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Bryan Adams cancels Mississippi show, citing state's new law


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Bryan Adams cancels Mississippi show, citing state's new law

BILOXI, Mississippi (AP) — Canadian rocker Bryan Adams is canceling a performance this week in Mississippi, citing the state's new law that allows religious groups and some private businesses to refuse service to gay couples.

Adams said in a statement Sunday that he was canceling a show Thursday in Biloxi.

The singer says he can't "in good conscience" perform in a state where "certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation."

The move comes after Bruce Springsteen canceled a Sunday show in North Carolina because of the state's new law blocking anti-discrimination rules for the LGBT community.

The Mississippi law will take effect July 1. Supporters say it offers protection for Christians who adhere to traditional views of marriage and gender roles.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-12

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


Honestly, I've found Democrats to be far more stupid than Republicans...the entire tyranny of virtue and social justice has its provenance in closed minded liberals...most folks in Mississippi are Democrat...they are just too lazy and stupid to vote...and Blacks (the majority) typically view sexual orientation as a choice, not a genetic predisposition...the people in Mississippi are generally pretty stupid and stubborn...they still believe in affirmative action and fly the confederate flag on state buildings...so it may be a very long time to see any meaningful change...

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


Honestly, I've found Democrats to be far more stupid than Republicans...the entire tyranny of virtue and social justice has its provenance in closed minded liberals...most folks in Mississippi are Democrat...they are just too lazy and stupid to vote...and Blacks (the majority) typically view sexual orientation as a choice, not a genetic predisposition...the people in Mississippi are generally pretty stupid and stubborn...they still believe in affirmative action and fly the confederate flag on state buildings...so it may be a very long time to see any meaningful change...

Just because you throw utter nonsense against the wall, doesn't necessarily make it stick.

First off, blacks are NOT the majority in Mississippi, and not even close. They represent about 37%, with non-Hispanic whites making up 58% (2010 US census).

Secondly, and more importantly, Mississippi is RED state and has been so many years. Mississippi voted for a Republican president in last SEVEN elections; two Republican senators; three out of four House representatives are Republicans; two out of past three governors have been Republicans, and they have a Republican-controlled Legislature.

Without even going into your wacky liberal-IQ theory ('stupid' was the term you used), 9 out the 10 poorest states in America are Red states. That is a fact. But I guess you are one of those who, If the facts don't fit the theory, just change the facts.

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith...demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...crying foul when they are politely asked to take their business down the street...where they will be accommodated...

What is hateful...is the lack of respect for all people...not just gay people...

Your people just do not know when to give it a rest...bringing lawsuits against people of faith causes the LGBT more harm than good...

Hate...is in the eye of the beholder...if you could be honest...you would acknowledge that the hate and unreasonable witch-hunt comes from the LGBT community...IMHO

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This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith... demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...

Never happened.

Edited by Jingthing
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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith...demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...crying foul when they are politely asked to take their business down the street...where they will be accommodated...

What is hateful...is the lack of respect for all people...not just gay people...

Your people just do not know when to give it a rest...bringing lawsuits against people of faith causes the LGBT more harm than good...

Hate...is in the eye of the beholder...if you could be honest...you would acknowledge that the hate and unreasonable witch-hunt comes from the LGBT community...IMHO

Do I really need to ask what's up with old men and their penis cake fetish? I have been to many weddings for straight couples. Not one of them had a wedding cake in the shape of any genitalia. Not one. Where do you old men get this idea that same sex couples are fixated on genitalia shaped baked goods? Can gay people not eat hot dogs now without looking like Rick Perry 'going down to downtown'? Are gay people not allowed to eat donuts because they are not anatomically appropriate to gay men. So they can only be eaten by straight men and lesbians?

Your push back is as limp as Little GGT appears to be. It is a last gasp of the religious bigots. There are not enough of them to sustain this advance. The numbers of old white reactionaries are diminishing daily. The religious bigots, if not inventing hate, certainly employ it for the benefit of the propagation of their lunacy.

Many countries now have anti hate legislation. Even in America. Kathryn Knott, the daughter of a local police chief jailed fro 5 - 10 months for gay bashing http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Kathryn-Knott-Convicted-in-Center-City-Gay-Bash-Attack-to-Learn-Fate-368025551.html

This is your push back? We LGBT people should give it a rest? And let ourselves be victimised by gangs of people on the street? Just allow any bigot to come up and bash us if they please? If you think hate is in the eye of the beholder, then you have zero moral compass. Don't bother looking to religion to provide one since that is the font and well spring of LGBT hatred. May you continue to enjoy your fantasies about genitalia shaped baked goods.

