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Any you blokes get gifts from ur wives / Gfs?


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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...
he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

. Ur first post was a Boast, I can take a pic of a Lambo and say it's mine, too, u admitted it a Boast, so why would I believe anything u posted, get a Life, I don't need anybody to buy me anything, more than enuf for anywhere in the World

Can you post a picture of yourself with a Lambo and say it's yours because I can post a photo of me with my bike.

. I have experience with your type, my brother is a Parasite, also, he just cleared 3 mil usd off his exwife, so a lil motorbike, I think you can do Better...I 'd rather a post of ur gal.

You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

If that was near me I'd burn it......the thing that says "Manchester united" that is

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Thanks everyone. Feel a lot better now. I did get pissed last night and told her to pack her bags in the morning and get. Gave it to her both barrels for two hours. She says she's woken up. Well see. Too be honest I'm pretty sure it's too late. I been flogging a dead horse for 4 years and not even sure there's any feelings left on my part. Ill try one more time for my son. Unfortunately my opening post highlight her good points. There have been many other darker issues also. Really hit the jackpot with this one

Jesus man I hope you're ok. Pm me anytime if you want to talk about it or just unload. Stay strong.

Yes, me too, if you want to share with me, I extend the offer of my time and understanding. Chris

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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...
he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

. Ur first post was a Boast, I can take a pic of a Lambo and say it's mine, too, u admitted it a Boast, so why would I believe anything u posted, get a Life, I don't need anybody to buy me anything, more than enuf for anywhere in the World

Can you post a picture of yourself with a Lambo and say it's yours because I can post a photo of me with my bike.

. I have experience with your type, my brother is a Parasite, also, he just cleared 3 mil usd off his exwife, so a lil motorbike, I think you can do Better...I 'd rather a post of ur gal.

You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

Can you ask her to buy you a pair of shoes for your next birthday.

555, Nice one Sipi.

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Yes, and always have.

Birthday cake with nice iceing message on it, always a gift (usually clothing)

Family take me to a nice restaurant, then back to my home for share the bday cake etc.

Gifts from her family members too.Young neices hand-make the birthday cards.

We do exactly the same for her family members, because everyone is treated exactly the same.

We can't afford cake, so I just break open an extra packet of mamma noodles at dinner time and we gorge ourselves on the extra noodles, evenly divided right down to the last gram.


Edited by neverdie
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More to life than Thai totty......

I wish you could sit down and explain that to my dick :-( I read here somewhere there were 3 or 4 stages of moving to Thailand.

First stage was enraptured with culture and food. Wanting to be more like a Thai person

2nd stage mild annoyance at the very things that first seemed quirky and exciting

Then finally after a long time of denial "I'm only here for the pussy"

I'm in the final stage

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You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

I think that is my all time favourite post on TV.com... ballsy enough to put your own pic out there along with your missus... brilliant response !!!...

.... it seems that some guys just can't be happy about others being happy !....


On Topic... Yes... Wife gets me a present at Christmas and B'day... In Laws will take me out for dinner at Birthday (which doesn't make much difference as we go out for dinner at least once per week and take it in turns paying).

My Wife bought me a nice Tumi bag last year... I can never remember what I got her, so I just asked... I turned out I've got my Wife L'occitaine set for her Birthday, Valentines and anniversary... I'll have to think a bit harder this year...

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Had a big breakthrough this morning. She actually sat down and talked to me calmly for 1 hour. What was more important was what she told me. Obviously language and cultural issues but the sht she holds in her craw that at the time was meaningless or she plain misunderstood. The greng jai thing, Thai fear of embarrassment. We were out at the shops a couple of months ago and I mentioned about the way she walked. Not in a demeaning way or anything but she favours one leg when she walks and I told her she needs to get a doctor look at it or she will need a hip replacement in the future. One of her legs looks like it's turned around at the knee. You wouldn't notice it if u didn't know her (like a chain dragging quasimodo). I was super tactful and only told her as I was concerned for her

.Anyway, she told me it had been nagging at her badly for 2 months because she thought I thought she looked like a buffalo and was embarrassed to be with her. Really was a huge issue for her from her sobbing and crying. Anyway, after was all explained etc she said felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders etc. Just goes to show you its all about appearances here.

