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Englishman pays five million baht dowry as he marries Thai man he met on Facebook


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It's a safe bet that this guys been shafted!

does the UK allow visa's for a male bride? wouls not be surprised as they now have a muslim mayor!

Yeah! Totally! Cos a guy got elected but he wasn't white! Or Christian! So now they've got fakking male brides and everything!


You seem to be confused. The UK doesn't have a mayor. London has a mayor but what's Sadiq Khan's religion got to do with male brides..? I mean, in an intelligent way, not in a thick knee-jerk way.

edit: unless you mean "Wow, the UK's pretty progressive, London elected a guy of the Muslim faith as mayor (not that that's got anything to do with his ability to carry out the role) so they're probably similarly enlightened when it comes to same sex marriage and visas" in which case high five, brother.

Edited by Rumblecat
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So many nasty jokes can be generated on this subject, but will not go there, give them their happiness

and the benefits of doubts.....

Oh comeon in the enlightened west sex/marriage between the same gender is so passe. Right now it's on transgenderism. The debate is more on should people of the opposite sex namely males be allowed to use the female bathroom if they identify as female. Get on with the times.

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It sounds like the Sin Sod payment for an Isaan girl has now been raised.

It isn't to hard to figure who is the bottom in that relationship and mind you gays have the ability to actually *beep* one another.

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So many nasty jokes can be generated on this subject, but will not go there, give them their happiness

and the benefits of doubts.....

Oh comeon in the enlightened west sex/marriage between the same gender is so passe. Right now it's on transgenderism. The debate is more on should people of the opposite sex namely males be allowed to use the female bathroom if they identify as female. Get on with the times.

Oh ,you are so behind yourself it's now about having sanitary dispensers in male toilets for transgender, but we must now start thinking about those who do not see themselves as male or female,what toilet can they use ?perhaps we should have one for them as well ,so you can have male ,female disabled,and not to sure loos ,oooh,my brain hurts

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I don't think there's enough pink in that picture...

Remember as a kid, one of Hustler Magazine's many humorous slogans used to be Pink Is A Man's Color! Pretty sure this is not what they meant! vampire.gif

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Hahaha good luck to them I say regardless of what happens. I love all the muppets that get their backs up and all defensive when someone pays a sin sod. Particularly when I think most of them time it is an amount that most posters couldn't afford to lose when they are busy arguing over the price of a big bottle of Singh. Gay? So what? Sin sod? So what? May not work out? Who gives a rats? Not me. If he can afford to drop that sort of money good on him, if he wants to pay sin sod for a bloke good luck, if he only gets even a few months of happiness then it is what it is. As usual so many bitter judgemental posts on here. If you don't agree with sin sod don't pay it but don't belittle people that have the means to and obviously don't care how much they drop doing it.

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Ha Lan baht, who cares? Just for show probably goes back in Tony's pocket. How many married some frump from Bradford and got on the hook for 10 times more? (Just because his dependents happened to tumble out of her fanny). How many thousands of village weddings like this every year, a Farnung and some local girl, some of them hardcore prostitutes, and nobody bats an eyelash. A tabloid story followed by the typical bigotry and homophobia. Marriage is marriage, most of it a mistake.

Best of luck to the new couple.

Edited by arunsakda
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I don't think there's enough pink in that picture...

It is the green that really matters.

Is UK or thai money green in color too? Well in thai bht their 20b bht are green, Green is not really a good color to associate with money especially when it isn't even in an American context.

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A few comments.

Of course I wish the couple happiness.

The Thai guy is cute and the Englishman would be nice looking too if he could lose some weight.

There is not a huge age difference. That's a novelty.

Of course they can't be legally married in Thailand but they can be in the U.K.

I think paying a dowry is silly enough in the hetero world, for a same sex coupling, I don't really agree that it should be done.

If it was true love, seeing the opportunity for the Thai man to live in the west with great prospects, and little age difference, why was such a large (or any) sum needed?

It's their private business of course but I assume they agreed to this publicity, so it's not so private.

Anyway, like many I reckon, I think the Englishman has been FOOLISH in paying that sum. BUT, it is his business and good for him that he can afford it!

That money thing does beg the question, if the money had not been paid, then would there have been any marriage? Not very romantic.

