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5000 for MEV

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Hello does anyone know if the £5000 you need in your bank for the multiple entry visa does it have to stay in your bank for six months and do you need six months of bank statements to prove it? As its in my savings account but not my main account and I don't get bank statements for it.

Also what's the employer letter you need and do you definitely need it

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There are some reports in the pinned multiple entry tourist visa topic.

You will need to get something from your bank to show the balance in your savings account.

I suggest you contact one of the consulates to find out what there requirements are. Some are waiving the 6 months requirement until May since that will be 6 months since the METV became available.

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Hi i have just completed the METV at the Hull consulate 2 weeks ago.

The requirements were:

1. Deposited £5000 in your UK bank account for the last 6 months with bank statements as proof.

2. A work contract from your employers showing employment for the time and length of your visa.

3. A Flight details to and from Thailand

4. 2 X Photo's

5. 1 X Utility bill as proof of address in Thailand or you could use other means for this.

All documentation was checked by the embassy, i found them quite helpful and they understood the changes in the laws and recognised their shortfalls.

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It depends on your country and embassy.

Im german and 3 weeks ago i asked for the requirements for the METV. They gave me many options.

1. Show last bank statement. This can be printed on the same day and only the current amount is important. They dont want to see the last months/weeks before. I asked 3 times if this is really true and yes, it is in this consulate.

2. Show bank statement of a parent, girlfriend, husband or anything like this, In this case i need a letter from the account owner too where he guarantee that he know about it

3. Bring 5000 Euro to embassy and they make a picture

Nr 4 i forgot, but there was one more. I will look again later

The only other thing they want is a return ticket. Can be a train or bus ticket too that leads out of the country

Edited by Saenchai
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Hi i have just completed the METV at the Hull consulate 2 weeks ago.

The requirements were:

1. Deposited £5000 in your UK bank account for the last 6 months with bank statements as proof.

2. A work contract from your employers showing employment for the time and length of your visa.

3. A Flight details to and from Thailand

4. 2 X Photo's

5. 1 X Utility bill as proof of address in Thailand or you could use other means for this.

All documentation was checked by the embassy, i found them quite helpful and they understood the changes in the laws and recognised their shortfalls.

Good info thaireddevil,

Just a quick nudge and possible correction to the list you have given - I am assuming that the utility bill should be proof of address for UK - No t Thailand as you stated. Unless you are staying with friends and you are showing the utility bill from where you are going to stay and this is supplied by the house owner - Otherwise requirement is proof of a hotel booking.

Also amazingly The Thai consulate in Hull has updated their website and gave a fairly good overview - for the METV requirements


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If enforced, those are certainly onerous requirements for what amounts to a pretty limited-use visa. Compare, for example, with the SETV, which is available in multiple locations convenient to Thailand: to stay in the Kingdom for six months, at the same time dispensing with many of the requirements of the METV, but needing a little more effort, the SETV can provide much the same length of stay and flexibility.

I'd be very surprised if the METV proves popular under the present terms.

How can you stay for 6 months on an SETV? You would need two for 6 months - get SETV, enter once, get 60 days, extend for 30 and then leave, rinse, repeat.

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If enforced, those are certainly onerous requirements for what amounts to a pretty limited-use visa. Compare, for example, with the SETV, which is available in multiple locations convenient to Thailand: to stay in the Kingdom for six months, at the same time dispensing with many of the requirements of the METV, but needing a little more effort, the SETV can provide much the same length of stay and flexibility.

I'd be very surprised if the METV proves popular under the present terms.

I agree, I usually visit for 3 - 6 months and would never apply for the METV, it is a good idea fro a person who wishes to have the freedom of coming and going whenever they want, so the freedom it gives you is great.

However, the hoops needed to jump through are too much for me.

1) I would rather not flaunt my personal bank details around

2) A letter from your employer? (im a sole trader so how does that work?)

3) What if the traveller lives with parents? How do you show a utility bill in your name?

For me, having the 'hassle' of an itinerary so my travel out of Thailand coincides with the expiry date on my visa(s) is more appealing than all the running around needed to qualify for the METV


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Also amazingly The Thai consulate in Hull has updated their website and gave a fairly good overview - for the METV requirements


This surprised me:

£10 processing charge

Has anyone been charged this anywhere else for application in person?

Can't understand why you are surprised, the £10 admin charge at Hull has been there for the last 10 years at least.

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Hi i have just completed the METV at the Hull consulate 2 weeks ago.

The requirements were:

1. Deposited £5000 in your UK bank account for the last 6 months with bank statements as proof.

2. A work contract from your employers showing employment for the time and length of your visa.

3. A Flight details to and from Thailand

4. 2 X Photo's

5. 1 X Utility bill as proof of address in Thailand or you could use other means for this.

All documentation was checked by the embassy, i found them quite helpful and they understood the changes in the laws and recognised their shortfalls.

I am retired, haven't worked in 5 years. How can I show "contract" or "employment". I have a private pension.

I also travel around Thailand and change hotels many times. How can I show "utility bills"?

Edited by bmanly
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