Funny thing is I told her she needed to go have her head checked for tantrums resulting in foaming at the mouth fits and it was like water off a ducks back.

Anyway, shes still a selfish bitch but she does appear to have learnt something about calm discussion

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You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

I think that is my all time favourite post on TV.com... ballsy enough to put your own pic out there along with your missus... brilliant response !!!...

.... it seems that some guys just can't be happy about others being happy !....


On Topic... Yes... Wife gets me a present at Christmas and B'day... In Laws will take me out for dinner at Birthday (which doesn't make much difference as we go out for dinner at least once per week and take it in turns paying).

My Wife bought me a nice Tumi bag last year... I can never remember what I got her, so I just asked... I turned out I've got my Wife L'occitaine set for her Birthday, Valentines and anniversary... I'll have to think a bit harder this year...

I thought it was the best classic <deleted> I've seen on here too. Envious of the bird too. What a cracker! Good one
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sounds to me like you all need to move on without the parasites. I used to live with Thai girls they end up making more work for me around my house so now I live alone and when my g/f comes to stay with me for a week she has to pull her weight washing ironing mopping floors and cooking ect. I do take her to nice places on holiday buy her cloths but that's all and she know if she's not happy with it, I've told her look for a new farang.

I am not prepared to discuss ALL my dirty linen in public but suffice to say, some of us are in circumstances that make "moving on" not that simple.

When I live alone I have plenty of money every month to live on and save. When I am with (as I am now) a Thai woman, I cannot afford to go anywhere else at a moments notice. I cannot easily look for alternative accommodation and I can't search for a new g/f. If this became apparent to my present g/f "woe" would be me.

I have already "moved on" a few times and if I told you what I have needed to do to make that happen you would accuse me of lying!

This is one reason why I will never marry a Thai. Same as houses: rent, not buy!

For some writing on this forum, they have found a true (with the emphasis on TRUE) lovely Thai woman - I am still looking!

then don't keep putting yourself in these situations where you end up making life difficult for yourself my friend............ easy keep life simple like I dobiggrin.png

Edited by catman20
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sounds to me like you all need to move on without the parasites. I used to live with Thai girls they end up making more work for me around my house so now I live alone and when my g/f comes to stay with me for a week she has to pull her weight washing ironing mopping floors and cooking ect. I do take her to nice places on holiday buy her cloths but that's all and she know if she's not happy with it, I've told her look for a new farang.

I am not prepared to discuss ALL my dirty linen in public but suffice to say, some of us are in circumstances that make "moving on" not that simple.

When I live alone I have plenty of money every month to live on and save. When I am with (as I am now) a Thai woman, I cannot afford to go anywhere else at a moments notice. I cannot easily look for alternative accommodation and I can't search for a new g/f. If this became apparent to my present g/f "woe" would be me.

I have already "moved on" a few times and if I told you what I have needed to do to make that happen you would accuse me of lying!

This is one reason why I will never marry a Thai. Same as houses: rent, not buy!

For some writing on this forum, they have found a true (with the emphasis on TRUE) lovely Thai woman - I am still looking!

then don't keep putting yourself in these situations where you end up making life difficult for yourself my friend............ easy keep life simple like I dobiggrin.png

If at first I don't succeed.... give up? No, I live in hope or die in despair!

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The OP sounds insecure and desperate. Good luck.

Aint we all , insecure aliens .

Lazda , now sell rose tinted glasses , for farlangs , existing living in Thailand , temporary offer , no refund .

maybe , rules change next junter .coffee1.gif

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You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

I think that is my all time favourite post on TV.com... ballsy enough to put your own pic out there along with your missus... brilliant response !!!...

.... it seems that some guys just can't be happy about others being happy !....


