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Foreign ladies sunbathing in undies not happy to have to cover up - but police say it was for their


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We are VISITORS not guests!

and you think changing the word changes everything?

no, it does not

Sorry, I was just using ENGLISH. There is a vast difference between a guest and a tourist/visitor.

Not true, Guest an Visitor can mean the same thing.

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

But, no one told me at the border that I could be robbed, ass kicked, pissed tested, roll overs in quick mini vans and buses all in one night , should not the locals have behavior rules to avoid the previous question?

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We are VISITORS not guests!

and you think changing the word changes everything?

no, it does not

Sorry, I was just using ENGLISH. There is a vast difference between a guest and a tourist/visitor.

either you are a guest, a visitor, a tourist or whatever - you must bey laws and rules of the country you are in - either you like them or not. nobody cares of what you think of them - because the one and only goal of national government is happiness and well-being if citizens. not guests or visitors.

if you can't accept laws and rules of the country where you are a guest or a visitor - just leave it and find another one. why it's so hard for you to understand this?

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

But, no one told me at the border that I could be robbed, ass kicked, pissed tested, roll overs in quick mini vans and buses all in one night , should not the locals have behavior rules to avoid the previous question?

so why don't you leave Thailand now? it's still not too late!

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We are VISITORS not guests!

and you think changing the word changes everything?

no, it does not

Sorry, I was just using ENGLISH. There is a vast difference between a guest and a tourist/visitor.

either you are a guest, a visitor, a tourist or whatever - you must bey laws and rules of the country you are in - either you like them or not. nobody cares of what you think of them - because the one and only goal of national government is happiness and well-being if citizens. not guests or visitors.

if you can't accept laws and rules of the country where you are a guest or a visitor - just leave it and find another one. why it's so hard for you to understand this?

I think you have been listening to the general a bit too much. That statement is not true at all and if it is true then there is something wrong with the government.

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Let's be fair for a change??this is Thailand, it is not normal to sunbathe in your bikini in a public park.Girls may do that at home but this is not home.You must accept their rules and respect the culture too.If you don't like it lump it

Yes go and stand in front of a bar and flash everything like the Thai girls. If this carries on Thailand will lose it's reputation of being the sex capitol of the world. Hypocrites.

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Silly girls. No manners.. Not a clue as to safety or offensive behavior in Thailand.

What about the fat, ugly, tattooed, shirtless scum that frequent Pattaya, among other places?

Calm down Possum, nobody's talking about you!!


Obviously not. I'm the exact opposite.

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Had the policeman just said you are attracting attention, and we may not be able to protect you as you are in a secluded stop. Pointing out the danger would have been enough instead of offering up a guilt trip. Then again, how much protection and nimble thinking can one expect in a country that seriously underpays its police force ?

Right or wrong, as I read the story, the girls were rudely uninterested in hearing the police officers full explaination which prompted his actions.... No real guilt trip, other than that pointing out that sunbathing in underwear, in a dubious location, was tempting fate. ( and come on, it is)

And indeed, apologists points of view not withstanding, stripping down to ones underwear, in a public ( yet secluded place) is demonstrative of "at risk" behavior, and the legalities of this aside, the BIB were correct in intervening.... For the girls own good, as well as the good of the community

That the girls chose to take the warning / advise, as a personal affront, says more about their selfish, self centered nature, which herein sees them giving the middle finger to Thai culture and society, than it does about Thai society.

As an aside, I know of no where that stripping down to your underwear, in public, is acceptable behavior, so why should it be so, here... The girls (God love em) should still be charged with decent behavior.

Ironically, normally I would encourage this type of thing... But... That doesn't mean it's any less 'at risk" behavior, and as we are our brothers keeper, if this type of police action prevents but one incident, it needs applauding.

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either you are a guest, a visitor, a tourist or whatever - you must bey laws and rules of the country you are in - either you like them or not. nobody cares of what you think of them - because the one and only goal of national government is happiness and well-being if citizens. not guests or visitors.

if you can't accept laws and rules of the country where you are a guest or a visitor - just leave it and find another one. why it's so hard for you to understand this?

