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New student group asks CSD to probe motive of Ja New’s activist group


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I keep saying I have no more faith in this new group or their backers.

You can trust ja new as much as you like, but I don't and when the current situation ends and pt [or whatever they call themselves next time round] emerge as electoral victors I fully expect to see him celebrating with the leadership.

Agreed if the PTP comes to power I can bet you that many of these activist will be rewarded with nice positions.. just look at what happened to Jattupron and the other PTP honchos that incited people to burn BKK.

We all know that the PTP will not come in power, that is what the draft is about, now just think who will be awarded after the election in 10 years or so.

Hint : He was is a former politician and former monk.

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I keep saying I have no more faith in this new group or their backers.

You can trust ja new as much as you like, but I don't and when the current situation ends and pt [or whatever they call themselves next time round] emerge as electoral victors I fully expect to see him celebrating with the leadership.

Agreed if the PTP comes to power I can bet you that many of these activist will be rewarded with nice positions.. just look at what happened to Jattupron and the other PTP honchos that incited people to burn BKK.

We all know that the PTP will not come in power, that is what the draft is about, now just think who will be awarded after the election in 10 years or so.

Hint : He was is a former politician and former monk.

And a poisoned dwarf. No he'll never be PM because people would rise up against him. No he is far too unpopular.

The man for the job will be Abhisit. The ref. Will go the armys way and when the elections take place Phue Thai will win most of the seats but the senate(army) will grant Abhisit the PM's job.

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Never said the message shouldn't be heard.

You indeed never said that, however you casting doubt against the messenger, also influences the message. And incredibly naïve I might add, it's the way the game is played here, and for ages.

Nope. The message is fine. The messenger has backers with their own agenda, it is naive to believe otherwise.
I think we established that a few posts ago. I personally have more faith in a side that I can vote out of office, than a side that takes power at gunpoint.

The sooner those human rights abusers are gone, the better, who gets the job done I don't really care.

Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

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Never said the message shouldn't be heard.

You indeed never said that, however you casting doubt against the messenger, also influences the message. And incredibly naïve I might add, it's the way the game is played here, and for ages.

Nope. The message is fine. The messenger has backers with their own agenda, it is naive to believe otherwise.
I think we established that a few posts ago. I personally have more faith in a side that I can vote out of office, than a side that takes power at gunpoint.

The sooner those human rights abusers are gone, the better, who gets the job done I don't really care.

Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

He never said Yingluck. He said faction. Can you read?

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Never said the message shouldn't be heard.

You indeed never said that, however you casting doubt against the messenger, also influences the message. And incredibly naïve I might add, it's the way the game is played here, and for ages.

Nope. The message is fine. The messenger has backers with their own agenda, it is naive to believe otherwise.
I think we established that a few posts ago. I personally have more faith in a side that I can vote out of office, than a side that takes power at gunpoint.

The sooner those human rights abusers are gone, the better, who gets the job done I don't really care.

Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

He never said Yingluck. He said faction. Can you read?

Yes I can read thank you very much. I was talking about the current government compared to previous governments, I don't give a shit about 'factions' those cannot be voted out of office. Can you read should be the question, my post leaves little to the imagination one would think. Next time, try to read the original post before you try to be a condescending smart ass...

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They may be stooges but I bet they are right about the financial backing.

not according to any information provided by the student activists, ... or anyone else for that matter... except the junta and their "it's confidential" BS.

Not buying it, sorry but I do not believe for one minute him and his group are not backed by someone with money.

I'm no fan of those who stand against free speech and democratic choice, but I don't trust this guy either.

Ja New, along with other activists, have been doing this on their own. It's well documented. Only the junta, in it's own little thaksin-behind-every-tamarin-tree world says otherwise.

In addition, the Junta cannot afford to have the story line become one that "normal" people oppose the junta. Everything has to be laid at Thaksin's feet or else their house of cards comes tumbling down.

These guys, along with Dao Din, Resistant Citizen, and others, have been active for a while. The New Democracy Movement group were one of the main groups to point out, or try to point out, the corruption at corruption park. Remember that little gem of junta-transparency?

The Junta is probably aware that the numbers dissatisfied with their performance are increasing and as this useful article from The Diplomat indicates, even the Bangkok middle class is fickle.The story of the 'new student group' is just a ham fisted attempt to indicate some hopeful signs.More generally it is a challenge for the Junta as it can only enforce its will - given the difficulty of forcing the Thai people down the designated path (it must be like herding cats) - by exerting a great deal more brutality.And of course they know that increased brutality is self defeating.Thai history shows that over and over again.


