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Clinton grapples with Trump's ability to stay in spotlight


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Clinton grapples with Trump's ability to stay in spotlight

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump kept himself planted firmly in the political spotlight this week with one headline-grabbing move after another — launching a social media defense of his treatment of women, listing possible Supreme Court nominees, rapidly declaring an Egyptian plane crash an act of terrorism.

His likely general election opponent, Hillary Clinton, seemed content to hang in the background.

But Clinton's stay-above-the-fray attitude masks unresolved questions that have gnawed at her campaign since Trump virtually locked up the Republican nomination. How can the wonkish Clinton counteract Trump's finely-tuned ability to command attention? Can she win the White House by letting Trump run on his terms, hoping his unorthodox candidacy wears thin with voters by November?

Or does she need to make a positive case for her own candidacy, something she has struggled to articulate during the Democratic primary?

"She's going to have to do things to keep her side motivated, to keep people excited, keep it aspirational," said Steve Schale, a Florida Democratic strategist who advised President Barack Obama's White House campaigns.

Clinton's unexpectedly tough battle with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders highlights her struggle to make that case thus far.

Sanders' supporters can repeat whole sections of his campaign speech verbatim. Trump's backers chime in on cue when he asks who will pay for his proposed border wall with Mexico.

The former secretary of state, by contrast, throws a policy-filled kitchen sink at voters. She pledges to break down barriers to progress, build on President Barack Obama's priorities and implement lessons learned from her husband's economic stewardship in the 1990s.

And her ability to define the race on her own terms could only get harder in a face-off with Trump, the dominant force in this presidential contest and a master of defining his opponents before they can define themselves.

"He's good at dominating the news cycle and changing the news cycle to fit his purposes," said Rick Tyler, former communications director for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's failed presidential campaign. "He has this ability to just change the trajectory of where the news is going by using amazing distractions that are just too delicious to pass up."

To be sure, Clinton has overcome her messaging struggles in the primary and is close to clinching the Democratic nomination. But facing Trump will be another matter, with his capacity to set the tone for the day in the morning through frequent tweets and calls into news shows, catching his rivals off guard and leaving them scrambling to catch up.

The last days underscored Trump's grip on the spotlight, and his willingness to stay there even when attention turns negative.

After a newspaper article detailing his behavior with women, Trump kept the story alive by repeatedly bashing the reporters and defending his actions. He shifted the conservation to his possible presidency by announcing a list of judges he might nominate to the high court. He then said on Twitter the roll out went so well that he might add more names.

In between, Trump said he could negotiate with North Korea's leader. He called Ferguson, Missouri, and Oakland, California, more dangerous than Iraq. And he used the word "rape" in speaking about Bill Clinton's past indiscretions.

While Clinton's campaign released paper statements responding to some of Trump's statements, the candidate herself stayed largely quiet. In an interview with CNN Thursday, she said Trump is "not qualified" to be president.

Clinton's advisers and outside backers say they're not making the same mistake as Trump's Republican primary rivals. The GOP contenders spent months predicting the businessman's collapse under the weight of a controversial comment — or collection of them — and tried to avoid alienating his supporters while they waited.

Clinton has made clear she won't respond to Trump's every move. "I'm going to let him run his campaign however he chooses," she told reporters recently. Still, Priorities USA Action, a pro-Clinton super PAC is already running its first anti-Trump ads in battleground states as part of a $130 million general election advertising buy.

"Republican anti-Trump efforts were too little, too late," said Justin Barasky, the group's spokesman.

Clinton has another significant advantage compared to Trump's previous opponents, many of whom were unknown to most Americans. Clinton can match Trump's high profile, having spent nearly three decades in national politics, and is unlikely to be totally drowned out by the real estate mogul.

"She's the only other candidate in this race who has the ability to break through," said Mo Elleithee, director of the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service and a Clinton campaign adviser in 2008.

That will require more than just responding to perceived offenses, however.