I think you have been listening to the general a bit too much. That statement is not true at all and if it is true then there is something wrong with the government.

could you please tell me what should be the main goal of a national government if not citizens happiness? I am really curious...

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either you are a guest, a visitor, a tourist or whatever - you must bey laws and rules of the country you are in - either you like them or not. nobody cares of what you think of them - because the one and only goal of national government is happiness and well-being if citizens. not guests or visitors.

if you can't accept laws and rules of the country where you are a guest or a visitor - just leave it and find another one. why it's so hard for you to understand this?

I think you have been listening to the general a bit too much. That statement is not true at all and if it is true then there is something wrong with the government.

could you please tell me what should be the main goal of a national government if not citizens happiness? I am really curious...

We are not talking about their "main" goal, we are talking about their "one and only goal" and if you think governments should and are not concerned about the guests or visitors you are very much mistaken. If you think they don't care what people think of them, again very much mistaken....hence the reason the general feels he has to explain himself virtually everyday in reaction to what happens in the overseas media.

I cannot think of a government anywhere at anytime in history that only has one goal as you claim. Can you name one?

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Lack of language communication.If the police man concerned could have spoken English, he could have explained that they were putting themselves at risk, being in a secluded area, with men looking on. I'm sure they would have dressed quickly. I once warned two topless tourists on a Goa beach, 30 years ago. The beach was quiet then, and a group of men had gathered. They told me to mind my own business. This is typical of women/ girls who haven't travelled far from home, all the ones I meet travelling are much more careful.

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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

Nope, absolutely NO double standards here. Even a simple country lad like myself can differentiate.

You go to the beach or pool & you expect, hope, to see hot bodies in bikinis.

You go to a red light district, beer bar or the like, & you expect, hope, to see hot bodies, preferably without a bikini.

You go to a park & expect to see visitors, hopefully wearing presentable attire.

No double standards. Just what's expected to suit the place & time.

As previously mentioned, I think you should get out a bit more.

Cheers..... Mal.

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Put up signs, no sunbathing, solved.

You are optimistic ... or is it naive? Ever see any motorbikes in Thailand going against a one-way sign? Ever seen no-smoking signs in a smokey bar?

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either you are a guest, a visitor, a tourist or whatever - you must bey laws and rules of the country you are in - either you like them or not. nobody cares of what you think of them - because the one and only goal of national government is happiness and well-being if citizens. not guests or visitors.

if you can't accept laws and rules of the country where you are a guest or a visitor - just leave it and find another one. why it's so hard for you to understand this?

I think you have been listening to the general a bit too much. That statement is not true at all and if it is true then there is something wrong with the government.

could you please tell me what should be the main goal of a national government if not citizens happiness? I am really curious...

We are not talking about their "main" goal, we are talking about their "one and only goal" and if you think governments should and are not concerned about the guests or visitors you are very much mistaken. If you think they don't care what people think of them, again very much mistaken....hence the reason the general feels he has to explain himself virtually everyday in reaction to what happens in the overseas media.

I cannot think of a government anywhere at anytime in history that only has one goal as you claim. Can you name one?

"main goal" means that if there is a choice governments should follow this goal. if a decision can make citizens and visitors happier - ok, no problem. but if not - happiness of citizens is more important.

guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society or if they make harm.

if you are not agree with that - it's just your personal wishful thinking. nobody in Thailand care of it.

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"main goal" means that if there is a choice governments should follow this goal. if a decision can make citizens and visitors happier - ok, no problem. but if not - happiness of citizens is more important.

guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society or if they make harm.

if you are not agree with that - it's just your personal wishful thinking. nobody in Thailand care of it.

Of course, so long as Thai's can make money off foreigners they can come(and be raped) but if not they are not welcome. So now we come to the actual opinion you hold on anyone not Thai(odd with an Anglo name like Matt) and that nobody cares for their opinion. If that is the case why are you talking to a foreigner?

Or what happens to a Thai who is useless for Thai society or makes harm? Maybe people like the ones lurking in the bushes.

