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Any you blokes get gifts from ur wives / Gfs?


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Birthdays are not much of a big deal to adult Thai people.

Even the birthday cake and singing their version of the Happy Birthday song are pretty newly adopted customs from the west.

I understand your frustration, I feel it too, and my birthday is next month.

I am looking forward to nothing on my birthday.

By they way...

I wish you a Happy Birthday.


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I wonder what kind of relationships you guys have.. Of course i get presents when I have a birthday and so does she. Seems normal to me that both get stuff.

I would see it as a sign that I am just good for one thing, if I had to give her stuff on her birthday and mine was forgotten.

My lady and I , have a typical, traditional, thai , farlang , relationship .

Lady wants money , He, the farlang wants sex , without pay bar fine .

Solution , have a agreement ,contract . Why polish things up . rose tinted etc .

When either party is bored ,or money not enough , just close and move on .

Enjoy , serious life, not good in LOS .wai2.gif

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I receive gifts, cake etc without prompting, though don't care much for birthdays/xmas, but thought is nice I guess. What sort of education level are we talking? The typical MO with many girls from a certain sector of Thai society is as it's your birthday, you should be making an effort by taking people out for lavish meals, etc, and the same again for theirs. The 'I'm live with you everyday' line is telling in that her staying with you is her input into the relationship and that is good enough in her eyes. I fear you are too weak with your woman and she is taking the Michael, though lots of blokes find themselves in this situation no doubt. A Thai male would not have it. If you are not happy, just walk.

Happy Birthday.smile.png

Yeah poor education from a village. I thought a real country girl. And yes if I knew what I knew know I would have chosen more wisely and from a different socio economic group. Known her for 4 years. 2 living together in Australia but she changed greatly when we moved to Thailand. She had faults before that but generally I felt like the luckiest man on earth. I'm 50, shes 33. A bit of a difference but I'm not a broken down wreck and had 30's GFs back home so I'm not or wasn't a desperate old man looking for a payg mum. I've tried everything with her and despite evidence to the contrary I'm no idiot. She has so much to lose and for reasons not added here she would be in the sht deeply if I left her. Besides we have a kid. A professional would say I am enabling her by accepting the behavior but I have literally tried everything...it's just impossible ...she's just unpredictable and doesn't react the way a normal person would to warning signs. Tried walking out one day (its my place) and she went berserk. Didnt break anything but the potentials there. I should just jump in the pick up and dissapear for a few days but really wouldnt know what to expect when i got home. She packs her bag at least once every 2 weeks. Used to drive me crazy and id go and calm her down. Now I offer to help. She always ends up painting herself into a corner and looking foolish but she does it anyway. 100% like dealing with a hormonal teenager, probably worse. Cant sit down and talk with her reasonably it turns into a (one way) screaming match in 20 seconds. I wish I knew the answer? Like trying to deal with a suicide bomber that doesn't care about their own welfare.

" 100% like dealing with a hormonal teenager, probably worse."

A hormonal ,middle aged woman can be far more difficult than a hormonal teenager.

How old is she now?

Maybe it's time to brace your self for it to get worse...or head for the hills and hide!

Thailand is full of sweet ,attractive women..and you don't really need to marry them..

Heck, you can even rent one if that serves your needs better!

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Last year for my birthday my fiancee bought me a Kawasaki Ninja 650 and yesterday she bought me a Toyota Yaris just because it's so damn hot these days.

. There's always one, the Hiso gf, who supports him, Yawn
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Last year for my birthday my fiancee bought me a Kawasaki Ninja 650 and yesterday she bought me a Toyota Yaris just because it's so damn hot these days.

. There's always one, the Hiso gf, who supports him, Yawn

leave lao cow , man .

he is doomed Mr Mannering

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I appreciate the OP's honesty. This is one of those posts that i make a mental note of ... a very difficult situation, the baby is a blessing but your partner sounds like my worst nightmare ... sorry to say. Good luck.

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I get a cake but never eat it along with a box of San Miguel light and a bottle of jäger every year, I'll share them with you next time Kenny if you like? Can't stop the wife cooking and cleaning. Blow jobs are very rare nowadays but the local ladyboys do a good job for 300 baht!

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I get a wake up blow job, thats bout it.

But when its her birthday......... Ughhhh she wants the world.

mines above blow jobs. That's loso. In fact the best thing about our relationship (sex) seems to be on the wane too.

Who's Wane?

