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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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There are really only two things to consider when considering Brexit:

1. The president of the United States came to UK and while on sovereign UK soil threatened Britons.

2. The Remain/Brexit referendum is being stage managed with an eye toward surreptitiously folding the UK into further Superstate, next an EU army. In fact, this effort is intentionally delayed until immediately after the vote. In any other human activity this would be a crime, insider trading. It is criminal!

The EU will be a very dark no future for UK.



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There are really only two things to consider when considering Brexit:

1. The president of the United States came to UK and while on sovereign UK soil threatened Britons.

2. The Remain/Brexit referendum is being stage managed with an eye toward surreptitiously folding the UK into further Superstate, next an EU army. In fact, this effort is intentionally delayed until immediately after the vote. In any other human activity this would be a crime, insider trading. It is criminal!

The EU will be a very dark no future for UK.



Yawn. Fortunately the most recent polls are showing that the silent majority are not falling for such hyperbolic nonsense and Remain should easily win the day.

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Latest figures show net migration rising, mainly due to a decrease in the numbers leaving the UK.

The question is, would net migration reduce if the government abandoned the frozen pension policy?

Now that's a thought!

Yes, a thought that no one wants to think about, it would mean that migration figures are not confined to the issue of the EU.

I grew up in the north of Scotland during the fifties and the town where I lived had a fairly large Polish community. There had been a camp nearby during the war and many had stayed put after the war, integrating into the local community.

Now, according to the likes of Nigel Farage, their offspring and anyone else with a Polish name is perceived as being nothing more than a parasite on the UK welfare system.

"The first Polish troops reach Scotland on 5 August 1940 with a concurrent Anglo-Polish Military Agreement regulating the conditions of Polish Military Service in the UK. Scotland was completely unprotected against invasion and under real threat of German attacks, and the newly-arrived Poles were warmly welcomed. They immediately set to work defending Scotland. There was, however, no military infrastructure to accommodate them and they were left in our inhospitable climate, largely to their own devices, to live in tents, build their own camps, patrol the coastline and build coastal defences. These Polish Service men and women made a lasting impression in Scotland during those early years. They could be seen in Cupar, Leven, Milnathort,Auchtermuchty, Crawford, Biggar, Douglas, Duns, Kelso, Forres, Perth, Tayport, Lossiemouth, Arbroath, Forfar, and Carnoustie. There were Polish Schools of Engineering, a Polish Staff College, a Polish Record Office and a Polish Parachute Training School."


I also grew up in a small town in the North of Scotland where Free Polish forces were camped.

Many of the local men went to fight in France with the 51St Highland division, my grandfather amongst them.

They would be turning in their graves now if they knew how the traitorous politicians are so willing to hand over total control of their country to some anti democratic, elitist beaurocrats based in Brussels.

They were fighting for freedom trying to defeat tyranny., please don't let their sacrifice be in vain by pandering to new tyrants.

So the main issues in this referendum is sovereignty and democracy.

Choice is simple, have your own democratic government that can be voted out or be stuck with an unelected one which you can't remove. Immigration numbers and all the other issues will be resolved after Brexit.

Then you should realise that if it had all been about individual sovereignty in the 40's then we would have been in an EU dictatorship since then and speaking German.

The grass is never greener on the other side.

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All you truckers out their..wave good-bye to continental work as Britain's trade with Europe slides away. bye-bye Eddie Stobbart

All you car workers - the only reason that Japanese manufacturers have plants in UK is so they have a foothold in the EU to avoid the restrictions on imports of vehicles from outside the EU. just like Thailand where thanks to the current admin investment is down by 81%, so the Uk will suffer the same as manu multi-nationals lose interest in investing in a country that doesn't have the benefits of being inside the EU.

...and while you're at it say good-bye to London as one of the top financial centres in the world - that accolade will finally go to Germany

What about the plague. The earthquake,resulting in the UK sinking into the Atlantic,surely you can make up some more scare stories. Pathetic!!

i notice a trend - say anything a Brexiteer doesn't like and the cliche "scaremonger" or one of it's variants is rolled out.

I think by this stage in the event it is unlikely we'll actually hear any reasoned argument from that camp - so at least I take comfort in the knowledge that the point has been read and they find it so "scary" that like an ostrich they immediately go into denial.

One of the 3 standard responses, the other 2 being 'misleading' and 'I'm all right Jack'.

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A declaration at the G7 meeting in Japan says a vote by the UK to leave the European Union would pose a "serious threat to global growth".


