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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

I would say the obsessed perverted bigots obsessed with discriminating against transgender people are the ones in need of psychiatric treatment.

Listen JT, let whack jobs be whack jobs, their ramblings speak for themselves, there's no way trying to educate some people is going to help, they're beyond it. The funny thing is though, he points his accusing finger at someone else for being 'mentally sick', the term, pot, kettle, black, springs to mind.

People need to live and let live a bit f f s.

Of course 'certain' other people would rather return to times where everyone keeps a black for slave work, witches are burned at the stake and gays bashed to death for being, errrr gay. You've just got to love the Internet and the whack jobs it attracts,

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

I would say the obsessed perverted bigots obsessed with discriminating against transgender people are the ones in need of psychiatric treatment.
Listen JT, let whack jobs be whack jobs, their ramblings speak for themselves, there's no way trying to educate some people is going to help, they're beyond it. The funny thing is though, he points his accusing finger at someone else for being 'mentally sick', the term, pot, kettle, black, springs to mind.

People need to live and let live a bit f f s.

Of course 'certain' other people would rather return to times where everyone keeps a black for slave work, witches are burned at the stake and gays bashed to death for being, errrr gay. You've just got to love the Internet and the whack jobs it attracts,

Such over the top malarkey ... assigning beliefs to your debate adversaries that he does not hold in an attempt to discredit him... Your attack on me is sophomoric and lame ... You left out the word Racist ... come on don't let me down Leftist always use 'Racist' when they are losing the argument.

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

I would say the obsessed perverted bigots obsessed with discriminating against transgender people are the ones in need of psychiatric treatment.
You are the one who is obsessed here with your numerous posts and over the top language displaying your leftist control freak personality that anyone who disagrees with you has to be forced to accept your point of view. What's next for arguing your losing position ? ... calling everyone who opposes you a Racist. I expect it
What's a matter, are you bored with your 'right' to bear arms and decided to come and enforce some of your other rights?

No doubt you were upset when you lost your 'right' to enslave a nigger, it must just eat away at you, day after day.

What's next, you're losing another right, to control where other folk pissss? Hilarious, sad to be you.

You're getting close but haven't used 'Racist' yet. You're slipping ... gotta keep up with the rest of the Leftist Control Freaks.

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Here is what is going to happen with this phoney issue ... States are suing or refusing to implement, Independent school districts are refusing. It will all get to a big combined suit... And Obama will leave office. President Trump will appoint an AG of moderate to conservative views and this forced social engineering fiasco will die on the vine. It is called very bad timing stir up middle America and turn the Nationalist Uprising into a Tsunami against Hillary or Sanders ... Tie it up in the courts and it all goes away. Remember the only enforcement clout that Obama has on this is to withhold Federal Funds for schools.. States will decide to run it out with extra state funds until Obama goes away.

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How are you going to keep the Pervs out of the bathrooms? whistling.gif

That's right, and there are many. It is not uncommon for some males to pretend to be gay to get more perving access to women. Not to mention that it most certainly would be dangerous for a "tom" to be in the toilets with 10 nasty teenagers. We should all remember, that 99 percent of all gay "especially male" were fiddled with before the age of 15. Therefore, it is not natural as they were made that way. What's done is done,the poor sods must be welcomed and accepted into society as they are. However, there is no need to promote and encourage it, especially amongst school age children.

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

The world is changing. Continuing the traditional American way of life is simply not possible.
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"The Witherspoon Institute is a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey"

Move along folks nothing to see here


Did you actually read the article (or anything else Dr. McHugh has written on the subject)?

Does the fact that an article is published by a "conservative" organization mean that the conclusions drawn are therefore intrinsically incorrect and that the conclusions drawn in an article published by a "liberal" organization would be intrinsically correct?

Political correctness is intellectual fascism.

Edited by haroldc
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It's a Mental Health Disorder

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Drops Major TRUTH BOMB About Transgenders…

Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, has just released his findings pertaining to transgenderism ...Dean James, Americas Freedom Fighters added that Dr. McHugh, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”... All such people, Dr. McHugh explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”

"The Witherspoon Institute is a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey"

Move along folks nothing to see here

You wish - but you couldn't be further from the truth .... Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital.

up2u2 --- you have greater credentials than this renown man ? Sure you do ? hahahahahahah /not

Well it would seem to be the case. I remember seeing an 'eminent Psychiatrist' presenting a Homosexual person that he had 'cured'. To this day I cannot tell you if the person he was presenting was male or female.

This is no different to the debate on Lesbians, male homosexuality, bi-sexuality, gay rights, marriage equality, sex education, abortion contraception, evolution, slavery etc. It just gets so tiresome having to drag the religious ignorant bigoted Right Wing out of the stone age and into the modern world.

