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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.

For example a male to female transgender can be attracted to women, men, both, or nobody.

What does it matter what the orientation is of a person going to the TOILET?

Where does the bigotry end?

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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

As the moderator has pointed out, you can't fix stupid.

Transgenderism is not a fetish. LGBT do not have a disorder. To say this is to promote hate and bigotry. Evidence has been provided to disprove these shameful allegations.

Reposting VDO's and previously posted comments demonstrates an intellectual bankruptcy that closely follows a clear moral bankruptcy.

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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.


For example a male to female transgender can be attracted to women, men, both, or nobody.

What does it matter what the orientation is of a person going to the TOILET?

Where does the bigotry end?

This is clearly explained by the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx. Sexual Orientation is who you are attracted to. Gender Identify is who you are.

However as a result of the Culture Wars, gender identity is now associated with sexual orientation. Otherwise there would be no T in LGBT.

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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.


For example a male to female transgender can be attracted to women, men, both, or nobody.

What does it matter what the orientation is of a person going to the TOILET?

Where does the bigotry end?

This is clearly explained by the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx. Sexual Orientation is who you are attracted to. Gender Identify is who you are.

However as a result of the Culture Wars, gender identity is now associated with sexual orientation. Otherwise there would be no T in LGBT.

GLBT and variations is just about an ALLIANCE between different minority groups that are minorities because of something to do with sexual or gender identification.

Use of that term does NOT signify that GENDER and ORIENTATION are the SAME thing.

It's largely a POLITICAL alliance.

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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.


For example a male to female transgender can be attracted to women, men, both, or nobody.

What does it matter what the orientation is of a person going to the TOILET?

Where does the bigotry end?

This is clearly explained by the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx. Sexual Orientation is who you are attracted to. Gender Identify is who you are.

However as a result of the Culture Wars, gender identity is now associated with sexual orientation. Otherwise there would be no T in LGBT.

GLBT and variations is just about an ALLIANCE between different minority groups that are minorities because of something to do with sexual or gender identification.

Use of that term does NOT signify that GENDER and ORIENTATION are the SAME thing.

It's largely a POLITICAL alliance.

I agree with you and I am sorry if you thought I was saying otherwise. The political alliance was and is instrumental in raising the understanding of non LGBT people about the issues and the right to dignity. Early in the development of the alliance I recall reading a lot of intense discussion about the acronym and the alliance.

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Here we go. It's already started:

A Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool, seemingly to test a new rule that allows transgender people to use the bathroom of their gender identity, according to King 5 News.

An unidentified man wearing board shorts walked into the women’s bathroom of Evans Pool, in the heart of Seattle, on Monday evening.

The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”


That's all it takes. Some guy wearing a dress saying " Today I identify as a woman" and he can stroll into the showers of a girls locker room or a ladies' bathroom.

"Identity Politics" sick.gif

It would almost be funny if so many women and young girls weren't needlessly being put at risk of being sexually assaulted.

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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

Some people are idiotic!

Edited by jak2002003
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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

Some people are idiotic!

Some people are idiots. You are guessing that transgendered people commit a low percentage of sex crimes, apparently to rebut that they are predators. Ok. I get it. Good for you. But then you go on to indict an entire gender for some equally idiot speculation- males do this, do that, etc. Slice it, dice it, call it what you want, but you have offered no more in your post then what you object to.

However, what you offer would be really interesting if you actually found numbers that, adjusted for percentage of population, revealed what you say is true. It may be. You might be right. But the post was, well... idiotic. You just did the same thing you objected to another doing. Feel nice? Agree?

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Here we go. It's already started:

A Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool, seemingly to test a new rule that allows transgender people to use the bathroom of their gender identity, according to King 5 News.

An unidentified man wearing board shorts walked into the women’s bathroom of Evans Pool, in the heart of Seattle, on Monday evening.

The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”


That's all it takes. Some guy wearing a dress saying " Today I identify as a woman" and he can stroll into the showers of a girls locker room or a ladies' bathroom.

"Identity Politics" sick.gif

It would almost be funny if so many women and young girls weren't needlessly being put at risk of being sexually assaulted.

Since you are clearly spending an inordinate amount of time and energy exercising your fingers on google bingo to support your hate speech, you might consider posting something that is on topic. Or you just keep on throwing any type of mud that your searches find and hope some of it sticks.

Who would have thought you have now found your mission in life to track male sex offenders. Enjoy.

