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Donald Trump's ex-butler calls for Obama to be killed


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I guess he merely expressed a wish but he did it in an unwise way using social media.

I am totally in favor of free speech as well as transparency, but I keep in mind it's not OK to shout "fire" falsely in a crowded environment.

The US president by definition is a head of state. In the US it's a federal crime to threaten the president.

At a minimum, I'd think Donald Trump would disavow and disassociate himself from this long time employee.

The election process in the USA is to allow for choice. And there is abundant freedom of expression.

This man/butler stretches the limit and Trump sans any corrective action falls within the same arena.

I believe the Trump campaign did disavow and distance themselves from this. Has nothing to do with Trump. The man did not threaten the President only said what he thought. I hope that has not become a crime yet. I have certainly wished for certain people to be dead but I don't advocate for doing it. I am sick of the idea that a head of state is somehow special. They are not.

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Okay...I don't like Trump...not a iota!

But what relevance has the fact, that his EX- BUTLER says something idiotic?

The headline could have been "Idiot calls for shooting Obama"- same content!

"The headline could have been "Idiot calls for shooting Obama"- same content!"

No not the same content. Out of context.

The man had a 30 year relationship with Trump

There is a saying that goes something like this "Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are"

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Your "Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years" goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole to the realm of delusion.

Ah, no! The "thing is," one has to be a determined demagogue, ignorant, or drinking cool-aid not to see the US/world unraveling (or, perhaps seeing the same data but just reaching a different conclusion, like the poster here).

To suggest "American life has [not] been so severe of the past 8 years goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole;" in fact, it is either "delusion" or misdirection. In fact,only talking points can buttress this assertion, not facts. The conditions of all life are worse after 8 years of Obama.

In any event, I am probably not the first person to wonder or marvel at the good behavior, generally, of Americans toward Obama during their rapid and "fundamental transformation." Since there are generally no more threats against Obama than Bush I think its fair to say the many of the indictments of the left against Obama/Dissolution opponents just do not pass muster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_threats_against_Barack_Obama

You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

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Ah, no! The "thing is," one has to be a determined demagogue, ignorant, or drinking cool-aid not to see the US/world unraveling (or, perhaps seeing the same data but just reaching a different conclusion, like the poster here).

To suggest "American life has [not] been so severe of the past 8 years goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole;" in fact, it is either "delusion" or misdirection. In fact,only talking points can buttress this assertion, not facts. The conditions of all life are worse after 8 years of Obama.

In any event, I am probably not the first person to wonder or marvel at the good behavior, generally, of Americans toward Obama during their rapid and "fundamental transformation." Since there are generally no more threats against Obama than Bush I think its fair to say the many of the indictments of the left against Obama/Dissolution opponents just do not pass muster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_threats_against_Barack_Obama

You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

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Again, negative, inaccurate headlines.

He said he should have been shot.

He didn't call for Obama to be killed.

No big deal now as polls indicate most no longer read, nor believe main stream news.

What is remarkable is it took 10 years for the readership change of attitude.

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Making public statements like that about the Prez will get the SS attention every time

One wonders why the legions of "Death to Bush" threats were not more effectively pursued, eh?


W/out hypocrisy, liberals wouldn't have anything to say. smile.png

Thankfully, unlike Dubya, Obama didn't have some dunderhead making a movie depicting his assassination while he was still in the White House

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

I tried to quickly gather sources that were to the left, as its counter intuitive coming from me. This is one of the areas that I strongly agree with the left. I will offer the cites here and return to the OP. Let me be clear: I do not defend this man, I only offer what is to me context- Obama did it, not the butler. The butler only ruminated!

If we devolve as a people the way Obama as devalued the Office of the Presidency, then there are no certainties for us as a Republic any longer (there mostly gone in any event). No leader should have to exist at their own, open peril. Likewise, Americans should not be hunted and killed by their government. Americans should have no secret places where habeus corpus is not in force. It is a circular legitimacy/contract.








If Obama wasn't using drones to kill ISIS members the Republicans would be howling. That's what I can only assume, you're referring to or is it the use of drones in general? You're not agreeing with the left, you're making up another reason you hate Obama and why the United States is doomed, the usual nonsense. I think we can liberally interpret if habeas corpus applies when we're talking about ISIS. The correct answer is no.