What global growth? We've had the gist of remain implying the UK is too small to trade on it's own. Now the G7 implying UK is so big, it'll screw up the global economy. Which is it?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Dumb move by Salmond saying the jocks will go for another independence vote if Leave prevails. What'll happen now is, more jocks will likely vote Leave since they'll have a proper crack at going on their own. Love it! 2016/2018 could potentially be great years for The England. [emoji6]
One certainty you can be sure of. Which ever way the vote goes, the SNP will still call for another referendum on separation. Even though Salmons did say the issue would be dead for a generation.You see they don't believe
in the Union.

We reject the inherent inequality of the UK but we see the advantages of remaining in a reformed EU where our voices are equal and our interests are not considered as an afterthought by those in power. Simple, really.

Well there's a thought, if the UK does leave this corrupt so called European Unionattachicon.gif . And Scotland rejoins the EU on the EU terms, will they be as well of as now.

How can anyone know? There are several financial positives though - no ties to trident, no requirement to contribute to England's HS2, no punishing the poor for the thievery of the rich etc.

A question for you - why the repeated reliance on Facebook memes bereft of context?

A picture can say a thousand words. And if the truth hurts "Hard Luck".

It can, but in this case, it doesn't. I don't recall Sturgeon being mentioned in the Panama Papers. Should she not be allowed to receive a salary? Without a doubt the SNP are an anti austerity party - it is Westminster that is keeping the food banks busy.

I don't think the poster is referring to Sturgeons personal finances,I think it's inferring how she manages to pay for Scotland's greater expenditure,compared to those enjoyed by the tax payers in England, Nth Ireland and Wales.post-78707-14643991350942_thumb.jpg

Anyhow RR let's not distract from what this thread is about. The EU
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A declaration at the G7 meeting in Japan says a vote by the UK to leave the European Union would pose a "serious threat to global growth".


What global growth? We've had the gist of remain implying the UK is too small to trade on it's own. Now the G7 implying UK is so big, it'll screw up the global economy. Which is it?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Good point,and let's not forget that before the financial crash of 2008, none or at least most of the vocal expert financial organizations failed to pick up on the meltdown,indeed just a couple of days previously the IMF was spouting off how there was NO financial problems. The same goes for the collapse in world oil prices from 110$ down to 28$,which again they failed to predict.Yet now we are being lead to believe by these same people/organisation,that in the event of the UKIP taking control of its own destiny,security and political freedom, that the world economy will collapse.

Smell the coffee.

Edited by nontabury
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A declaration at the G7 meeting in Japan says a vote by the UK to leave the European Union would pose a "serious threat to global growth".


What global growth? We've had the gist of remain implying the UK is too small to trade on it's own. Now the G7 implying UK is so big, it'll screw up the global economy. Which is it?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

That's the simplistic view. London is being set up as a major financial player in preparation for a significant global change. World leaders are not going to be happy about the preparations being abandoned and moved elsewhere.

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A declaration at the G7 meeting in Japan says a vote by the UK to leave the European Union would pose a "serious threat to global growth".


What global growth? We've had the gist of remain implying the UK is too small to trade on it's own. Now the G7 implying UK is so big, it'll screw up the global economy. Which is it?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

come on Brexiteers - a little common sense....if you take a big chunk out of something that can't work on it's own it will damage world economy.

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All you truckers out their..wave good-bye to continental work as Britain's trade with Europe slides away. bye-bye Eddie Stobbart

All you car workers - the only reason that Japanese manufacturers have plants in UK is so they have a foothold in the EU to avoid the restrictions on imports of vehicles from outside the EU. just like Thailand where thanks to the current admin investment is down by 81%, so the Uk will suffer the same as manu multi-nationals lose interest in investing in a country that doesn't have the benefits of being inside the EU.

...and while you're at it say good-bye to London as one of the top financial centres in the world - that accolade will finally go to Germany

What about the plague. The earthquake,resulting in the UK sinking into the Atlantic,surely you can make up some more scare stories. Pathetic!!

Another thing I've noticed about Brexiteers is that they seem to think that they can have their cake and eat it.

Take Nontabury for instance - does he seriously think that UK will retain the same levels of trade with the EU if we are not a member? but when I point out that international road transport will suffer, he starts talking "scaremonger" as in plagues and earth quakes.

