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Foreign tourist viciously beaten by drunken Thai men

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I do not talk to, nor make eye contact with, Thai men unless I am transacting business with them. To do so is to encourage trouble.

Nice place indeed. But people should be in their bed and sleep at 0100 AM, it s healthier and safer

My biological clock is different to yours, I go to sleep at 6am and wake up at 6pm. I suppose I should get someone to beat me up.....

Always been a night owl!!! Now i can get away with it hahaha...

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The video posted by LennyW clearly shows three Thai men viciously attacking a foreigner.

"three Thai men"?

You need to look at this video again...

2 attackers.


Better to be arrested for having pepperspray than being beaten up by a bunch of losers.

Is pepperspray illegal?


But oven cleaner isn't... whistling.gif

I lived many years in Pattaya.
Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
I believe that this information is incomplete.
So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

Oh and yet another defender of a brutal attack. Time and time again people like you come out of the woodwork claiming there MUST be a reason because Thai's do not behave this way. Get real please!!

This behaviour is becoming more and more common. There is absolutely an irrational and xenophobic attitude towards foreigners in this country. If you are really so blind to it then I feel sorry for you.

I hope that this is behaviour is abhorred by decent Thai people and that it becomes shameful for this kind of behaviour, the less "defenders" of it the better.


What I can't understand is that most farangs, drunk or not, should know what's coming next…the kick in the head….multiple kicks in the head…so why keep yourself on a lower level and present an unmissable target?

At the very least, stand up with arms free to parry. And back off…or look for a chair or something to block.

Or scream.

PS. Im not muai thai but if I kicked a thai guy sitting like that on the floor, his jaw would need wiring, at the very least.

And you don't think that would have provoked more agression?


My general disdain for the majority of Thai males grows by the moment...

I can not help it...right now I would like some retribution...a beat-down of the Thais that so cowardly gang-up on foreigners and literally kick their asses...

It seems to have become open-season on foreigners in Thailand...


Other than whether the guy "deserved it" or not (of course not), the main point I see is a perceived rise in violence against foreigners. We have anecdotal "evidence", but no numbers.

If we live on sites like this then confirmation bias (look it up if not sure, it's really good to know about) will convince us there is an exponential increase. How much of that perceived increase is just the increase in recording devices?

We have no numbers and this discussion seems to have devolved into a belief system based flame war between foreigners on this forum. It seems we have:

1. "he must have done something to deserve it".

It does not appear that he was in any condition to do anything much and nobody "deserves" what they did in any rational society.

2. "Thai people would never do that".

Just like they wouldn't try to kill that German with farming tools for watching the sun rise.

3. "It's the same violence as in any other country".

I can get beaten for harassing someones dog. I can get beaten for calling someone a buffalo who just ran into my car or bike. And very little recourse to the law. Doesn't seem the same to me.

4. "Thai's are a violent bunch and you had better watch out"

We have no numbers on this, just some sensational videos and a lot of anecdotes. Certainly Thailand is not all smiles.

What we do know is that a bunch of foreigners will flame each other incessantly with opinions lacking in evidence. Good thing we don't live together.

I'm new to TV, how does one remove oneself from a particular forum? Never mind, I'll figure it out....

Good post, and seems very true.

I do think that violence towards foreigners is on the increase and there seems to be a lack of fear of consequences. All too often justice is not served and I think this is one of the reasons why you see such divided opinion.

However you are right, it is just opinion, there are no numbers, the Government will never release such a thing, the same as they will not release official murder rates in this country.

But, back to your post. It is a fair assessment but if you don't like reading peoples views on these things don't really understand why you joined a forum in the first place. What are your views but the way, you don't really mention them.

Whatever you decide, best of luck.


Ah Muay Thai, Yabba, and testosterone fueled youth!

It doesn't make it right! and at 15 they should know the difference between right and wrong and should be treated accordingly, THEY KNEW IT WAS WRONG!!

Howver the feeling of being immune because it was only a Farang and I am Thai will do it!!!

Ahh the missing words in the Thai dictionary (if there is one), responsibility, consequences..... etc.


I lived many years in Pattaya.

Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.

I believe that this information is incomplete.

So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

It's okay to love Thailand 'Happy Joe', but it's another thing to act as an apologist for cowards and thugs ... I've just seen the video, the foreigner looked as if he'd had too much to drink, he looked a bit unsteady on his feet. He didn't look remotely aggressive or argumentative.

So, what exactly could he have done to deserve this? Your assertion that he must have done something to deserve a one-sided kicking by three cowards is in itself a 'fanciful speculation'. Innocent people do get beat up for no reason.