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When will you student bashers get it into your head that these student have more rights to have opinions than you, they are the countries future whether you like it or not ?

I really am curious as to the change in the quality of your life you seem to have suffered under the Shins, it must have been horrendous for your endless complaining.

Or maybe people who post comments against the Shins just don't like politicians that lie, cheat, break the law and seemingly become far far richer than their electorate.

Indeed the young people, regardless of their educational standard, are the future of the country. Hopefully with the access to more information easier than ever before, they may choose to drive some changes.

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Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

Wasn't so much AA as throwing shit, contaminated blood, burning coffins with photos of people attached, machine gunning your house for blowing a whistle, throwing dud and live bombs and grenades, threatening law suits, getting CAPO and the DSI to hound people, drive by shootings etc etc

The only thing that held the Shins, and their police stooges back was fear of the military. The certainly showed they have no respect for the law or courts.

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Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

Wasn't so much AA as throwing shit, contaminated blood, burning coffins with photos of people attached, machine gunning your house for blowing a whistle, throwing dud and live bombs and grenades, threatening law suits, getting CAPO and the DSI to hound people, drive by shootings etc etc

The only thing that held the Shins, and their police stooges back was fear of the military. The certainly showed they have no respect for the law or courts.

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I think we established that a few posts ago. I personally have more faith in a side that I can vote out of office, than a side that takes power at gunpoint.

The sooner those human rights abusers are gone, the better, who gets the job done I don't really care.

Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

The actions of their stormtroopers to silence voices they disliked is well known.

PT is nothing but an extension of the fugitive criminal whose extra judicial killing spree during his PR "war on drugs" is even more well known.

Not to mention lawyers who dared to stand up to him.

Also what ever happened to the Karen rights activist, "Billy" who disappeared under PTs watch?

I am for real, unlike you however, I have not chosen to take sides.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I think we established that a few posts ago. I personally have more faith in a side that I can vote out of office, than a side that takes power at gunpoint.

The sooner those human rights abusers are gone, the better, who gets the job done I don't really care.

Human rights abusers?

Human rights are fundamental to a functioning democratic society and I agree no one should be deprived of them.

However in current climate I don't know of any faction that has a history of respecting them.

Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

The actions of their stormtroopers to silence voices they disliked is well known.

PT is nothing but an extension of the fugitive criminal whose extra judicial killing spree during his PR "war on drugs" is even more well known.

Not to mention lawyers who dared to stand up to him.

Also what ever happened to the Karen rights activist, "Billy" who disappeared under PTs watch?

I am for real, unlike you however, I have not chosen to take sides.

I don't think I asked about actions of thugs, I asked what human rights abuses were committed by the Yingluck government, I am all ears to hear about those. As for choosing sides, I choose for the side that can be voted into and out of office. I don't care if PT or the Democrats or even the party of the former pimp are voted in.

As to the infamous war on drugs, ask yourself the question why the other side never nailed him for that. As to the criminal element, the difference between both sides is that one was successful in implementing amnesty via a barrel of the gun, whilst the other tried to use the democratic process and failed. Both sides are criminal, one side is executing a plan to remain at the helm indefinitely, for the good of Thailand, it is important they don't succeed.

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Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

The actions of their stormtroopers to silence voices they disliked is well known.

PT is nothing but an extension of the fugitive criminal whose extra judicial killing spree during his PR "war on drugs" is even more well known.

Not to mention lawyers who dared to stand up to him.

Also what ever happened to the Karen rights activist, "Billy" who disappeared under PTs watch?

I am for real, unlike you however, I have not chosen to take sides.

I don't think I asked about actions of thugs, I asked what human rights abuses were committed by the Yingluck government, I am all ears to hear about those. As for choosing sides, I choose for the side that can be voted into and out of office. I don't care if PT or the Democrats or even the party of the former pimp are voted in.

As to the infamous war on drugs, ask yourself the question why the other side never nailed him for that. As to the criminal element, the difference between both sides is that one was successful in implementing amnesty via a barrel of the gun, whilst the other tried to use the democratic process and failed. Both sides are criminal, one side is executing a plan to remain at the helm indefinitely, for the good of Thailand, it is important they don't succeed.

I never mentioned yingluck.

the udd thugs are pts bully boys and the leadership are answerable for their actions.

the fugitive criminal is responsible for the extra judicial murders he set in motion.