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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

Some people are idiotic!

I happen to agree with you that it is hetero sexual men that commit the vast majority of sex crimes. That said, if I were a rapist, I probably wouldn't have any qualms about lying about my sexual identity. It seems a poorly thought out policy to depend on the truthfulness of would be rapists.

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Not all southern republican governors are going for this hateful transphobic MANIA:

S.C. Governor Comes Out Against Proposed Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill'
After North Carolina passed a bill last month that prevents trans people from using restrooms, locker rooms, and other sex-segregated facilities that correspond with their gender identity, a far-right South Carolina state senator introduced a similar bill in his state on Wednesday.
Republican Sen. Lee Bright introduced Senate Bill 1203 using an argument that has been soundly, repeatedly debunked — that transgender people somehow pose a threat to women and children. He also asserted that trans people’s gender is a figment of their imagination


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The arguments against transgendered people using women's toilets are based on ignorance and fear... and some stupidity or just bullying.

Women and little girls are not likely to be molested or attacked by transgendered people.. Its HETEROSEXUAL men that do these evil things. A pervert heterosexual man who is determined to attack and molest women in public toilets will find a way to get in.. with or without wearing a dress/!!!

As for people saying they don't want their little girls to see a man peeing.... that is not going to happen is it if you think about it? In a female toilets there are no urinals.. people go into PRIVATE STALLS AND SHUT THE DOOR.

And its normal for people to actually pull up their pants and fasten their jeans / skirt BEFORE they leave the stall, right?

The argument that transgendered people are in the minority so its not worth spending money on separate toilets is also flawed. Disabled people have their own toilets.. they are in the minority... and would anyone suggest their little girl does not want to see disabled people using the restroom? Will you tell them to wait till they get home?

Quite frankly, most mens public toilets are disgusting... most heterosexual men are not know for their cleanliness. Maybe its an animal thing, like a dog peeing up trees.. and the smell in there is like a zoo.

I can understand why most transgendered people would not want to go in there to freshen up and put on some make up!

And what about heterosexual men attacking or molesting transgendered women who use their toilets? Its very dangerous situation if there are a few drunk men in there and they see a attractive female in there on her own.

Gay men have to use the male toilets... and they don't go around molesting the straight men.

Until ignorant people can change their views the idea answer is to have either unisex toilets or a restroom specially for transgendered people.

And finally, I can never understand why a man wearing a dress brings out such feelings of disgust, fear and hatred. Its just a dress or skirt.. its only fabric.. its not a Nazi uniform. Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts.

" Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts. "

I agree, there is no requirement for gender specific dress, as it should be,

so if transgender individuals are allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, how does one determine if the person going in the bathroom is indeed a transgender or a heterosexual who wants , for what ever reason, to use the bathroom of the opposite sex??

So far no one in this long thread has satisfactory answered this question .

If this concern can be satisfactory addressed, I would have no problem with transgender people using the bathroom of their choice.

No skin of my nose if .3% of the population is allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, it is the other 99.7% I am worried about.

Taking your concern at face value, what you ask is probably impossible. Most of us were raised in an environment and culture that places responsibility for behaviour on the individual and consequently there is a presumption of innocence for people against whom charges are laid. Except of course for minorities. Blacks are assumed to be thugs. Women assumed to be weak and defenceless. LGBT people assumed to be perverts. So to provide you with comfort on the issue that you raise about the probity of a trans persons claim to be transgender would mean assuming that a person is automatically lying and is required to demonstrate their innocence. I do not think that this is a proper way to organise a society.

I have posted a link to the American Psychological Association on expert, evidence based conclusions on the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity if you do not understand the issue of transgenderism. If that is not your issue, then you may want to review information from experts including police in those places where religious bigotry laws are in place ostensibly to 'protect' women in bathrooms. Overwhelmingly they demonstrated that this is a non issue. The things that the LGBT haters are claiming are not happening.http://mediamatters.org/research/2014/03/20/15-experts-debunk-right-wing-transgender-bathro/198533

It matters not to me the numbers of transgender people who are at risk of discrimination and frequently of outright violence. How a society treats the most disadvantaged of its people is a reflection of that society's morality. Religious Bigotry Laws attempts to codify discriminatory behaviour against some of the most disadvantaged people in society.

I am not concerned with he transgender population , they are a very small percentage of the population, less than one in two hundred.And I understand their concerns. It must be difficult if you consider your self a female to be forced to go to a male bathroom.

