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Kasich: I'm not endorsing Trump (yet) -- or serving as his VP


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Kasich: I'm not endorsing Trump (yet) -- or serving as his VP
By Theodore Schleifer, CNN

Washington (CNN)John Kasich signaled Monday that he still harbors deep uneasiness with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, declining to endorse him and reiterating that he will not serve as Trump's vice president.

Even now that he's left the race, Kasich is resisting calls to serve as Trump's No. 2, portraying his pitch and Trump's as fundamentally incompatible. Kasich said he was "not inclined" to run with Trump and that he had "not changed my mind."

"Those are two very inconsistent messages, so it would be very hard for me -- unless he were to change all of his views and become a uniter -- for me to get in the middle of this thing," the Ohio governor told CNN's Anderson Cooper in an exclusive interview, his first since leaving the race. "Because, you know, I'm undecided here about what I'm gonna do in this race."

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/05/16/politics/john-kasich-third-party-interview-anderson-cooper/index.html

-- CNN 2016-05-17

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Kasich's lack of endorsement could kill trump's chances in Ohio. That's a BIG deal.

Correct. No Republican has ever won the presidency without carrying Ohio.

That's just a statistical coincidence, sure it's true but it doesn't really mean anything. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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I think Kasich is sincere about not wanting to be VP. I think he thinks, correctly, that trump will probably LOSE, and he still has quite realistic presidential ambitions for the next cycle. So he needs to distance himself from that toxic demagogue.

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"Someone that eats pizza with a fork doesn't qualify! :lol:"

Especially a New Yorker. biggrin.png

Glad to see you are coming to your senses Boon Mee! thumbsup.gif

Palin or Jesse "the body" Ventura would definitely put him over the top. On the other hand I doubt Jesse would lower himself. He is one smart cookie.
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Heard on the news that Sarah Palin is on trump's V.P. short list.

I don't believe for one second that he'll pick Palin, as you can tell even he thinks she's INSANE, but it's very amusing that he thinks it will help him with his bizarro base to put on the act that she's being considered.

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