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Tired of Thai blokes staring at my missus


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I was told once when anyone upsets you to give them a huge smile..........the bigger the smile the bigger the <deleted> OFF thumbsup.gif

Spot on mate.

I can't do it, no matter how hard a try. More a look that curdles milk, and that's when I'm happy!

But I once new an accountant. No matter what anyone said or however they tried to upset him, he just grinned. It was not a grimace, nor a smile but a grin. Never saw anyone provoke him into any other reaction. He drove the idiots insane with his grins but was fantastic to watch.

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Kenny,typical loosers who hang out in the hammock all day,see a succesful guy like you get jealous,"why i not have that"? the answer is;

Because your a feckless drunk who does nothing,but sit in a hammock all day drinking Lao khao,and making stupid little jokes,about the falang and his wife who actually don't do that.

Chill Man,they want to be you ,but never will come remotely close.

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I get the same in the UK when I am there with my wife. I just accept they are jelous of me and think that I am the lucky one. You just have to get used to it and take is as a positive.

Alternativly you could always one of those black bin liners next time you pass through Dubai.

Will you kindly rewrite "Alternativly you could always one of those black bin liners next time you pass through Dubai.", with better clarity, please? Thank you,wai.gif

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Blokes looking at a ladies arse? I have never heard of that before.

Farangs in Thaialnd would never do it...

I would. But Im not that impressed with too many of the mia farangs that arent hookers.

Just about every riap roy Thai girl can spot these hookers from a mile off.

Every Thai man can spot them, hence the reason they are with falang mugs and not Thai men.

Your average Somchai wants nothing to do with them, he sure as ferk doesnt want her 3 kids and debts, he wants her money.

Never mind, next week some farang mug from Suckersville is sending his money via WU, thinking his gurl is different.

Have at it, your gurl is indeed different.

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I just get horny when i see other blokes perving at my mrs. Especially when the blokes are early 20s as my mrs is 45 and im 51. 5555 Mate just appreciate the fact that shes your mrs. Sometimes if we r walking through a mall especially in Australia i get filthy looks from western women. They must think im a dirty old man. Which i am.i just smile at the western fat pigs.

Dont know if this is of any help to you but its my thought.

Cheers Cobbler

Yep, just love it !

When we lived in OZ, my wife was obviously the object of many a lustful gaze by the local lads. Even funnier if the "local lads' were sprung by their

wife or whatever.

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With the wife she always gets studied & heads turn to get a better look/stares....I've kind of gotten used to that over the years.....

What bothers me more is the salivating Thai a$$wipe men of all ages just drooling over our 15 year old daughter literally spinning around looking & letting her know their looking.....Very unnerving for her.....

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Lucky the four of them didn't kick you to death.

mate the mood I was in I wouldn't have cared
Think a lot of the issue, not all but a significant proportion is as you say ' the mood you were in' realistically that's all u can deal with, put that into a non i imotive stance ie look at the situation without anger you u and your out look will benefit.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by rijit
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The staring thing, I find it a far bigger problem back in Australia.

She's very dark skinned thai/lao/ cambodian, I find it curious how often it doesn't happen with Thai men.

Whereas, bring her to Aus, leave her alone for 30 seconds, and there will be some guy getting extra friendly, but the woman are far worse, especially Caucasian and female, every single damn one of them regardless of age will give her these vile just disgusting looks like shes just killed their puppy or something.

Quite the eye opener

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The staring thing, I find it a far bigger problem back in Australia.

She's very dark skinned thai/lao/ cambodian, I find it curious how often it doesn't happen with Thai men.

Whereas, bring her to Aus, leave her alone for 30 seconds, and there will be some guy getting extra friendly, but the woman are far worse, especially Caucasian and female, every single damn one of them regardless of age will give her these vile just disgusting looks like shes just killed their puppy or something.

Quite the eye opener

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Whether or not they resist the temptation to gawk, most men find the sight of a woman bending over at the waist with her butt jutting up into the air to be an alluring sight.

If it annoys the OP that much, consider helping your wife load and unload the baby from the car. This would cut down the opportunities for gawking, and endear you to your wife as well.

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With the wife she always gets studied & heads turn to get a better look/stares....I've kind of gotten used to that over the years.....

What bothers me more is the salivating Thai a$$wipe men of all ages just drooling over our 15 year old daughter literally spinning around looking & letting her know their looking.....Very unnerving for her.....

we just had a baby son. I initially wanted a little girl but thought of the attention a Leuk Krung girl (daddy's got money) would bring from these parasites. So glad we had a boy
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With the wife she always gets studied & heads turn to get a better look/stares....I've kind of gotten used to that over the years.....