On Topic... Yes... Wife gets me a present at Christmas and B'day... In Laws will take me out for dinner at Birthday (which doesn't make much difference as we go out for dinner at least once per week and take it in turns paying).

My Wife bought me a nice Tumi bag last year... I can never remember what I got her, so I just asked... I turned out I've got my Wife L'occitaine set for her Birthday, Valentines and anniversary... I'll have to think a bit harder this year...

I thought it was the best classic <deleted> I've seen on here too. Envious of the bird too. What a cracker! Good one
Ray was boasting and then caught himself, I thought funny the way 32 was making him jump thru the Hoops, she's kinda plain Jane though, ya think?
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More to life than Thai totty......

I wish you could sit down and explain that to my dick :-( I read here somewhere there were 3 or 4 stages of moving to Thailand.

First stage was enraptured with culture and food. Wanting to be more like a Thai person

2nd stage mild annoyance at the very things that first seemed quirky and exciting

Then finally after a long time of denial "I'm only here for the pussy"

I'm in the final stage

Then finally after a long time of denial "I'm only here for the pussy"

Believe me, after a while that soon gets boring, same old song, done me wrong.

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Had a big breakthrough this morning. She actually sat down and talked to me calmly for 1 hour. What was more important was what she told me. Obviously language and cultural issues but the sht she holds in her craw that at the time was meaningless or she plain misunderstood. The greng jai thing, Thai fear of embarrassment. We were out at the shops a couple of months ago and I mentioned about the way she walked. Not in a demeaning way or anything but she favours one leg when she walks and I told her she needs to get a doctor look at it or she will need a hip replacement in the future. One of her legs looks like it's turned around at the knee. You wouldn't notice it if u didn't know her (like a chain dragging quasimodo). I was super tactful and only told her as I was concerned for her

.Anyway, she told me it had been nagging at her badly for 2 months because she thought I thought she looked like a buffalo and was embarrassed to be with her. Really was a huge issue for her from her sobbing and crying. Anyway, after was all explained etc she said felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders etc. Just goes to show you its all about appearances here.

Funny thing is I told her she needed to go have her head checked for tantrums resulting in foaming at the mouth fits and it was like water off a ducks back.

Anyway, shes still a selfish bitch but she does appear to have learnt something about calm discussion

Anyway, shes still a selfish bitch but she does appear to have learnt something about calm discussion

What she knows about and you dont, is conflict avoidance, she will tell you what you want to hear to make the ploblem go away.

The ploblem aint going nowhere, the ploblem aint her, its you.

Accept the relationship for what it is.

If you kant, do what I and others before have done, walk out the door in the morning and dont look back.

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Yeah they just don't seem to get it. I understand why there are so many single mums here

Really , they all get it , well and sure , then when they are preggy ,

the thai boy friend , he does a runner . thai culture ,giggle.gif

Next chapter , enter the ATM. also known as, Alien, the White Farlang .

So, many happy birthdays ,,clap2.gifclap2.gif love you.

All live happily ever after , for as long as the ATM, shall live. Amen . RIP

Enter the new farlang .wai2.gif 555


PS. Kenny go know . b4 you go under . a well worn road.troden by many farlang in LOS,

Edited by elliss
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I'm not big on birthdays or holidays for that matter and often forget them. My gf was reading over my shoulder this year on my BD and saw someone wished me a HBD. She ran out at 10pm and somehow came back with a cake, candles with my name and everything but it was too late. She forgot. She had a rough week and it just slipped her mind. No biggie. We try to make every day special and give gifts often on random days. I much prefer that to being tied to everyone else's calendar. I gave her a new motorbike a few weeks ago and said "Happy Burthday" even though her BD is in September. On her actual birthday if we are up to it maybe dinner out and a movie but no big party. You gotta kick your girl to the curb. There's a lot of honey skinned fish in the sea.

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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...

he , not tell truth

Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

Wow! MSRP $7599 or 265,965 baht. Your girlfriend bought that for you? That's a lot of money for most Thais. She must have a really, really, really well paying job.