I get it.

But to accommodate the one, you have to compromise the other 200

can any one tell me how we can accommodate the one with out compromising the two hundred?

I have asked this question a dozen different ways, so far no answer

I might be misguided and if I am it will not be the first time, please guide me.

Show me why I am wrong.

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Stats show, no trans person has ever been arrested for sexual misconduct in a public bathroom in the U.S..



Tell that to all the women who were assaulted by trannies in ladies' bathrooms and locker rooms.


This VDO, posted twice now, is a collection of police reports of the arrest of sex offenders. It is compiled by a hate group to inflame emotions and sentiments against trans people and their right to dignity. Most of the offenders are not trans gender and the incidents involving transgender people are misrepresented. The supporters of the tactics employed by this VDO to promote hate and violence against trans people ask us to assume that all trans people are rapists. I wonder why religious bigots feel that immoral behaviour is acceptable to their Diety? Since their Diety absolves them of sins they commit in its name, I guess they feel they can do anything.

One thing is perfectly clear. The Republicans should have a separate restroom.


Republicans involved in sexual misconduct:

Senators and Representatives, Jon Hinson, Larry Craig, Bob Allen, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hasert, Bob Livingston, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Philip Giordano, ,Bob Packwood, William Janklow, Scott DesJarlais, Bob Barr, Bill Thomas, Dan Burton, Charles Candy, Dick Army, John Peterson, JC Watts, John Schmitz, Don Sherwood, Srom Thurmond, Don Lukens, Ken Calvert, Randy Cunningham, Jim Bun, Ed Schrock, Vito Fossela, Chip Pickering, Dan Crane, Gerry Studds, Robert Burman, Michale Duval, Mike Browers, Andrew Buhr, Neil Bush, Roy Cohn, Carey Lee, Lewis Libby,..

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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

Some people are idiotic!

Some people are idiots. You are guessing that transgendered people commit a low percentage of sex crimes, apparently to rebut that they are predators. Ok. I get it. Good for you. But then you go on to indict an entire gender for some equally idiot speculation- males do this, do that, etc. Slice it, dice it, call it what you want, but you have offered no more in your post then what you object to.

However, what you offer would be really interesting if you actually found numbers that, adjusted for percentage of population, revealed what you say is true. It may be. You might be right. But the post was, well... idiotic. You just did the same thing you objected to another doing. Feel nice? Agree?

Sorry, I was actually being sarcastic... my post was aimed at the men on here who keep saying transgendered people are going to rape women in public toilets and flash their private parts at little girls... .. and that they are perverts and who think they dress up as a women as a fetish.

And, or course transgendered people commit less sex crimes that straight men... I don't have to look that up.... its stands to reason because they are such a low percentage of the population vs heterosexual men.

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Since there is nothing at all in the OP about boys and girls showering together, then I do believe that you are OFF TOPIC. The topic is about trans people using toilets. A small number of marginalised bigots have tried to hijack the topic by using incendiary propaganda that distorts facts and data. This suggestion by the ladyboy that you say is 'pivotal to the thread' is entirely unrelated to the OP. It was introduced by one of these inflammatory posts to inflame hatred.

If people want to use these types of discussions to let off some frat boy steam and what they consider as humour, that's one thing. Easily ignored. But purposeful incitement of hatred against minorities is something far more shameful.

Bathroom Access For Transgender Teen Divides Town

Post Number 39.

Since the post has been up for a few days one can assume it has been ruled on topic as the title of the vid indicates. Watching the video you will notice a reference to showering together is central to the issue. It is obvious anyway as the whole point is not to make the TG people feel odd or left out and showering alone would do that.

If the topic is, "US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access" then a utube titled, " Bathroom Access For Transgender Teen Divides Town " would certainly be on topic.

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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.


Then why group them together as LGBT?

Sorry, I read later where you say it is a political alliance. Well, it is the similarities that make the alliance in the first place.

Edited by mopar71
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Gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing.


Then why group them together as LGBT?

That's off topic to go into detail about that but like I said it was done as a POLITICAL alliance of discriminated against minority groups and there is still controversy with some among that group.

Start a thread on the GAY forum if you're really interested. (I'm skeptical.)

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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

How would they be openly urinating? Woman's toilets are stalls not urinals . Women sit, they don't stand! And if the transgender is dressed as a woman then probably the 8 year old will have no problem.
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Taken from the OP:

said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

Some people are idiotic!

