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people sending money to strangers online ?


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it's a matter of personal preference, some people just like being scammed remotely, as opposed to being scammed directly....

I prefer getting scammed directly

5K, Im going to assume $US, minus 800 for airfare, 500 for hotel rooms for 2 week a couple hundred for bits and pieces and food

If you dont drink. still leaves 3 1/2 K for the lovely ladies in pattaya, 125000 baht

125000 divided by 2000 ( dont be a cheap charlie) = scammed by 62.5 lovely ladies of pattaya

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I m starting this topic because I have a dude who got scammed 5K from some Thai lady online ??

5k what? Pound, Dollar, Euro, Baht, Indian Rupee?

Baht he merely knows the person for 2 days, professional scammers rarely target huge sums to avoid prosecution.

But maybe she looks a real hottie.

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You overlooked how many (mature) Thai love ridden women have fallen into this trap and sent money from Thailand.

in fact the number of foreigners losing money to Thai / Filipina women and African scammers online are very high at least 50 guys daily, the sums however are rarely above 20K Baht and 98% of them wont file any police report or ( the law does not protect the dupes ) .

"at least 50 guys daily,"

"the sums however are rarely above 20K Baht "

"98% of them wont file any police report"

Wow, some in-depth statistical analysis from the TV Bar Stool Crime Scene Investigators (BS-CSI). I'd ask where you pulled the data from, but this is a family forum.

It's nice to know that only Thai & Filipina women and random Africans run scams. And these 50 intellectually challenged guys per day come from what demographic sector? Sounds like there's a bottomless pit just waiting to be exploited.

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3 out of 10 people in this world has a low IQ , that's a fact and explains a lot.

Actually 50% of the population has, by definition, below average intelligence.

Reminds me of parents who insist their children's school should aim to have all the students score above average on class tests.

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"at least 50 guys daily,"

"the sums however are rarely above 20K Baht "

"98% of them wont file any police report"

Wow, some in-depth statistical analysis from the TV Bar Stool Crime Scene Investigators (BS-CSI). I'd ask where you pulled the data from, but this is a family forum.

It's nice to know that only Thai & Filipina women and random Africans run scams. And these 50 intellectually challenged guys per day come from what demographic sector? Sounds like there's a bottomless pit just waiting to be exploited.

No need to ask...you know already thumbsup.gif

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I ve never understood the mindset of some naive people who sends money to strangers online

Every time I buy (or sell) something on eBay or buy things from places like Lazada or put in online auction bids at one of two businesses in Bangkok, etc. I'm sending money (or will do) to strangers online.

that s totally different matter marketplaces such as ebay and others do rigorous id checks and have extensive evaluation system, Paypal also protects and refunds most frauds so don't mix this and that, I am talking about sending money to private individuals without any verified presence online.

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Don't blame the scammers, they are just chancing their arm, happens all over the world. Where's the common sense of these individuals who send the cash?

A fool and his money are soon parted!!

unless they are old and vulnerable......lets say your 88 yr old Mother gets a call for example.

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3 out of 10 people in this world has a low IQ , that's a fact and explains a lot.

Actually 50% of the population has, by definition, below average intelligence.

Reminds me of parents who insist their children's school should aim to have all the students score above average on class tests.


Think about how stupid the average person is....then realize that half are even worse.

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people seem to do alot of stupid things in thailand. i know alot of people who have bought condos in pattaya. they have paid for them in full including transfer fees but have not got their title. they have been waiting for over a year and none of them have even consulted a lawyer. i wonder if they would do this in their own countries. i am in their facebook group and one of them even got angry when i ask what their lawyer was advising.

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Scams rarely bother me as it wouldn't cross my mind to send money to people I barely know.

Having said this, I got v annoyed when receiving an email from a friend who 'had all her money stolen whilst on a training course abroad, and needed me to send money'.

It was immediately obvious that someone had hacked into my/her email account and so sent an email back saying that I would make the fedex payment (or whatever) as specified. Obviously I had no intention of doing this, but contacted the (African country) police to alert them as to when the transfer was going to be made and all other relevant details - but needless to say, heard nothing back.

Even more upsetting was when my ex-husband died and later I received personal emails 'from him' about how easy it was to lose weight as per the attached website.... Although to be fair, when I finally sent them a message saying my husband was dead the emails stopped.