For Left Wing progressives this is an absolute no brainer, simple, easy, straight forward and uncomplicated. Although a very small minority of people born male or female anatomically they actually identify themselves as the opposite sex that they were born. So how do we integrate these people into our society. Allowing them to use the toilet of the sex they identify with have transitioned too and look like and present themselves as is such a simple solution. Unless people are running around with DNA testing kits they are simply not even going to be aware the male in the cubicle was born with female anatomy. Impact on the community a big fat ZERO.

Schools are a perfect place for common sense guidelines to be put in place as these small minority of children transition. Rather than having a new generation of ignorant and bigoted adults the children learn there are differences in people, not all people are the same, difference is not to be frightened of and to be respectful of others. I know scary explosive earth shattering progressive stuff. Also important is bullying, children can be terrible bullies as can many adults like this thread demonstrates so teachers and parents have to engage in the process and guide their children. A HUGE positive learning experience for the children and a better more accepting and caring generation of adults.

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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet,

Only reason this makes the news...is because he was Republican...Liberal Democrats are expected to hang around men's room urinals...that is where you do your best work...giving oral arguments to Republicans...

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I've no problem with adults being able to change their gender, but children are not in a position to decide if that is what they really want, therefore I don't see it as wise to have them exposed to such issues early in their development. I see this as no different from keeping tobacco vendors, alcohol vendors, gun vendors and sex shops away from the proximity of schools. There is no value judgement here save to keep certain things in the domain of the adult.

As an aside some schools are trying to ban 'banter' from the school premises to keep them as 'safe spaces' for all. Priorities priorities.

Edited by Steely Dan
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How are you going to keep the Pervs out of the bathrooms? whistling.gif

This really sums up the wingnut position.

They're aren't any "Pervs" in the bathrooms. It's 100% about discrimination against the LGBT community. The "Pervs" are the wingnuts obsessing about this non-existent issue.

What about the children? Just stop it...pervs.

Edited by Pinot
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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

Thiis isn't Thailand we're talking about bud - apples/oranges. smile.png

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I've no problem with adults being able to change their gender, but children are not in a position to decide if that is what they really want, therefore I don't see it as wise to have them exposed to such issues early in their development. I see this as no different from keeping tobacco vendors, alcohol vendors, gun vendors and sex shops away from the proximity of schools. There is no value judgement here save to keep certain things in the domain of the adult.

As an aside some schools are trying to ban 'banter' from the school premises to keep them as 'safe spaces' for all. Priorities priorities.

Children do not decide on their sexuality that decision is made for them biologically. When did you choose to be heterosexual? When did you make the decision to breath? When did you make the decision to eat and drink? When did you choose to identify as a boy or a girl? You cannot contract transgender it is not a virus or a disease. Children are asexual what is being discussed is gender identity male / female. You are confusing sexuality with gender identity.

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This is very dangerous. It missed a glaring fact.

That 98% of boys who think they are girls, simply grow out of it. And 88% of gender confused girls grow out of it.

So the vast majority of boys don't need access to the girls toilets and locker rooms. They need understanding and nurturing.

This is gender ideology, it is politics. The college of pediatricians has issued this statement condemning gender ideology in children as child abuse: http://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-ideology-harms-children

Gender confusion in children is not a sign that they will become true transgenders.

Until this very important fact is addressed, what we have here is the law swinging too far in the opposite direction. By creating an environment where you foster the acting out of gender confusion in kids, you are effectively encouraging their confusion.

Any parent knows that children are fantasists. They act out all kind of fantasies. It's called playing. I had an imaginary friend till I was 7. Percy had to have a plate next to mine at meal times. My parents worried about this because of how many years it carried on. They took me to a doctor who told them it was normal and to just let it play out.

If pediatricians are against this, then which experts are for it? Surely the pediatricians are the experts here. Obama is a politician, this is just misplaced liberal ideology playing out.

Millions of adults never grow out of the imaginary friend stage.


LMAO - good point!

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It's quite simple, if you pee standing up you go to the men's restroom, if you pee sitting down you go to the ladies restroom

Excuse me but the transphobic bigots want everyone to be forced under law to use the gender toilet of their birth gender, regardless of the current state of their gender idenitification and/or PLUMBING.

These sort of posts do absolutely nothing to help your argument.

First of all, nobody is transphobic. That is ridiculous. A phobia is a fear. Are you suggesting that people are scared of transexuals? To me, it appears that most on the "anti" side are actually scared of perverted men passing themselves as transexuals. I have seen no evidence that there is a fear of trans people.