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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...
he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

. Ur first post was a Boast, I can take a pic of a Lambo and say it's mine, too, u admitted it a Boast, so why would I believe anything u posted, get a Life, I don't need anybody to buy me anything, more than enuf for anywhere in the World

Can you post a picture of yourself with a Lambo and say it's yours because I can post a photo of me with my bike.

. I have experience with your type, my brother is a Parasite, also, he just cleared 3 mil usd off his exwife, so a lil motorbike, I think you can do Better...I 'd rather a post of ur gal.

You can have that too. I took this pic just for you.

Can you ask her to buy you a pair of shoes for your next birthday.

And a ring for the middle finger

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Had a big breakthrough this morning. She actually sat down and talked to me calmly for 1 hour. What was more important was what she told me. Obviously language and cultural issues but the sht she holds in her craw that at the time was meaningless or she plain misunderstood. The greng jai thing, Thai fear of embarrassment. We were out at the shops a couple of months ago and I mentioned about the way she walked. Not in a demeaning way or anything but she favours one leg when she walks and I told her she needs to get a doctor look at it or she will need a hip replacement in the future. One of her legs looks like it's turned around at the knee. You wouldn't notice it if u didn't know her (like a chain dragging quasimodo). I was super tactful and only told her as I was concerned for her

.Anyway, she told me it had been nagging at her badly for 2 months because she thought I thought she looked like a buffalo and was embarrassed to be with her. Really was a huge issue for her from her sobbing and crying. Anyway, after was all explained etc she said felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders etc. Just goes to show you its all about appearances here.

Funny thing is I told her she needed to go have her head checked for tantrums resulting in foaming at the mouth fits and it was like water off a ducks back.

Anyway, shes still a selfish bitch but she does appear to have learnt something about calm discussion

Well..that sounds good and all, while talking is often the first part of coming to terms with one another and the means to resolve issues.

You being a man and her being a woman there is always going to be a degree of animosity while you are a foreigner and she is a Thai and she is surrounded by and fully immersed into Thai thinking and Thai mentality and their Thai logic that does not seem logical to you all too often...but to Her and all the Thai people around her and involved in her life and her personal affairs they will continually fortify her Thai logic and her Thai thinking and Thai attitude concerning her relationship with you.

You have to remember...if you lived with her and far distanced from any of her surrounding Thai based social influences ( family and friends and relatives and work mates ect. ) there is a good chance she would be a somewhat different personality concerning you and your relationship with her....but as long as she is surrounded and influenced by everything and all things Thai then you are going to be subjected to and affected by all the circumstances that you are involved in while living with her while living here in Thailand.

So, point is: You can not change her thinking in many ways as that is a waste of your time and a waste of time trying to understand her thinking and a waste of time trying to discuss it with her....seriously.

What has to be done is make her fully understand that a very big and important part of the relationship you have with her is based on reciprocal respect and that my friend is proven in the deeds that are done for you and performed by her and in return for the deeds that are performed by you and done for her.

If you can not communicate with her then make her understand that the relationship will not work out and will end soon if it is one sided and not reciprocal.

In other words action speaks louder than words...as the saying goes .....and you have to make it very clear to her that if you do not see her acting reciprocally in the next, say 3 months, then you are out of there.

You do things for her and she in turn HAS to do things for you and earn your respect....because talking will not resolve that fundamental basis of a relationship if it is not reciprocal in nature.

No more talk is needed...just reciprocal action on her part and reciprocal conduct on her part is necessary....and you will be observing her and watching her for her ability to reciprocate....and if not...... good by girl...Adios..... ....just slip out the back Jack.

Watch the 2 music videos I have posted and listen to the lyric closely as they may be relevant to your current sitiaution




Edited by gemguy
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They should be giving you gifts. Even thai friends will give you gifts on your birthday. My thai friends back in Melbourne even bought gifts for my dad on his birthday. My wife will generally knit something. She's a government official so works during the day but will try and show her care and stay up all night knitting. She's knows I won't wear it as it's so hot here but also knows I'm fussy so won't bother buying something. A present, cake, dinner party, all the norm. Just like they do with their own families.

