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Blunt Brexit warning from International Monetary Fund’s Lagarde


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Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

Worry by all means - that is all part of life's rich tapestry.

BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision. Sometimes the right decision requires balls.

Let's see who has them.

" BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision"

only guide you in making the right one

" Sometimes the right decision requires balls."

But most of the times it requires brains.

It does not really take much brains to read the EU website, it also does not take much brains to understand what is coming in 2020. It is laid out clearly and unequivocally.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, the EU does understand that it has problems. The EU solution to that problem is further Political and Monetary integration.

2020 is the magic year for the start of this process. It is by no accident that this is the chosen date. It is the date that all the opt outs that various Countries enjoy, comes to an end. The exception being the euro.

There is a lot of talk about staying in the EU and being able to change the EU from the inside. Good luck with that, when you have 28 members who all want different things, it is not going to happen.

This is so much more than a trade argument. Personally speaking, a free trade agreement with a club that costs £ 50 Million a day is far from a free trade agreement, but that is a whole different discussion. This is a referendum that will decide if the UK, in its component parts disappears and becomes nothing more than an EU state.

2020. Read all about it on the EU website.

You are quite correct people should worry about 2020. Unfortunately some of the chickens will come home to roost before that date. Members of the EU budget committee have postponed their future expenditure plans for 2017, from May to the end of June,in other words until after the British referendum,why could that be I wonder?

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So, if I understand the situation, you have on one hand, virtually every educated, rational economists saying this could be an almost suicidal decision for the UK to leave the EU, and on the other side you have bunch of people that cannot give a rational reason to leave, but instead appeal to people's hatred and fear as a reason to do so.

Yeah, go for it. After all, who likes to make objective decisions when you can go by what demagogue say.


You're making things up. Virtually every educated economist. Bit of an exaggeration. If we do leave the EU,we will still be Europeans.So why should we hate Europeans. What we will start to do is love ourselves and accept, and have confidence in our ability to govern ourselves,far better than the corrupt Bureaucrats in Brussels. This is Especially so when there is a greater call to abandon this titanic from within other EU countries. As for fear,again you are wrong,it is you who are afraid to take your country back,feeling it's safer to go to the polls waving a white flag.

It is beyond my comprehension that there are so many people that still do not understand the difference between Europe and the EU.

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BRexit exists only in hallucinations and wet dreams gigglem.gif

Unless you are from the UK ( which I doubt) butt out with the ignorant crudities ........

Never had an opinion of another country's affairs John? rolleyes.gif

I thought Naam's comment was quite funny.

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Well if the criminal economy manipulators are against Brexit then you couldn't get a better endorsement to leave.

There again the little read average citizen probably hasn't figured out how corrupt these international bankster bodies are.

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BRexit exists only in hallucinations and wet dreams gigglem.gif

Unless you are from the UK ( which I doubt) butt out with the ignorant crudities ........

Never had an opinion of another country's affairs John? rolleyes.gif

The Germans will have to pay a lot more to prop up the EU if there is actually a Brexit. So they do deserve an opinion, at least.

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BRexit exists only in hallucinations and wet dreams gigglem.gif

Unless you are from the UK ( which I doubt) butt out with the ignorant crudities ........

Never had an opinion of another country's affairs John? rolleyes.gif

just another month to dream about BRexit whistling.gif

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BRexit exists only in hallucinations and wet dreams gigglem.gif

Unless you are from the UK ( which I doubt) butt out with the ignorant crudities ........

Never had an opinion of another country's affairs John? rolleyes.gif

The Germans will have to pay a lot more to prop up the EU if there is actually a Brexit. So they do deserve an opinion, at least.

if that's the only reason then the German whom i see in the mirror when i shave does not deserve to have an opinion. living in Thailand means no German/EU taxes smile.png

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Well if the criminal economy manipulators are against Brexit then you couldn't get a better endorsement to leave.

There again the little read average citizen probably hasn't figured out how corrupt these international bankster bodies are.

very true.....they'll say anything to protect the 'status quo'........most citizens don't take the time to try and inform themselves


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