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Bryan Who?

Isnt he like some rock dinosaur from the '80s, when did he last have a hit, 20+ years ago?

I am sure the teenagers of Mississippi are crying themselves to sleep tonight.

Some Canadian dude is he not?

Perhaps he should head back to Canada and sort out their problems before he sticks his (unwelcome) nose into another countries affairs.

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


Honestly, I've found Democrats to be far more stupid than Republicans...the entire tyranny of virtue and social justice has its provenance in closed minded liberals...most folks in Mississippi are Democrat...they are just too lazy and stupid to vote...and Blacks (the majority) typically view sexual orientation as a choice, not a genetic predisposition...the people in Mississippi are generally pretty stupid and stubborn...they still believe in affirmative action and fly the confederate flag on state buildings...so it may be a very long time to see any meaningful change...

Well, most of Trump's supporters are Republican, most people in Mississippi are Christian, most gays are Democrat, and fewer blacks are gay than whites. Which sort of makes your statement look like a used slop-jar. Why don't you just come out of the closet and tell us how you really feel?

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith...demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...crying foul when they are politely asked to take their business down the street...where they will be accommodated...

What is hateful...is the lack of respect for all people...not just gay people...

Your people just do not know when to give it a rest...bringing lawsuits against people of faith causes the LGBT more harm than good...

Hate...is in the eye of the beholder...if you could be honest...you would acknowledge that the hate and unreasonable witch-hunt comes from the LGBT community...IMHO

Do I really need to ask what's up with old men and their penis cake fetish? I have been to many weddings for straight couples. Not one of them had a wedding cake in the shape of any genitalia. Not one. Where do you old men get this idea that same sex couples are fixated on genitalia shaped baked goods? Can gay people not eat hot dogs now without looking like Rick Perry 'going down to downtown'? Are gay people not allowed to eat donuts because they are not anatomically appropriate to gay men. So they can only be eaten by straight men and lesbians?

Your push back is as limp as Little GGT appears to be. It is a last gasp of the religious bigots. There are not enough of them to sustain this advance. The numbers of old white reactionaries are diminishing daily. The religious bigots, if not inventing hate, certainly employ it for the benefit of the propagation of their lunacy.

Many countries now have anti hate legislation. Even in America. Kathryn Knott, the daughter of a local police chief jailed fro 5 - 10 months for gay bashing http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Kathryn-Knott-Convicted-in-Center-City-Gay-Bash-Attack-to-Learn-Fate-368025551.html

This is your push back? We LGBT people should give it a rest? And let ourselves be victimised by gangs of people on the street? Just allow any bigot to come up and bash us if they please? If you think hate is in the eye of the beholder, then you have zero moral compass. Don't bother looking to religion to provide one since that is the font and well spring of LGBT hatred. May you continue to enjoy your fantasies about genitalia shaped baked goods.

"We LGBT people should give it a rest? And let ourselves be victimised by gangs of people on the street? Just allow any bigot to come up and bash us if they please?"

Wow! It is a long walk from refusing to do business with someone, to victimizing and bashing them. Refusing to do business with you is a long way from victimization. Businesses refuse to do business every day with many parties for many reasons.

The constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion (the very reason many came to the USA in the first place), and religious owners of businesses have some justification in their desire to not do business with those that live contrary to their beliefs. And in most of these cases, the bakers have no problem with you coming into the store and purchasing cookies and bread. It is precisely the wedding cake that strikes the chord.

I believe many US citizens have lost the concept of freedom. It is not always in your favor. Live with it. If someone walks into my store, and they have a genuinely shitty attitude, and I just don't like them, I see no problem with simply asking them to do business elsewhere. They are free to transact business with any vendor they choose, and vendors should likewise be free to transact business with whomever they chose.

Alternatively, someone who is gay has every right to their life and freedom. They are just as free to refuse to purchase cakes from a baker because they feel that baker has an unreasonable religious belief regarding gays!

What if a baker filled his store with religious icons, and signs saying "Gays will burn in hell", and gays were told that they must purchase their wedding cake from this baker? Or what if a bakery owned by a gay person was forced to make a cake that said "Gays are Sinners"?

