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I will start at the beginning and you can see how small matters of stupidity here snowball into additional costs and headaches.

1999 - I get a shallow well bored out to water the land, (about 40 feet deep) mainly for Lam Yai, fit a pump, fit 7 rows of 2 inch pipes, 200 metres long each with sprinklers and valves for each tree (More than 200)

Works great, have valves on each row, can water each row daily with plenty of water.

2003 - Install a second well, another 40 feet deep, about 30 metres from the first well, install another pump - We pump this into two 2000 litre tanks with sand filters. The water is used for domestic use and works pretty good with only the odd fault, start capacitor, water level switch.

2013 - Install the government water supply, works great, plenty of pressure, use this for the domestic supply.

2015 - Shallow Well pump for the domestic supply goes on the blink, start / run capacitor blown again, not a problem as I still have the government supply. So, I disconnect the pump expecting that I will eventually get around to repairing it. That doesn't happen, I am working abroad again.

2016, this week - The Thai missus decides that the trees are not getting enough water ( This is hardly a surprise as the pipes tend to clog with iron oxide over the years and reduce the flow rate) Well, instead of trying to solve the problem, gradually over time they have removed almost all of the sprinklers, broken off most of the upright 3/4" pipe feeds and pushed sticks into them, basically destroyed it.

So today she brings in a team of blokes to put in a new well, and I fixed the pump so it can put out another 300 litres per minute. Logic told me that it would be best to fit the pump about halfway down our land, approximately 100 metres from the original pump, where we could share the water distribution.

Where did they install the well? 6 metres from the original pump! Clueless!

So now I have pump that works fine that feed the Lam Yai but at a reduced flow due to clogging, A good well with no pump that could still be used, and the Thai solution is to dig another well 5 metres away that has no pipework, no electric NOTHING!

Now comes the best bit!

The idiots suggested to her that it might be a good idea to "Flush Out" the only good working well on our land - So away they go, they pull out 40 feet of good pipe, flush out a perfectly good water source that has ran for almost 16 years, and can pump 300 litres aminute for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year!!!!! You can see why I have high blood pressure!

Within 60 minutes of these fools leaving, the perfectly good well is now dry, it has collapsed internally and we cannot even get 1 hours worth of water! RUINED!!!!

So tomorrow, they will be back to install the repaired pump to the new well, fit a new electric supply to it which will cost about 10K Baht all in, and leave a perfectly good well ruined, and a potentially good well with no pump....I bury my head in my hands and wonder why I simply have not hacked off that stupid lump of flesh and bone that she has on top of her shoulders that is known as a head.....it really must be absolutely EMPTY! More than 10,000 Baht down the drain for absolutely nothing, and two wells left here, one ruined the other without a pump.

Had to get that off my chest or it could have been Dunblane all over again!


You can't be too angry with her. It is very complicated here when people start giving opinions. It is nearly impossible (for Thais) to say no to whatever opinion is put forth. It is a culture paralysed by face issues. Unfortunately everything has to be micromanaged to superhuman levels. And even then there is no end to stupid.


If I could empathize with you, then I would certainly do so. Fortunately for me, I cannot!

There's a logical reason why the Russian Farangs steadfastly refuse to become "involved" with Thai womenfolk.

Indeed, your post is a shining example, confirming that logic.

Best wishes, for your more progressive future, sir! Cheers coffee1.gif


I feel your pain!

There is absolutely no logic, they endow elders with far greater wisdom than they actually possess. I understand that they hold their elders in great respect, but age alone does not provide the knowledge they think they have.

Her indoors knows not to question my methods now, I do try to explain, but anything too technical confounds her. I had problems with her father sharing his wisdom (Ha!) last year, but he kept away after I'd dug up his sh1t concrete.

Funnily enough he has taken to coming round a bit more recently, but he's a nosy old sod and couldn't miss out on seeing our new well being dug.

One of my biggest problems is her rural Isaan attitude; everything has to be done on the cheap (She loves the 20 Baht shop) and done again later when the cheap option fails. My stock phrase is "don't do cheap, do good".

The one thing I can't quite grasp is the nice homes, yet the cooking room has to be a dirty old shack out the back, the same applies to the toilet/shower room, at least they've progressed from throwing bowls of water over themselves to an actual shower head.


Well, (no pun intended) it could have been worst but I'm not sure how. Wait, yes I do, no one or any animals fell down the well hole, right? But never fear those well experts will return to fix your problem...although they caused the problem it's now "your" problem.

I wonder if these water experts have served as consultants to the Thai govt regarding water management?

Seriously, good post...hope you get things fixed soon and your blood pressure stays within a safe pressure range.


as I mentioned in another post, 2 ways of doing things here, the way you think it should be done, and the Thai way.

sometimes the Thai way actually works, but the odds are not if that favor


I refuse to have anyone come here due to so much stupidity/idleness over the 3 years since I started work on the land.

