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Doggie hero farang wows Thais online


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I thought it was a nice story (for a change). Fair play to the man. It can't be easy keeping so many dogs. I for one admire his committment.

I usually feed 3 soi dogs which hang around our gate but that is nothing compared to what Michael is doing.

Keep up the good work!

Yes, I agree, a heart warming story, working as chef in a restaurant and using the left overs to feed stray dogs, great idea. My wife cooks outside my house for the local neighborhood, nothing fancy, just a grease and spoon sit cafe. We have about 4 stray dogs we regularly feed. They don't live on my property but are always around at the start and end of the day. I grew up with dogs so I have always be used to them and kind to them but those who didn't or have had bad experiences with dogs, I understand. They're not for everyone.

Here,s a picture of Michael with his friends.


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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Love dogs, had one since I was 4 and many here. But must agree that caring for humans comes first.
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Doesn't wow me. There are soi dogs and soi dogs. For some reason we always see the pictures of the cute, helpless, disabled ones only.

But it's his choice, and he said something good "people should get and take home a soi dog before going to buy a new pet". I hope his popularity will help spread this message.

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I help all the strays around my shop area too. I give food n pay for their medical expenses as well. I even got them neuter n spay. I got a vet that charges very cheap for his svcs. I have even adopted 1 of the strays in my home. The profile pic is one of the strays i help n just having fun while he was sleeping. Its not alot just something to give back to the community however small way i can.

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Has he thought at all about desexing these creatures, and putting a permanent end to the generations of suffering????? Most of these dogs are disgusting and do NOT make Thailand attractive to tourists, they are everywhere, and then there is the food and faeces everywhere, WHY??? For the animals sake, please desex them, and make it possible for them to be feed and looked after.....

It has been said several times in this thread that he is working with the Chonburi authorities to vaccinate, sterilize and find a home for these dogs.

Read the thread before you start your whining.

If this is so,good for him. It's not the dogs fault that many people are irresponsible and abandon the dogs.

Unfortunately this results in many of these soi dogs trying to attack people such as myself this morning whilst haveing a peaceful walk with my wife. There is usually two sides to every story!

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The Thais must think this farung is ba mak.

Once the local mafia finds out he has been blowing 50+k per month on stray dogs, the two legged stray dogs will be coming for their share.

As for disease ridden muts, humans are the most disease ridden animals on the planet.

On a Lighter note, Salmon have been running from Point Peron to Black wall reach all week, with some big catches at Wells Park beach.

How do I get there from Surin...is it near Bangkok?

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Why is there a problem? Too many homeless dogs.

What's he doing? Making sure there will be even more homeless dogs in the future.

If he really cares about the dogs, the first thing he should do is to spay or neuter them. If not, once he stops, or dies, or moves away there's going to be two or three times more homeless dogs then when he started.

READ. THE. THREAD. facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Reactionary nonsense.

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I did. Great he's finding homes for some of them, great he's neutering and spaying some of them but if he's placing them in homes without neutering or spaying them, or feeding them and letting them run loose and reproduce, he's still contributing to the problem and not improving the situation.

I also read the article in the thread from the director of disease control saying that the stray dog population is out of control.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

Each to his own I guess. I feed all the stray cats that turn up at my door. At least, unlike dogs, they are clean and discreet in their toilet habits.

stray cats aren't that discreet really, we have to clean up thier mess every morning from our porch, outdoor kitchen area and garden also have to bleach and wash the doors and floors to remove the stench of thier spraying or territory marking. Daily job.
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He was born in Scotland but grew up in Sweden. Is a restaurant owner in Thailand.

So what,,,That didn't make him any smarter did it ,,,,,
You're having a bad day, I understand that but don't attack me. The story said nationality not known. I mentioned it and it has offended you and I'm sorry, it was not my intention. Edited by Thechook
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He was born in Scotland but grew up in Sweden. Is a restaurant owner in Thailand.

I wonder if any of his strays end up on the menu?