"The road to the White House in 2016 is littered with the carcasses of candidacies that were equally as offended," Elleithee added. "Being upset about him, being angry about him isn't enough."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-20

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Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have 1/10th the charisma and likability of her husband.. Her low likability ratings have actually gotten worse recently while Trumps have improved somewhat. She still has the Oligarchs and their media on her side though so she can still prevail in spite of herself.

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Hillary can't match Trump even with the shamestream media and the other supporters she has. She just too lame and low energy. Trump is going to take her broom (which she uses for daily transportation) and sweep her clear out of the contest.

I can. not. understand. how people keep underestimating Donald Trump. All of the many pundits who have predicted his demise so far are now six feet under.

Learn to say "President Trump."


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Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have 1/10th the charisma and likability of her husband.. Her low likability ratings have actually gotten worse recently while Trumps have improved somewhat. She still has the Oligarchs and their media on her side though so she can still prevail in spite of herself.

Yup, correct, and though she is highly intelligent and experienced, she would never be here if her husband had not been Bill Clinton and if she had not schemed from the very beginning of his career for how she would springboard off him. She is unlikable and terribly un-magnetic, and very transparently power hungry.

The bottom line: she will likely prevail and it is still much better than having the village idiot alternative as President.

Edited by keemapoot
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Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have 1/10th the charisma and likability of her husband.. Her low likability ratings have actually gotten worse recently while Trumps have improved somewhat. She still has the Oligarchs and their media on her side though so she can still prevail in spite of herself.

Yup, correct, and though she is highly intelligent and experienced, she would never be here if her husband had not been Bill Clinton and if she had not schemed from the very beginning of his career for how she would springboard off him. She is unlikable and terribly un-magnetic, and very transparently power hungry.

The bottom line: she will likely prevail and it is still much better than having the village idiot alternative as President.

"The bottom line: she will likely prevail and it is still much better than having the village idiot alternative as President."

The bottom line is that what you said first is the actual truth. This last line is wishful thinking which ignores the truth you first said. The unlikeable power hungry woman is a proven loser who got taken to the cleaners by an unknown named Obama. Hillary will just keep losing any momentum her backers have tried to give her.

The eternal question is: "Why in the world did the Dems bet this election cycle on a loser like Hillary?"

BTW the Republican power brokers made the same mistake by trying to bet this election on the very dull Jeb Bush. Fortunately for them even if they don't know it yet, Donald Trump blew Jeb out of the water before he could do the damage that Hillary will do for the Dems.

Never. Ever. Sell. Donald Trump. Short.


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Hillary hasn't even finished off the lame old socialist Bernie yet. That's how weak she is. She can't even get the Dems behind her.

She is certainly weak now, and that is in spite of having every credential, every deep pocket, and every democratic party resource at his disposal. <deleted>, she even has Henry Kissinger, Mr. Republican foreign policy icon at her side as bff singing her praises. Yet, she is having trouble closing the deal, just as she had against Obama.

Everyone knows she would lose badly in any nomination battle against Obama again, or against her Husband, which would be a landslide. Both Bill or Barrack would clean the floor with Trump.

She is horribly flawed in terms of character, and that is the conflict. It all boils down to competence for me. I'd rather have someone even-tempered driving the bus who has experience, than a new driver with an unstable disposition.

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^^^ What does Hillary have experience from? Has she ever run a government or a business? She was lame enough to say that she would put Bill in charge of the economy! Bill, who inherited a growing economy but handed it off going into recession when he left.

What CEO experience does Hillary have?

BTW can you name the two people who are running for POTUS who AREN'T being investigated by the FBI? smile.png

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Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have 1/10th the charisma and likability of her husband.. Her low likability ratings have actually gotten worse recently while Trumps have improved somewhat. She still has the Oligarchs and their media on her side though so she can still prevail in spite of herself.

Yup, correct, and though she is highly intelligent and experienced, she would never be here if her husband had not been Bill Clinton and if she had not schemed from the very beginning of his career for how she would springboard off him. She is unlikable and terribly un-magnetic, and very transparently power hungry.