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unless they are old and vulnerable......lets say your 88 yr old Mother gets a call for example.

in 1992 my grandma who were almost 86 at the time received by mail the famous voucher of you won the lottery bla bla, it didn't look like a junk mail a it was wrapped in an expensive envelope with some serious papers inside it then while phoning the alleged company, a guy with an Indian accent stated that she must sends them around 1200$ of legal attorney feescheesy.gif so they could proceed processing her Prize money, she replied how about you get your legal fees from the Prize money I d be happy to give you a 50% share and sign you an authorization Letter on the Prizeclap2.gif

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I stopped caring about this long ago. And I certainly do not feel sympathetic to those who get scammed. Because to be a victim, you have to be both stupid and greedy. Not one or the other, but both. Stupid for falling for it, and greedy for wanting something that you are not entitled to. If just one or the other, you probably won't get scammed.

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the most funny scam happened when two Nigerians contacted a wealthy Saudi businessman asking him to donate to the construction of some mosque nearby, they sent him all the photos and construction plans which were authentic and real, so the fool wired them a huge sum around 450,000$ just to discover later via his embassy that the alleged mosque received ZERO donation money and the guys simply run away with his money and none of them were even Muslims are they were pretending to be cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif so freaking' creative those Nigerians.

one physical law = any money wired to Nigeria or Ghana is gone forever cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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Funnier was when the Catholic Diocese in Omaha, Nebraska fell for one of the Nigerian schemes and sunk about 20000 USD (I could be wrong on the exact amount, but it was substantial) into "fees" etc to facilitate their "payout"....which of course did not exist.

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People have always been "duped, conned, scammed, robbed, thieved, etc., etc., etc., in all sorts of ways since the beginning of time itself....strange how you are only noticing this now?

The OP like me is not noticing it only now but so strange, so funny, so stupid, so naive, so desperate, so unthinkable, so unwise, so unreasonable, so foolish, so cowardly, so gullible, etc, etc that in this modern age, in this age of information technology, someone will pick money (some times huge sums of money) to send to someone you don't know or you have just met in the name of love. Cowardice can't go any further.

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I stopped caring about this long ago. And I certainly do not feel sympathetic to those who get scammed. Because to be a victim, you have to be both stupid and greedy. Not one or the other, but both. Stupid for falling for it, and greedy for wanting something that you are not entitled to. If just one or the other, you probably won't get scammed.

Everyone is entitled to love!

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Works the other way around too.... I had a farang couple as neighbours a few years ago.

The got friends with another farang on facebook.. talked to him on the net and phone for about 6 monts.. kept telling us how nice he was and such a nice family with a little girl.. and he was coming to stay with them for a holiday... we thought that was strange.

But then they told me his wife is divorcing him and taking his little girl and he needs money for laywers. So they sent him money... and guess what.. he did not contact them ever again.. and the neighbour couple just can't understand it.....

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Works the other way around too.... I had a farang couple as neighbours a few years ago.

The got friends with another farang on facebook.. talked to him on the net and phone for about 6 monts.. kept telling us how nice he was and such a nice family with a little girl.. and he was coming to stay with them for a holiday... we thought that was strange.

But then they told me his wife is divorcing him and taking his little girl and he needs money for laywers. So they sent him money... and guess what.. he did not contact them ever again.. and the neighbour couple just can't understand it.....

Mental your neighbors were; friends on Facebook are not friends. Just a catchy phrase to digitally connect people and post exciting tidbits such as 'what I ate for lunch' and 'cat photos'.

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No country is immune. There is one now promising great returns growing Christmas trees in Canada. No thank you.

That one was going in Scotland in the 80's. Promised returns were amazing, but bullshit. Obviously

Why "obviously"?

Too good to be true ?????

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They're buying into a fantasy.

Sometimes a bit of phone sex.

cant they just say to them I will give you hand to hand (cash) and no other way and keep insisting on that, besides Thailand has affordable P4P services then why even bother , I m starting this topic because I have a dude who got scammed 5K from some Thai lady online ??

Tell him to take a number and join the 5K queue. It stretches around Thailand.

So do the 10k,20k,30k---5million Baht rip off queues. coffee1.gif

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I met a lovely lady in Nana, she is a waitress,the other girls are bar girls but she is the only one who is not in the bar.

She took money from me for sex but assures me I was the only one and I firmly believe her as she is very sweet and thinks I'm hansum.

I send her money to quit her job, she no longer works there, she just goes there every night to visit friends, friendship is important in Thailand.

She lives with her brother to, he has fallen on hard times so they are forced to live in a single room apartment, one bed, very sad, I help him to until he can get back on his feet.

It amazes me how many problems they have had since we met but I'm happy to help as she will surely love me long time for better or for worse.

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