Let's hope the next time this happens it's not you on the receiving end.

As Alex goes on to defend the actions of another innocent foreigner in Pattaya..

The tourist being drunk and unsteady on his feet, obviously makes him a completely innocent victim!

Drunk people NEVER say or do stupid things while intoxicated. NEVER!

If you can visually see that a person is intoxicated, why assume he is completely innocent in getting his ass whooped?

Maybe some drunk can go off and smack a friend or relative of yours and you can sit back and watch his drunk ass walk away and you feel proud of yourself from doing what some men think as being weak, a coward, or both.

That's your choice, and maybe the wise one in the long run....


Happy Joe just made a valid statement. Thai's just don't normally go out beating up white people for no reason. I don't even think he said the guy deserved it..

I've had plenty of encounters in my life with drunks in bars and on the streets, so no, I'm not saying that drunks are always innocent.

Do you know for a fact that he hit one of them? How do you know that's not just a cover story to justify they're actions? Did you expect them to say they did it for the fun of it? Maybe he bumped into them or they laughed at him and he bad mouthed them, who knows. But one thing we do know from the video is that this guy was not the aggressor ... he didn't look capable of attacking anyone with any effect.

Happy Joe is an apologist for over the top thuggery ... and in every country in this world people get beaten up for no reason ... including Thailand.


Viciously beating a farang whist drunk: 500 THB fine.

Not wearing a shirt outside: 500 THB fine.

Not understanding the relative importance of your own society's problems, no less choosing not to sufficiently sanction the most dangerous and disruptive behaviors: Priceless! whistling.gif

TIT - Open Season on farang: Priceless maak maak! coffee1.gif


The video posted by LennyW clearly shows three Thai men viciously attacking a foreigner.

"three Thai men"?

You need to look at this video again...

2 attackers.

Thanks for the correction, so two vicious cowards attacking a foreigner and two Thai guys intervening to stop the attack.

And we get 8 pages of comments about violent Thai men and no recognition of the Thai men who stepped up to stop the attack.

Classic TVF


The video posted by LennyW clearly shows three Thai men viciously attacking a foreigner.

"three Thai men"?

You need to look at this video again...

2 attackers.

Thanks for the correction, so two vicious cowards attacking a foreigner and two Thai guys intervening to stop the attack.

And we get 8 pages of comments about violent Thai men and no recognition of the Thai men who stepped up to stop the attack.

Classic TVF

Maybe because 1 of them was a party to it and the other guy (green shirt) was shop staff. Not good for business and will only bring problems.


Are you happy with that?


I do not talk to, nor make eye contact with, Thai men unless I am transacting business with them. To do so is to encourage trouble.

works for me as well

fortunately stonewalling does not get interpreted as hostile so far, and they dont have anything i want or need


I lived many years in Pattaya.

Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.

I believe that this information is incomplete.

So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

Nice 1! Agreed 1000%

1000%? That's a lot of agreement!

HappyJoe hasn't seen it (yet), so any claim that it exists must be a fanciful speculation. Hard to fault that logic.

I've been treated well, so far, in Thailand. I am also very respectful and careful. Yet I've been warned by a Thai that I might get beaten up for yelling at and harassing a dog that could put me under a truck (cycling, see previous post). No drugs required. There is violence in Australia, but I would not get beaten for harassing an unrestrained dog there.

I'm guessing that HappyJoe hasn't seen everything yet...

Nice post from dunroaming, and I quote :

"Sure there is drunken violence everywhere and people comment on it everywhere. However this is Thailand and Pattaya and it is being posted on a Thai website. In reality it is hardly newsworthy as it seems to be an everyday event."

In addition, I posted earlier :

"Not just Pattaya and not just Thais.

As if this does not happen in the UK or anywhere else then ? Ever been to Ibiza or Benidorm or Mallorca in the summer?

Drunken Brits, Scots or Irish know pretty well how to beat somebody up for almost no reason there as well, especially when he is alone or just with wife or gf and they are with many....

Alcohol seems to me to be the real culprit, as well as human nature of course"


Much more to this story....Might be

Innocent victim....Might be another

Thai bashing, loud mouth drunk.

Do words justify being kicked in the head several times, quite possibly resulting in brain damage?

'Thai bashing' and being 'loud mouthed'... they're just words, they should be ignored or countered with words not violence.

Posters here that go on and on about 'thai bashing' are often 'foreign bashing' themselves. Cheering on every little piece of negative news.