The bottom line: she will likely prevail and it is still much better than having the village idiot alternative as President.

"The bottom line: she will likely prevail and it is still much better than having the village idiot alternative as President."

The bottom line is that what you said first is the actual truth. This last line is wishful thinking which ignores the truth you first said. The unlikeable power hungry woman is a proven loser who got taken to the cleaners by an unknown named Obama. Hillary will just keep losing any momentum her backers have tried to give her.

The eternal question is: "Why in the world did the Dems bet this election cycle on a loser like Hillary?"

BTW the Republican power brokers made the same mistake by trying to bet this election on the very dull Jeb Bush. Fortunately for them even if they don't know it yet, Donald Trump blew Jeb out of the water before he could do the damage that Hillary will do for the Dems.

Never. Ever. Sell. Donald Trump. Short.


I predict that sometime in August/September an FBI a near executive level person - will leak a huge amount of detail of the investigation of Hillary Clinton. The kind of report that would be sent to the AG / DOJ for prosecution... Why? Because obviously the AG is not going to prosecute. The FBI is not going to stand for this. There is a patriot somewhere still in the FBI ... These days letting highly confidential information out will be easy and go undetected ... Anonymous did it ... hehehehehe. Hillary will become Burnt Toast.

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Hillary is going to need nonstop cover once the real sh*t starts. Everything from the media to her Soro's surrogates to the debate moderators has to click for her. Maybe Candy Crowley can moderate a debate or 2 and help her along

Edited by NovaBlue05
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She's is the spotlight alright, with the alternative media, whistleblowers, the FBI, and Senate, along with Russia and China reading her emails for years!

And her staff as well.coffee1.gif

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One reason might be that she has about 100 supporters at her rallies and The Donald has tens of thousands.

Sanders has the highest number of supporters at his rallies. If he had been given the same support from Lamestream Media and the DNC, he would hands down be the next POTUS. People call him Quixotic, but it is better to shoot for the stars and only hit the moon in the name of creating a peaceful society than RACE into WW3.

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Then when you become President reform media laws to make it illegal to not present balanced reporting on political matters and issues of public concern but you wont will you. The last thing Republicans or Democrats want is a balanced and informed public. Best keep them dumb and ignorant right. Much easier to manipulate.

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"Priorities USA Action, a pro-Clinton super PAC is already running its first anti-Trump ads in battleground states as part of a $130 million general election advertising buy."

The Dem voters are already disliked by the GOP voters and some of the Dem voters already dislike Clinton, so, Yes, Please start your anti-Trump ads as soon as possible so Donald can have even more free publicity and gain even more support.

"Republican anti-Trump efforts were too little, too late," said Justin Barasky, the group's spokesman."

My guess is these geniuses weren't paying much attention to the effect the anti-Trump ads had to his popularity. biggrin.png

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Hillary hasn't even finished off the lame old socialist Bernie yet. That's how weak she is. She can't even get the Dems behind her.

She is certainly weak now, and that is in spite of having every credential, every deep pocket, and every democratic party resource at his disposal. <deleted>, she even has Henry Kissinger, Mr. Republican foreign policy icon at her side as bff singing her praises. Yet, she is having trouble closing the deal, just as she had against Obama.

Everyone knows she would lose badly in any nomination battle against Obama again, or against her Husband, which would be a landslide. Both Bill or Barrack would clean the floor with Trump.

She is horribly flawed in terms of character, and that is the conflict. It all boils down to competence for me. I'd rather have someone even-tempered driving the bus who has experience, than a new driver with an unstable disposition.

Youi're right! Bernie is the only reasonable person to be POTUS! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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^^^ What does Hillary have experience from? Has she ever run a government or a business? She was lame enough to say that she would put Bill in charge of the economy! Bill, who inherited a growing economy but handed it off going into recession when he left.

What CEO experience does Hillary have?