Edited by Jingthing
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So same sex marriages are allowed in Thailand???

You can marry your 3 year old sister in a Thai traditional wedding, as long as you pay the monk's fee.

Of course you can't register any of this as a legal marriage contract.

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The whole world goes on and on about love. Poets spend their lives writing about it. Everyone thinks it's the most wonderful thing. But, when you mention two guys in love, they forget all that and freak out.

Mark A. Roeder, Outfield Menace

yea I do get your point (well put as always) but I , personally, am no 'believer' in 'romantic love' and would proffer a challenge that it is love at all and not more akin to an 'obsession'

that said, and putting my cynicism concerning motivation, aside.. I wish them well

but as the great Tina once sang "what's love got to do with it"?

I agree with you completely on the points you make. I share your doubts.

My post was aimed more at the homophobic comments being made by other posters.

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Englishman pays five million baht dowry as he marries Thai man he met on Facebook


Image: Thairath

PRACHINBURI:-- An English businessman put down a five million baht dowry as he married his Thai boyfriend in a traditional ceremony in Prachinburi on Sunday.

Carl Eden, 35, and his sweetheart Chaiwararit Witaworn or Tony, 29, were married at the latter's home in the Meuang Kaw area of the north eastern town, reports Thairath.

Love blossomed for the happy couple on Facebook and after a Bangkok meeting they decided to tie the knot.

The ceremony had all the trappings of a traditional Thai wedding on Sunday morning with the dowry laid out for the fifty guests to admire. There was gold, cash, a car, house and land all coming to more than five million baht in value paid by the Englishman for his Thai partner's hand.

And in the evening 500 guests enjoyed a Chinese style feast at a local hotel.

Tony, an ex-factory employee, said: "We met on Facebook then Carl came to Bangkok. We talked continually for over a year and then decided to marry."

He spoke of the couple's joy at being able to marry and said that people of all ages and sexes should be able to get married and enjoy a happy life together without restrictions.

Tony added that they are planning to go to England where his new husband has a flower shop, convenience store and apartment rental business.

And as Carl posed with the in-laws he said: "I love you very much Tony. This is a great opportunity for us. And I am very happy to be here in Thailand and be with this family."

Source: Thairath


-- 2016-05-09

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Well, this is good news for straight guys coming to Thailand to.

When the other Thai Guys find out that someone paid 5 M for a gay marriage they will all go on Facebook and look for an English Man to. So when more Thai Guys turn to being Gay, then that means there will be less competition for Thai Women. As there will be less Thai Guys, but also less Englishmen.

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So many nasty jokes can be generated on this subject, but will not go there, give them their happiness

and the benefits of doubts.....

The nasty joke is that it happens everyday no matter your sexual-orientation--one has the money and the other knows how to turn him on. The joke is so common, it even has its own riddle; what's the difference between sin sod and bar fine?

Is this true love on both parts, or even on one part, and will last--what are the odds?

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I, for one, wish these guys a long, happy & healthy life together: good on them ! ! !

Oh me too. I love "love" in people; straight, gay, bi, old, young, woman, man, etc. I just don't like the 5.000.000thb bill farce shown in the article as once again it ridiculises the (idiotic) farang. And please don't give me the "it's all just symbolical" crap. Why on earth would a guy pay sinsot for a guy ? All together: TIT! The farang is not part of the planet known as Thailand and hence he can be treated whatever suits the Thai. I only see farangs bending to the (absurd) customs of Thai. Why? "Oh, but their culture is more traditional then ours!" So what, they wanna intermix with farangs then it's 50/50 and not 1/99! Even the thais I occasionally meet back home expect me to threat them the Thai way cuz they know I have been around here longtime. Nocando. It's that very mentality, thinking the world orbits around Thailand that will eventually put this country far behind eg. burma (where i have lived for several years). 5% of the country here is aware of that, the others just dream on...

Sin sod is bar fine--same-same. Agree to give your partner's family just as much as they give your family; nothing can be more fair. If your partner still agrees to go with you; you may have something there.

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Hmmmmm....Sucker.....And another one bites the dust.

I hope he is happy and wish him the best...but still....he was suckered concerning that part of his marriage affair.

Or...... is honesty spoken not politically correct???


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