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Trump begins weighing VP options


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To the American Officer- I am American and thank you for serving but we need to get one thing straight. America is a different country than when I was in the Army during the Vietnam crisis. Americans are suffering from an out of control government that is doing nothing for its own people. While I support the military man and woman I cannot support a defense budget of $632 Billion , the largest in the World, which sees an enemy behind every door. In addition, untold billions being spent on 25 different intelligence agencies who hide their budgets under the guise of 'national security'. If you don't understand why the American people are sick of the lies and deceit- you have never seen how the poor in America really live and how hard the middle class has to work to maintain some modicum of dignity. No one is against America- we are for a real American dream, not the one the wealthy want us to believe in.

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Trump is no fool and should not be taken lightly. He is a consumate actor who knows how to bend with the wind. He is the ultimate flim flam man- he can make you believe that his snake oil is for real and because so many Americans want someone to believe in they could vote for him. He will also moderate his speeches and attempt to appeal to a wider audience. However, he will be up against the Clinton money machine which cosists of hugely wealthy people; the Wall Street Elite and the military industrial complex. In addition, there is the Bill Clinton element. He is extremely popular and if you get Hillary you also get Bill. Neither candidate will make any real changes that will better Americans.

That's right Bill Clinton as First Lady! Mind you Melania looks fit

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To the American Officer- I am American and thank you for serving but we need to get one thing straight. America is a different country than when I was in the Army during the Vietnam crisis. Americans are suffering from an out of control government that is doing nothing for its own people. While I support the military man and woman I cannot support a defense budget of $632 Billion , the largest in the World, which sees an enemy behind every door. In addition, untold billions being spent on 25 different intelligence agencies who hide their budgets under the guise of 'national security'. If you don't understand why the American people are sick of the lies and deceit- you have never seen how the poor in America really live and how hard the middle class has to work to maintain some modicum of dignity. No one is against America- we are for a real American dream, not the one the wealthy want us to believe in.

The US spends a trillion on defense so the rest of NATO can spend their money on their people........or their refugees as the case may be.

Being World Police is expensive

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I reckon whoever it'll be, he or she will instantlybbe branded as spawn of Lucifer by the media. Seeing the vocal bloggists throw up blood and pieces of intestines has been very entertaining so far.

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VP: newt Gingrich

Homeland Security: Rudy G.

DoJ Attorney Gen: Chris Christy

Health and Human Services: Dr. Ben Carson

Let me correct that for you:

VP: Bernie Sanders

Homeland Security: Colin Powell

DoJ Attorney Gen: Greg Abbott or Loretta Lynch or even Marty Jackley

Health and Human Services: Stephen Hawking

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To the American Officer- I am American and thank you for serving but we need to get one thing straight. America is a different country than when I was in the Army during the Vietnam crisis. Americans are suffering from an out of control government that is doing nothing for its own people. While I support the military man and woman I cannot support a defense budget of $632 Billion , the largest in the World, which sees an enemy behind every door. In addition, untold billions being spent on 25 different intelligence agencies who hide their budgets under the guise of 'national security'. If you don't understand why the American people are sick of the lies and deceit- you have never seen how the poor in America really live and how hard the middle class has to work to maintain some modicum of dignity. No one is against America- we are for a real American dream, not the one the wealthy want us to believe in.

The US spends a trillion on defense so the rest of NATO can spend their money on their people........or their refugees as the case may be.

Being World Police is expensive

If it were up to me, I would let the Thai's take that job over.

It would pay for itself.

Imagine all the checkpoints.

Edited by slipperylobster
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My guess is that he will select an establishment politician with lots of Congressional tenure who knows the secret fraternity handshake and code words to pacify the party leadership

And you know what his code words would be? Don't worry about Donald. Virtually everything he says is both nonsense and BS. We all know that. He has not uttered a single truth since he was a small kid. So, he is not a threat. He does not mean anything he says, and he will not fulfill any of his promises. He never does. He is a stuffed shirt. Nothing to concern ourselves with, other than being made a complete fool of, on the world stage, and having the economy sabotaged in the same manner he has sabotaged many of his business interests over the years. But, since the humiliation already happened with Tiny George, and the economic decimation of the lower and middle class already happened with Blundering Barry, we are all kind of used to that by now.