What bothers me more is the salivating Thai a$$wipe men of all ages just drooling over our 15 year old daughter literally spinning around looking & letting her know their looking.....Very unnerving for her.....

we just had a baby son. I initially wanted a little girl but thought of the attention a Leuk Krung girl (daddy's got money) would bring from these parasites. So glad we had a boy

Don't be so sure about that.

Congratulations, by the way.

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I'm afraid it's just something you have to 'roll with' and as Nev wisely says, learn to take it as a compliment.

Many blokes, even Thai blokes, make the assumption; Thai lass with Western bloke = either prossie/goldigger, desperate, or loose or all three.

Thankfully, most Thais, especially blokes can tell a hooker from a 'quality' lass a mile off and in time the 'looks' becomes less noticeable.

I still get the odd sarky/pervy comment when out in one of my locals (when I'm in Thailand) but as most of the people in our neighbourhood know my wife and I, these comments are almost always without malice or ill intent.

Even when we're out of our 'comfort zone' we are always politely dressed and well behaved, sure we get 'looks' but that comes with the territory. I even get 'looks' when I'm on me own but that's because I'm a proper spanner....

Far worse - when you don't look like a typical 'expat' - is when you come across Western blokes who think you're a tourist and try and 'impress' or pull your lass often with their halting, abysmal atonal 'Thai'.

I had to 'introduce' one such gent to the pavement in a well known beach resort a short while after we married. I have no idea what he was thinking as it was obvious we had been together for a while and she wasn't some brass I'd just 'pulled'. The mind does sometimes boggle and it's not always at the weirder aspects of Thai culture.

A well written and succinct post sir. As I read I kept thinking "yeh", "same me", 'just a few days ago at..."

I do hope that I never let the inappropriate attitudes of others affect me deeply enough to introduce them to the pavement.


I accept that it's toughest when these people affect our loved ones.

EDIT for.. My wife not considered attractive but it still happens for those social reasons.

Edited by andrew55
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Well for me, and as I said, looking at a beautiful girl or having a sneaky perv yes we all do. Sitting down, getting comfortable ....inviting ur mates to have a look and staring for a lengthy period of time, even after you have been given a look is just ignorant, rude and disrespectful. In any country i would imagine. If I did that to another man's wife I'd fully expect to be introduced to the pavement. I Shudve done the same to his missus. Difference would be she'd probably be up for it.

Edited by Kenny202
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Let me get something straight about this thread. Thai men are lowlifes and parasites for looking at a woman.

Western women are fat and ugly because they dare to judge an old fat Farang with a woman from a different socio-economic status that's half Farang's age.

..... but you are all nice guys who came to Thailand for noble reasons and are not using your western income, pensions and wallets to wow these "young women" to what is basically a prostitution.

What's missing in this thread? It's definitely not hypocrisy.

as for the guy who introduced the "Westerner" to a pavement.... yeah.... I'd like you to try that with me.... because I am one of those judgmental Westerners who stares, but so far no one took any action whatsoever. As a matter of fact, most seem to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder why....

you're a legend in Ur own mind. So if everyone else in Thailand are fat balding pensioners with 18yo prostitutes, what's ur story? Ur like the bloke who says his girl is different. I assume ur living in Thailand, perhaps with a lady so why are YOU different? And why is it you think people avoid eye contact with you? Let me guess...ex special ops haha
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I think wife being dark or below average looks just means a possible opportunity for a hammock swinging type Thai bloke.

I honestly don't know but I suspect that i can't change them. Maybe if I punch a lot of them but I'm still not sure.

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I think wife being dark or below average looks just means a possible opportunity for a hammock swinging type Thai bloke.

I honestly don't know but I suspect that i can't change them. Maybe if I punch a lot of them but I'm still not sure.

I know. Nothing you can do. I just get tired of these scummy drunkards sit around. Lived up country 2 years and they really are good for nothing. So much child / wife abuse. Temperement of a 10 year old. Absolute waste of space. Not all of course but you know the type. Lot of really good blokes too. Have you seen the latest video of the scum tgat beat the old people in Hua Hin? Unconscious on the ground and still putting the boots into the old ladies face. Their official statement was their sorry, it was alcohol fault. I've heard the stories of cousins helping and 5 on 1 etc but I've always found them weak as pss, even in a group Edited by Kenny202
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as for the guy who introduced the "Westerner" to a pavement.... yeah.... I'd like you to try that with me.... because I am one of those judgmental Westerners who stares, but so far no one took any action whatsoever. As a matter of fact, most seem to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder why....



