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Bangkok professor wanted for killing two colleagues shoots self as nation watches drama unfold

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just another 'thai drama' so divorced are they from the real world

Yeah, lets all have ourselves another good and righteous smirk!! Cos crap like this doesn't happen in the 'REAL WORLD', yeah? You know, that 'REAL WORLD' of televised slow-pursuits of celebrities wanted for murder, court-cases put out for the whole sick world to get off on, and universities where students wander in and shoot all their class-mates cos they're a bit p*-ed off about something or other. And.. and.. and... That 'REAL WORLD', right? thumbsup.gifwai.gif

I take it ur talking bout the USA, which yes is prob worse than Thailand for lowlife morans that go around shooting innocent people.

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At bluespunk: The americanisation of Thailand started decades ago. Idiotic soaps. Billboards everywhere. Brainless consumerism. Pickup trucks. Unhealty fastfood. Obese kids. Diabetes. Live broadcasting of real life drama. Dr Phil?? No hope for the human race.

No debate that Thailand has globalized it's culture by taking the worst of what they could find around the world. However, the enthusiasm with which they pursue violence/revenge/murder is not by any means an imported behaviour. Thailand has always had a violent culture driven by a revenge motive. Until the last 30 years Thailand has been relatively lawless with no police presence in all but the largest towns. My wife grew up in a medium sized village in central Thailand. Murder was common place. No police, and bodies were either burned by wrapping in tires or tossed in the river with rocks tied to them. I am not American but you can't lay these behaviours on the them.

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What an idiot

Jeez hey.......aren't you so intelligent.......YOU know nothing about him and make judgement on him.....

Look in the mirror pal!

and so what might be so significant to know about him, apart of him being a disgraceful cheater who's teaching a kids - the "nation's future" based on false academic degree, cheating on his colleagues and employers (government) and kills 2 of the people who exposed him?!!!

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A lesson to us all. It's not just the mafia types and lo-so's of this country that keep a loaded gun handy. Beware of making ANY Thai (man) lose face.

AND....to the media for broadcasting this incident live and all the ghouls who got a kick out of watching this unfold on Thai TV.............a disgusting example of Thainess!!

Yeh, never heard of this sort of thing being televised back home ... yawn...

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A: I'm fully grown.

B: I don't watch train wrecks either.

C: No it's not natural to want to do so. Human misery and pain are not entertainment.

D: violent films? Gratuitously violent ones where it's violence for its own sake are garbage and no better, I don't watch them.

E: Films and real life are not the same, the fact you cannot see that reflects the diseased idea that human misery and pain are entertainment.


A.I'm fully grown(by birth certificate anyway)....

B.I don't watch train wrecks either.....but when it's right in front of me or on TV i have little choice.

C.Yes it is natural to do so,but not for entertainment purposes.What shall we call it???..Drama??(for want of a better word)

D.violent films?.....yes i watch them sometimes.But only when there is a story line so it's not so gratuitous-it also gives meaning to the violencerolleyes.gif

E....Thankfully,i can see that films and real life are not the same......smile.png

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for me the double murder was an extended suicide. the allegations of a fake degree were probably true, he would have been dismissed in a few days, his face and his pension lost, no perspective. totally understandable. never make a thai lose face.

SO WHAT? Finally free of obligations at 60. Can spend his time on one of the lovely islands off the Thai coast. Play with the sharks. Write a book. A dream. Arguably he will have had some financial reserves or things he can sell. Not dependent on pension. All better than to shoot yourself. Life s so short anyway. Here s something Thais should learn: BE A LITTLE BIT MORE FLEXIBLE AS CONCERNS SOCIAL STANDING...

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What an idiot

Jeez hey.......aren't you so intelligent.......YOU know nothing about him and make judgement on him.....

Look in the mirror pal!

Nasrullah, why you getting touchy about people expressing an opinion on this guy. Dont know the reasons he went postal ( and not interested or relevant ) but he has killed two people who didn't deserve to be killed and presumably have family and friends..... Im not sure its a touch underdone to call the guy an idiot and loser when he causes needless death to two persons and suffering to many many others..... go look in the mirror you say... well I just did.. I saw someone who is sad for the loss of the two persons, sad for the loss and bereavement of their relatives and friends and sad that we have too endure this needless violence in any society today...... To tell someone that " you know nothing about him but make judgement".... let me ask you.. is there anything that could be known that would make a judgement on him any less..... suggest a little look in the mirror yourself might be in order ...... RIP to all three of them and condolences to their relatives and friends.....

looks like revisionism to me.