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If anyone is providing the 'rice bowl' any threat of taking it away will result in either screaming fits or a great show of remorse.

The remorse bit may last a few days, weeks or perhaps a couple of months.

The longer it goes on is just a longer time to plan for another rice bowl supplier.

Financially I don't need my wife nor does she financially need me.

We often buy things for each other that we see and think the other might like.

We have dinner out in BKK every two months or so with her family, two sisters, husbands and MIL and it's always paid in turn including MIL who takes her turn to pay.

For me that's a 'normal' married situation.

My wife is not from a HISO family but all went to university overseas and all of them have good jobs etc.

FIL worked hard to make good life for them all and made sure they got a good education.

My ex here was Uni educated in Thailand but because she had no overseas education never lost the rice bowl mentality. She worked but never really expected to put any cash into anything except herself so I walked.

Easier than most think.

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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...

he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

Wow! MSRP $7599 or 265,965 baht. Your girlfriend bought that for you? That's a lot of money for most Thais. She must have a really, really, really well paying job.
Job, yeah that's what they call it , Now...
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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...
he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

Wow! MSRP $7599 or 265,965 baht. Your girlfriend bought that for you? That's a lot of money for most Thais. She must have a really, really, really well paying job.
Job, yeah that's what they call it , Now...

Hope you enjoy your 30000b a month teaching position chump.

Don't be such a hater, I think it's about time that you grow up and stop acting like a child. Just because you're living paycheck to paycheck doesn't give you the right to look down upon those who are more fortunate than you.

Now piss off.

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You are a lucky guy...She is a keeper...
he , not tell truth
Here's the bike. Would you like to see the car too.

Get a life buddy.

Wow! MSRP $7599 or 265,965 baht. Your girlfriend bought that for you? That's a lot of money for most Thais. She must have a really, really, really well paying job.
Job, yeah that's what they call it , Now...

Your girlfriend is asking about you.


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All depends on the circles you hang out with. My family is not rich but don't need to be, army, police and government. Also worked hard. Whereas my friends, yeah of course. Thai is generally very poor or very rich. If living in thai and socialising with new people it is not difficult to know people worth a bit. But really why does it matter. As long as you care about each other then who really cares. Money is irrelevant. For me, generally I will choose to hang out with the 'poorer people' as they're more down to earth. Not saying a the rich aren't of course. Also I feel bad for my friends paying for me cos they want to go to expensive places lol

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I get a bit annoyed when most won't accept the fact that I know quite a few Thais who are earning monthly from 150,000 to 500,000 a month and expenses.

Needless to say they don't work in 7/11.

They must work in the private sector. The 'official' salaries of government workers are quite low. The Chief of Army officially gets 110,000 Baht per month. A top official, school director or other position is about 95,000 Baht per month. A 25 year teacher at the top of the pay scale get about 55,000 Baht. Any professional in government service might expect an official salary of up to 60,000 Baht after 15 - 20 years service (in today's Baht).

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I get a bit annoyed when most won't accept the fact that I know quite a few Thais who are earning monthly from 150,000 to 500,000 a month and expenses.

Needless to say they don't work in 7/11.

They must work in the private sector. The 'official' salaries of government workers are quite low. The Chief of Army officially gets 110,000 Baht per month. A top official, school director or other position is about 95,000 Baht per month. A 25 year teacher at the top of the pay scale get about 55,000 Baht. Any professional in government service might expect an official salary of up to 60,000 Baht after 15 - 20 years service (in today's Baht).

Yes. Rich are all private. Government pays enough but obviously has its bonuses. Money towards rent, free health for the family, free education for the kids, cheap homeloans, get off stupid bribes police ask you, payout when retire, pension, list goes on. All things farang take for granted but are important here. And most importantly a stable contract. Not a 6 months to 1 year contract. Edited by wildewillie89
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