Wow, that is so not funny. Only people who drink heavily before noon would say something so uncouth.

So many Filipinos, Vietnamese, Koreans, etc., would consider your comment uncouth.

Yeah, and some of them are the greatest and most responsible pet owners on earth. It is not about farang vs. Asia

Edited by yellowboat
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Well i said I would get a lot of flack from my original post and I sure did! Someone called me a (see You Next Tuesday) which is quite untrue as the female genital opening is quite admired by most whilst my contribution was lambasted by the blinkered dog lovers. Another accused me (or my like) of poisoning his beloved pet (which I didn't) but I wonder what the pet got up to deserve such a fate. Many others accused me of having no compassion which is quite untrue (except for soi dogs).

Believe it or not I like dogs. I have great admiration for those canines the work with bomb disposal, the blind, drug detection, disease detection, the police etc. I also like dogs that are household pets, looked after, fed well and PROPERLY DISCIPLINED.

Here in Pattaya (I presume) Chonburi we have this clown feeding dozens of FERAL curs. Whether he is neutering them and medicating them I have no idea, but the result is that you have dozens of (well) fed and medicated dogs roaming at large. Does he claim any responsibility for these animals apart from trying to get lots of likes on facebook? Does he follow them around with a pooper-scooper getting rid of their shit? Does he stop them fighting, causing traffic accidents, attacking cyclists and pedestrians trashing garbage bins, barking all night, of course he doesn't, he thinks he's doing the right thing which he isn't.

What is it with people (especially the British) that have such a thing about dogs? Mans best friend. Have you ever kept pigs? A couple of the best pets I ever had were Vietnamese pot bellied pigs.Just as intelligent as dogs and loveable. Nevertheless when the time came for pork roast they had to go.Do you bleeding heart soi dog lovers feel anything for the millions of male chicks that are munched every day on egg farms, what about the male 'bobbie' calves on dairy farms? They're not dogs so they don't matter.

There has already been a rabies alert in Buriram recently. I once lost a friend (in Africa) to rabies and I can assure you it isn't pleasant. We weren't allowed to see him in hospital as he ws in isolation/icu ala ebola.

The real answer` to the soi dog problem is to do what they do in the UK and Aust. Round up wandering dogs and impound them. If they are not claimed or taken by someone who wants that particular animal as a pet, then after a certain period tthe dog is put down. The RSPCA in the UK and Oz do this, thousands of unwanted dogs are euthanised every year. Sorry you bleeding heart dog lovers, but practically it's the only solution

PS. I don't suppose many readers have been in a town where there has been a major rabies epidemic, I have, it's not pretty, but that's another story.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Did you know a real man loves and cares for animals and the more I think about your comment the more I thank GOD I don't live next door to you.

Your an old Uncle Scrooge you remind me of a flea on a dog's back that just sucks blood from a dog another word you do not contribute anything your just live in a country

Because it's cheap.

What's it to you whether he spends 40 or 50 thousand BHAT a month it's not your money and I would say that man without a doubt would have contribute to an orphanage

Uncle Scrooge so mind your own business somebody has to take a stand and do something about the problem with stray dog's and you would find he has desexed some of the animals

Now go have your self and drink Uncle Scrooge and just worry about your next pension check and leave the compassion work to others.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

I've owned dogs, nothing but headaches. I went to cats, nothing but fun and enjoyment, easy to care for, no annoying barking, don't run in aggressive packs, don't growl at, chase and attack people. And, they kill rodents. Cat haters, usually hate independent people too.

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This man is no better then the dotty old ladies who insist on feeding pigeons back home, he is making a problem worse. Nobody in their right mind would deny that soi dogs are a serious problem here, even the government admits it and says there are up to 3.4 million of them. They are a health hazard, a traffic risk, especially out of town centers, a noise problem and they pollute with their excrement. This man is just making them live longer and breed more and helping to make the problem worse, he's an idiot and a menace.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

I've owned dogs, nothing but headaches. I went to cats, nothing but fun and enjoyment, easy to care for, no annoying barking, don't run in aggressive packs, don't growl at, chase and attack people. And, they kill rodents. Cat haters, usually hate independent people too.

