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English woman among injured as tuk-tuk and big bike collide in Central Bangkok


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Wishing one and all a speedy recovery.

Before the bashing begins...

So are you implying any criticism of the one at fault here, be it the bike rider or tuk tuk driver, is bashing?

Tell me, what positives can be said of a rider who rear ends a tuk tuk?

Unless of course the tuk tuk driver was at fault in which case what positives can be said of him?

Whilst I don't always agree with your point of view, I can at least usually understand it. However in this case I don't.

You are implying, and quite rightly so, that we don't know who was actually to blame here. So any criticism of either party in this case could rightly be construed as 'bashing'. Also whilst criticism would be fair enough in the case of actually knowing who was at fault, it's the case that a large number of comments will go beyond simple criticism of one persons actions, but include sweeping generalisations referring to 'all tuk tuk' drivers or 'all motorcyclists'. Such comments can certainly be described as bashing. I'm sure you've been around on this forum long enough to realise that.....

Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

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I am seriously worried about these Big Bikes spreading all over Thailand now. Thai drivers are not mature enough to ride these bikes, not to mention educated enough. Most Iv'e seen drive them like they were the little 90cc thingies, just about 5 times faster in a four lane express way dodging in an out of lanes and passing in between cars just like they do with 90ccs. I will not take long until further carnage...

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Wishing one and all a speedy recovery.

Before the bashing begins...

So are you implying any criticism of the one at fault here, be it the bike rider or tuk tuk driver, is bashing?

Tell me, what positives can be said of a rider who rear ends a tuk tuk?

Unless of course the tuk tuk driver was at fault in which case what positives can be said of him?

You can trust Bluespunk's word,thumbsup.gif as a professional of negative comments he knows what he is talking abouttongue.png

Amazing how many apologists find the truth and opinion to be negative things.

Sad as well.

Actually, just sad.

With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.

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Wishing one and all a speedy recovery.

Before the bashing begins...

So are you implying any criticism of the one at fault here, be it the bike rider or tuk tuk driver, is bashing?

Tell me, what positives can be said of a rider who rear ends a tuk tuk?

Unless of course the tuk tuk driver was at fault in which case what positives can be said of him?

Whilst I don't always agree with your point of view, I can at least usually understand it. However in this case I don't.

You are implying, and quite rightly so, that we don't know who was actually to blame here. So any criticism of either party in this case could rightly be construed as 'bashing'. Also whilst criticism would be fair enough in the case of actually knowing who was at fault, it's the case that a large number of comments will go beyond simple criticism of one persons actions, but include sweeping generalisations referring to 'all tuk tuk' drivers or 'all motorcyclists'. Such comments can certainly be described as bashing. I'm sure you've been around on this forum long enough to realise that.....

Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

As does the reply of apologists....

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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

Edited by Bluespunk
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In the UK if you run into the back of someone it is always your fault unless you reverse into them

Also how heavy is a Tuk Tuk compared to that bike? Would the bike be able to overturn the Tuk Tuk at slow speed? I'm asking as I know nothing about weights of either vehicle

You first statement is not strictly true. For instance one example would be if somebody pulls out into the overtaking lane on dual carriageway or motorway without first checking it is safe to do so, thus causing someone to rearend them.

To answer your second question, whilst a modern 250 is not particularly heavy 350 - 400lbs (roughly 200Kg) even that kind of weight travelling at just 30 mph exerts a terrific amount of force on hitting another object. It does not require much force to tip a small car over - 3 or 4 guys can manage it. A tuk tuk with its 3 wheel configuration would be tipped over quite easily.

Edited by Shadychris
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In the UK if you run into the back of someone it is always your fault unless you reverse into them

Also how heavy is a Tuk Tuk compared to that bike? Would the bike be able to overturn the Tuk Tuk at slow speed? I'm asking as I know nothing about weights of either vehicle

You first statement is not strictly true. For instance one example would be if somebody pulls out into the overtaking lane on dual carriageway or motorway without first checking it is safe to do so, thus causing someone to rearend them.