If it were the case that there was only a single baker who was religiously against gays, or that every baker was refusing to serve gays, then this would be a problem for the gay community. However, this is certainly not the case. There are definitely many bakers who will happily serve gays. And all the better for them, as they get more business. In fact, if the problem were truly a serious one, then there would be very smart entrepreneurs who would immediately open up bakeries to absorb all of that lost business! In fact, gay bakers would be thrilled!

This is precisely the reason I have a problem with the gay persons who are filing these lawsuits. They are doing it, not because their life is affected by those of faith, but precisely because they cannot accept that anyone would disagree with their lifestyle choice. They have other bakers they can do business with, but they instead choose to sue the ones who disagree with them. Poor citizenship. You want them to accept that you are gay, but you refuse to accept that their religious belief disagrees with your choice.

Finally, clearly, the government can have no bias, as it is forbidden to institutionalize a religion. It must be neutral. So all government services must be universally accessible, and they are (with the rare exceptions hitting the news, which are being dealt with). This is where I seriously disagree with the religions who attempt to influence the government. They have no business influencing the government. Tend to your faith and be grateful for your freedom.

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This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith... demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...

Never happened.

Yes it did - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/01/oregon-bakery-owners-refuse-to-pay-damages-in-gay-wedding-cake-case.html

You think the gay couple just happened upon this? Of course not - it's part of a campaign. Gay activists actively looking for trouble.

It is NOT helping the cause. People are waking up to it. The activists do not want equality, they want special treatment.

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One singer canceling a tour won’t stop a hate bill, but these actions add up. Make no mistake, these are hate bills.

These bills are written to give carte blanche to a wide variety of professionals to discriminate against LGBT people in the course of their jobs.

Why would these crackers do something like this? Hate, ignorance and fear. These are your local Republican governments in action.


This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith...demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...crying foul when they are politely asked to take their business down the street...where they will be accommodated...

What is hateful...is the lack of respect for all people...not just gay people...

Your people just do not know when to give it a rest...bringing lawsuits against people of faith causes the LGBT more harm than good...

Hate...is in the eye of the beholder...if you could be honest...you would acknowledge that the hate and unreasonable witch-hunt comes from the LGBT community...IMHO

Do I really need to ask what's up with old men and their penis cake fetish? I have been to many weddings for straight couples. Not one of them had a wedding cake in the shape of any genitalia. Not one. Where do you old men get this idea that same sex couples are fixated on genitalia shaped baked goods? Can gay people not eat hot dogs now without looking like Rick Perry 'going down to downtown'? Are gay people not allowed to eat donuts because they are not anatomically appropriate to gay men. So they can only be eaten by straight men and lesbians?

Your push back is as limp as Little GGT appears to be. It is a last gasp of the religious bigots. There are not enough of them to sustain this advance. The numbers of old white reactionaries are diminishing daily. The religious bigots, if not inventing hate, certainly employ it for the benefit of the propagation of their lunacy.

Many countries now have anti hate legislation. Even in America. Kathryn Knott, the daughter of a local police chief jailed fro 5 - 10 months for gay bashing http://www.nbcphilad...-368025551.html

This is your push back? We LGBT people should give it a rest? And let ourselves be victimised by gangs of people on the street? Just allow any bigot to come up and bash us if they please? If you think hate is in the eye of the beholder, then you have zero moral compass. Don't bother looking to religion to provide one since that is the font and well spring of LGBT hatred. May you continue to enjoy your fantasies about genitalia shaped baked goods.

To be fair - that's my fault and it does appear to be spiraling out of control.

Still - we all have our senses of humor, right????

So now - a real gay wedding cake - some bakeries may not want to bake one. I say go to another bakery, not try to ruin their lives with a law suit.


As for the rest of your post. Gays are hardly being "bashed in the streets" nowadays - no more than anyone else that has a chance of being bashed by a gang of drunken youths.

If you were - you wouldn't be so worried about who bakes your penis shaped cakes.

Edited by pedro01
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This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith... demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...

Never happened.

Yes it did - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/01/oregon-bakery-owners-refuse-to-pay-damages-in-gay-wedding-cake-case.html

You think the gay couple just happened upon this? Of course not - it's part of a campaign. Gay activists actively looking for trouble.