My Dutch friend once came to Thailand. After walking back to his hotel some Thais were kicking a dog. He told these people to back off and leave the dog alone. He was beaten in a similar attack and landed for the rest of his Thailand holiday in the hospital and in bed to recover.

MYOB comes to mind...

I lived many years in Pattaya.
Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
I believe that this information is incomplete.
So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

I have had two of my friends beaten one to a pulp by Thai men on both occasion robbing them for cash.

But then again you could be right they did have a reason they wanted money for drugs or who knows.

Fanciful speculation My Butt.

I've know one person who had their eye put out by a Thai with a weapon, and one friend who was beat but managed to escape during a day time robbery attempt. And I've been assaulted. That's just people I know. There is a very dark side to Thailand under the surface. My guess is that those who don't see it live a pretty sheltered life.


Ive seen this sort of thing many times, usually instigated by the same known people. this is how the system works in Thailand when there is no public policing, people can set up little mafia gangs and rule by fear because theres nothing to stop them

why did they attack him? reason number one was they could see he wasnt going to fight back

I lived many years in Pattaya.
Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
I believe that this information is incomplete.
So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

I agree, it is just too convenient that the camera was there at that time of morning in a window. I think it was set up by the camera person, they were looking for a victim to video getting the heck kicked out of him to put on social media.

Edit: the farang was just at the wrong place at the wrong time; could of been many of us.


There must be more to this. The guy just sits there and takes it, nearly looking as if hes taking whats coming to him.

If it was a random attack would you not offer some resistance?

If it was unprevoked, you would think he would at least be up and running, or going for the throat of one of them

The problem with offering resistance is the immediate escalation. 2 or 3 on one, and if that doesn't work, pick up a weapon and start beating the guy to within an inch of his life, if not outright killing him.

If he knows Thai behavior, then not engaging may have saved his life. Even if he fought them off, as we've all seen before, they end up coming back with more people, or with re-bar, or with machetes, or a gun. I've lived here long enough to see this scenario play out before. Better to be the loser and bruised than the temporary victor, and then dead or severely injured when they come back to finish the job.


There must be more to this. The guy just sits there and takes it, nearly looking as if hes taking whats coming to him.

If it was a random attack would you not offer some resistance?

If it was unprevoked, you would think he would at least be up and running, or going for the throat of one of them

The problem with offering resistance is the immediate escalation. 2 or 3 on one, and if that doesn't work, pick up a weapon and start beating the guy to within an inch of his life, if not outright killing him.

If he knows Thai behavior, then not engaging may have saved his life. Even if he fought them off, as we've all seen before, they end up coming back with more people, or with re-bar, or with machetes, or a gun. I've lived here long enough to see this scenario play out before. Better to be the loser and bruised than the temporary victor, and then dead or severely injured when they come back to finish the job.

Basically same rules as in prison. Take your beating and shut up or you'll get more.

Same principle in Thailand or any country in the world.

They are minors so as in most countries, nothing will happen to them. (In fact, in many countries if he hurt the minor he would get in trouble)

The fact that they were walking around without their shirt on is still the curious point for me. My TGF tells me that it's not normal for boys to walk like that unless they are mao mao or smell from yabba. Plus it was night time, so can not blame the 'heat'.

Also, did anyone notice at the beginning of the fight one of the guys seemed to have a bar or something in his hand that he put away (and did not appear to use)?

I wonder if TAT will do anything about this? I'd rather they clamp down on this violence than bikini night at a gentleman's lounge.


These brave so called young men will be one reason why the tourist quit coming to Thailand. Drunk or on drugs and just looking for a fight that these two chickens could not loose. So cowardly that they are reduced to less than human in there action. Why is these actions in Thailand a common accuarance and where are the Thai police. Land of a thousand punks and robbers!

Knuckle Heads blaming the reactions of what Thai's did.... In response to what a drunk tourist did in their home country of Thailand..

Right or wrong.... Thai guys!! --- The majority, will only start problems with other Thai(s).. Not with a drunk tourist!!

The non-sense of people not wanting to visit Thailand... Are the non-travelers!!!

See what they see on the television; read the news; or stories on social media.. Then decide if it's safe or not to travel to that country..

Most!!! If not every country has a positive/negative reason to travel to..

I'll take my chances here in Thailand..


These brave so called young men will be one reason why the tourist quit coming to Thailand. Drunk or on drugs and just looking for a fight that these two chickens could not loose. So cowardly that they are reduced to less than human in there action. Why is these actions in Thailand a common accuarance and where are the Thai police. Land of a thousand punks and robbers!

Knuckle Heads blaming the reactions of what Thai's did.... In response to what a drunk tourist did in their home country of Thailand..