Trump's wingnut old butler says Obama should be whacked is the topic of discussion.

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Making public statements like that about the Prez will get the SS attention every time

One wonders why the legions of "Death to Bush" threats were not more effectively pursued, eh?


W/out hypocrisy, liberals wouldn't have anything to say. smile.png

Do you need to be told that any threats against the President are wrong no matter what direction they come from and no matter what political party the President belong to.. We live in a democracy where we can change things at the ballot box and from time to time it doesn't go your way, your man/woman doesn't win but you live with it and accept the decision. Is that so difficult to understand?

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

greatest county on earth cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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If someone tells me the military is going to take me out and shoot me I am kinda going to get the feeling things aren't going to end to well for me. lol

Right Wing nutters seem to think it will all be peachy. Bizarro world stuff as usual

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You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

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He was only saying what many people think.

Wait till you get 4 years of Trump you will be looking for the closest tree.

I doubt it will take one year..

If the country and world survive that long!

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You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

One of Obama's nicks is the 'Drone Ranger' - he's whacked a few...whistling.gif


Edited by Boon Mee
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So any US President where innocent civilians are killed in a US military operation is to be taken out and shot? If Trump is elected I think that concept may have merit.

Once the Donald steps into the White House it will all be Peace, Love, Dove and Kumbaya just like when this guy was elected! smile.png

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You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

It is not true that you ever asked "...who Obama had murdered?" This is not rhetorical, this is deceit. You specifically state that was "all" you asked when in fact any question is the single thing you did not post. No question at all!

In fact, you stated quite clearly in your own post Obama has murdered: "there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder." This makes your concluding post, false!

This is a perfect microcosm for why the left is always fighting with people: Personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation, and when necessary, deceit, appeal to ridicule, repetition, revision... "tripe." Perhaps you should spend less time defining others you disagree with and stick to the OP, or even close.

"You seem to be a person of average intelligence." up2u2 13 may 2006

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You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

It is not true that you ever asked "...who Obama had murdered?" This is not rhetorical, this is deceit. You specifically state that was "all" you asked when in fact any question is the single thing you did not post. No question at all!

In fact, you stated quite clearly in your own post Obama has murdered: "there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder." This makes your concluding post, false!

This is a perfect microcosm for why the left is always fighting with people: Personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation, and when necessary, deceit, appeal to ridicule, repetition, revision... "tripe." Perhaps you should spend less time defining others you disagree with and stick to the OP, or even close.

"You seem to be a person of average intelligence." up2u2 13 may 2006

Please stop the nonsense.

Post 48 in this tread from up2u2 consisted of this sentence:

"Who did Obama murder?".

Edited by stevenl
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What makes this so serious is the fact that butlers are seen as sensible, intelligent people, always providing the solution when Wooster or Trump is in a bind. Now, if the headline had have said "Donald Trump's hair stylist calls for Obama to be killed" it would rightly be dismissed as the ravings of an unstable mind.

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Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

It is not true that you ever asked "...who Obama had murdered?" This is not rhetorical, this is deceit. You specifically state that was "all" you asked when in fact any question is the single thing you did not post. No question at all!

In fact, you stated quite clearly in your own post Obama has murdered: "there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder." This makes your concluding post, false!

This is a perfect microcosm for why the left is always fighting with people: Personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation, and when necessary, deceit, appeal to ridicule, repetition, revision... "tripe." Perhaps you should spend less time defining others you disagree with and stick to the OP, or even close.

"You seem to be a person of average intelligence." up2u2 13 may 2006

Please stop the nonsense.

Post 48 in this tread from up2u2 consisted of this sentence:

"Who did Obama murder?".

Edited for space.

"Please stop this nonsense." Post # 48 was specifically responded to in post #54 and #48 included in the source. The poster (Excerpted below) did not ask any question related to this thread of posts. Since edited to post, I include below. No question. The effort to conflate different posts in different times is misleading= false.