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VP: newt Gingrich

Homeland Security: Rudy G.

DoJ Attorney Gen: Chris Christy

Health and Human Services: Dr. Ben Carson

New Gingrich the guy who left one of his wives when she was recovering from cancer. That should definitely help Trump regain some ground with the women's vote.

Newt Gingrich the last House leader that combined with Bill Clinton and got many great things done, including balancing the budget the last time, reformed welfare and brought about the good times in America.

Since then politics in America have been divisive and is reflected in the incredibly low approval ratings for the government. We need more people like Gingrich who can work across the aisle and get things done, real deal makers not dividers as is now the status quo in both congress and the president.

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Newt Gingrich the last House leader that combined with Bill Clinton and got many great things done, including balancing the budget the last time, reformed welfare and brought about the good times in America.

Since then politics in America have been divisive and is reflected in the incredibly low approval ratings for the government. We need more people like Gingrich who can work across the aisle and get things done, real deal makers not dividers as is now the status quo in both congress and the president.

That would be the Newt Gingrich that lead the politically based effort to impeach Bill Clinton, right? Newt was actually the leading personality in the conservative movement's creation of the divisive atmosphere that exists to this day.


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And another thing I'm a second lieutenant in the United States of America Army and love my country USA with great pride and love so the haters who are on here just keep hating because their has to be some kind of reason why you hate us so badly.

Who exactly is "us"?

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Gall Collins has a pretty good satire column in the NY Times today on this. Best line for me is if Trump picks Gingrich or Guiliani it will be the first time in American history that an entire ticket would be made up of men on their third wife.

She also suggests that Trump does a reality show a la The Celebrity Apprentice to select the VP. Actually, a perfect idea for the republicans this year. Besides allowing Trump to use his most famous line, they could open it with shots of major republicans figures, such as Paul Ryan, running away from the studio where it's being filmed.



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I didn't think The Donald would need a VP. He can handle the Senate in his spare time. A Cabinet? No way... cabinets belong in the kitchen with the wimmin folk. The CIA/FBI/NSA? You're Fired. The Donald has his own insiders.

And.... The Donald will probably hire the lawyers from his 4 previous bankruptcies to handle the economy. :-)

Stand tall America.... you have been waiting a long time for this day! The elite's dreams of the last 30 years have come true.

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Former VP Dick Cheney just announced his support for Trump.

In response Trump said that he and Cheney "see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy."

Maybe Cheney again for VP?

I am certain this is true. Both did not understand the concept of limits of power. Trump will do everything in his power, if elected, to stretch those limits, and ignore the rule of law. That is simply who he is. Giving a man who is already a megalomaniac this power and position is a mistake of historic proportions. Of course, what is the alternative? A $35 Little Rock street gal, who is bought and paid for by the banksters. The US is in a very, very sad place. And you know what? Americans are getting exactly what they deserve. And I say that as an American. A sad and despondent one.

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Former VP Dick Cheney just announced his support for Trump.

In response Trump said that he and Cheney "see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy."

Maybe Cheney again for VP?

Something like that would for sure bring Jon Stewart out of retirement. wink.png

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Former VP Dick Cheney just announced his support for Trump.

In response Trump said that he and Cheney "see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy."

Maybe Cheney again for VP?

Ah that's nice, so Trump has already forgotten about the Big Fat Lie that Bush and Cheney told about Iraq.

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Former VP Dick Cheney just announced his support for Trump.

In response Trump said that he and Cheney "see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy."

Maybe Cheney again for VP?

Ah that's nice, so Trump has already forgotten about the Big Fat Lie that Bush and Cheney told about Iraq.

Well no. To the movers and shakers of the world the invasion of Iraq was never based on a lie. It was business as usual.

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Former VP Dick Cheney just announced his support for Trump.

In response Trump said that he and Cheney "see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy."

Maybe Cheney again for VP?

First on CNN: Cheney says he will support Trump


First line is correct.

Second line....quote is attributed to Lindsey Graham, rather than Trump.

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