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Friend on visa overstay 3 yrs with missing passport

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A friend of mine from UK has been on overstay for 3 years after working in teaching. He knows that his current predicament puts him in the deep s##t. He also needs to apply for a new replacement passport.

He is currently penniless, and living on locals goodwill. He is endeavouring to get some funds transferred so he can sort out his affairs. New passport, pay his fine at Immigration before the BIB pounce on him, and he thinks will be capped at 20K bht. with being banned for 5 yrs from re-entering Thailand.

Will he need an outgoing ticket to the UK, or could he go to Poipet, pay his fine, and be allowed entry to Cambodia?

Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. Is the fine capped at 20K? Any other possible issues he may encounter? He is currently based in Bangkok. Thanks

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It is doubtful that any land border crossing would deal with an overstay of that magnitude.

Your 'friend' needs a new passport or Emergency Travel Document, an air ticket out of the country and 20,000 Bht to pay the fine.


NB !

A police report about the missing passport will be required before a new passport or ETD will be issued.

Edited by johnatong
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He left the country after his WP expired, and then re-entered. He did a report about missing passport, hopefully he still has police report. Will he need ticket booked to UK or would any other closer destination suffice?

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He left the country after his WP expired, and then re-entered. He did a report about missing passport, hopefully he still has police report. Will he need ticket booked to UK or would any other closer destination suffice?

He most likely will be banned from returning to Thailand so if he is planning on not returning to the UK he will need to find a country which is prepared to allow entry and provide an appropriate visa to remain. Some nearby countries deal with overstayers in a much more draconian manner than does Thailand.

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OP your "friend" has ONE option. Fly to UK after paying fine. Mainly because he has ZERO money.

Fly somewhere in Asia and do what? Even if no ban he cannot return and support himself

If it were me in this position, given I consider my home country one of the least desireable places to live on the planet, I would:

#1) get the new Passport,

#2) Pay the fee at the airport and fly to Penom Penh (cheap),

#3) On arrival, pay $5 extra for the "ordinary" visa (not "tourist")

#4) Start teaching English there - a job within a week with any degree. A TESL + experience are a bonus. He will need ~$90 for the initial work-permit (3 months worth).

With his first month's salary, he can pay to extend the "ordinary" visa for 6 mo or a year, and repeat this forever without ever leaving the country. In 5 years, he can return to Thailand.

In Penom Penh, a fan-room is $50/mo, and you don't get mugged on the way home at night. Food from the market (fish + veggies + rice) under $3/day. Not pretty, not nearly as nice as Thailand (to me), but a good way to get back on one's feet. I did this for a few months, a few years back, to save money while getting a new internet-based business off the ground. The people are remarkably friendly, and I ate healthier than I have before or since.

Vietnam is another option, but I know less about how quickly he could obtain work / permits / long-term visas there.

Nice to see some non-patronising, down to earth and sensible advice.

Yes, sensible advice and this guy's best way out.

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ETD I believe will only allow travel to UK, and UK embassy are unlikely to issue anything else.

Uk is only option.

I assisted a friend in a similar if not quite so deep clag, that was outcome. If he does not have cash for ticket or fine, expect time in jail until he does

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ETD I believe will only allow travel to UK, and UK embassy are unlikely to issue anything else.

Uk is only option.

I assisted a friend in a similar if not quite so deep clag, that was outcome. If he does not have cash for ticket or fine, expect time in jail until he does

An ETD can be issued for journeys other than to the UK.

I do agree, that it is unlikely the Embassy would, in this case, issue anything other than an ETD authorising a trip back to the UK.

However, if the person referred to by the OP succeeds in obtaining a new passport he can fly to whichever country will allow him entry.

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it only 20000 baht for a fine for a 3 year overstay. thats a bargain! but he still gets banned from reentry right? he went 3 years without ever gettng stopped by a cop? if a cop stops him tomorrow on the street what happens to the guy?

Edited by yogavnture
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it only 20000 baht for a fine for a 3 year overstay. thats a bargain! but he still gets banned from reentry right? he went 3 years without ever gettng stopped by a cop? if a cop stops him tomorrow on the street what happens to the guy?

There are many threads detailing the possible consequences if arrested with a long overstay. For example:



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OK Oe question that has not been dealt with.

If he has no valid ID and he is wired the money how does he claim it.

So far in this country the only thing that is accepted is the passport.

Personally (I will start this by reminding people I am CDN and like my embassy staff.) I think his best bet is to sit down with the consular staff at the embassy and get their assistance in sorting this out.

The idea of the family sending the money to the embassy to me makes the most sense.

Then his family will feel better about things and sending him the money, the embassy wil make sure he has the proper documents and can get him on the next plane out of Thailand.

If I was his family I would not send anything unless there was a guarantee that he was going to use it to come back to the UK.

Also the embassy might be nice enough to escort him to the airport and put him on the plane.

"OK Oe question that has not been dealt with.

If he has no valid ID and he is wired the money how does he claim it."

Probably best to send it via the embassy although I'd be surprised to hear that they'd have someone escort him to the airport. Most embassies don't want to appear to be intervening/interfering in a case where someone has clearly broken a Thai law.

Even though he's described as penniless, he might have a bank account and ATM card. I get money sent to my account regularly and normally withdraw using an ATM. No passport or other ID required.

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ETD I believe will only allow travel to UK, and UK embassy are unlikely to issue anything else.

Uk is only option.

I assisted a friend in a similar if not quite so deep clag, that was outcome. If he does not have cash for ticket or fine, expect time in jail until he does

I flew to Cambodia on an ETD. The British Embassy did ask me to show some residency in Thailand though rather than the UK to justify not returning to Blighty. I showed them a Thai DL which was fine.

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