"So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree? "

I'm 78 years old. I would be honored if some pretty young thing thought I was a threat to her innocence.

Some arguments are idiotic!

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More Republican politicians have been arrested for immoral activity in toilets than transgender people.

Just keep that in mind.


Republicans creating laws for a problem that doesn't exist. What else is new? I feel sorry for them. How do they live with this much fear rattling around in their empty noggins?

Imagining a world where everyone minds their own business. This week it's, who's taking a crap in the next stall. Pathetic.

Jesus wept.

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This VDO, posted twice now, is a collection of police reports of the arrest of sex offenders. It is compiled by a hate group to inflame emotions and sentiments against trans people and their right to dignity. Most of the offenders are not trans gender and the incidents involving transgender people are misrepresented. The supporters of the tactics employed by this VDO to promote hate and violence against trans people ask us to assume that all trans people are rapists. I wonder why religious bigots feel that immoral behaviour is acceptable to their Diety? Since their Diety absolves them of sins they commit in its name, I guess they feel they can do anything.

One thing is perfectly clear. The Republicans should have a separate restroom.


Republicans involved in sexual misconduct:

Senators and Representatives, Jon Hinson, Larry Craig, Bob Allen, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hasert, Bob Livingston, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Philip Giordano, ,Bob Packwood, William Janklow, Scott DesJarlais, Bob Barr, Bill Thomas, Dan Burton, Charles Candy, Dick Army, John Peterson, JC Watts, John Schmitz, Don Sherwood, Srom Thurmond, Don Lukens, Ken Calvert, Randy Cunningham, Jim Bun, Ed Schrock, Vito Fossela, Chip Pickering, Dan Crane, Gerry Studds, Robert Burman, Michale Duval, Mike Browers, Andrew Buhr, Neil Bush, Roy Cohn, Carey Lee, Lewis Libby,..

What an idiotic post.

Here are a few from the other side of the aisle...

Brock Adams - Democrat WA Sen
Sam Adams - Democrat OR May
Jim Bates - Democrat CA Rep
Gary Becker - Democrat WI May
Rod Blagojevich - Democrat IL Gov
Bill Clinton - Democrat Prsdnt
Gary Condit - Democrat CA Rep
Marc Dann - Democrat OK Agn
Roosevelt Dobbins - Democrat AK Rep
John Edwards - Democrat NC Sen
Steven Effman - Democrat FL Rep
Silvio Failla - Democrat NJ Asm
Barney Frank - Democrat MA Rep
Kerry Gauthier - Democrat MN Rep
David Giles - Democrat WA Rep
Gary Hart - Democrat CO Sen
Wayne Hays - Democrat OH Rep
Gordon Hintz - Democrat WI Rep
Allan Howe - Democrat UT Rep
Daniel Inouye - Democrat HI Rep
Ted Kennedy - Democrat MA Sen
Kwame Kilpatrick - Democrat MI May
Vito J. Lopez - Democrat NJ Asm
Robert L. Leggit - Democrat CA Rep
Tim Mahoney - Democrat IL Rep
Eric Massa - Democrat NY Rep
Jim McGreevey - Democrat NJ Gov
Wilbur Mills - Democrat AK Rep
Paul Morrison - Democrat AK Agn
Gavin Newsom - Democrat CA May
David Patterson - Democrat NY Gov
Paul Patton - Democrat KY Gov
Mel Reynolds - Democrat IL Rep
Fred Richmond - Democrat NY Rep
Charles Robb - Democrat VA Rep
Gus Savage - Democrat IL Rep
Harold Scott - Democrat MI Rep
Derrick Sheperd - Democrat LA Sen
Eliot Spitzer - Democrat NY Gov
Gerald Springer - Democrat OH May
Gerry Studds - Democrat MA Rep
Antonio Villaraigosa - Democrat CA May - LA Mayor
Sol Wachtler - Democrat NY Jud
Anthony Weiner - Democrat NY Rep
Bob Wise - Democrat WV Gov
David Wu - Democrat Or Rep
John Young - Democrat TX Rep
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Since there is nothing at all in the OP about boys and girls showering together, then I do believe that you are OFF TOPIC. The topic is about trans people using toilets. A small number of marginalised bigots have tried to hijack the topic by using incendiary propaganda that distorts facts and data. This suggestion by the ladyboy that you say is 'pivotal to the thread' is entirely unrelated to the OP. It was introduced by one of these inflammatory posts to inflame hatred.