BTW can you name the two people who are running for POTUS who AREN'T being investigated by the FBI? smile.png

Trump and Bernie! Is that enough? thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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Then when you become President reform media laws to make it illegal to not present balanced reporting on political matters and issues of public concern but you wont will you. The last thing Republicans or Democrats want is a balanced and informed public. Best keep them dumb and ignorant right. Much easier to manipulate.

Actual news died in the 70's when Saint Raw Knee killed the "Fairness Doctrine." News networks realized there was money to be made catering to core viewers and their corporate sponsors.


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Then when you become President reform media laws to make it illegal to not present balanced reporting on political matters and issues of public concern but you wont will you. The last thing Republicans or Democrats want is a balanced and informed public. Best keep them dumb and ignorant right. Much easier to manipulate.

One party with one media all reading off the same script and owned by the same paymasters choreographers....who control everything. The two wings are for theatrical purposes only to distract the masses

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One reason might be that she has about 100 supporters at her rallies and The Donald has tens of thousands.

Sanders has the highest number of supporters at his rallies. If he had been given the same support from Lamestream Media and the DNC, he would hands down be the next POTUS. People call him Quixotic, but it is better to shoot for the stars and only hit the moon in the name of creating a peaceful society than RACE into WW3.

It is easy for Sanders to gather a crowd -- young wannabees who wish and hope that they can have all the things mommy and daddy gave them for FREE.. Sanders supporters are vacant headed millennials who think life is just a big GIVE ME... Sanders supporters cannot even answer one serious question on the 'man of the street' interviews... And when something goes wrong with the lives of Sanders supporters they just want to retreat to a Safe Area and whine about their non importance ... These Sanders supporters are future candidates for the Darwin Awards -- couldn't survive a day without living in Mommy and Daddy's basement with everything Free... (never mind that mommy and daddy have to work to pay for this SAFE AREA).

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One reason might be that she has about 100 supporters at her rallies and The Donald has tens of thousands.

Sanders has the highest number of supporters at his rallies. If he had been given the same support from Lamestream Media and the DNC, he would hands down be the next POTUS. People call him Quixotic, but it is better to shoot for the stars and only hit the moon in the name of creating a peaceful society than RACE into WW3.

It is easy for Sanders to gather a crowd -- young wannabees who wish and hope that they can have all the things mommy and daddy gave them for FREE.. Sanders supporters are vacant headed millennials who think life is just a big GIVE ME... Sanders supporters cannot even answer one serious question on the 'man of the street' interviews... And when something goes wrong with the lives of Sanders supporters they just want to retreat to a Safe Area and whine about their non importance ... These Sanders supporters are future candidates for the Darwin Awards -- couldn't survive a day without living in Mommy and Daddy's basement with everything Free... (never mind that mommy and daddy have to work to pay for this SAFE AREA).

Which is why there will be such a shock for them when they suddenly wake up in the Age of Trump. Somewhere, a pharma company is probably already at work on some special prescription to sedate them and their temper tantrums.

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^^^ What does Hillary have experience from? Has she ever run a government or a business? She was lame enough to say that she would put Bill in charge of the economy! Bill, who inherited a growing economy but handed it off going into recession when he left.

What CEO experience does Hillary have?

BTW can you name the two people who are running for POTUS who AREN'T being investigated by the FBI? smile.png

I suppose being a two term senator from New York and Secretary of State for the most powerful country on earth isn't good enough for you as far as leadership experience. This as opposed to D. Trump who took his father's fortune and through his personal manipulation made it as large as it would have been if he had just invested it in a mutual fund.

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I think if Sanders were to bow out, Clinton's numbers would increase and she would be able to better focus on defeating the great exaggerator , Trump. With Sanders still in the race, Clinton cannot focus solely on Trump and the media continues to allow Trump to run their coverage. One would also think that there is a huge shoe going to drop in regards to Trump and his business dealings.

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I think if Sanders were to bow out, Clinton's numbers would increase and she would be able to better focus on defeating the great exaggerator , Trump. With Sanders still in the race, Clinton cannot focus solely on Trump and the media continues to allow Trump to run their coverage. One would also think that there is a huge shoe going to drop in regards to Trump and his business dealings.