Also, a fear of perverted men passing themselves as trans is not bigotry. The accusation of bigotry is really being used to shut down the other side of the argument.

Finally, it is the social justice warriors trying to force change upon everyone else. After all, this argument started when the LGBT community demanded change and access for trans people. The status quo was rocked at that point. You can't then turn that around and claim that the reaction to the LGBT communities move is forcing people to do anything. The laws in NC are a knee jerk reaction to the moves by the LGBT community.

It's like the bully that gets a black eye claiming the kid that turned on him started the fight and now claiming victim status.

Drop the name calling & debate the issues and the issue is simple - how do we make everyone comfortable AND everyone safe? If we can ensure both, everyone will be happy.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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How are you going to keep the Pervs out of the bathrooms? whistling.gif

The real pervs are bigoted right wingers making up problems that don't exist to rationalize unfair discrimination against trangender citizens.

Just because they are transgender does not make that they would not, or could not sex a female in the ladies toilet. This law is discriminatory to the true females and puts them at constant risk. Personally, I would take my daughter's out of a school that allowed my kid to see some transgendered kids penis when she went to the bathroom. Segregation from females should be a must since transgenders are not truly female and at risk to take advantage of real females being alone there.

Obama is an idiot to think that he can push around the States by forcing them to accept his will. Perhaps he has forgotten that many states want to separate from the country and he was mostly to blame for this. They don't need his money from his government and don't care what he tells them they must do. Each state should be able to decide for themselves about this topic the same way they decide themselves what the maximum speed limit is that would be allowed.

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I've no problem with adults being able to change their gender, but children are not in a position to decide if that is what they really want, therefore I don't see it as wise to have them exposed to such issues early in their development. I see this as no different from keeping tobacco vendors, alcohol vendors, gun vendors and sex shops away from the proximity of schools. There is no value judgement here save to keep certain things in the domain of the adult.

As an aside some schools are trying to ban 'banter' from the school premises to keep them as 'safe spaces' for all. Priorities priorities.

Children do not decide on their sexuality that decision is made for them biologically. When did you choose to be heterosexual? When did you make the decision to breath? When did you make the decision to eat and drink? When did you choose to identify as a boy or a girl? You cannot contract transgender it is not a virus or a disease. Children are asexual what is being discussed is gender identity male / female. You are confusing sexuality with gender identity.

I would ask why it is that some Countries seem to have more people who identify with a gender other than their biological one than others? I'm not confusing sexuality with gender identity as you state, but would argue both can be in a state of flux in a child or adolescent.
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I've no problem with adults being able to change their gender, but children are not in a position to decide if that is what they really want, therefore I don't see it as wise to have them exposed to such issues early in their development. I see this as no different from keeping tobacco vendors, alcohol vendors, gun vendors and sex shops away from the proximity of schools. There is no value judgement here save to keep certain things in the domain of the adult.

As an aside some schools are trying to ban 'banter' from the school premises to keep them as 'safe spaces' for all. Priorities priorities.

Children do not decide on their sexuality that decision is made for them biologically. When did you choose to be heterosexual? When did you make the decision to breath? When did you make the decision to eat and drink? When did you choose to identify as a boy or a girl? You cannot contract transgender it is not a virus or a disease. Children are asexual what is being discussed is gender identity male / female. You are confusing sexuality with gender identity.

I would ask why it is that some Countries seem to have more people who identify with a gender other than their biological one than others? I'm not confusing sexuality with gender identity as you state, but would argue both can be in a state of flux in a child or adolescent.

I was talking with my daughter's college friend yesterday. He says that currently there is a certain social cache in having gender ambiguous or androgynous appearance.

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Obama, yet again, on the right side of history. (Not the right WING bigot side.)

It is neither bigotted or homophobic if a lady doesn't want a man to use the same bathroom as her.

Trust the lefty pc brigade to try kicking the aris out of this thing as well. Give someone an inch...What next for the zealots, make all toilets unisex with clear glass doors?

Edited by jesimps
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As puttin's law says.

Stop the promotion of homosexuality, transgenderality, same sex couples to children.

The children have no understanding of the implications of the bullshit they are being told.

99 percent of gay people were fiddled with when they were kids and the other 1 per cent were doing the fiddling. If you are over 18 and want to live an alternative lifestyle, by all means do that. But plllease don't promote it amongst our children.

Do not promote to children.


Drinking alcohol




Transgenders practices

All of the people involved with above know they must get their victims young.

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Interestengly because this extends to locker rooms and because trans does not imply any sexual preference there is now a good possibility that mid teen girls will have to get changed at school with similarly aged trans lesbians. In other words a boy that thinks he's a lesbian girl.

That should be interesting...

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