It is NOT helping the cause. People are waking up to it. The activists do not want equality, they want special treatment.

That wasn't about a penis cake. Not sure why it took so long, but this is too much. Repeated LIES about penis cakes. For what purpose? Do you think you're fooling anyway? Ignore list time.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith... demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...

Never happened.

Yes it did - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/01/oregon-bakery-owners-refuse-to-pay-damages-in-gay-wedding-cake-case.html

You think the gay couple just happened upon this? Of course not - it's part of a campaign. Gay activists actively looking for trouble.

It is NOT helping the cause. People are waking up to it. The activists do not want equality, they want special treatment.

That wasn't about a penis cake. Not sure why it took so long, but this is too much. Repeated LIES about penis cakes. For what purpose? Do you think you're fooling anyway? Ignore list time.

No - it is about LGBT activists looking for publicity by requesting things that they KNOW will be refused and then claiming victim hood.

I like this wedding cake. I think it's a swan - or maybe a pair of mushrooms.


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Bryan Who?

Isnt he like some rock dinosaur from the '80s, when did he last have a hit, 20+ years ago?

I am sure the teenagers of Mississippi are crying themselves to sleep tonight.

Some Canadian dude is he not?

Perhaps he should head back to Canada and sort out their problems before he sticks his (unwelcome) nose into another countries affairs.

You don't know Bryan but now you DO know about the numbskulls down there in Mississippi.

Bryan's move has the story going worldwide. Even on a Thai forum!

Great work Bryan.

This is having a positive effect. Yesterday I hear there is a fresh boycott of the GM car dealerships too in Mississippi. The GM assembly plant will have to layoff soon if car sales take a hit.

The Mississippi rednecks will be looking for work soon. Good.

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This is much needed push back...brought on by LGBT people purposely targeting business of people of Christian faith... demanding service...such a being forced to make a penis cake for a gay wedding...

Never happened.

Yes it did - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/01/oregon-bakery-owners-refuse-to-pay-damages-in-gay-wedding-cake-case.html

You think the gay couple just happened upon this? Of course not - it's part of a campaign. Gay activists actively looking for trouble.

It is NOT helping the cause. People are waking up to it. The activists do not want equality, they want special treatment.

What people are waking up to what? And where? You continue talking out of your lower orifice.

Most Americans supported marriage equality, which is the same as saying most Americans support LGBT rights http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx

That, by the way is actual data. You silly penis cakes and links to Fox News are really quite a nonsense. We do not need the advice of a bigot about what helps our cause of LGBT rights to equality.

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Yes it did - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/01/oregon-bakery-owners-refuse-to-pay-damages-in-gay-wedding-cake-case.html

You think the gay couple just happened upon this? Of course not - it's part of a campaign. Gay activists actively looking for trouble.

It is NOT helping the cause. People are waking up to it. The activists do not want equality, they want special treatment.

That wasn't about a penis cake. Not sure why it took so long, but this is too much. Repeated LIES about penis cakes. For what purpose? Do you think you're fooling anyway? Ignore list time.

No - it is about LGBT activists looking for publicity by requesting things that they KNOW will be refused and then claiming victim hood.

I like this wedding cake. I think it's a swan - or maybe a pair of mushrooms.

The legislation passed in Mississippi allows employers to fire employees for supporting marriage equality. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2016/04/08/3767449/the-laughable-incompetence-of-mississippis-anti-lgbt-lawmakers/ Your trivialisation of these issues with stupid photographs of cakes is an exercise in dishonesty. Businesses and other organisations are not boycotting states like Mississippi or North Carolina because they support the right to purchase genitalia shaped baked goods. You may get some prurient pleasure from ogling such photos but your promotion of hatred towards LGBT people clearly places you in the minority.

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Amazed by the amount of trash written by the so called "the look for it" team. Are you the same ones who say about a rape "well she wore short skitt. She looked for it".

This law is all about segregation. Maybe the kkk will open some bakery and refuse to serve black people or the nazi some spa for aryan, it will still look ok?

And yet you live in a country full of openly gay, lesbian and trans people.. life must be a nightmare for you... i pity you and hope your kind of mentality will go with you in the grave

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What will be real good when these states getting boycotted by Disney, half assed singers and the such start boycotting back. What will say Coke do when their sales drop by half in a couple of dozen states?

Southerners boycotting Coke-cola? You're dreaming!

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