I have always supported elections and the honouring of them. I also support governance for the country not the self interest rule and corruption pt brought to govt.

I have always opposed amnesties.

You haven't chosen a side?

Ok, if you say so, but sure doesn't sound like it.

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not according to any information provided by the student activists, ... or anyone else for that matter... except the junta and their "it's confidential" BS.

Not buying it, sorry but I do not believe for one minute him and his group are not backed by someone with money.

I'm no fan of those who stand against free speech and democratic choice, but I don't trust this guy either.

Ja New, along with other activists, have been doing this on their own. It's well documented. Only the junta, in it's own little thaksin-behind-every-tamarin-tree world says otherwise.

In addition, the Junta cannot afford to have the story line become one that "normal" people oppose the junta. Everything has to be laid at Thaksin's feet or else their house of cards comes tumbling down.

These guys, along with Dao Din, Resistant Citizen, and others, have been active for a while. The New Democracy Movement group were one of the main groups to point out, or try to point out, the corruption at corruption park. Remember that little gem of junta-transparency?

I keep saying I have no more faith in this new group or their backers.

You can trust ja new as much as you like, but I don't and when the current situation ends and pt [or whatever they call themselves next time round] emerge as electoral victors I fully expect to see him celebrating with the leadership.

Blues, sometimes we agree, sometimes not, but you usually seem to be more informed that this.

This student group doesn't need a backer. The most expensive thing they did was buy train tickets to Hua Hin. These kinds of student groups - even the long-time activist groups - run on extremely limited resources. The ones that were already in existence before the coup had actually been active against the policies of the previous government(s).

I am personally relieved to see normal young people stand up to the stooges running this country. Not everyone who opposes the military's oppression of the Thai people is on Thaksin's payroll... and thank god for that. Thaksin is a idiot.

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I guess we just disagree.

I believe in free speech and the right to protest.

I do not however believe that ja new is trustworthy or all he claims to be.

You do. Fair enough. Be a dull world if we all thought the same and marched to the same drummer.

So be it.

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Really ? So you are claiming Yingluck's government had a well documented history of human rights abuses. I am all ears to hear about attitude adjustment sessions, people being tried by Military courts for liking or share facebook posts or a law that potentially can put someone away for 10 years for campaigning for or against a draft constitution.

Are you for real ?

The actions of their stormtroopers to silence voices they disliked is well known.

PT is nothing but an extension of the fugitive criminal whose extra judicial killing spree during his PR "war on drugs" is even more well known.

Not to mention lawyers who dared to stand up to him.

Also what ever happened to the Karen rights activist, "Billy" who disappeared under PTs watch?

I am for real, unlike you however, I have not chosen to take sides.

I don't think I asked about actions of thugs, I asked what human rights abuses were committed by the Yingluck government, I am all ears to hear about those. As for choosing sides, I choose for the side that can be voted into and out of office. I don't care if PT or the Democrats or even the party of the former pimp are voted in.

As to the infamous war on drugs, ask yourself the question why the other side never nailed him for that. As to the criminal element, the difference between both sides is that one was successful in implementing amnesty via a barrel of the gun, whilst the other tried to use the democratic process and failed. Both sides are criminal, one side is executing a plan to remain at the helm indefinitely, for the good of Thailand, it is important they don't succeed.

I never mentioned yingluck.

the udd thugs are pts bully boys and the leadership are answerable for their actions.

the fugitive criminal is responsible for the extra judicial murders he set in motion.

I have always supported elections and the honouring of them. I also support governance for the country not the self interest rule and corruption pt brought to govt.

I have always opposed amnesties.

You haven't chosen a side?

Ok, if you say so, but sure doesn't sound like it.

When comparing the human rights abuses of the current government, one has to compare it to the previous one, which happened to be the Yingluck administration. To try and include the UDD is comparing apples and oranges. At no time had the Yingluck government the power to jail people just for expressing an opinion. And other than the UDD, the people committing those blatant human rights abuses will never be held accountable for their actions.

The victims of those human rights abuses have no way to get justice, as the current lot has made it perfectly legal to commit those human rights abuses.

And I certainly have chosen a side, the side that tries to gain power through democratic means, which also means acceptance of election results. And if the government du jour makes a complete mess, one waits for next elections to vote them out, not stage a coup.

You completely ignored my last sentence, but that sentence describes the reason, and really the only reason for the coup. If you honor democracy and elections, it is time to chose that side now, before it is too late

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Again, I never mentioned yingluck.

