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Donald Trump wins enough delegates to clinch Republican nomination


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Donald Trump wins enough delegates to clinch Republican nomination
By Joanna Gill | With AP


WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump has hit the magic number. The business mogul and reality TV star has secured enough delegates to become the Republican presidential nominee.

Long shot to presumptive candidate

Trump saw off his last two rivals this month and reached 1,237 delegates needed. However, his nomination won’t be official until the Grand Old Party confirms it in July and he will need to rally the divided party to his side.

Sure of his place in the presidential race, Trump took a swipe at potential Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, noting she is still fighting Bernie Sanders for the nomination saying she ‘couldn’t close the deal’. He also joked about debating Bernie Sanders to which the latter replied he would gladly participate.

Rattled leaders

The news that Trump is one step closer to the White House has left G7 country leaders rattled according to Obama, and has opinion divided on New York’s Fifth Avenue.

Vince Soto from North Carolina said, “I think he’s our voice. I think it’s time to take away people that are entitled in their positions and the government right now and give the country back to the people. I think he’s the guy to do it.”

While Lynda Hughes, Edmonds, Washington told a reporter, “I think he’s a racist bully and I’m just so sad that America has come to this.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-27

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Over the top: Trump sews up delegates to seal GOP nomination

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Triumphantly armed with a majority of his party's delegates, Republican Donald Trump unleashed a broadside attack Thursday on Hillary Clinton's prescriptions for energy, guns, the economy and international affairs, shifting abruptly toward the general election with his likely Democratic opponent locked in a divisive primary contest.

The New York billionaire shrugged off signs of discord in his party hours after sewing up the number of delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination, a feat that completed an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and set the stage for a bitter fall campaign.

"Here I am watching Hillary fight, and she can't close the deal," Trump crowed during an appearance in North Dakota. "We've had tremendous support from almost everybody."

Trump's good news was tempered by ongoing internal problems. Those include the sudden departure of his political director and continuing resistance by many Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, to declaring their support for his outsider candidacy.

At the same time, Clinton faced fresh questions about her use of a private email server while secretary of state, even as she fought to pivot toward Trump, who she warned would take the country "backward on every issue and value we care about."

The State Department's inspector general released a report a day earlier concluding that Clinton did not seek legal approval for her private email server, guaranteeing the issue will continue nagging her campaign for a second summer. She insisted Thursday that she had done nothing wrong.

"It was allowed. And the rules have been clarified since I left about the practice. Having said that, I have said many times, it was a mistake. And, if I could go back, I would do it differently," Clinton said, according to an interview transcript provided by ABC News.

Campaigning before union workers in Las Vegas, she decried Trump's anti-union comments and his proposal to deport millions of immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally. She said he is an "unqualified loose cannon" who should never be president.

Complicating her election challenge, Clinton's Democratic rival Bernie Sanders embraced the possibility of a one-on-one debate with Trump. The Republican said he'd "love to debate Bernie," but would want the debate to raise at least $10 million for charity.

"The problem with debating Bernie," Trump noted, "he's going to lose."

Just 75 delegates short of her own delegate majority, Clinton remains on a path to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, according to an Associated Press count. But Trump got there first.

The New York businessman sealed the majority by claiming a small number of the party's unbound delegates who told the AP they would support him at the national convention in July. Among them was Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

"I think he has touched a part of our electorate that doesn't like where our country is," Pollard said. "I have no problem supporting Mr. Trump."

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination. Trump has reached 1,239 and will easily pad his total in primary elections on June 7.

Many on the right have been slow to warm to Trump, wary of his conservative bona fides. Others worry about his crass personality and the lewd comments he's made about women.

Trump said during a press conference Thursday that he would "absolutely" end his habit of attacking fellow Republicans now that the nomination is effectively his. But that truce appeared to be short-lived.

Speaking later at a rally in Billings, Montana, Trump said 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who has refused to endorse him, had "failed so badly." His campaign also released a celebratory Instagram video that features a montage of former rivals, including Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, saying he would never be the party's nominee.

Still, millions of grass-roots activists, many of them outsiders to the political process, have embraced Trump as a plain-speaking populist.