What would she do as President where she cannot focus solely on one problem?

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Then when you become President reform media laws to make it illegal to not present balanced reporting on political matters and issues of public concern but you wont will you. The last thing Republicans or Democrats want is a balanced and informed public. Best keep them dumb and ignorant right. Much easier to manipulate.

Actual news died in the 70's when Saint Raw Knee killed the "Fairness Doctrine." News networks realized there was money to be made catering to core viewers and their corporate sponsors.


Absolutely correct. It spawned Roger Ailes / Fox, Limbaugh and Brietbart all extremist Right Wing propagandist media that should have been immediately drowned in a bucket upon their 'birth'. Just step back and watch the Right Wingers regurgitate their misinformation word for word. Obama was born in Kenya, Obama is buying up all the ammunition in America and people actually believed this idiotic drivel. 'Trickle Down Economics' Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate America creates Jobs and Growth. Is as fanciful as an entire pig farm taking flight. They just put it into their pockets ship it offshore into Tax Havens never to be seen again.

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I cant believe Americans would be silly enough to hand this guy the rains.

Blind Freddy can see his form. As soon as he gets power his dellusional decisions will have a crushing effect on the very folk that voted him in.

They will then be saying 'what have we done!!??'

Inflation will skyrocket, the world will have an even worse opinion of Americans, and at the same time he will be telling you all that America is not competetive and everyone must take pay cuts and work for peanuts ( make a deal for his mates)

But I, like many others in Thailand have very little time and even less sympathy.

If they are that stupid and cant see through this, well what can you say!?

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Hilary just needs to make more memorable quotes. Like when she said "we came, we saw, he died" in reference to Gaddafi after her precursors to ISIS sodomized him with a bayonet.

That way she can show off both her humanitarianism and sense of humour when creating failed states that turn into Islamic recruiting grounds. Bush probably regrets he never came up with that line for Sadam when he created his failed state and ISIS recruiting ground.

Thank God we have people like them out there murdering and destroying entire countries to keep the world safe for democracy. The war on terror, coming to a neighbourhood near you...

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I cant believe Americans would be silly enough to hand this guy the rains.

Blind Freddy can see his form. As soon as he gets power his dellusional decisions will have a crushing effect on the very folk that voted him in.

They will then be saying 'what have we done!!??'

Inflation will skyrocket, the world will have an even worse opinion of Americans, and at the same time he will be telling you all that America is not competetive and everyone must take pay cuts and work for peanuts ( make a deal for his mates)

But I, like many others in Thailand have very little time and even less sympathy.

If they are that stupid and cant see through this, well what can you say!?

I don't really hold the American people responsible. At first I did, thinking they just weren't too smart but if you look at the powers at play it explains why these continual bad decisions are made and corrupted systems remain in place. Not so long ago only 1 in 10 Americans had a Passport. They really knew little of the outside world. Their views were parochial. America is the greatest most powerful Nation on Earth. That is all they needed to know. As they chanted USA USA USA the world passed them by. Innovative Social systems for health care, education, infrastructure builds and Finance regulations, gun control systems were put in place to protect societies from collapse and underpinned the safety and wealth of a Nation. Americans get drip fed 24/7 Corporate and Right Wing propaganda telling them their greatest danger are Black people, Muslims, poor people, Mexicans, drug addicts, Unions, Socialism, Communism etc when in fact what is the greatest threat to their well being is unfair distribution of wealth, profit-ised health care, education and incarceration, Corporate tax evasion, corrupted Supreme Court and Government.

Why does Trump get 90% of all media because he is a megaphone for the Right Wing propaganda and the American people buy into it because it taps into their fears and xenophobia.

If you are on the outside looking in it is as obvious as dogs balls on a cat. If you are in the centre of the maelstrom it isn't that easy to sort the wheat from the chaff especially when all you are fed is chaff.

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