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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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Good grief, this thread's turned into a "oh yes it was..... oh no it wasn't " 9/11 conspiracy thread, (just what the internet needed) as if the TVF red vs yellow shirt bickering wasn't enough. Who started this bloody thread anyway? Should be banned. Lol.

Yeah, sorry. I should stop my fly swatting now. This thread was doomed from the start.


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"he wants to raise USD300,000 (THB10.5 million) to buy an airplane similar to the ones used in the World Trade Center attack and a building in a remote area to recreate 9/11 using auto-pilot."

THAI airways has a few redundant airbuses lying around. Cheap enough if he then uses the Swampy Control Tower as the target.....

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As a fellow American expat, it's a little embarrassing to hear about this wacko project, which face it, will NEVER happen.

But not nearly as embarrassing as Trump! whistling.gif

hmmmm maybe he is from Berkeley, you know it is a nuclear free zone...

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Let me know how it all turns out. Or better still I'll wait until Oliver Stone makes it into a movie and it comes on at the Drive-In.

Personally I'm still waiting to find out who killed George Patton.

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Every media event which is dramatic and controversial goes through three stages.

1. Humerous.... it is laughed at and made to sound silly and impossible by those who do not believe it.

2. attacked ... it is violently attacked (because those who do not believe are getting worried now since they are afraid of becoming a minority.)

3. universal acceptance... It has been proven without doubt .... so all those former critics join in with the cry "Oh we knew it all along".

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Removed much of the off topic conspiracy nonsense, which isn't what the topic is about. Either discuss the local story or go elsewhere. I'm sure if you look hard enough there's one or two places you can find to talk 9/11 conspiracies on the web. This isn't one of them.

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Meanwhile what's happened about the 100 meter flagpole ?

Discussions are under way for repurposing it as a scale model of WTC Building 1.

The plane idea proved problematic. It will be replaced by a Tuk Tuk laden with 250 liters of Thai Whiskey.

Admission will be limited. Get your tickets soon.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Flying a remote control plane into a building in Thailand, what could go wrong?

I don't "want" delusional expat Paul Salo to have issues with the government, I mean he is not the only eccentric to try and set up shop heresmile.png .

No way the authorities would allow such a hare-brained scheme to occur anyway, which would prove nothing and only bring discredit to the Kingdom.

9/11 conspiracy theorists are similar to others pushing climate change denial, young earth creationism etc. in that they always use a

travesty of a reverse scientific method to deny all evidence that contradicts predetermined conclusions and hold fast to irrelevant scraps of data. The rest the fill in with pseudo science, innuendo, and rubbish made up from whole cloth. You will never get them to explain for example , even if they know anything about controlled demolition, how a crew of workers could surreptitiously prep a building without the occupants noticing involving pulling out walls and huge amounts of drilling. Pointless to ask anyway

as they have already decided it happened.

Creationist want to push their religion on people and right-wingers deny climate change for fanciful ideological reasons. 9/11 conspiracists are mostly paranoids. You will find their obsession to intersect mostly with "new world order" global control conspiracies and even plain old antisemitism, so maybe Paul Salo should take a vacation to Iran?

I hear Ahmedinejad is out of work maybe his supporters could help fund it?

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why not use the word falang instead? i dont need that much money to prove 911 was a hoax. all i needed was the pictures of thermite use on the beams on the ground level .... have you ever seen 20+iron beams cut at a 45 degree angle? i have spotted this out and no one listens. I am a former combat engineer. and 911 has bush and Saudi fingers all over it

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why not use the word falang instead? i dont need that much money to prove 911 was a hoax. all i needed was the pictures of thermite use on the beams on the ground level .... have you ever seen 20+iron beams cut at a 45 degree angle? i have spotted this out and no one listens. I am a former combat engineer. and 911 has bush and Saudi fingers all over it

I'm in your corner american12....

can you expand on the significance of 45 degree cut beams???........

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why not use the word falang instead? i dont need that much money to prove 911 was a hoax. all i needed was the pictures of thermite use on the beams on the ground level .... have you ever seen 20+iron beams cut at a 45 degree angle? i have spotted this out and no one listens. I am a former combat engineer. and 911 has bush and Saudi fingers all over it

Why are you fixated with changing this guy from an "American" to "Farang"...the gentleman concerned is an American is he not ? This is factual...your demanding facts about 9/11 but here you are demanding other facts to be changed for some unknown reason, to suit your own agenda

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Please, no more links to dubious conspiracy websites. As was mentioned before, there are plenty of websites out there that cater to these things, ours is not one of them.

And no more posts violating forum rules. A few members have just received warnings for violating this rule:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Journal of the Minerals, Metal & Materials Society in its publication at 53(12) 2001 pp. 8-11 provides a detailed scientific analysis of the collapse of the WTC Tower on 9/11. Easy to read.

Hint: it's the ignition of 90,000 pounds of jet fuel.

See http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html

Pounds or litres? your 'detailed scientific analysis' says they were 'L. gallons' at one point. By the way, 'jet fuel' is diesel. Most of the references have disappeared from the 'net leaving only fire school training manual excerpts and other compiled reports. Also there's no explanation in the skimpy 'why did they collapse' section of what happened to the massive central core.

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Journal of the Minerals, Metal & Materials Society in its publication at 53(12) 2001 pp. 8-11 provides a detailed scientific analysis of the collapse of the WTC Tower on 9/11. Easy to read.

Hint: it's the ignition of 90,000 pounds of jet fuel.

See http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html

Pounds or litres? your 'detailed scientific analysis' says they were 'L. gallons' at one point. By the way, 'jet fuel' is diesel. Most of the references have disappeared from the 'net leaving only fire school training manual excerpts and other compiled reports. Also there's no explanation in the skimpy 'why did they collapse' section of what happened to the massive central core.
I believe it will be in pounds...even in metric countries aircraft fuel is measured in pounds, jet fuel i believe is not diesel, its kerosense..not the same thing Edited by Koosdedooes
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