I know what I judge to be right and wrong. I have repeatedly made clear my views on freedom of speech and the right to protest.

You ignore this and constantly attempt to defend one abuser.

All abuses are wrong.

There is no difference between abusers.

The fear they all employ is equally wrong.

They are all the same corrupted fruit hanging from the same rotten tree.

Now back on topic: this new group and ja new? I distrust them both. I believe neither's words nor their motivations.

Clear enough for you?

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Again, I never mentioned yingluck.

I know what I judge to be right and wrong. I have repeatedly made clear my views on freedom of speech and the right to protest.

You ignore this and constantly attempt to defend one abuser.

All abuses are wrong.

There is no difference between abusers.

The fear they all employ is equally wrong.

They are all the same corrupted fruit hanging from the same rotten tree.

Now back on topic: this new group and ja new? I distrust them both. I believe neither's words nor their motivations.

Clear enough for you?

Sure very clear. You keep missing the point I am trying to make. The word we cannot use is central to this. The junta isn't going away without violence, a counter coup or immense international and national pressure.

Hence the human rights abuses are here to stay, as is the absent of democracy. And no the draft constitution does not return Thailand to democracy.

I am not defending anything but democracy. The offender you think I am defending (incorrectly) could and would have been dealt with by the law. His party has been disbanded several times and several people of that party have received bans from politics. Furthermore that offender never operated with an undisclosed term, but a 4 year term, only renewable via elections. They also never were above the law due to self written constitution, including amnesty for past and future crimes, nor did they have god like article 44 powers.

So your remark that they are all the same is vastly inaccurate.

Now as to Ja New, I personally don't know the guy, he might have some agenda, but as far as I'm concerned, if he and his buddies can make the Junta go away, the 97 constitution re-instated, hence returning Thailand to democracy, he has my full support.

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Again, I never mentioned yingluck.

I know what I judge to be right and wrong. I have repeatedly made clear my views on freedom of speech and the right to protest.

You ignore this and constantly attempt to defend one abuser.

All abuses are wrong.

There is no difference between abusers.

The fear they all employ is equally wrong.

They are all the same corrupted fruit hanging from the same rotten tree.

Now back on topic: this new group and ja new? I distrust them both. I believe neither's words nor their motivations.

Clear enough for you?

Sure very clear. You keep missing the point I am trying to make. The word we cannot use is central to this. The junta isn't going away without violence, a counter coup or immense international and national pressure.

Hence the human rights abuses are here to stay, as is the absent of democracy. And no the draft constitution does not return Thailand to democracy.

I am not defending anything but democracy. The offender you think I am defending (incorrectly) could and would have been dealt with by the law. His party has been disbanded several times and several people of that party have received bans from politics. Furthermore that offender never operated with an undisclosed term, but a 4 year term, only renewable via elections. They also never were above the law due to self written constitution, including amnesty for past and future crimes, nor did they have god like article 44 powers.

So your remark that they are all the same is vastly inaccurate.

Now as to Ja New, I personally don't know the guy, he might have some agenda, but as far as I'm concerned, if he and his buddies can make the Junta go away, the 97 constitution re-instated, hence returning Thailand to democracy, he has my full support.

And you keep missing my point. All human rights abusers are wrong. None are worse or better than the other. The corruption and misrule of PT and their willingness to use their bully boy street thugs to silence those who opposed them is no better than the current situation.

You don't agree. That is your right. I don't agree with you.

As for ja new? He is in my view untrustworthy.

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Poor kids look like they've been press ganged into this one


You appear right in your observations ( if a picture tells a thousand words) absolutely spot on the money.

Of course it's easy to guess which student group will win .

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Again, I never mentioned yingluck.

I know what I judge to be right and wrong. I have repeatedly made clear my views on freedom of speech and the right to protest.

You ignore this and constantly attempt to defend one abuser.

All abuses are wrong.

There is no difference between abusers.

The fear they all employ is equally wrong.

They are all the same corrupted fruit hanging from the same rotten tree.

Now back on topic: this new group and ja new? I distrust them both. I believe neither's words nor their motivations.

Clear enough for you?

Sure very clear. You keep missing the point I am trying to make. The word we cannot use is central to this. The junta isn't going away without violence, a counter coup or immense international and national pressure.

Hence the human rights abuses are here to stay, as is the absent of democracy. And no the draft constitution does not return Thailand to democracy.

