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PM threatens 10 year prison sentence for politicians who criticize referendum


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I know brains are not really required in the army, this little man proves that undisputedly, but it does beggar belief how he even got to where he is/was.

as for being PM!...... well ?*#@

i suppose his mother loves him.

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I know it's not democratic, but I would like to see all of the politicians in prison for 10 years. I'm tired of those divisive, self-serving, squabbling,corrupt people. It's been relative Heaven since they were all shut up. ... Sorry, if I've upset any Democracy purists.

So you are all for people to be sentenced to ten years imprisonment in a country you are not even a native of because YOU don't want to listen to what they have to say.

Jesus Christ, this forum...

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The General/PM has done a lot of good lets not forget that.smile.png

But I would like to see him make the roads and pavements ( sidewalks to you Yankees! ) SAFE by ridding them of the dangerous Motorbikes.w00t.gif

Driving on the Pavements appearing from from, side and your rear!

Driving on the wrong side of the road against traffic flow.

Driving straight out of exits without looking for pedestrians.

I am ultra careful having been here 12 years but still often get a close shave.

This may not seem a big deal compared with the Economy and Corruption but it can mean severe injury or death!402.gif

Get the multitude of Police out there and sort it out!whistling.gif

I understand what and why your saying it but sadly if this rhetoric carries on from this guy traffic and walkway issues are going to be the least of the problems ! You can't have a self imposed leader!! elected by the power of the gun ! suppressing the very thing he's supposed to be implementing...This is a further worrying move to a situation so removed from demoracrcy that it really is frightening... This whole situation is moving slowly to a bigger problem than Thailand had before this guy and his minions took over

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The General/PM has done a lot of good lets not forget that.smile.png

But I would like to see him make the roads and pavements ( sidewalks to you Yankees! ) SAFE by ridding them of the dangerous Motorbikes.w00t.gif

Driving on the Pavements appearing from from, side and your rear!

Driving on the wrong side of the road against traffic flow.

Driving straight out of exits without looking for pedestrians.

I am ultra careful having been here 12 years but still often get a close shave.

This may not seem a big deal compared with the Economy and Corruption but it can mean severe injury or death!402.gif

Get the multitude of Police out there and sort it out!whistling.gif

I can't see how 90% of your post has any relevance to the OP. Also please elaborate on what you mean by "The General/PM has done a lot of good lets not forget".

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.

Actually if you believe popularly elected politicians are generally corrupt and useless, and the country is better served by a morally superior elite and a disciplined bureaucracy, you are already in the Junta's corner.

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.

Yes but what do you think about politicians getting banged up for 10 years for criticising the draft constitution?

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This is the next step toward a open, free, and fair referendum on the military's latest version of an inclusive, respectful, democratic constitution.

A good read on this referendum from Pravit can be found here: Charter Vote a Time Bomb in the Making

I'm actually glad that The Lapdog Nation fired Pravit, he has more latitude at KS. thumbsup.gif

Great article, thanks. A very bold commentary (given these uncertain times).

Pravit is one of the brave journalists ... still in Thailand.

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This is the next step toward a open, free, and fair referendum on the military's latest version of an inclusive, respectful, democratic constitution.

A good read on this referendum from Pravit can be found here: Charter Vote a Time Bomb in the Making

I'm actually glad that The Lapdog Nation fired Pravit, he has more latitude at KS. thumbsup.gif

Great article, thanks. A very bold commentary (given these uncertain times).

Pravit is one of the brave journalists ... still in Thailand.

Thammasart lecturer Somsak in that same brave group.

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Matichon News. Bringing happiness to the people.

What an ████████ ████ ████. I mean, this ████████ ████████ believes ██ ████ ████████ that ████████ a ████ squad! It could very easily go that way.

<profanities and unmentionables redacted>

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.

Yes but what do you think about politicians getting banged up for 10 years for criticising the draft constitution?

A legitimate question, I think it's ridiculous. I think that it gets more ridiculous by the day. We'll have a vote and if it doesn't pass we will pass it without a vote, you couldn't make it up. Now for the good part, but, but Thaksin. If you don't believe that we got where we are because of what we had, you are wrong.

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A legitimate question, I think it's ridiculous. I think that it gets more ridiculous by the day. We'll have a vote and if it doesn't pass we will pass it without a vote, you couldn't make it up. Now for the good part, but, but Thaksin. If you don't believe that we got where we are because of what we had, you are wrong.

nah you are wrong count the number of coups... but, but Thaksin? naive twaddle

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

For any political party that wants to influence the referendum, positively or negatively

You do actually have similar laws back in your home country

No, we don't. No one goes to jail where I come from because they speak their mind.

Are you serious??

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

For any political party that wants to influence the referendum, positively or negatively

You do actually have similar laws back in your home country

I am not sure what you are saying.

However, I can describe what is typical in my home country. For any referendum, or for any election of candidates, the political parties are expected to present and debate their views.

A strong debate is a critical aspect of democracy. Suppressing that debate is not permitted, and no politicians are ever sent to jail for expressing their opinions, even if they are wrong with their facts.

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Well there is a saying by Mark Twain i believe,''If elections could change anything they would be banned''

being able to vote gives you at least the feeling of democratic power to the people. In the West we are more subtle, of course the political parties change places but not the seats of real power,that is firmly in the hands of the establishment,no names, just smoke. Prayut is simply telling the truth and that never goes down well in politics,people want to dream.

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

For any political party that wants to influence the referendum, positively or negatively

You do actually have similar laws back in your home country

Are you from China or N.Korea? Or you do not know that in this case, you are not even allowed to debate the good and bad points in the charter and then let the common man decide on his vote. This is the most basic tenet of even a rudimentary democracy. Did you watch the news clip a few posts above your's? Even if you dont understand thai, watch the body language. Then come back.

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Well there is a saying by Mark Twain i believe,''If elections could change anything they would be banned''

being able to vote gives you at least the feeling of democratic power to the people. In the West we are more subtle, of course the political parties change places but not the seats of real power,that is firmly in the hands of the establishment,no names, just smoke. Prayut is simply telling the truth and that never goes down well in politics,people want to dream.

A bit like Martin Luther King.
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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.

"Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. "

Because I'm not flaming anybody?

"No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else."

The press release speaks for itself. Besides, due to the repressive nature of the junta the less said about it the better. What policy are you referring to?

"You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin"."

Are you saying I'm actually making people use the much loved "But, but, but...Thaksin!" argument? My, oh my, I must be one devious dude!

Because I'm not flaming anybody

I disagree, you have no more idea whether someone is a junta supporter than I do if a critic of the junta is a Thaksin supporter. Just for example, say I post a video of Thaksin telling people that he will personally lead them through the streets of Bangkok in 2010. I add a comment; what do all you Thaksin lovers think of that? How the hell would I know if you're a Thaksin lover, all I know is you are a critic of the current regime and you continue to call people junta huggers. Sounds like a flame job to me.

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Well there is a saying by Mark Twain i believe,''If elections could change anything they would be banned''

being able to vote gives you at least the feeling of democratic power to the people. In the West we are more subtle, of course the political parties change places but not the seats of real power,that is firmly in the hands of the establishment,no names, just smoke. Prayut is simply telling the truth and that never goes down well in politics,people want to dream.

A bit like Martin Luther King.

precisely, telling the truth to the general public isn't a good idea.

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