Will Japan continue to increase involvement in the car industry when UK is outside? No of course not....but Nontabury talks about plagues etc "What about the plague. The earthquake,resulting in the UK sinking into the Atlantic,surely you can make up some more scare stories. Pathetic!!"

Not exactly a counter argument by any definition, but pretty obviously a case of believing one can have one's cake and eat?

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Latest figures show net migration rising, mainly due to a decrease in the numbers leaving the UK.

The question is, would net migration reduce if the government abandoned the frozen pension policy?
Now that's a thought!
Yes, a thought that no one wants to think about, it would mean that migration figures are not confined to the issue of the EU.

I grew up in the north of Scotland during the fifties and the town where I lived had a fairly large Polish community. There had been a camp nearby during the war and many had stayed put after the war, integrating into the local community.
Now, according to the likes of Nigel Farage, their offspring and anyone else with a Polish name is perceived as being nothing more than a parasite on the UK welfare system.

"The first Polish troops reach Scotland on 5 August 1940 with a concurrent Anglo-Polish Military Agreement regulating the conditions of Polish Military Service in the UK. Scotland was completely unprotected against invasion and under real threat of German attacks, and the newly-arrived Poles were warmly welcomed. They immediately set to work defending Scotland. There was, however, no military infrastructure to accommodate them and they were left in our inhospitable climate, largely to their own devices, to live in tents, build their own camps, patrol the coastline and build coastal defences. These Polish Service men and women made a lasting impression in Scotland during those early years. They could be seen in Cupar, Leven, Milnathort,Auchtermuchty, Crawford, Biggar, Douglas, Duns, Kelso, Forres, Perth, Tayport, Lossiemouth, Arbroath, Forfar, and Carnoustie. There were Polish Schools of Engineering, a Polish Staff College, a Polish Record Office and a Polish Parachute Training School."

I also grew up in a small town in the North of Scotland where Free Polish forces were camped.
Many of the local men went to fight in France with the 51St Highland division, my grandfather amongst them.
They would be turning in their graves now if they knew how the traitorous politicians are so willing to hand over total control of their country to some anti democratic, elitist beaurocrats based in Brussels.
They were fighting for freedom trying to defeat tyranny., please don't let their sacrifice be in vain by pandering to new tyrants.

So the main issues in this referendum is sovereignty and democracy.
Choice is simple, have your own democratic government that can be voted out or be stuck with an unelected one which you can't remove. Immigration numbers and all the other issues will be resolved after Brexit.

No, the main issues in this referendum are immigration and sovereignty, aka nostalgia.

Perhaps if people would have bothered to vote in the first place, over many many years, there wouldn't be a need to bleat now about how things might have been and ask now, can we please return to how things were, (even though they don't live there any longer). If that scenario isn't confusing I don't know what is.

Sovereignty according to the Cambridge dictionary means "The power of a country to control its own government" states absolutely nothing about nostalgia!

Are you including yourself in that last broad statement?
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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

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Some simple immigration facts that might influence how you vote:-

  • Taken from another forum

It would appear that someone refuses to hear that the UK's nett migration reached 330,000 last year.



possibly the most facile interpretation of population I have ever seen....you'd have to be mentally sub-normal to think that it has any relevance to either real life or the EU debate.

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Latest figures show net migration rising, mainly due to a decrease in the numbers leaving the UK.

The question is, would net migration reduce if the government abandoned the frozen pension policy?
Now that's a thought!
Yes, a thought that no one wants to think about, it would mean that migration figures are not confined to the issue of the EU.

I grew up in the north of Scotland during the fifties and the town where I lived had a fairly large Polish community. There had been a camp nearby during the war and many had stayed put after the war, integrating into the local community.
Now, according to the likes of Nigel Farage, their offspring and anyone else with a Polish name is perceived as being nothing more than a parasite on the UK welfare system.

"The first Polish troops reach Scotland on 5 August 1940 with a concurrent Anglo-Polish Military Agreement regulating the conditions of Polish Military Service in the UK. Scotland was completely unprotected against invasion and under real threat of German attacks, and the newly-arrived Poles were warmly welcomed. They immediately set to work defending Scotland. There was, however, no military infrastructure to accommodate them and they were left in our inhospitable climate, largely to their own devices, to live in tents, build their own camps, patrol the coastline and build coastal defences. These Polish Service men and women made a lasting impression in Scotland during those early years. They could be seen in Cupar, Leven, Milnathort,Auchtermuchty, Crawford, Biggar, Douglas, Duns, Kelso, Forres, Perth, Tayport, Lossiemouth, Arbroath, Forfar, and Carnoustie. There were Polish Schools of Engineering, a Polish Staff College, a Polish Record Office and a Polish Parachute Training School."

