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Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU


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We come from countries with freedom of speech, UK and USA

All Obama was doing was stating his view

There is so much misinformed opinion here on TV

Everyone is entitled to their views, we are not controlled or regulated on what we are allowed to comment on or say unlike some countries

I wonder how many UK nationals here are going to use their postal vote to voice their opinion when voting day comes

I for one will ,and be voting for staying in the EU it makes so much more economic sense

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

V good points that so-far nobody has answered.

I'm on the fence about the EU as I like some parts of it, whilst disliking other parts. I'm only different in that my dislikes have little to do with immigration (big companies realised that un-skilled jobs could be taken over by cheaper, ,foreign people a long time ago - and proceeded to do exactly that).

Obama is just saying what nearly all the wealthy say - stay in the EU, which makes me v suspicious about their motives for saying this as I don't think for one second they're saying this because it will benefit the poor in the UK.

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The truth is most ordinary British men and women, whether they are for or against the EU, don't give a rat's @rse about the opinions of America and it's President. Whatever they decide on June 23rd it will not be because the US establishment coloured their decision.

The 'alternative' trade tilt of an independent Atlantic Alliance looks somewhat dead in the water, but never mind.

Edited by SheungWan
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So there we have it. We hate the EU and we hate the USA as well. Throw in Boris Bonker's antics and can we possibly fail? PS the betting odds just got a little worse for the OUT crew. So never mind.

Why exaggerate so much??

Its things like this that make me lean toward the 'out' crowd - even though it would affect me badly when sterling (in the short term at best) fell.

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There goes Obama talking about trade when there is clearly a huge contraction going on in the world economy. Obama is always peddling economic fiction.

Instead of trade growth, there should be talk of some healthy deflation as the world and its resources are finite.

The passage of the Brexit would be a healthy beginning to the unwinding of the globalist bankers agenda which clearly includes various means of depopulation.

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The soon to be outgoing president of the US, Barack Obama is doing his best to promote the potential trade agreements that if the truth was known (it's not as it's all very secret) which as far as I'm aware are very much opposed by pretty much the vast majority of the people in the UK.

He should shut the <expletive> up and mind his own business. The people of the UK are in no way interrested in kissing the ass of uncle sam or anyone else for that matter.

Oh, so if the UK ops out of the EU does that mean that the USA won't export GMOs to UK and Monsanto won't be able to trade with the UK?

What an adsolute shame laugh.png

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Americans would never accept being part of an organisation like the EU where they are dictated to by foreigners and having to open their borders to all member states citizens.

Would they tolerate for example an Americas super state with an open border with Mexico and government located somewhere in Canada churning out more legislation and red tape practically every week?

Clearly Obama has joined Cameron's project fear because it somehow suits US interests and he does not care about how remaining in the totally corrupt EU with uncontrolled immigration and all the social problems that will cause the average Brit.

The USA IS an American super state consisting of 50 individual states each with individual freedom to pass laws and generate taxes but with a common currency and free movement of labour. UK is equivalent to California without the sun.

You forgot to add

Governed by Americans for Americans and with the interests of Americans first and foremost

And what country doesn't do this? tongue.png


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So there we have it. We hate the EU and we hate the USA as well. Throw in Boris Bonker's antics and can we possibly fail? PS the betting odds just got a little worse for the OUT crew. So never mind.

Why exaggerate so much??

Its things like this that make me lean toward the 'out' crowd - even though it would affect me badly when sterling (in the short term at best) fell.

Would sterling really fall so much, it has already fallen 10% from the beginning of the year in anticipation of a possible outvote, so a lot of the panic selling of the currency has been done already.

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

I think we do realize that...but frankly....who cares?

Really...Who cares what people think about us? Do you care what Thai's think about you? A government is not a "person"...but rather is something abstract. It's not a plotting, scheming demon.... Think of a government as a necessary evil, and do not perceive that it represents the will of the people. To say "they" is to say "all the people". There are good and bad people...but government goes outside that circle...and creates legislation and policies that are sometimes unpopular.

Why do you people think it is so important that everybody in the world has to love you? Shouldn't you just go on with your life, and do what makes you happy. Nobody in the USA gives a flying hoot about you either.

stop being small minded.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Obama should shut up his big mouth; let the Brits decide on their fate. Wonder what would happen if Nigel Farage would run a tirade over anything American - and there is plenty stuff around to entertain an entire planet for at least a generation, Nuff said.