Right or wrong.... Thai guys!! --- The majority, will only start problems with other Thai(s).. Not with a drunk tourist!!

The non-sense of people not wanting to visit Thailand... Are the non-travelers!!!

See what they see on the television; read the news; or stories on social media.. Then decide if it's safe or not to travel to that country..

Most!!! If not every country has a positive/negative reason to travel to..

I'll take my chances here in Thailand..

To be fair, and to take a flip side on things: If *THIS* is the sort of news that makes the headlines, then this is as bad as it gets. And if this is as bad as it gets its a lot better than other cities. A fair number of cities in the US have a murder every 1-2 days. High numbers in London (I remember about 1.5/day).

If the worst we have all week is a couple ladyboy robbers and some drunk teens, then it sounds good to me. It will be time to worry when we start seeing consistent murder rate.

Thailand rates safer than USA:


Safer than San Francisco:


Not as good as Zurich:


If one wants to complain about the level of crime in Pattaya then one should also accept that most major cities in the world have a similar (or worse) crime rate.

Fancy a late night stroll through Flint? :)


i went to we love pattaya fb page .saw no brawl clip. only pornography. i would never go to pattaya. i dont want to get kicked in balls by ladyboy

it's a Thai site, you can't find it by typing We Love Pattaya


happy Joe posted

I lived many years in Pattaya.

Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
I believe that this information is incomplete.
So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.
First Happy Joe, looks like you joined Thaivisa last year, Greetings!!
Strange as it may seem we have many recent TV members, who are also "long term" residents who also jump on these news articles and proclaim: "never never have I seen thais men beat a stranger for no reason" or words to that effect. biggrin.png Looks like you have many "long Term" friends here WooHoo!
Myself I have only lived in Thailand for about 2 decades. I and every one of my friends, (Thai and western) would say group beat downs of tourists, westerners and other thais is a nasty aspect of Thai culture and one you should be aware of and stay away from. Your life may depend on it,

Jayboy ... in your rush to add stats you are using cities

Murder/homicide rates are of course higher in Thailand than in the US, which is why you don't use country stats thumbsup.gif cool. Many Ameriguns that I know do not live in the Bronxs, East St Louis or Jersey. As such the are from cities and provinces which have almost euro like homicide rates and less crime.

Shock Gasp Horror


happy Joe posted

I lived many years in Pattaya.

Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
I believe that this information is incomplete.
So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.
First Happy Joe, looks like you joined Thaivisa last year, Greetings!!
Strange as it may seem we have many recent TV members, who are also "long term" residents who also jump on these news articles and proclaim: "never never have I seen thais men beat a stranger for no reason" or words to that effect. biggrin.png Looks like you have many "long Term" friends here WooHoo!
Myself I have only lived in Thailand for almost 2 decades now. I and every one of my friends, (Thai and western) would say group beat downs of tourists, westerners and other thais is a nasty aspect of Thai culture and one, you should watch out for.
Dear, you politely express your opinion and I will answer in the same tone that I appreciate this view but I do not share.
I repeat that I have never seen or heard of Thais assaulting tourist without reason. Obviously, that can occur because in general rules there are exceptions but never to my knowledge.
However I have been repeatedly outraged by the behavior of some visitors acting as in a conquered country, arrogant and contemptuous with the mind completely ravaged by alcohol and abuse of any kind.
These excesses are found on this forum where these people provide their illusion of superiority on almost all subjects.
Fortunately we also find here beads of good sense but we really need to sort...

Really I was in Chiang Mai for last Xmas New Years and some people staying in my GH had been beaten up by bouncers at a bar, not a Kaoroke, not on Loi Krow road. The bouncers thought they brought a beer to their table from outside, nope they bought it from the clubs inside bar. They were blind sided by 5 bouncers ansd sustained serious injuries. Right nothing was said they were just attacked. Pow

This was a dance club that looking at Trip advisor and other forums has a reputation for doing this. A couple weeks ago they beat a guy to death. In that case maybe he did something but beating to death? This story is old and if you really are a long term expat and you get your hiney out of Pattaya you would know that these things happen and the Thai news service for the most part says nothing because to do so would give a bad image to the country.

For all the people saying well TIT, or those people above were young and dumb, sure but it is also not publicized either. Guide books and tourist books do not warn people of these things OOOOOooooops.

So how long have you lived in Thailand and where if you seem sure all these things are "justified" in some bizarre way - Not that I do not beleive you but given the numbers of paid trollers around here these days, I don't believe you until you prove otherwise

Sorry happy Joe

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