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A: I'm fully grown.

B: I don't watch train wrecks either.

C: No it's not natural to want to do so. Human misery and pain are not entertainment.

D: violent films? Gratuitously violent ones where it's violence for its own sake are garbage and no better, I don't watch them.

E: Films and real life are not the same, the fact you cannot see that reflects the diseased idea that human misery and pain are entertainment.


A.I'm fully grown(by birth certificate anyway)....

B.I don't watch train wrecks either.....but when it's right in front of me or on TV i have little choice.

C.Yes it is natural to do so,but not for entertainment purposes.What shall we call it???..Drama??(for want of a better word)

D.violent films?.....yes i watch them sometimes.But only when there is a story line so it's not so gratuitous-it also gives meaning to the violencerolleyes.gif

E....Thankfully,i can see that films and real life are not the same......smile.png

You always have a choice.

No its not drama, it voyeurism for sick minds.

Violence has only one meaning.

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At bluespunk: The americanisation of Thailand started decades ago. Idiotic soaps. Billboards everywhere. Brainless consumerism. Pickup trucks. Unhealty fastfood. Obese kids. Diabetes. Live broadcasting of real life drama. Dr Phil?? No hope for the human race.

You forgot the pathological US gun fetish.

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That's a smart comment isn't it!!.......you know nothing about this man's life..........have another leo...

FWIW, I fully agree. People like that and a few other posters in this thread: if they have so little or no milk of human kindness, they cannot be considered as human at all, and shouldn't live near or talk to proper people.

IMHO, it brings a whole new dimension to the meaning of the word 'stupid'.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Other than perhaps his immediate family, is anybody mourning this guys demise? He sounds like quite a fool. Killing his fellow teachers for calling him out on his fake degree? Then killing himself? What a waste of space this guy took up. And he was teaching the nations children?

The whole concept of face makes me rather sick. A man behaves like a man, and takes responsibility. The fact that there is a mechanism within Thai society that allows people to cop out, and avoid taking responsibility for anything, is simply complete cowardice. Face is the absence of manhood. It is the absence of spirituality, and the ability to look within for the source of a problem. It stifles any sort of personal growth, and prevents the entire society from moving forward, progressing, improving, and evolving. It is horrific. It is an abomination, and a boil on the face of Thailand.

Sadly, this is what the Thai culture produces. Nobody is born like this, their environment makes them like this.

I agree with your reaction to the whole thing about 'face', Thais have a very low self-esteem which cannot tolerate anytrhing which injures it. The relevant question is:

:Do Thais have a low self-esteem with good reason, or do they have a low self-esteem because they have been taught since birth that they are less worthy and less valuable than rich people, to whom they must give respect and pay obeisance?"

My feeling is the latter.

If your theory was correct, than rich Thais would not have an issue taking responsibility, and would be able to look the ridiculousness of face in the eyes, and be done with it. That does not appear to be the case. It seems to cross all social, and economic strata. It is endemic in the society, and perhaps the single greatest, and most profoundly tragic aspect of contemporary Thai culture. It must be wiped out entirely, in order for the country to grow, progress and move forward.

I believe I am correct, and so, I believe, are you, though I don't think you've thought it through completely. Rich Thais are emotionally similar to poor Thais (since they partake of the same cultural inheritance). but more so since they have (in their opinion) more face to lose by dint of their money and power, most of which, in one way or another they stole or otherwise did not earn honestly.

In general I have much more time for poor Thais than I do for rich (especially hiso) Thais, who in my opinion, are a$$holes to a person. In this, they are similar, but for different reasons, to the hiso in many countries. It's one of the things that makes the 1% so offensive generally.

Self esteem drives Thais, imho, most of them are narcissists or delusional or both.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Other than perhaps his immediate family, is anybody mourning this guys demise? He sounds like quite a fool. Killing his fellow teachers for calling him out on his fake degree? Then killing himself? What a waste of space this guy took up. And he was teaching the nations children?

The whole concept of face makes me rather sick. A man behaves like a man, and takes responsibility. The fact that there is a mechanism within Thai society that allows people to cop out, and avoid taking responsibility for anything, is simply complete cowardice. Face is the absence of manhood. It is the absence of spirituality, and the ability to look within for the source of a problem. It stifles any sort of personal growth, and prevents the entire society from moving forward, progressing, improving, and evolving. It is horrific. It is an abomination, and a boil on the face of Thailand.