Obama and the official USA need this mess called EU, the ailing Euro, the asylum chancers avalanching Europe as well as rattle the Eastern European border by positioning troops (under the NATO flag, what a joke) close to the Russians - who have done absolutely nothing to trigger off any such one-sided reaction.

The next WW is around the corner if you let those dickheads in Brussels and Washington have it their way. Hence they got almost a heart attack when the Greeks ran their referendum and with the same right the UK citizen must have their say - in two months we'll know more.

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Obama should shut up his big mouth; let the Brits decide on their fate. Wonder what would happen if Nigel Farage would run a tirade over anything American - and there is plenty stuff around to entertain an entire planet for at least a generation, Nuff said.

Obama and the official USA need this mess called EU, the ailing Euro, the asylum chancers avalanching Europe as well as rattle the Eastern European border by positioning troops (under the NATO flag, what a joke) close to the Russians - who have done absolutely nothing to trigger off any such one-sided reaction.

The next WW is around the corner if you let those dickheads in Brussels and Washington have it their way. Hence they got almost a heart attack when the Greeks ran their referendum and with the same right the UK citizen must have their say - in two months we'll know more.

Nobody cares about Nigel Farage or anything else EU/Britain has to say. Go ahead and try to influence Americans. what a joke !

You boys got yourself into your own stinking mess...go ahead and fix it and stop whinging about other superpowers snooping in your back yard. I am quite sure if you boys could get yourself out of the mess you fell into..by yourselves...nobody would be cattle prodding you.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Brexit will lose and Obama will rightly take the credit!

What he said and the way he said it was exemplary.

History will show Barack Obama to be one the greatest presidents in American history.

Suck on that Marmite! clap2.gif

If I ever used the 'like' button, I would 'like' that.

"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'till it's gone."

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does this mean no more Trident submarines or F35B fighters or no more USAF bases in the UK?

If we didn't take the Trident replacement submarines, how would we be able to deliver British nuclear warheads? Anybody know if Astute class could do it?

Boeings F35B is a bit of a lemon. Typhoon is the kit (only beaten by Raptor, I reckon) but not carrier based. We should always hold on to strategic industries like steel and aviation. Mistake to ditch Nimrod and buy RIVIT to save a few bob

Sorry, droning on.....

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Obama should shut up his big mouth; let the Brits decide on their fate. Wonder what would happen if Nigel Farage would run a tirade over anything American - and there is plenty stuff around to entertain an entire planet for at least a generation, Nuff said.

Obama and the official USA need this mess called EU, the ailing Euro, the asylum chancers avalanching Europe as well as rattle the Eastern European border by positioning troops (under the NATO flag, what a joke) close to the Russians - who have done absolutely nothing to trigger off any such one-sided reaction.

The next WW is around the corner if you let those dickheads in Brussels and Washington have it their way. Hence they got almost a heart attack when the Greeks ran their referendum and with the same right the UK citizen must have their say - in two months we'll know more.

Nobody cares about Nigel Farage or anything else EU/Britain has to say. Go ahead and try to influence Americans. what a joke !

You boys got yourself into your own stinking mess...go ahead and fix it and stop whinging about other superpowers snooping in your back yard. I am quite sure if you boys could get yourself out of the mess you fell into..by yourselves...nobody would be cattle prodding you.

Who's Nigel Farage when he's at home?

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Obama should shut up his big mouth; let the Brits decide on their fate. Wonder what would happen if Nigel Farage would run a tirade over anything American - and there is plenty stuff around to entertain an entire planet for at least a generation, Nuff said.

Obama and the official USA need this mess called EU, the ailing Euro, the asylum chancers avalanching Europe as well as rattle the Eastern European border by positioning troops (under the NATO flag, what a joke) close to the Russians - who have done absolutely nothing to trigger off any such one-sided reaction.

The next WW is around the corner if you let those dickheads in Brussels and Washington have it their way. Hence they got almost a heart attack when the Greeks ran their referendum and with the same right the UK citizen must have their say - in two months we'll know more.

Nobody cares about Nigel Farage or anything else EU/Britain has to say. Go ahead and try to influence Americans. what a joke !