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Last year for my birthday my fiancee bought me a Kawasaki Ninja 650 and yesterday she bought me a Toyota Yaris just because it's so damn hot these days.

. There's always one, the Hiso gf, who supports him, Yawn

No theres me too and it "does" happen except she aint no hi-so

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Last couple of years my girlfriend has got her students to draw something for me, my pet cat and dog back in australia. But if we are apart she always sends something. No offence OP but your partner sounds like a selfish bitch. You have my sympathy.

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Last year for my birthday my fiancee bought me a Kawasaki Ninja 650 and yesterday she bought me a Toyota Yaris just because it's so damn hot these days.

. There's always one, the Hiso gf, who supports him, Yawn

Quite the contrary. If she was a hiso do you think she would have bought a Yaris.

And it's a two way street. I paid off her house.

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OP i understand your problems.

My ex-wife was exactly the same, no cooking, no sex,only woman i know who had 3 periods a month.

Never cleaned the house, onetime i arrived back from UK, the stink from the bathroom was unbearable.

I not have time was always her excuse, but always time for facebook.

Now i am married to a first class lady, always buying me presents, yesterday a new shirt.

Never forgets my birthday, always a party, paid for by her not me.

Always buying things for the home, never asks me for money.

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I don't think celebrating birthdays in a traditional Thai thing, my wife's family don't celebrate thier birthdays unless we suggest something, the only time I can recall presents been given is at the new year. My wife and I normally do something special for our birthdays a meal or overnight trip.

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Sounds like you need a backup girl friend!smile.png

Everyone has backup, the Police, FBI, Special Forces and more.

AKA....fall back!

Spend a little less time with the #1 and she will appreciate you more.

The backup, #2, will treat you better and perhaps buy you a gift till she catches you, then same, same problem.

Also, with inflation, perhaps it's time to pay her more! That might get a gift....coffee1.gif

I find it better to live alone, and have two girlfriends. It seems to refresh the relationship if you see less of them.

As they get older, they generally both work harder too!

Perhaps one day, we will all live together when the chase is over and no body wants us.cheesy.gif

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We don't do any holidays or special occasions - which is fine for me... My wife barely remembers her own birthday - I have no idea when our anniversary is... never once been mentioned... I will usually try and find a cake for my wife's birthday but just an excuse to buy a cake for the family to enjoy. If I did not, nobody would notice...

As to your relationship, sorry it does not sound too good... We are very much in a family situation here. My wife does not have a job but is always busy and happily so.. sometimes even helping out family on the farm. Nice big family here.

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I sympathise with the OP in a big way!

I had a Thai g/f for three years paid for nearly everything and never had more than B100 in the bank at month's end. In three years, nothing for Birthday, Valentine's Day (same day for me) Father's day nothing from her or two daughters, Christmas, And in that time, I bought nothing for myself - absolutely nothing.

For her, jewellery, clothes and many other things that I chose carefully and wrapped up, restaurant dinners. Anyway, happy for her to receive but not to give. And unfortunately that is not my whole story.

Giving her everything including love and affection, time and attention, working hard, I deserved better. My conscience is 100% clear, I was a good man and I still am. I cannot forget but I have accepted and it is past.

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One thing I would like to ask the blokes that have thoughtful and caring wives are they from a rural background or educated Thais?

My wife is a country girl - she dropped out of school early to go to work and help support the family. She is the oldest daughter and takes great pleasure in being able to help her family when needed and they are totally devoted to her and gladly help with anything that they can. They are all hard and willing workers here and pleasant people too. A couple of the guys drink a little after work but in 12 years here, nobody has ever asked me to buy them a beer. Yes, I contribute in my own ways too.

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Sounds like hell to be honest. Sorry for you man. Was all this behavior evident before you had the child with her? I ask because for me NOBODY is worth putting up with that degree of selfishness and laziness so I guess I would have been looking at binning her long ago, certainly not starting a family with her. Too many other fish in the sea.

Sent using Tapatalk

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One thing I would like to ask the blokes that have thoughtful and caring wives are they from a rural background or educated Thais?

My wife is a country girl - she dropped out of school early to go to work and help support the family. She is the oldest daughter and takes great pleasure in being able to help her family when needed and they are totally devoted to her and gladly help with anything that they can. They are all hard and willing workers here and pleasant people too. A couple of the guys drink a little after work but in 12 years here, nobody has ever asked me to buy them a beer. Yes, I contribute in my own ways too.

You are a LUCKY man.

Wish i could find a woman like that.

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