Sadly, this is what the Thai culture produces. Nobody is born like this, their environment makes them like this.

I agree with your reaction to the whole thing about 'face', Thais have a very low self-esteem which cannot tolerate anytrhing which injures it. The relevant question is:

:Do Thais have a low self-esteem with good reason, or do they have a low self-esteem because they have been taught since birth that they are less worthy and less valuable than rich people, to whom they must give respect and pay obeisance?"

My feeling is the latter.

If your theory was correct, than rich Thais would not have an issue taking responsibility, and would be able to look the ridiculousness of face in the eyes, and be done with it. That does not appear to be the case. It seems to cross all social, and economic strata. It is endemic in the society, and perhaps the single greatest, and most profoundly tragic aspect of contemporary Thai culture. It must be wiped out entirely, in order for the country to grow, progress and move forward.

I believe I am correct, and so, I believe, are you. Rich Thais are emotionally similar to poor Thais (since they partake of the same cultural inheritance) except more so since they have (in their opinion) more face to lose by dint of the money, most of which, in one way or another they stole or otherwise did not earn honestly.

Oddly, I have much more time for poor Thais than I do for rich (especially hiso) Thais, who in my opinion, are a$$holes to a person. In this, they are similar, but for different reasons, to the hiso in many countries. It's one of the things that makes the 1% so offensive.

Self esteem drives Thais, imho, most of them are narcissists.


I am not so sure of that. I have a few friends in the states who are fabulously wealthy. Nine figure wealthy. They are kind, decent people, who give away some of their money to good causes, and have redeeming qualities. Other than amazing homes, and nice cars, they are not ostentatious people. I do not know many with this kind of wealth in Thailand, so I cannot speak to this. But, in general wealthy Thai people are famous the world over, for being very stingy with their wealth, when it comes to helping mankind. They definitely seem to be guilty of having alot of attitude, and feeling very superior to the masses. I have no problem with a little attitude, as long as you have alot to back it up. Wealth is not nearly enough.

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Along with all those who watched the whole affair on television and online.

and along with all those LOSERS who have failed repeatedly in western relationships and then set-up shop in thailand and refuse to accept the reality

of thailand.........NOTHING is real...........perceived love,acceptance etc etc!

Awwww! having a bad episode are we? Yes, we all know that life, in general, is an excreta sandwich but still we soldier on......love is what it has always been, losers are losers sometime but especially when they kill people because they got a promotion and the "loser" didn't!

I'll never understand why the BiB didn't shoot him out of hand, he was guilty! Or, were they trying to save him because he was a "Doctor"? sad.pngfacepalm.gifwai.gif

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At bluespunk: The americanisation of Thailand started decades ago. Idiotic soaps. Billboards everywhere. Brainless consumerism. Pickup trucks. Unhealty fastfood. Obese kids. Diabetes. Live broadcasting of real life drama. Dr Phil?? No hope for the human race.

ah right but they skipped democracy right? freedom of speech? rule of law? a constitution? education? this thread is not about America bashing thanks it's about Thai 'face' and 'drama'

I think the appropriate answer to this comment is - Donald Trump - which seems to address all of your points.

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Absolutely shocking the way people are speaking on this site. A man was pushed to the breaking point. He felt he had know way out. 2 men lost their lives, with one being self righteous enough to ruin another's livelihood. The 2 men were shot in front 2 students, that will live with that for the rest of their lives, with no victim support. Finally, this poor man in desperation shot himself in front of family members and students, who will also never forget. Nobody had the magic words that might have saved him, albeit with a life in prison. There countless family members of the 3 victims that will suffer for many years because of this.

Joking is fine, even in death. But the heartlessness shown on here is beyond a joke.

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A: I'm fully grown.

B: I don't watch train wrecks either.

C: No it's not natural to want to do so. Human misery and pain are not entertainment.

D: violent films? Gratuitously violent ones where it's violence for its own sake are garbage and no better, I don't watch them.

E: Films and real life are not the same, the fact you cannot see that reflects the diseased idea that human misery and pain are entertainment.


A.I'm fully grown(by birth certificate anyway)....

B.I don't watch train wrecks either.....but when it's right in front of me or on TV i have little choice.