I am not defending anything but democracy. The offender you think I am defending (incorrectly) could and would have been dealt with by the law. His party has been disbanded several times and several people of that party have received bans from politics. Furthermore that offender never operated with an undisclosed term, but a 4 year term, only renewable via elections. They also never were above the law due to self written constitution, including amnesty for past and future crimes, nor did they have god like article 44 powers.

So your remark that they are all the same is vastly inaccurate.

Now as to Ja New, I personally don't know the guy, he might have some agenda, but as far as I'm concerned, if he and his buddies can make the Junta go away, the 97 constitution re-instated, hence returning Thailand to democracy, he has my full support.

And you keep missing my point. All human rights abusers are wrong. None are worse or better than the other. The corruption and misrule of PT and their willingness to use their bully boy street thugs to silence those who opposed them is no better than the current situation.

You don't agree. That is your right. I don't agree with you.

As for ja new? He is in my view untrustworthy.

Of course all human rights abuses are wrong, of course the ones you keep accusing PT off are nowhere near as bad as what we are currently witnessing and IF proof of those human rights abuses of PT is apparent, they will be prosecuted, whilst the human rights abuses of the current government cannot possibly be prosecuted as they are made into law. Your attempts to suggest those are the same thing makes me wonder if you actually did choose a side, as they are quite clearly not in the same league.

Yet again you avoid the fact that PT could have been voted out of office, they could have (and have been) prosecuted and they have been banned from politics.

The current lot is here to stay, unless they themselves decide otherwise. Even a 10 year old child would recognize the two are not the same, end of story. Trying to make people believe they are is lying and <deleted>.

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Those students look so happy and enthusiastic to be dragged into this.

"We love the nation" - wow, these groups on both sides cannot really come up with any creative names, this name reminds me of so many other group names e.g. Thai Rak Thai, that it is dificult to remember who is on which side..

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not according to any information provided by the student activists, ... or anyone else for that matter... except the junta and their "it's confidential" BS.

Not buying it, sorry but I do not believe for one minute him and his group are not backed by someone with money.

I'm no fan of those who stand against free speech and democratic choice, but I don't trust this guy either.

Ja New, along with other activists, have been doing this on their own. It's well documented. Only the junta, in it's own little thaksin-behind-every-tamarin-tree world says otherwise.

In addition, the Junta cannot afford to have the story line become one that "normal" people oppose the junta. Everything has to be laid at Thaksin's feet or else their house of cards comes tumbling down.

These guys, along with Dao Din, Resistant Citizen, and others, have been active for a while. The New Democracy Movement group were one of the main groups to point out, or try to point out, the corruption at corruption park. Remember that little gem of junta-transparency?

I keep saying I have no more faith in this new group or their backers.

You can trust ja new as much as you like, but I don't and when the current situation ends and pt [or whatever they call themselves next time round] emerge as electoral victors I fully expect to see him celebrating with the leadership.

latest news here: the generals are going full-out to harass this student's mom... with "confidential" LM charges.

If you check the KS article: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1462509137&section=11 the one thing that you will see is that ja new's lawyer is one of the Resistant Citizen group. Resistant Citizen has no ties to Thaksin, nor has there ever been any hint of financial backing for them.

You can certainly be as skeptical of Thaksin as you like. He!!, I am. But in this case, and in the cases of the other related anti-junta activists, there has never been any financial link or support from Thaksin for them.

Feel free to search for such a link... but I imagine that you'll come up empty handed.

edit: just saw this latest article on the charges against the mother - These generals have no shame... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1462541768&typecate=06&section=

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So what if they were paid ?

Isn't it normal for every political party to have a social media team? It's their Duty to promote their own party, whilst making any rival parties look as stupid as possible with jokes and witty remarks. I really don't think ILP8 broke any laws.

Though the 3 that made a single comment privately are certainly in a lot of trouble. Can someone anwser my question.

Does it mean,if someone sends me a private message (that is offensive )that I am guilty too? ?? Even if I didn't answer? ?

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So what if they were paid ?

Isn't it normal for every political party to have a social media team? It's their Duty to promote their own party, whilst making any rival parties look as stupid as possible with jokes and witty remarks. I really don't think ILP8 broke any laws.

Though the 3 that made a single comment privately are certainly in a lot of trouble. Can someone anwser my question.

Does it mean,if someone sends me a private message (that is offensive )that I am guilty too? ?? Even if I didn't answer? ?

It would appear so after yesterdays arrest.

Sadly there's people on this forum who can't see the dangerous road the junta's taking the country.

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