To answer your second question, whilst a modern 250 is not particularly heavy 350 - 400lbs (roughly 200Kg) even that kind of weight travelling at just 30 mph exerts a terrific amount of force on hitting another object. It does not require much force to tip a small car over - 3 or 4 guys can manage it. A tuk tuk with its 3 wheel configuration would be tipped over quite easily.

So they do, so they most certainly do.

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Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

And my hope is that people think twice about bashing if you shame them in advance, before it's even possible for it to become personal and degrade into a playground argument.

Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it doesn't.

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Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

And my hope is that people think twice about bashing if you shame them in advance, before it's even possible for it to become personal and degrade into a playground argument.

Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it doesn't.

My personal take would be it just provokes them.

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Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

And my hope is that people think twice about bashing if you shame them in advance, before it's even possible for it to become personal and degrade into a playground argument.

Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it doesn't.

Given that this is Thai Visa, which seems to have an unusually large proportion of trolls, xenophobes, homophobics, bigots and those with generally far too little of worth to occupy their time, your last sentence would more accurately be written as 'Sometimes, it works; Most times it doesn't.'

Edited by Shadychris
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I couldn't help but notice that no-one declined to be breathalysed. I'm still puzzled as to what the law is here.

Apparently, so are the RTP...

Actually my post was more about the ending of a post with words in the manner of "let the bashing begin" or "where are the Thai bashers now".

They just irritate me.

As they do me.

My post above is a perfect example. The sycophants who view Thailand through rose coloured glasses would most certainly call that "Thai bashing" - when, in actual fact, it has been proven on numerous occasions that the RTP has issues with laws.

One recent case in point, is the Mercedes Murderer Jenphop's case. The accident occurred on 13 March. On a nationally televised interview on 16 March, Col. Pongpat Suksawasdi stated that it was a “suspect’s right” to decline testing, when asked why police didn’t test Jenphop for alcohol or drugs after the crash. Four days later, on 21 March, national police chief Gen. Chakthip Chaijinda stated that the case showed police lack “knowledge about the law,” citing Pongpat’s assertion that the suspect has the right to refuse the test. Now, a week later, we have Maj. Gen. Sutthi Puangpikul, commander of Ayutthaya police, essentially stating that the nation police commander was wrong because, “In the case of blood tests, we have to ask suspects for their consent,” Sutthi said. “This is about the law.”

Still regardless of the factual nature of a post, anything that paints anything about Thailand in a negative light is considered "bashing" by these wannabes who have been suckered in by the idealised, fictional, narrative of the Thai nation and of what it means to be Thai.

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I am seriously worried about these Big Bikes spreading all over Thailand now. Thai drivers are not mature enough to ride these bikes, not to mention educated enough. Most Iv'e seen drive them like they were the little 90cc thingies, just about 5 times faster in a four lane express way dodging in an out of lanes and passing in between cars just like they do with 90ccs. I will not take long until further carnage...

Someone dies on a Thai road on average every 20 minutes, but it has little to do with big bikes and much more to do with a lack of training, road safety awareness, and even in some cases, complete acceptance of 'fate'.

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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

I do not recall anyone "seeing no wrong" but I continuously see some people bashing and others who do not appreciate their childlike generalizations, you want to support them, good for you, but don't expect to be taken seriously when claiming to care about what is 'right', for you haven't the first idea.

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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

I do not recall anyone "seeing no wrong" but I continuously see some people bashing and others who do not appreciate their childlike generalizations, you want to support them, good for you, but don't expect to be taken seriously when claiming to care about what is 'right', for you haven't the first idea.

You don't read so well, do you.

A: I said there is no difference between those who are nothing but negative and the apologists who defend everything, whose paranoia sees bashing in everything they don't like. I support neither as they both have no sense of perspective in their posts.

B: The apologists are all over these threads.

C: Your final 6 words...ha ha ha.

D: I don't care if you take me seriously or not. I really don't care at all.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Big bike ran into back of Tuk Tuk so police breathalise the driver, but apparently not the big bike rifer.

Typical Thailand the injured get prosecuted like in this case the tuk tuk driver the one that causes it when having a Merc, BMW etc in the car line or BIG Bike also meaning money, are let go free.