This OP is not about posters. Its about a butler, a big mouth, the secret service, Mister Mustard, and a drawing room.

up2u2 posted:

You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

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Hello up2u2. I do not listen to Fox News, nor do I watch TV. I find Fox news channel nothing more than a nonstop appeal to Christianity. They may have some valid points, but even a clock is correct twice a day. I do not watch Fox News. I visit their website once a day, but that's because I find the chicks on The Five kinda sexy.

It is not my 'standard' that's applied to presidents. There has always been a difference between killing and murder and most presidents at least benefited from the cover for status of their office. Contemporary presidents increasingly operating outside traditional framework of authority lose the sovereign cover for status for actions (IMO). In Obama's case, he clings to some extract of a decade old authorization for a war that... Jeez, please. And then in Bush's case, relative to that authorization, it was predicated upon lies in any event. Effectively then, Obama relies on 'Fruit from the Forbidden Tree.' At a min, Obama draws water from a poisoned well for his authority. Besides that entire fantasy, he actually kills people even unrelated to that authority, and Americans, and empanels non elected, no judicially reviewable people to a Star Chamber.

Thus, IMO, presidents like Bush and Obama acting in contravention of law or authorities likewise should forfeit sovereign immunity, at least morally. Until we reign in the abuses of war and murder under the guise of "in our name" this will not end. So, while I indict Obama for the most heinous of charges, I also hold his predecessor indictable. If they cannot be indicted legally, they should no longer be provided ethical cover for their abominations. Obtain authority. Obtain legitimacy. Otherwise, you are a killer with immunity, no more.

I have actually read only a few posts on the first page (some of them pretty riled up, agreed) I cannot see how I am swept up in any 'hate speech' or why you would even personally my posts and make the point me!

When a people allow talk of injuring elected leaders to be commonplace they enter a world of darkness for which they cannot return. It is this Republic/Empire lesson we learn from Rome. Evolved peoples do not kill or allow to be harmed the elected composite of themselves, in their stead! Period. However, the social contract from which this constant evolves has two faces: The people and to whom they loan their authority. Each has responsibilities. On an issue such as this the absurdity screams out hypocrisy. Because I state that leaders have vacated their side of the contract does not mean I condone violence.

The moral vacancy of Obama (or Bush) cannot easily derail the moral compass of a nation. But it is a fact: Obama is a killer. Obama also kills without authority or with the legal exegesis of a gymnast. Torturing this into a hate indictment against me is not thoughtful or fair. I do not like Obama, but I am not the person you suggest that is "swept up in" what you suggest is an hysteria with hate as its common nexus.

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

It is not true that you ever asked "...who Obama had murdered?" This is not rhetorical, this is deceit. You specifically state that was "all" you asked when in fact any question is the single thing you did not post. No question at all!

In fact, you stated quite clearly in your own post Obama has murdered: "there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder." This makes your concluding post, false!

This is a perfect microcosm for why the left is always fighting with people: Personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation, and when necessary, deceit, appeal to ridicule, repetition, revision... "tripe." Perhaps you should spend less time defining others you disagree with and stick to the OP, or even close.

"You seem to be a person of average intelligence." up2u2 13 may 2006

Please stop the nonsense.

Post 48 in this tread from up2u2 consisted of this sentence:
"Who did Obama murder?".

Edited for space.
"Please stop this nonsense." Post # 48 was specifically responded to in post #54 and #48 included in the source. The poster (Excerpted below) did not ask any question related to this thread of posts. Since edited to post, I include below. No question. The effort to conflate different posts in different times is misleading= false.

This OP is not about posters. Its about a butler, a big mouth, the secret service, Mister Mustard, and a drawing room.

up2u2 posted:

You have been listening to too much Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Brietbart propaganda AJD. By your standard there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder. When the level of Right Wing propaganda begins to produce delusional threats of murder and hanging a President I think it's time to reintroduce regulations of Balance in News reporting in America. You seem to be a person of average intelligence so I don't understand how you manage to get swept up in the Right Wing propaganda and hate speech as this Butler obviously has.

A question was asked, you denied it was asked. When confronted you keep denying. Doing a Trump here? And that question does not require an answer.
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