If people want to use these types of discussions to let off some frat boy steam and what they consider as humour, that's one thing. Easily ignored. But purposeful incitement of hatred against minorities is something far more shameful.

Bathroom Access For Transgender Teen Divides Town

Post Number 39.

Since the post has been up for a few days one can assume it has been ruled on topic as the title of the vid indicates. Watching the video you will notice a reference to showering together is central to the issue. It is obvious anyway as the whole point is not to make the TG people feel odd or left out and showering alone would do that.

If the topic is, "US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access" then a utube titled, " Bathroom Access For Transgender Teen Divides Town " would certainly be on topic.

Public toilets are constructed to provide 'convenience' to people who need to exercise a normal bodily function. Medical experts say that holding in bodily waste. I have never seen any public convenience offering showering facilities. These facilities are provided at certain public institutions but are managed differently from public bathrooms. I think most people would acknowledge that a public bathroom generally refers to a public toilet and not a public showering facility.

Conflating male and females showing together in shower facilities in public institutions with removal of bodily waste for sanitary and health reasons is designed to do one thing - scaremonger. Inflame hatred. Bash a minority. it is also off topic to the OP which does not mention showering at all. Not anywhere. Feel free to read it again and again. Referencing a VDO that conflates the two issues in a purposeful attempt to spread bigotry being allowed to remain on the thread so consequently being ruled on topic is supporting the tactics of bigotry.

How showers and changing rooms are managed in public institutions is a subject worthy of debate in terms of LGBT dignity but using it to argue against a Trans person using a pubic toilet, restroom, bathroom, convenient, wash room, WC, kazi, loo, bog, dunny or whatever you want to call it perpetuates the hate and plays on people's fears of non-conformity.

Of course, if I didn't take your post at face value, I could assume that you know all this and you just wanted to contribute to the incitement.

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There is only one fair and simple way to resolve all this, we need more toilets. Gay men toilets, straight men toilets, bisexual men toilets, gay women toilets, straight women toilets, bisexual women toilets, transgender men post op toilets, transvestite men toilets, transgender women post op toilets, transvestite women toilets, ladyboy fancier toilets, men bestiality toilets, women bestiality toilets.

Then after phase one complete at how many billions, we can move on the phase two: conservative toilets, leftist toilets, anarchist toilets etc.

The final phase can then be undertaken: gay conservative toilets, bisexual leftist toilets, anarchist overweight lesbian toilets, short straight liberal toilets...

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This VDO, posted twice now, is a collection of police reports of the arrest of sex offenders. It is compiled by a hate group to inflame emotions and sentiments against trans people and their right to dignity. Most of the offenders are not trans gender and the incidents involving transgender people are misrepresented. The supporters of the tactics employed by this VDO to promote hate and violence against trans people ask us to assume that all trans people are rapists. I wonder why religious bigots feel that immoral behaviour is acceptable to their Diety? Since their Diety absolves them of sins they commit in its name, I guess they feel they can do anything.

One thing is perfectly clear. The Republicans should have a separate restroom.


Republicans involved in sexual misconduct:

Senators and Representatives, Jon Hinson, Larry Craig, Bob Allen, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hasert, Bob Livingston, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Philip Giordano, ,Bob Packwood, William Janklow, Scott DesJarlais, Bob Barr, Bill Thomas, Dan Burton, Charles Candy, Dick Army, John Peterson, JC Watts, John Schmitz, Don Sherwood, Srom Thurmond, Don Lukens, Ken Calvert, Randy Cunningham, Jim Bun, Ed Schrock, Vito Fossela, Chip Pickering, Dan Crane, Gerry Studds, Robert Burman, Michale Duval, Mike Browers, Andrew Buhr, Neil Bush, Roy Cohn, Carey Lee, Lewis Libby,..

What an idiotic post.

Here are a few from the other side of the aisle...