What ever happen to the Thai law not so many moons ago like seventies and eighties that BIG Bikes were not allowed to be sold or brought into Thailand??? Did the Law MAKERS receive BIG Brown envelopes and the Law mysteriously disappeared from the Law books???

You must understand this is not Thailand bashing this is reporting as things transpire in Thailand.

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Wishing one and all a speedy recovery.

Before the bashing begins...

So are you implying any criticism of the one at fault here, be it the bike rider or tuk tuk driver, is bashing?

Tell me, what positives can be said of a rider who rear ends a tuk tuk?

Unless of course the tuk tuk driver was at fault in which case what positives can be said of him?

You can trust Bluespunk's word,thumbsup.gif as a professional of negative comments he knows what he is talking abouttongue.png

he's actually one of the best posters on here and spot on again

I agree. He knows what's potting. And don't judge him because his spunk is blue. ;)

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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

I do not recall anyone "seeing no wrong" but I continuously see some people bashing and others who do not appreciate their childlike generalizations, you want to support them, good for you, but don't expect to be taken seriously when claiming to care about what is 'right', for you haven't the first idea.

You don't read so well, do you.

A: I said there is no difference between those who are nothing but negative and the apologists who defend everything, whose paranoia sees bashing in everything they don't like. I support neither as they both have no sense of perspective in their posts.

B: The apologists are all over these threads.

C: Your final 6 words...ha ha ha.

D: I don't care if you take me seriously or not. I really don't care at all.

I read perfectly well, I just do not agree with you, the posters who you refer to as "apologists" are actually just opposed to the childish generalizations and seek to provide balance, there is a difference between someone making a bigoted comment and someone pointing that their comment is merely a generalization, obviously. It is the latter you seek to bash and the former you seek to apologize for, as was the entirety of your initial comment and you may hope to pretend that your comment was out of disdain for the ending of the comment you replied to seemingly inviting the bashers to bash, but your entire comment was one big apology for bashing, you are not fooling anyone.

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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

I do not recall anyone "seeing no wrong" but I continuously see some people bashing and others who do not appreciate their childlike generalizations, you want to support them, good for you, but don't expect to be taken seriously when claiming to care about what is 'right', for you haven't the first idea.

You don't read so well, do you.

A: I said there is no difference between those who are nothing but negative and the apologists who defend everything, whose paranoia sees bashing in everything they don't like. I support neither as they both have no sense of perspective in their posts.

B: The apologists are all over these threads.

C: Your final 6 words...ha ha ha.

D: I don't care if you take me seriously or not. I really don't care at all.

I read perfectly well, I just do not agree with you, the posters who you refer to as "apologists" are actually just opposed to the childish generalizations and seek to provide balance, there is a difference between someone making a bigoted comment and someone pointing that their comment is merely a generalization, obviously. It is the latter you seek to bash and the former you seek to apologize for, as was the entirety of your initial comment and you may hope to pretend that your comment was out of disdain for the ending of the comment you replied to seemingly inviting the bashers to bash, but your entire comment was one big apology for bashing, you are not fooling anyone.

And what the blinkers are you lot talking about, I thought this thread was about a motorbike hitting a tuk tuk. To update on the topic, I've scoured the net and can't find anything more on the injured tourists, hope they are well. The internet is a good resource for finding information but doesn't hold all the clues to a story. Armchair detective over and out, bed time. Now where's my teddy bear and chocolate milk?

Edited by Wilsonandson
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Big bike ran into back of Tuk Tuk so police breathalise the driver, but apparently not the big bike rifer.

Pretty difficult to breathalyse an unconscious person.

So? If you rear end someone you're always at fault, so that means the motorcyclist should be held responsible for this accident.

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If these farang had not forced to tuktuk driver in to working at such a late hour all of this could have been avoided!

We're these tourists wearing helmets knee pads and elbow pads as the rode so frivolously in this poor man's tuktuk? I bet not.

The innocent motorcyclist will need to be compensated for this strumash caused by tourists who couldn't care less

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A 250cc is a big bike? blink.png Come on. cheesy.gif

It might be relatively powerful than some bikes but big it is not, a learner is permitted a 250cc in some of the more nanny state countries.