I also grew up in a small town in the North of Scotland where Free Polish forces were camped.
Many of the local men went to fight in France with the 51St Highland division, my grandfather amongst them.
They would be turning in their graves now if they knew how the traitorous politicians are so willing to hand over total control of their country to some anti democratic, elitist beaurocrats based in Brussels.
They were fighting for freedom trying to defeat tyranny., please don't let their sacrifice be in vain by pandering to new tyrants.

So the main issues in this referendum is sovereignty and democracy.
Choice is simple, have your own democratic government that can be voted out or be stuck with an unelected one which you can't remove. Immigration numbers and all the other issues will be resolved after Brexit.

Then you should realise that if it had all been about individual sovereignty in the 40's then we would have been in an EU dictatorship since then and speaking German.

The grass is never greener on the other side.

The U.K. Joined the Common market in 1973 which after the Lisbon treaty in 2009 morphed into the EU.
What does that have to do with the 1940's and speaking German?
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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

Well I think we can take it that Cum---- in referring to those who can think for themselves as "racist", (I'm just surprised he din't add the word bigot) are the fall back words for those who have lost the argument. Especially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's.

As for you stating that immigration is not related to the EU, I can only ask " what planet are you living on" it certainly is true that immigration from outside the EU should not be attributed to the EU, but then you have to remember that many of these asylum seekers( economic migrants ) are entering from outside the EU, where instead of being processed in their first EU country ( as per international rules) are instead being waved on to greener pastures.

Edited by nontabury
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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

Well I think we can take it that Cum---- in referring to those who can think for themselves as racist, (I'm just surprised he din't add the word bigot) are the fall back words for those who have lost the argument. Especially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's.

Talking about losing the argument. Latest odds on Leaving are 4/1.

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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

Well I think we can take it that Cum---- in referring to those who can think for themselves as "racist", (I'm just surprised he din't add the word bigot) are the fall back words for those who have lost the argument. Especially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's.

As for you stating that immigration is not related to the EU, I can only ask " what planet are you living on" it certainly is true that immigration from outside the EU should not be attributed to the EU, but then you have to remember that many of these asylum seekers( economic migrants ) are entering from outside the EU, where instead of being processed in their first EU country ( as per international rules) are instead being waved on to greener pastures.

I think this sums up the paucity of thought of this member - "specially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's." he clearly considers this racially orientated comment to be some acid test for racism? "I can't be racist because I'm married to an Asian" - can you not see the irony in this????

but then it is of the same quality as the rest of the "non-argument"

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Dear Marje,

I am a massive bastard but when I try to stamp on workers’ rights and make them work longer hours for less money some jumped up foreign johnnies tell me I can’t what is a bastard to do?

Dear Bastard,

This is an easy one. Appeal to the xenophobia of your workers and get them to vote out of Europe. Suggest the migrant crisis is linked to it in some vague way. Once they vote out you can do whatever you like to frigg them over as they will have no-one to appeal to.....problem solved!

Edited by cumgranosalum
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"“British popular opinion has been constantly led to believe that the EU is a foreign entity, with which Britain has a sort of treaty, and not as what it actually is, a Union of which the UK is a participating member with a vote on every decision. The role of British MEPS, British Ministers, and a British Commissioner in EU decisions is ignored. All decisions are presented as emanating from an "unelected" bureaucracy, and the role of "elected" British MEPs and "elected" British Ministers in the whole process is passed over as if it never happened." - DT

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If anyone is wondering what has this to do with the EU,

Two points-

1/ as the video points out, those poor countries such as in Africa need to be allowed to export their goods,especially agricultural products to Europe, without being subject to custom tariffs as imposed by the EU. In the event of a Brexit the market for these countries would automatically grow by 70 million.

2/ as the Video again explains,much better to encourage their elite to remain in their own country, rather to do a Merkel.

Edited by nontabury
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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

Well I think we can take it that Cum---- in referring to those who can think for themselves as "racist", (I'm just surprised he din't add the word bigot) are the fall back words for those who have lost the argument. Especially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's.

As for you stating that immigration is not related to the EU, I can only ask " what planet are you living on" it certainly is true that immigration from outside the EU should not be attributed to the EU, but then you have to remember that many of these asylum seekers( economic migrants ) are entering from outside the EU, where instead of being processed in their first EU country ( as per international rules) are instead being waved on to greener pastures.