What makes me laugh about this thread is that farangs don't consider the possibility that Thai men are staring at their wives because, in general, they're so bloody awful.

As someone has correctly pointed out already, if you ever see a farang with a pretty girl it's 99% likely she's a hooker.

If you're in the market for a regular Thai girl, you'll need to accept that the cream of the crop has already been snapped up by Thai men.

That's just not true buddy, not where I am anyway. Maybe Bangkok. Had plenty of opportunities with beautiful, educated girls with jobs from good families. If I had my time over I'd be targeting just such a lady but not a young one. Single educated 40s lady with a child and a job. Suit me fine

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I think wife being dark or below average looks just means a possible opportunity for a hammock swinging type Thai bloke.

I honestly don't know but I suspect that i can't change them. Maybe if I punch a lot of them but I'm still not sure.

I know. Nothing you can do. I just get tired of these scummy drunkards sit around. Lived up country 2 years and they really are good for nothing. So much child / wife abuse. Temperement of a 10 year old. Absolute waste of space. Not all of course but you know the type. Lot of really good blokes too. Have you seen the latest video of the scum tgat beat the old people in Hua Hin? Unconscious on the ground and still putting the boots into the old ladies face. Their official statement was their sorry, it was alcohol fault. I've heard the stories of cousins helping and 5 on 1 etc but I've always found them weak as pss, even in a group

I can absolutely understand how you feel.

I think it unfortunate when members need to resort to saying they've been here longer than another but... for me, after 2 years spent up country I understood and tolerated a miniscule amount.

After several times that period I still find it difficult at times every single day.

Our hosts are so different in innumerable ways and I do "know the type" that you refer to. The men in the sala with the bags of rice whisky from 7.00am until they fall down and then the pm re-match after taking the wife's pay (the evils of Lao Khao deserve a thread) with the women having unbearable demands placed upon them is the thing that tears me the most but it has probably happened for millenia. This is certainly a form of abuse.

If I observe physical abuse I go to the police and thus far something, albeit not enough, has been done by them. I have no problem with anybody knowing that I informed but I also don't advertise it. I don't expect (m)any Thais to keep a farang's secret, as naive as I may be. With folk knowing I'm a snitch I believe that it is occurring less. Maybe naive again.

I didn't feel that I wanted to see the video that you speak of after being shocked by the still pictures. There are people who do terrible things. I don't know why. I'm sure the alcohol and drugs bring out the worst in these characters.

Difficult to hurry evolution.

As to the 5 cousins etc... If just one of them swings an iron bar or flicks his little blade... bad result and you'll get little if any help. You know that from the Hua Hin atrocity.

I'd like you to enjoy Thailand for a looonnng time.

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you're a legend in Ur own mind. So if everyone else in Thailand are fat balding pensioners with 18yo prostitutes, what's ur story? Ur like the bloke who says his girl is different. I assume ur living in Thailand, perhaps with a lady so why are YOU different? And why is it you think people avoid eye contact with you? Let me guess...ex special ops haha

My wife is different that what? A hooker? Yes, she is.

And I am not SAS, just a demented looking Serb.

BTW, I wasn't referring to you, just the comments that followed.

Edited by theguyfromanotherforum
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you're a legend in Ur own mind. So if everyone else in Thailand are fat balding pensioners with 18yo prostitutes, what's ur story? Ur like the bloke who says his girl is different. I assume ur living in Thailand, perhaps with a lady so why are YOU different? And why is it you think people avoid eye contact with you? Let me guess...ex special ops haha

My wife is different that what? A hooker? Yes, she is.

And I am not SAS, just a demented looking Serb.

BTW, I wasn't referring to you, just the comments that followed.

No proprem darring :-)
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Let me get something straight about this thread. Thai men are lowlifes and parasites for looking at a woman.

Western women are fat and ugly because they dare to judge an old fat Farang with a woman from a different socio-economic status that's half Farang's age.

..... but you are all nice guys who came to Thailand for noble reasons and are not using your western income, pensions and wallets to wow these "young women" to what is basically a prostitution.

What's missing in this thread? It's definitely not hypocrisy.

as for the guy who introduced the "Westerner" to a pavement.... yeah.... I'd like you to try that with me.... because I am one of those judgmental Westerners who stares, but so far no one took any action whatsoever. As a matter of fact, most seem to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder why....

GOTO ~ Apr 28 Thaivisa Daily News Bulletin,........................................welcome to the LOS!coffee1.gif

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