Now if we discuss riding beyond ability, a 50cc bike is too powerful for many on the road.

Hope the injured recover soon.

My my, we have a 'mine is bigger than yours' interjection.

Big enough for the city roads.

It is more than big enough to injure the rider and others.

Edited by jacko45k
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@ Shawn0001


With so little information how could anyone criticize with any degree of truth or have a justified opinion regarding fault? To do so would be actually have to be bashing. I would have thought someone like you being such a bastion of human rights, would get that. Sad is the word.


As I have already said my original comment wasn't about the story but rather a type of phrase I see in some posts.

My response to Tchooptip was aimed solely at those who see no wrong, I see this attitude as being no better than those who see nothing but negativity.

I do not recall anyone "seeing no wrong" but I continuously see some people bashing and others who do not appreciate their childlike generalizations, you want to support them, good for you, but don't expect to be taken seriously when claiming to care about what is 'right', for you haven't the first idea.

You don't read so well, do you.

A: I said there is no difference between those who are nothing but negative and the apologists who defend everything, whose paranoia sees bashing in everything they don't like. I support neither as they both have no sense of perspective in their posts.

B: The apologists are all over these threads.

C: Your final 6 words...ha ha ha.

D: I don't care if you take me seriously or not. I really don't care at all.

I read perfectly well, I just do not agree with you, the posters who you refer to as "apologists" are actually just opposed to the childish generalizations and seek to provide balance, there is a difference between someone making a bigoted comment and someone pointing that their comment is merely a generalization, obviously. It is the latter you seek to bash and the former you seek to apologize for, as was the entirety of your initial comment and you may hope to pretend that your comment was out of disdain for the ending of the comment you replied to seemingly inviting the bashers to bash, but your entire comment was one big apology for bashing, you are not fooling anyone.


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owning motorcycle repair centers for half a life time I have seen all types of accidents

they aren't making bikes like they did 20 years ago.Now big bikes fall of the centre stand and damage the feiring is a costly repair in the $100's

you owned a Kawasaki Z1000 or something like it, fell of it then dusted yourself off and got back on and away you went

if you ran up the back of a car at speed then all you did was bend your forks and twist the steering,go to a repair shop and they straightened the damage parts or replaced them

these days everything brakes,forks snap in half,frames bend and all the plastic panels fall apart...now days it a throw away item when in an accident

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Not saying the tuk-tuk driver was drunk or not. But these tuk-tuks and red, white and yellow trucks think they own the road. Not at all safe and not following the Thai driving laws. Looking for passengers but do not care about road safety.

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Not saying the tuk-tuk driver was drunk or not. But these tuk-tuks and red, white and yellow trucks think they own the road. Not at all safe and not following the Thai driving laws. Looking for passengers but do not care about road safety.

As this guy had 4 passengers on board I doubt he was looking for more.

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Not saying the tuk-tuk driver was drunk or not. But these tuk-tuks and red, white and yellow trucks think they own the road. Not at all safe and not following the Thai driving laws. Looking for passengers but do not care about road safety.

As this guy had 4 passengers on board I doubt he was looking for more.

I read that as a generalization about all TT drivers, not specific to this accident!

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Not saying the tuk-tuk driver was drunk or not. But these tuk-tuks and red, white and yellow trucks think they own the road. Not at all safe and not following the Thai driving laws. Looking for passengers but do not care about road safety.

As this guy had 4 passengers on board I doubt he was looking for more.

I read that as a generalization about all TT drivers, not specific to this accident!

The opening sentence suggested otherwise.

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Not saying the tuk-tuk driver was drunk or not. But these tuk-tuks and red, white and yellow trucks think they own the road. Not at all safe and not following the Thai driving laws. Looking for passengers but do not care about road safety.

As this guy had 4 passengers on board I doubt he was looking for more.

I read that as a generalization about all TT drivers, not specific to this accident!

The opening sentence suggested otherwise.

True, but outvoted by three sentences to one!

The last of the three being specific to your four passengers comment.

Guilty as charged.

Edited by MiKT
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