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Thailand Motorcycle Taxis - Survival tips from bikers

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Even though regular posters in this forum will own their own bike - I bet many of us still use 'motorcy' taxis at some time.

I'm interested in the tips from regular bikers on how to use motorcycle taxis and live to tell the tale.

Here's a few as a starter:

1. Go for the older riders - they have managed to survive this long, so either have good defensive riding skills or a particularly effective talisman.

2. Try to avoid bikes with a flat (non stepped) seat - you want to see over the riders head so you can be ready for what's coming

3. Ignore the fact that Thai girls seem to be able to balance in an elegant side-saddle style without holding on - you will need one good firm grip on the seat rail to avoid going over the back and the other hand on your knee as a braking brace

4. Sit close to the rider - forget about personal space - mass centralization is much more important

5. If you see a traffic light turn red - brace for acceleration by leaning forward

6. Check for a still-extended side stand before encountering your first left hand bend

7. Keep your knees in tight - no extra marks are awarded for getting your knee down and your knees will hit the back of that large red bus

8. Put your toes on the foot-pegs (sportsbike style) especially when going against the flow of traffic, as you'll need to sense sudden changes of direction

9. Stay relaxed - you are the main suspension component so don't tense up and ruin the damping

10. Remember - no journey ever costs more than 40 THB

Any more tips?

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1. Go for the older riders - they have managed to survive this long, so either have good defensive riding skills or a particularly effective talisman.

That doesn't really work because they work with a rotation, you have to take the one whose turn it is, so if you get a young guy you can just sit around and wait for other customers to turn up and then jump up when it is the old guy's turn.

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11. When discussing destination , lean in and discreetly take a smell of his breath , if you get a whiff of whiskey be prepared to hold on even tighter than described in # 3

That is the precise reason I started to ride here!

The smell of meths or turps at 07:30 was a subtle sign I should take my destiny in my own hands!!

OP - good list! I'd add to have a second, and close-by, back-up destination in mind if the guy turns out to be deluded about his skills!

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11. When discussing destination , lean in and discreetly take a smell of his breath , if you get a whiff of whiskey be prepared to hold on even tighter than described in # 3

That is the precise reason I started to ride here!

The smell of meths or turps at 07:30 was a subtle sign I should take my destiny in my own hands!!

OP - good list! I'd add to have a second, and close-by, back-up destination in mind if the guy turns out to be deluded about his skills!

Thanks! I had an opportunity to use your tip this morning on the way to the office. After two rear wheel locking incidents during some hasty braking and a near miss on a miss-judged right turn - all within the first 500 meters of the trip - I suddenly decided that I needed dropping off at the nearest 7-11.

I was so hyped-up on excess adrenalin I walked the rest of the way to work in record time.

I think the taxi rider had OD'd on M-150 this morning.facepalm.gif

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11. try for a chick

12. before for getting on, point your finger in face and demand:


Most of these guys are damn good.

papa learned how to ride city traffic by following these guys.

Pizza delivery guys, they really slice it, 5 5 !!

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