't know. I think that fellow Jingthing has made up a poster who uses bad language and has chosen to try and misdirect the thread into another area because the thought of boys and girls showering together in high school (suggested by a ladyboy pivotal to this thread) might be a losing battle even on Thai Visa.

Personally I like to be massaged while at a urinal - a service available at many bars in Thailand for a slight fee so I would not care whom was next to me or behind me as long as the charge was reasonable.

Most of the massage people are men for the men's room. Ladyboys would be OK for me but many have expressed concerns about pickpockets.

I don't think they offer a similar service in ladies rooms because few ladies use urinals. However if the ladyboys could use ladies rooms on a regular basis maybe things would change and ladies rooms would be equipped with urinals as well as cubicles thereby saving space and cost of new restroom construction.

Since there is nothing at all in the OP about boys and girls showering together, then I do believe that you are OFF TOPIC. The topic is about trans people using toilets. A small number of marginalised bigots have tried to hijack the topic by using incendiary propaganda that distorts facts and data. This suggestion by the ladyboy that you say is 'pivotal to the thread' is entirely unrelated to the OP. It was introduced by one of these inflammatory posts to inflame hatred.

If people want to use these types of discussions to let off some frat boy steam and what they consider as humour, that's one thing. Easily ignored. But purposeful incitement of hatred against minorities is something far more shameful.

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The arguments against transgendered people using women's toilets are based on ignorance and fear... and some stupidity or just bullying.

Women and little girls are not likely to be molested or attacked by transgendered people.. Its HETEROSEXUAL men that do these evil things. A pervert heterosexual man who is determined to attack and molest women in public toilets will find a way to get in.. with or without wearing a dress/!!!

As for people saying they don't want their little girls to see a man peeing.... that is not going to happen is it if you think about it? In a female toilets there are no urinals.. people go into PRIVATE STALLS AND SHUT THE DOOR.

And its normal for people to actually pull up their pants and fasten their jeans / skirt BEFORE they leave the stall, right?

The argument that transgendered people are in the minority so its not worth spending money on separate toilets is also flawed. Disabled people have their own toilets.. they are in the minority... and would anyone suggest their little girl does not want to see disabled people using the restroom? Will you tell them to wait till they get home?

Quite frankly, most mens public toilets are disgusting... most heterosexual men are not know for their cleanliness. Maybe its an animal thing, like a dog peeing up trees.. and the smell in there is like a zoo.

I can understand why most transgendered people would not want to go in there to freshen up and put on some make up!

And what about heterosexual men attacking or molesting transgendered women who use their toilets? Its very dangerous situation if there are a few drunk men in there and they see a attractive female in there on her own.

Gay men have to use the male toilets... and they don't go around molesting the straight men.

Until ignorant people can change their views the idea answer is to have either unisex toilets or a restroom specially for transgendered people.

And finally, I can never understand why a man wearing a dress brings out such feelings of disgust, fear and hatred. Its just a dress or skirt.. its only fabric.. its not a Nazi uniform. Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts.

" Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts. "

I agree, there is no requirement for gender specific dress, as it should be,

so if transgender individuals are allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, how does one determine if the person going in the bathroom is indeed a transgender or a heterosexual who wants , for what ever reason, to use the bathroom of the opposite sex??

So far no one in this long thread has satisfactory answered this question .

If this concern can be satisfactory addressed, I would have no problem with transgender people using the bathroom of their choice.

No skin of my nose if .3% of the population is allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, it is the other 99.7% I am worried about.

Taking your concern at face value, what you ask is probably impossible. Most of us were raised in an environment and culture that places responsibility for behaviour on the individual and consequently there is a presumption of innocence for people against whom charges are laid. Except of course for minorities. Blacks are assumed to be thugs. Women assumed to be weak and defenceless. LGBT people assumed to be perverts. So to provide you with comfort on the issue that you raise about the probity of a trans persons claim to be transgender would mean assuming that a person is automatically lying and is required to demonstrate their innocence. I do not think that this is a proper way to organise a society.

I have posted a link to the American Psychological Association on expert, evidence based conclusions on the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity if you do not understand the issue of transgenderism. If that is not your issue, then you may want to review information from experts including police in those places where religious bigotry laws are in place ostensibly to 'protect' women in bathrooms. Overwhelmingly they demonstrated that this is a non issue. The things that the LGBT haters are claiming are not happening.http://mediamatters.org/research/2014/03/20/15-experts-debunk-right-wing-transgender-bathro/198533

It matters not to me the numbers of transgender people who are at risk of discrimination and frequently of outright violence. How a society treats the most disadvantaged of its people is a reflection of that society's morality. Religious Bigotry Laws attempts to codify discriminatory behaviour against some of the most disadvantaged people in society.

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Stats show, no trans person has ever been arrested for sexual misconduct in a public bathroom in the U.S..



Tell that to all the women who were assaulted by trannies in ladies' bathrooms and locker rooms.


This VDO, posted twice now, is a collection of police reports of the arrest of sex offenders. It is compiled by a hate group to inflame emotions and sentiments against trans people and their right to dignity. Most of the offenders are not trans gender and the incidents involving transgender people are misrepresented. The supporters of the tactics employed by this VDO to promote hate and violence against trans people ask us to assume that all trans people are rapists. I wonder why religious bigots feel that immoral behaviour is acceptable to their Diety? Since their Diety absolves them of sins they commit in its name, I guess they feel they can do anything.

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