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guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society
Matt96, you are either a:

1. troll

2. uber-Thai

3. More Thai than the locals

4. All of the above.

By your reasoning, all tourist help in Thailand should be disbanded, since it is there to help tourists first. Disband immigration as well. Wouldn't want people entering who don't grovel to the master race. Hell, let's copy Trump's idea and wall off Thailand. Should be heaven for you then.

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Typical official Thai reaction - cover up for your own safety and blame the victim or potential victim.

There's a right place to strip off down to your undies to sunbathe, and this was not it!

"The two ladies, aged about twenty, were sunning themselves in bras and panties in a public park near the historical ruins in Ayutthaya. A police patrol on bicycles in the area had been alerted as a group of men started eying them up in the wooded area of the park while other men were stopping on bikes to have a good gawk."

Edited by sambum
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guests, visitors, and tourists can stay in Thailand as long as they benefit Thai citizens. and should be deported if they are useless for Thai society
Matt96, you are either a:

1. troll

2. uber-Thai

3. More Thai than the locals

4. All of the above.

By your reasoning, all tourist help in Thailand should be disbanded, since it is there to help tourists first. Disband immigration as well. Wouldn't want people entering who don't grovel to the master race. Hell, let's copy Trump's idea and wall off Thailand. Should be heaven for you then.

By his reasoning all tourism should be disbanded, tourists don't come here to help Thais. They come here to have a holiday and be helped by Thais.

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you are just a guest here. the law of this country prohibits this kid of behavior. you can have two simple choices

1) obey the law

2) leave Thailand

as simple as that...

Drop this 'We are a guest in this country"

By no stretch of the imagination are we guests.

  • Guests are invited
  • Guests are welcomed
  • Guests are not subjected to dual pricing
  • Guests don't have to jump through hoops just to stay here
  • Guests don't get coerced into paying bribes
  • Guests are not subjected to rules made up to suit the authorities
  • Guests would not be kicked out of the country on a whim
  • Guests would not have to pay taxes and immigration fees etc.

Would you treat your guests in such a way?

Here here, am so tired of hearing the whole we are guests speech by those who overlook all what is wrong with Thailand at the moment. If the women are in a public area or on hallowed ground, then yes they should show manners and good taste. At the same time, if they are not, they should just be left alone. It was good that the police were worried about their safety, but they should skip the judgment speech if it is not necessary.

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Where else in S E Asia do you get the same freedom you are getting in Thailand? If you don't like it then go to Skegness, Butlin it so you fo not have to PAY A FORTUNE to get to Thailand where you get told wgst to do ?????

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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

Lots of countries have very large red light districts. Some have legalized prostitution, some toleration zones, some more clandestine.

If I go to the park with my kids I don't want to see some one stripping to their undies and sunbathing. Whether they are female, male, transgender, young, old or in between.

Their standards are low, and not the standards of decency.

If I want to see semi or even nude tarts I can choose to go to the appropriate area.

Strip to your undies in a public park in the West and see the reaction of local law enforcement.

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Typical official Thai reaction - cover up for your own safety and blame the victim or potential victim.

Well, the Ladies did choose to go sunbathing in their underwear , so, they are indeed to blame to dressing inappropriately and they were told to cover up for their own safety reasons .

No one has tried to blame anyone for anything, the only person who is trying to blame someone if you yourself who is blaming the Thai official

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Simply not a suitable place to strip off and sun bath. The implication that it is for their own safety due (I assume) to Thai men not being able to control themselves and the consequences will be rape or worse is not something that needs being flagged up. It is a historic Buddhist site and their state of undress is inappropriate. If there was ever a non story this is it but it does give the guys here a chance to see the girls in their underwear! Makes a change from all the Thai girls in bikinis plastered on billboards.

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Typical official Thai reaction - cover up for your own safety and blame the victim or potential victim.

And you would be one of the first to complain if they suffered an assault, despite their own stupidity and give you another chance to Thai bash. So you would be happy if they were your daughters?. Carrying on like typical low class tourists that seem to be coming here. Good on the copper for having some thought for their safety, obviously they didn't but I know who would be the first to complain if something untoward happened.

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