People here think I am a Thai basher but they havent an effin clue what its like to work with the majority of them so im gonna post some typical examples so put an end to the BS they spout

When asked "dont put the roof steel on whilst im not here" I came back to this which they then had to remove and I did it properly.

Two things were 1. dont do it until Im here, ignored and 2. the "quality" when theyd done it...............they called my Wife to say " we havent finished it yet" like it could possibly be corrected without total removal.

The guy who did plasterboard ceilings, pieces not screwed up all over the place and cut the stuff with what appears to be a knife and fork............I threw him off told him his work was crap...his last words " my work is good"............ guess no Thais ever told him it was , Ended up ripping it all out putting in way more straps and replaced all the boards

The wall people who thought this was "ok" (600+k wall) just wanted to fill it, made them remove over 150 odd panels and replace with new undamaged due to their trying to save money by collecting them direct rather than a bigger lorry from the factory delivering them and no they werent doing this to save me money but to save them money.Also had to increase the size of their pathetic wall footings and after being told 1 year guarantee at the start ( useless really) was then told no guarantee as Id changed the footing size to BIGGER at the end

The electrician who worked for PEA using any colour in the fusebox, again got rid of him ripped it all out and put the correct colours , light fittings live earth neutral yellow yellow green !!

This in just the first year after which I did all the work myself and had no one come here again apart from an aircon guy the other day but even then I did all the installation work as the last mob from tesco didnt want to use that 3rd GREEN wire and I had to make them use it even supplying the cable and then had to show them where it went as they had never done it before ( Thai no need) then make them remove their "purple" cable for "live" as they use anything they might have left over form other jobs.

This isnt all though by a long way.....how much time u got?

End result though is no one comes here after this and I finished the first house internally myself and the second built alone............cant even mix concrete right from cpac...........the slump test i asked for fell to the floor on more than one occasion ........they looked at me smiled and said" ok"??.................. told them take the lorry away and the piss poor water with stones in and bring it back when the slump is 10cm after about 4 episodes like this they "finally" got it right..this and numerous calls form my Wife to Head office in BKK

It permeates everything they do.

So now I even mix my own concrete

I never went with the cheapest quote in any case.

What I thought would be an easy life in building became 3 years of hard labour solely for me and still ongoing BUT at least everything here is now perfect and safe.....unlike the Thais I do have a pride in my work.

Heres a common example of stupidity.......door stops, look in any Thai building and see where the door stop is.99% stick it right next to the bottom hinge of the door where the power of leverage from the door can beautifully rip the bottom hinge off. Heres where it should be in my photo but its VERY rare to see one here like this ......they all copy each other and think its the best place to stick it an inch or so off that bottom hinge


....they looked at me smiled and said" ok"??

So now I even mix my own concrete


Just "admire" some Thai blockwork anywhere, blocks often that arent staggered and lacking cement,...............again i do my own, at least i have mortar in the perps (vertical joints).heres mine


Some good examples there Kannot.

Of course the problem is that there are lots of things that are hard to do yourself and where do you get a guy you can work with?


If this is going to be a thread on Thai building mistakes it could go on forever, here is my favorite (of many)

How did the electrician expect me to change the light bulb if the fixture a flush with the ceiling ?



If this is going to be a thread on Thai building mistakes it could go on forever, here is my favorite (of many)

How did the electrician expect me to change the light bulb if the fixture a flush with the ceiling ?


And then we can discuss where to get the cheapest labor.


If this is going to be a thread on Thai building mistakes it could go on forever, here is my favorite (of many)

How did the electrician expect me to change the light bulb if the fixture a flush with the ceiling ?


..ask the guy above on the next floor to oblige..whistling.gif


I refuse to have anyone come here due to so much stupidity/idleness over the 3 years since I started work on the land.

People here think I am a Thai basher but they havent an effin clue what its like to work with the majority of them so im gonna post some typical examples so put an end to the BS they spout

When asked "dont put the roof steel on whilst im not here" I came back to this which they then had to remove and I did it properly.

Two things were 1. dont do it until Im here, ignored and 2. the "quality" when theyd done it...............they called my Wife to say " we havent finished it yet" like it could possibly be corrected without total removal.

The guy who did plasterboard ceilings, pieces not screwed up all over the place and cut the stuff with what appears to be a knife and fork............I threw him off told him his work was crap...his last words " my work is good"............ guess no Thais ever told him it was , Ended up ripping it all out putting in way more straps and replaced all the boards

The wall people who thought this was "ok" (600+k wall) just wanted to fill it, made them remove over 150 odd panels and replace with new undamaged due to their trying to save money by collecting them direct rather than a bigger lorry from the factory delivering them and no they werent doing this to save me money but to save them money.Also had to increase the size of their pathetic wall footings and after being told 1 year guarantee at the start ( useless really) was then told no guarantee as Id changed the footing size to BIGGER at the end

The electrician who worked for PEA using any colour in the fusebox, again got rid of him ripped it all out and put the correct colours , light fittings live earth neutral yellow yellow green !!