You boys got yourself into your own stinking mess...go ahead and fix it and stop whinging about other superpowers snooping in your back yard. I am quite sure if you boys could get yourself out of the mess you fell into..by yourselves...nobody would be cattle prodding you.

Who's Nigel Farage when he's at home?

Best comment today!

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

Obama does not represent the will of the people in the US...he represents his own self interests and of those he aligns himself with...we are hoping the US returns to a government of checks and balances using the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of government instead of governing by decree...

His power of persuasion is in his style...articulate, big smile, convincing rhetoric...all the while lying thru is big white teeth...

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The TTIP has to be approved by all 28 EU countries. If the Remains win the UK Referendum then there is no way that the UK Parliament will approve the trade deal. The Labour Party and the SNP are both opposed to it. It only needs 6 rebel Conservative MP's to block it.

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The TTIP has to be approved by all 28 EU countries. If the Remains win the UK Referendum then there is no way that the UK Parliament will approve the trade deal. The Labour Party and the SNP are both opposed to it. It only needs 6 rebel Conservative MP's to block it.

Would the UK parliament be asked their opinion?

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The President was promoting his view of American political self-interest. And so he should ! So all nations leaders should !

As for the USA/ EU trade deal, it is not the UK who is holding it up. The French are concerned about the invasion of Hollywood, the Greeks are worried about American erstaz Feta cheese, many countries are concerned about the "liberal" use of antibiotics in American meat production, and so it goes on.

The UK is the USA's largest export market in Europe, being greater then that of France,Spain and Italy combined. Has the President consulted American industry about his idea to make life more difficult for American exporters ? Just maybe, the President believes that with the UK inside the EU, his trade deal stands a better chance of success.

Maybe, American politicians have a different understanding of the word Democracy. That is their right.

But, the UK has it's own values, and they are not consistent with the lack of democracy and the corruption that is evident at the heart of the EU bureaucracy. Nationals from other countries may snigger at this British view, but that is to misunderstand the British sense of fair play. (That is not dead)

Is it really true that the USA administration is so short of competent staff that they can only manage one trade deal at a time. If not so, then why the threat of snubbing the UK for a separate trade deal. That stinks of the worst form of politics, not common sense.

Edited by attento
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You don't understand the U.S. system, do you?coffee1.gif
The president doesn't dictate trade deals.

They need to be passed by both houses of congress as well.

The U.S. government IS very slow, especially in recent times when the house and senate do almost NOTHING except politicking,

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The President was promoting his view of American political self-interest. And so he should ! So all nations leaders should !

As for the USA/ EU trade deal, it is not the UK who is holding it up. The French are concerned about the invasion of Hollywood, the Greeks are worried about American erstaz Feta cheese, many countries are concerned about the "liberal" use of antibiotics in American meat production, and so it goes on.

The UK is the USA's largest export market in Europe, being greater then that of France,Spain and Italy combined. Has the President consulted American industry about his idea to make life more difficult for American exporters ? Just maybe, the President believes that with the UK inside the EU, his trade deal stands a better chance of success.

Maybe, American politicians have a different understanding of the word Democracy. That is their right.

But, the UK has it's own values, and they are not consistent with the lack of democracy and the corruption that is evident at the heart of the EU bureaucracy. Nationals from other countries may snigger at this British view, but that is to misunderstand the British sense of fair play. (That is not dead)

Is it really true that the USA administration is so short of competent staff that they can only manage one trade deal at a time. If not so, then why the threat of snubbing the UK for a separate trade deal. That stinks of the worst form of politics, not common sense.

" Has the President consulted American industry about his idea to make life more difficult for American exporters ?"

I think you are misunderstanding the issue. The American president is not threatening to "make life for American exporters difficult" if the UK leaves the EU. He is stating the obvious. IF the UK decides to leave the EU , the trade situation with Europe will become much more difficult.

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We come from countries with freedom of speech, UK and USA

All Obama was doing was stating his view

There is so much misinformed opinion here on TV

Everyone is entitled to their views, we are not controlled or regulated on what we are allowed to comment on or say unlike some countries

I wonder how many UK nationals here are going to use their postal vote to voice their opinion when voting day comes

I for one will ,and be voting for staying in the EU it makes so much more economic sense

I have a proxy vote and it will be for a Brexit.

My proxy voter and her daughter also feel the same way.

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