C.Yes it is natural to do so,but not for entertainment purposes.What shall we call it???..Drama??(for want of a better word)

D.violent films?.....yes i watch them sometimes.But only when there is a story line so it's not so gratuitous-it also gives meaning to the violencerolleyes.gif

E....Thankfully,i can see that films and real life are not the same......smile.png

You always have a choice.

No its not drama, it voyeurism for sick minds.

Violence has only one meaning.

i guess we'll have to agree to disagree Bluespunk.....

But i wish you well in your quest to take the' human out of human'...

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I Found this on the web. It shows the shooting. You can't see Dr Wanchai. You can see the reaction and hear the gunshot. In my opinion not graphic as you see no violence. I see the truth. Now we know he shot himself. And imo not a moment to soon. Filthy murderer.

This video may be considered graphic to some but not 67 million Thai people who watch this on the national news television.

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I Found this on the web. It shows the shooting. You can't see Dr Wanchai. You can see the reaction and hear the gunshot. In my opinion not graphic as you see no violence. I see the truth. Now we know he shot himself. And imo not a moment to soon. Filthy murderer.

This video may be considered graphic to some but not 67 million Thai people who watch this on the national news television.

Why do you feel the need to post this?

No one is questioning how this man died.

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I Found this on the web. It shows the shooting. You can't see Dr Wanchai. You can see the reaction and hear the gunshot. In my opinion not graphic as you see no violence. I see the truth. Now we know he shot himself. And imo not a moment to soon. Filthy murderer.

This video may be considered graphic to some but not 67 million Thai people who watch this on the national news television.

Why do you feel the need to post this?

No one is questioning how this man died.

Sorry, Dad.
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Sadly, this is what the Thai culture produces. Nobody is born like this, their environment makes them like this.

I agree with your reaction to the whole thing about 'face', Thais have a very low self-esteem which cannot tolerate anytrhing which injures it. The relevant question is:

:Do Thais have a low self-esteem with good reason, or do they have a low self-esteem because they have been taught since birth that they are less worthy and less valuable than rich people, to whom they must give respect and pay obeisance?"

My feeling is the latter.

If your theory was correct, than rich Thais would not have an issue taking responsibility, and would be able to look the ridiculousness of face in the eyes, and be done with it. That does not appear to be the case. It seems to cross all social, and economic strata. It is endemic in the society, and perhaps the single greatest, and most profoundly tragic aspect of contemporary Thai culture. It must be wiped out entirely, in order for the country to grow, progress and move forward.

I believe I am correct, and so, I believe, are you. Rich Thais are emotionally similar to poor Thais (since they partake of the same cultural inheritance) except more so since they have (in their opinion) more face to lose by dint of the money, most of which, in one way or another they stole or otherwise did not earn honestly.

Oddly, I have much more time for poor Thais than I do for rich (especially hiso) Thais, who in my opinion, are a$$holes to a person. In this, they are similar, but for different reasons, to the hiso in many countries. It's one of the things that makes the 1% so offensive.

Self esteem drives Thais, imho, most of them are narcissists.


I am not so sure of that. I have a few friends in the states who are fabulously wealthy. Nine figure wealthy. They are kind, decent people, who give away some of their money to good causes, and have redeeming qualities. Other than amazing homes, and nice cars, they are not ostentatious people. I do not know many with this kind of wealth in Thailand, so I cannot speak to this. But, in general wealthy Thai people are famous the world over, for being very stingy with their wealth, when it comes to helping mankind. They definitely seem to be guilty of having alot of attitude, and feeling very superior to the masses. I have no problem with a little attitude, as long as you have alot to back it up. Wealth is not nearly enough.

Your experience in the USA reflects mine in the UK, but I wasn't talking about people in the USA or the UK, I was specifically referring to Thais. Where we differ is in our experience of rich Thais in Thailand, and I can tell you that I have found all of them - ALL OF THEM to be obnoxious, bigoted and invariably obsessed with their own status. I have also taught in an English-language program being delivered for the children of super-rich Thais. With the exception of less than 10%, I found them to be similarly dishonest, power-hungry and wretched. Not surprising really given the emotional state and level of honesty of most of their parents.

But enough of that, the lesson of the events which gave rise to this thread is that Thais are dangerously subject to uncontrolled and perhaps uncontrollable rage if they perceive their self-esteem to be injured - or even questioned. This is a very juvenile trait arising solely from what I believe is immersion from birth in a highly toxic culture.