Steve House, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party and an unbound delegate who confirmed his support of Trump to the AP, said he likes the billionaire's background as a businessman.

"Leadership is leadership," House said. "If he can surround himself with the political talent, I think he will be fine."

Still, Trump's pivotal moment comes amid a new sign of internal problems.

Hours before clinching the nomination, he announced the departure of political director Rick Wiley, who was leading the campaign's push to hire staff in key battleground states. In a statement, Trump's campaign said Wiley had been hired only until the candidate's organization "was running full steam."

His hiring about six weeks ago was seen as a sign that party veterans were embracing Trump's campaign. The White House contender ignored questions about internal problems on Thursday and instead took aim at Clinton.

He told a Bismarck audience that Clinton has "declared war on the American worker," that she's "going to abolish your right to own guns," and that she created a foreign policy legacy "of total chaos."

He said, "The choice in November is a choice between a Clinton agenda that puts donors first or an agenda that puts America first: my agenda."

Trump also entered a new phase on the fundraising front. Having bashed donors for much of the past year, he hosted his first major campaign fundraiser the night before: a $25,000-per-ticket dinner in Los Angeles.

At the Billings rally, Trump offered new specifics on his general election strategy.

"What I'm going to do is I want to focus on 15-or-so states," he said, that could go "either way."

Among those he mentioned: the Democratic bastions of California and New York, which he insists he can put into play.


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Washington, James Nord in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Marc Levy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, James MacPherson in Bismarck, North Dakota, Lisa Lerer in Las Vegas, Catherine Lucey in Des Moines, Iowa, and Sean Murphy in Oklahoma City contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-27

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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

An American presidential election... would it be possible to imagine anything more idiotic?

I defy anyone to match it anywhere else. Absolute farce.

But I'm feeling better for the laugh, ​ride si sapis said Martial. Mirth really is necessary to wisdom if you are going to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave without losing your marbles.

It appeals to my unashamed taste for the bizarre and my congenital weakness for low comedy.

The United States, to my eye, is incomparably the greatest show on earth.

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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

An American presidential election... would it be possible to imagine anything more idiotic?

I defy anyone to match it anywhere else. Absolute farce.

But I'm feeling better for the laugh, ​ride si sapis said Martial. Mirth really is necessary to wisdom if you are going to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave without losing your marbles.

It appeals to my unashamed taste for the bizarre and my congenital weakness for low comedy.

The United States, to my eye, is incomparably the greatest show on earth.

All the greatest shows in history come from America. They are masters at it, they even find their presidents, governors and mayors among actors.

One big powerful show of make believe, blessed by the allmighty person up there.

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Trump is addressing a lot of the issues people care about while other politicians worried too much about political correctness.Now the people are not to be denied a voice especially on the issues of immigration and keeping the Clinton's from returning to the White house .Good luck Donald i hope you win.

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Can't wait to see him as President. Lot of British politicians are going to have to suck up to him.

As for those who think he will be assassinated, People said that about Obama. I think Donald Trump is to smart for that.

Anyway your First lady will be the hottest one ever in the whitehouse.

Remember your other choice is to put Criminal Hillary in Charge. She has death on her hands.

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Although he will probably be assassinated if he actually wins the election, I am encouraged that many Americans are choosing to buck the mainstream liberal media mind control.

Well what you say is false as he had now received quite a lot of financial support and backing from the "mainstream mind control"

But I think his major backer will be Brawndo®. It has electrolytes!

Happy to know that maybe next year a live version of Idiocracy will be all over the news.

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The fact that Clinton is embroiled in this e mail thing,and that she has not yet secured being the candidate,leads me to think that Trump will now go on to win,i think this would be good for the Us,the only thing i do not like about him is he is a global warming sceptic.

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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

When all your information (lies) comes from Fox News, it distorts your perception of the world. You live in a place where you actually think Trump is going to be President. That the Republican party will remain strong and viable. That the party isn't in the process of blowing itself up with the worst candidate for President in history now running the bizarre show.

One delusional post after another. Many of them showing the fear that bounces around inside the Republican brain.