Brock Adams - Democrat WA Sen
Sam Adams - Democrat OR May
Jim Bates - Democrat CA Rep
Gary Becker - Democrat WI May
Rod Blagojevich - Democrat IL Gov
Bill Clinton - Democrat Prsdnt
Gary Condit - Democrat CA Rep
Marc Dann - Democrat OK Agn
Roosevelt Dobbins - Democrat AK Rep
John Edwards - Democrat NC Sen
Steven Effman - Democrat FL Rep
Silvio Failla - Democrat NJ Asm
Barney Frank - Democrat MA Rep
Kerry Gauthier - Democrat MN Rep
David Giles - Democrat WA Rep
Gary Hart - Democrat CO Sen
Wayne Hays - Democrat OH Rep
Gordon Hintz - Democrat WI Rep
Allan Howe - Democrat UT Rep
Daniel Inouye - Democrat HI Rep
Ted Kennedy - Democrat MA Sen
Kwame Kilpatrick - Democrat MI May
Vito J. Lopez - Democrat NJ Asm
Robert L. Leggit - Democrat CA Rep
Tim Mahoney - Democrat IL Rep
Eric Massa - Democrat NY Rep
Jim McGreevey - Democrat NJ Gov
Wilbur Mills - Democrat AK Rep
Paul Morrison - Democrat AK Agn
Gavin Newsom - Democrat CA May
David Patterson - Democrat NY Gov
Paul Patton - Democrat KY Gov
Mel Reynolds - Democrat IL Rep
Fred Richmond - Democrat NY Rep
Charles Robb - Democrat VA Rep
Gus Savage - Democrat IL Rep
Harold Scott - Democrat MI Rep
Derrick Sheperd - Democrat LA Sen
Eliot Spitzer - Democrat NY Gov
Gerald Springer - Democrat OH May
Gerry Studds - Democrat MA Rep
Antonio Villaraigosa - Democrat CA May - LA Mayor
Sol Wachtler - Democrat NY Jud
Anthony Weiner - Democrat NY Rep
Bob Wise - Democrat WV Gov
David Wu - Democrat Or Rep
John Young - Democrat TX Rep

I don't think any of these on both the Right or the Left are Trans.

Kind of puts Arjunadawn's post in its place.

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The thread title mentions "fear over transgender bathroom access".

One of those fears is that an innocent woman or young girl being sexually assaulted by a tranny in the ladies bathroom or girls' locker room.

I've asked this question several times, but interestingly have not yet received an answer. Maybe the reason it's not being answered is because it's hitting too close to the mark. But I'll ask it again:

What percentage of sex offenders have ever engaged in cross dressing or have ever "identified" as transgender"?

I would think that it's not an insignificant number. I also think this is a legitimate question that needs to be answered before we allow every Tom, Dick and tranny to enter a girls' locker room or a ladies' bathroom.

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The thread title mentions "fear over transgender bathroom access".

One of those fears is that an innocent woman or young girl being sexually assaulted by a tranny in the ladies bathroom or girls' locker room.

I've asked this question several times, but interestingly have not yet received an answer. Maybe the reason it's not being answered is because it's hitting too close to the mark. But I'll ask it again:

What percentage of sex offenders have ever engaged in cross dressing or have ever "identified" as transgender"?

I would think that it's not an insignificant number. I also think this is a legitimate question that needs to be answered before we allow every Tom, Dick and tranny to enter a girls' locker room or a ladies' bathroom.

This topic is not about sex offenders. it is about public bathrooms. This topic is not about showers. it is about public bathrooms.

Evidence and data has been provided on the issue of transgenderism.

This hate speech is absolutely shameful. You don't like LGBT people clearly. To the extent that you won't let them take a piss in peace? What a crock.

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The thread title mentions "fear over transgender bathroom access".

One of those fears is that an innocent woman or young girl being sexually assaulted by a tranny in the ladies bathroom or girls' locker room.

I've asked this question several times, but interestingly have not yet received an answer. Maybe the reason it's not being answered is because it's hitting too close to the mark. But I'll ask it again:

What percentage of sex offenders have ever engaged in cross dressing or have ever "identified" as transgender"?

I would think that it's not an insignificant number. I also think this is a legitimate question that needs to be answered before we allow every Tom, Dick and tranny to enter a girls' locker room or a ladies' bathroom.

Your premise is wrong

we are not concerned with transgender people sexually assaulting young girls or boys in the bathrooms.

We are concerned that a system set to accommodate Transgender people will be abused by non Transgender people.

Consider the following

according to statistics transgender people constitute .3% of the population. The vast majority of this .3% being legitimate. If there are any that present a danger, they are such a small percentage of a small percentage that they present a statistically insignificant danger.

That leaves the remaining 99.7% that would also have have access and be able to game the system. That's where the danger is.

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