I think this sums up the paucity of thought of this member - "specially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's." he clearly considers this racially orientated comment to be some acid test for racism? "I can't be racist because I'm married to an Asian" - can you not see the irony in this????

but then it is of the same quality as the rest of the "non-argument"


Yes I see what you mean by being racist!!!

Edited by nontabury
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If anyone is wondering what has this to do with the EU,

Two points-

1/ as the video points out, those poor countries such as in Africa need to be allowed to export their goods,especially agricultural products to Europe, without being subject to custom tariffs as imposed by the EU. In the event of a Brexit the market for these countries would automatically grow by 70 million.

2/ as the Video again explains,much better to encourage their elite to remain in their own country, rather to do a Merkel.

you have a seriously flawed premise or two there - firstly EU actually encourages trade with Africa, secondly, did you seriously think UK would be in a position to allow "free trade" with countries that would seriously undercut their dwindling industries and what do you think we would sell them?

Immigration is not just caused by economics of Africa (often a legacy of UK colonialism), it is caused by the wars US and their allies start largely to protect oil interests which in turn lead to mass migration of ASYLUM seekers, not immigrants - you really should find out who they are first.....or do they all look the same to you


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Those who try to link "immigration" to EU are in for a disappointment the topic isn't really linked to EU.....it would reduce the amount of tax we get off EU workers but remember that "immigration" as so many naively call it is a combination of various population movements such as asylum seekers, immigrant workers, illegal and legal migrants. The truth is that Uk's responsibility to asylum seekers is on international law that is binding in or out of the EU - so sorry to disappoint all you racists out there but you won't see any changes there.

it will of course affect your ability to go anywhere in Europe and work without resorting to the same kind of visa and property laws you get in Thailand - you'll have the same status.

as for sovereignty....well grow up and get a life - this isn't the 19th century.

Well I think we can take it that Cum---- in referring to those who can think for themselves as "racist", (I'm just surprised he din't add the word bigot) are the fall back words for those who have lost the argument. Especially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's.

As for you stating that immigration is not related to the EU, I can only ask " what planet are you living on" it certainly is true that immigration from outside the EU should not be attributed to the EU, but then you have to remember that many of these asylum seekers( economic migrants ) are entering from outside the EU, where instead of being processed in their first EU country ( as per international rules) are instead being waved on to greener pastures.

I think this sums up the paucity of thought of this member - "specially as he's addressing many people on this forum who are married to Asians as in Thai's." he clearly considers this racially orientated comment to be some acid test for racism? "I can't be racist because I'm married to an Asian" - can you not see the irony in this????

but then it is of the same quality as the rest of the "non-argument"


Yes I see what you mean by being racist!!!

next you'll be saying "some of my best friends are black" - why is it that racists spend so much time trying to say they aren't?

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If anyone is wondering what has this to do with the EU,

Two points-

1/ as the video points out, those poor countries such as in Africa need to be allowed to export their goods,especially agricultural products to Europe, without being subject to custom tariffs as imposed by the EU. In the event of a Brexit the market for these countries would automatically grow by 70 million.

2/ as the Video again explains,much better to encourage their elite to remain in their own country, rather to do a Merkel.

you have a seriously flawed premise or two there - firstly EU actually encourages trade with Africa, secondly, did you seriously think UK would be in a position to allow "free trade" with countries that would seriously undercut their dwindling industries and what do you think we would sell them?

Immigration is not just caused by economics of Africa (often a legacy of UK colonialism), it is caused by the wars US and their allies start largely to protect oil interests which in turn lead to mass migration of ASYLUM seekers, not immigrants - you really should find out who they are first.....or do they all look the same to you


Or Refugees even

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The debate has hit a series of lower lows, now it's near the bottom and is no longer a debate.

I vote we agree to raise the intellectual level a couple of hundred points else we should ask the thread be closed.

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The debate has hit a series of lower lows, now it's near the bottom and is no longer a debate.

I vote we agree to raise the intellectual level a couple of hundred points else we should ask the thread be closed.

The problem is some people on this site have to resort to slagging other people off ( and its not just on this thread) rather that just sticking to their point of view (which we are all entitled to) But then again its very easy to slag someone off when you're sat at the other end of a computer

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      Democrats Fear Polls May Undercount Donald Trump's Support Ahead of 2024 Election

    14. 4

      any older white male In NST, English speaker?

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