I really don't think its up for a sensible debate given the frequency of violence from this cause in Thailand. Recently, the alleged murder by sons of policemen of a disabled man and the assault by a few young mental cases on an elderly UK couple in Hua Hin are pretty good examples. Thais are violent, they lack self-control, they are cowardly (they only ever fight if they have overwhelming numbers or superior weapons and the personal risk is therefore low).

The Thai police, whose job it is to ensure the law is applied are alleged to be corrupt from top to bottom, as are the armed forces, In my personal view, both are a complete joke being perpetrated upon the Thai people who assuredly deserve much better. I really can't see any sensible argument against these views - the only questions worth asking are why? and from where do these despicable traits arise.

I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not prepared to discuss that here.


Edited by Winniedapu
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I Found this on the web. It shows the shooting. You can't see Dr Wanchai. You can see the reaction and hear the gunshot. In my opinion not graphic as you see no violence. I see the truth. Now we know he shot himself. And imo not a moment to soon. Filthy murderer.

This video may be considered graphic to some but not 67 million Thai people who watch this on the national news television.

Why do you feel the need to post this?

No one is questioning how this man died.

Sorry, Dad.

Swift himself would be proud of such rapier like wit.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I watched this live on TNN from the best vantage point any sniper could not have ended this with a simple shot to the leg to disarm him.

It never happened and the rest transpired into a calamity of sorts.

In my opinion, this man did not take his own life and this is based purely on the reaction of the young lady on her knees on the point of hearing an impact.

Find that video and then discuss. (I cannot locate it but it will be online somewhere)

Watch for yourselves with my thinking and what I saw at the time live.

Please also notice that everyone rushed to the scene without even caring for a split second the well being of the young lady who was there for hours pleading with the man to stand down and was on her knees more times that once and when the final shot was taken.

I will be interested in your comments.

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I watched this live on TNN from the best vantage point any sniper could not have ended this with a simple shot to the leg to disarm him.

It never happened and the rest transpired into a calamity of sorts.

In my opinion, this man did not take his own life and this is based purely on the reaction of the young lady on her knees on the point of hearing an impact.

Find that video and then discuss. (I cannot locate it but it will be online somewhere)

Watch for yourselves with my thinking and what I saw at the time live.

Please also notice that everyone rushed to the scene without even caring for a split second the well being of the young lady who was there for hours pleading with the man to stand down and was on her knees more times that once and when the final shot was taken.

I will be interested in your comments.

As far as the Thai lawbreakers, oop's law enforcers are concerned- case closed. Edited by Artisi
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At bluespunk: The americanisation of Thailand started decades ago. Idiotic soaps. Billboards everywhere. Brainless consumerism. Pickup trucks. Unhealty fastfood. Obese kids. Diabetes. Live broadcasting of real life drama. Dr Phil?? No hope for the human race.

Could not have said it any more precise, seen it all unfold since first time in the fifties in Thailand when it was such a nice country and people riding on their bullock cards, but with the introduction of the 10-wheeler Isuzu trucks with the whole family riding along sitting on the wooden bench surrounding the driver things started to slide down the slippery slope and speeding up during the past twenty years with the 22-wheeler killing monsters and double deck plywood buses of Thai design and construction.

There is no turning back.

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for me the double murder was an extended suicide. the allegations of a fake degree were probably true, he would have been dismissed in a few days, his face and his pension lost, no perspective. totally understandable. never make a thai lose face.

SO WHAT? Finally free of obligations at 60. Can spend his time on one of the lovely islands off the Thai coast. Play with the sharks. Write a book. A dream. Arguably he will have had some financial reserves or things he can sell. Not dependent on pension. All better than to shoot yourself. Life s so short anyway. Here s something Thais should learn: BE A LITTLE BIT MORE FLEXIBLE AS CONCERNS SOCIAL STANDING...

very likely he was dependent on his pension, most thais have a lot of debts, especially, if they have a car. they are not used to save money, because everybody with some savings has the responsibility to support all familymembers, who are unemployed, sick or just unwilling to work. his future was either jail, or going to his grandmam to beg for food. i think, every japanese would have done the same.

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There is a video of the shooting. It was shown on channel 7 news. It has not been put on youtube. Here is the link. It is up to you if you want too watch. Nothing to graphic as most is blurred out.

Edited by CharlieH
Video removed.
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