Do not see the difference in having either. You need to walk a dog a few times a day to keep them calm or they need plenty of space to roam. Taking the pooch to the corner pub takes care of that and more.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

and what about the filthy disease ridden humans???..... I'd rather help the animals.

People who would rather help animals in need than humans in need are sick in the head,

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He should have had all the dogs desexed FIRST.

I also trust he is enjoying all the responsibility of owning these dogs including but not limited to the bites and attacks, traffic accidents, poop and piss, chasing of vehicles etc that those dogs left on the streets can do/cause.

Feeding and taking care of these dogs infers ownership. Taking responsibility for their welfare means taking responsibility for their actions.

Edited by Keesters
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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Personally I cant stand the drunken tools who come here and try to bull shit you with tales of what they own ( but need to borrow to pay the rent )

Then try to impress you with their sad sex life whistling.gif

Give me dogs anytime smile.png

U have sex with dogs??

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I fear that this is well meaning but misplaced and short-sighted philanthropy similar to Bill Gates spending millions on cutting child mortality rates when there are far too many humans on this planet already who are blindly destroying it and selfishly killing off all other species. Bill Gates should put his millions into population control just as this man, as has been mentioned, should ALSO be spending money on getting these dogs neutered. He is, in fact, as has already been said, increasing the future population of stray dogs and more stray dogs equals more suffering for them in the future.

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I fear that this is well meaning but misplaced and short-sighted philanthropy similar to Bill Gates spending millions on cutting child mortality rates when there are far too many humans on this planet already who are blindly destroying it and selfishly killing off all other species. Bill Gates should put his millions into population control just as this man, as has been mentioned, should ALSO be spending money on getting these dogs neutered. He is, in fact, as has already been said, increasing the future population of stray dogs and more stray dogs equals more suffering for them in the future.

And unlike 'man', who has the choice whether or not to use birth control, these dogs were once someone's pet du jour, with which they quickly tired and subsequently dumped, un neutered. So. Who's fault is it that the canine specifically do what they do and breed? You all believe those dogs simply crawled out of the jungle? No. The problem is those who wantonly buy a puppy and then quickly tire of it once the 'cute' factor has gone. (Thai), or relocate and find offloading a grown dog not so easy (farang). I've adopted both.

I propose a more civilised approach to abandoned pets of any kind, in that the people responsible for any problems caused by the canine population be severely punished. I doubt anyone with a brain cell could possibly dismiss the fact that selfish ignorant humans are to blame. Including those who ask 'where can I buy' (breed of choice) from a puppy mill on this forum.

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I fear that this is well meaning but misplaced and short-sighted philanthropy similar to Bill Gates spending millions on cutting child mortality rates when there are far too many humans on this planet already who are blindly destroying it and selfishly killing off all other species. Bill Gates should put his millions into population control just as this man, as has been mentioned, should ALSO be spending money on getting these dogs neutered. He is, in fact, as has already been said, increasing the future population of stray dogs and more stray dogs equals more suffering for them in the future.

I hope Bill Gates spends his money on a "How to read a thread 101" school for TVF members so that they would actually PAY ATTENTION to the several POSTS AND LINKS saying that this man HAS spent his money and is WORKING with local authorities to STERILIZE these dogs.

Key words in capitals for you as you clearly need a bit of help.

Edited by CloudStrife
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does he have a sustained neutering schedule? if he does great on him! if he's just another sentimental meat eating pet lover who let's them breed wantonly than I have no time for him

Who gives a crap YOU 'have no time for him. He's not sitting on a bar stool/behind a keyboard on some sad expat forum decrying the state of the nation, but actively doing something to make a difference. You? huh.png And yes, IF you'd taken the time to read the thread in it's entirety, he is indeed having the dogs neutered. Pity many on this forum don't ..

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