This in just the first year after which I did all the work myself and had no one come here again apart from an aircon guy the other day but even then I did all the installation work as the last mob from tesco didnt want to use that 3rd GREEN wire and I had to make them use it even supplying the cable and then had to show them where it went as they had never done it before ( Thai no need) then make them remove their "purple" cable for "live" as they use anything they might have left over form other jobs.

This isnt all though by a long way.....how much time u got?

End result though is no one comes here after this and I finished the first house internally myself and the second built alone............cant even mix concrete right from cpac...........the slump test i asked for fell to the floor on more than one occasion ........they looked at me smiled and said" ok"??.................. told them take the lorry away and the piss poor water with stones in and bring it back when the slump is 10cm after about 4 episodes like this they "finally" got it right..this and numerous calls form my Wife to Head office in BKK

It permeates everything they do.

So now I even mix my own concrete

I never went with the cheapest quote in any case.

What I thought would be an easy life in building became 3 years of hard labour solely for me and still ongoing BUT at least everything here is now perfect and safe.....unlike the Thais I do have a pride in my work.

Heres a common example of stupidity.......door stops, look in any Thai building and see where the door stop is.99% stick it right next to the bottom hinge of the door where the power of leverage from the door can beautifully rip the bottom hinge off. Heres where it should be in my photo but its VERY rare to see one here like this ......they all copy each other and think its the best place to stick it an inch or so off that bottom hinge

...you could write your own Builders Guide mate!...great before and after shots..i sympathize with you and what we have to put up with..have to watch every piece they do and of course not possible to be there!..a case of them giving you what they think you should have; ignoring plans and simple instructions.


If this is going to be a thread on Thai building mistakes it could go on forever, here is my favorite (of many)

How did the electrician expect me to change the light bulb if the fixture a flush with the ceiling ?


u no understand, save electric one bulb.. ting tong


Some good examples there Kannot.

Of course the problem is that there are lots of things that are hard to do yourself and where do you get a guy you can work with?

The "guy you can work with" is another long story....lets just say in 3 years Ive gone thru 20 crap staff to find one good and who has now been here over a year. he is as thick as a plank but he works hard and isnt lazy, he gets well paid, free house free electric free motorbike, fuel, rice, pespi, water., hospital etc etc ...just wish he had a bit more brain 12500baht a month Burma ( well Karen border tribe) locals think Im crazy paying him that..............but Ive seen the locals work and hes worth 10 of them


You know you're in trouble when the "electrician" arrives with no toolkit, but in his pocket has a rusty pair of uninsulated pliers, a screwdriver with a broken handle, and a roll of insulation tape. coffee1.gif


Heres a common example of stupidity.......door stops, look in any Thai building and see where the door stop is.99% stick it right next to the bottom hinge of the door where the power of leverage from the door can beautifully rip the bottom hinge off. Heres where it should be in my photo but its VERY rare to see one here like this ......they all copy each other and think its the best place to stick it an inch or so off that bottom hinge

I can really sympathise Kannot but at least you have the skills and discipline to do all that stuff - many of us unfortunately do not.

However have to disagree with the door stop. All the doors in our place have stops fixed to the skirting/wall in the "correct" place and when a door was fitted to the then open kitchen doorway the workers put the stopper there as well - and would probably not have noticed any of the existing ones. Mind you there were other issues but at least they got that right wink.png


Another rant then about stupid Thai workmen .You can avoid most of that by only taking on people with a recommendation .


Another rant then about stupid Thai workmen .You can avoid most of that by only taking on people with a recommendation .

Hilarious advice.


Another rant then about stupid Thai workmen .You can avoid most of that by only taking on people with a recommendation .

NO u actually cant as they change from job to job, can be reasonable on one job then awful on another depending on how thinly they are spread with other jobs and how much money they owe workers suppliers etc etc


I like to employ family when I can...after I kicked one off a job for not doing things the way I wanted the arguments stopped. They also know that I will pay a nice bonus for completed work, to my specs.

Over time they have figured out that I do know a little bit about construction etc...and that my ideas are not automatically wrong just because they are different.

A couple of "standard" building techniques that make no sense to me:

- Even a small room having a support post in the middle of the room. Trusses seem to be an unknown in residential construction.

- Building block walls without staggering the blocks...not much more to be said here.


Another rant then about stupid Thai workmen .You can avoid most of that by only taking on people with a recommendation .

NO u actually cant as they change from job to job, can be reasonable on one job then awful on another depending on how thinly they are spread with other jobs and how much money they owe workers suppliers etc etc

I have hired people back for new projects after they have done a good job, only to find it was a one time event.

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