Edited by Pinot
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Although he will probably be assassinated if he actually wins the election, I am encouraged that many Americans are choosing to buck the mainstream liberal media mind control.

Lets hope not , that he goes the same way as JKF. He bucked the system and the GLOBALISTS assassinated him for warning the people of America about the Global clutch on humanity. I hope this man has great protection and accomplishes what he is setting forth to do.

GOD SPEED MY FRIEND. This planet needs all the good minds available to douse the GLOBALISTS. They are Psychopaths and need to be reigned in by the free people of this planet.

Go ahead trolls go for it.

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Good news indeed. Let's see which way he plays it now. Will he backtrack and tow the republican line or will he continue to kick at the system and rant away. I suspect the former but I really hope for the latter.

More popcorn over here please!

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As one poster already alluded to. People are getting worked up about the whole Republican/Democrat thing. When it appears that a lot of voters are looking to get past that nowadays.

What is wanted and evident, particularly by those following the Trump Train, is REAL change. Not Obama CHANGE. Which was blatantly more of the same old republican/democrate policy. The current status quo is no longer wanted nor is it compatible with today's global political climate. A move away from the two party norm would provide an environment for such a change. Trump is more an independent than a blue blood republican and could indeed start up his own new political party. He is just using the Republican apparatus for simplicity and as a means to an end. He don't give two shites about what his "republican brothers" think or care of him. Cuz he has the runs on the board and they don't.

If one wants more of the same old political hogwash that's been coming out of Washington, then so be it. However those that are in need of and demand change now, finally have a horse to back. They have Mr TRUMP.

Edited by coma
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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

When all your information (lies) comes from Fox News, it distorts your perception of the world. You live in a place where you actually think Trump is going to be President. That the Republican party will remain strong and viable. That the party isn't in the process of blowing itself up with the worst candidate for President in history now running the bizarre show.

One delusional post after another. Many of them showing the fear that bounces around inside the Republican brain.

I deal in reality...watch MSNBC, CNN, and other stations who thump Trump...ignore the obvious news about Clinton...and have declared the winner of the Presidential election...much the same as you...

Classic liberal progressive Democrat playbook...denigrate your opponent...stay away from the issues that plague the country...never ever allow anyone to drill down into your candidate's wrong doing...play the race card, the gender card, and by all means the sexual ID card...

Did I get that about right?

Look into the mirror...what do you see?...the face of everything that is wrong with America...

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Although he will probably be assassinated if he actually wins the election, I am encouraged that many Americans are choosing to buck the mainstream liberal media mind control.

Lets hope not , that he goes the same way as JKF. He bucked the system and the GLOBALISTS assassinated him for warning the people of America about the Global clutch on humanity. I hope this man has great protection and accomplishes what he is setting forth to do.

GOD SPEED MY FRIEND. This planet needs all the good minds available to douse the GLOBALISTS. They are Psychopaths and need to be reigned in by the free people of this planet.

Go ahead trolls go for it.

Speaking of psychopaths...

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I remember when Trump announced his run for the nomination of the Republican party and the comments here on TVF by some members who took cheap shots at Trump while they extolled the virtues of Hilary Clinton...expecting a coronation of the Queen...more than a nomination process...

Comments about how the Republican party was going to disintegrate into oblivion and the Dems would rule the world...

My how the worm has turned over time...Trump has in fact secured the Republican nomination...while Hilary is facing possible Fed. prosecution over her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and has been unable to secure her party's nomination as her coronation is being contested by a an old white man...who is not even a true Democrat...but a unabashed Socialist...

You can not make this stuff up...the entertainment value is priceless...and free...

God Bless America...

When all your information (lies) comes from Fox News, it distorts your perception of the world. You live in a place where you actually think Trump is going to be President. That the Republican party will remain strong and viable. That the party isn't in the process of blowing itself up with the worst candidate for President in history now running the bizarre show.

One delusional post after another. Many of them showing the fear that bounces around inside the Republican brain.

"You live in a place where you actually think Trump is going to be President."

Talk about delusional! At this point Trump has beat most of the odds against him. I would not take a bet on who will become President and obviously he has a lot of supporters. I would not say that the posters are showing any fear at all. Matter of fact I think a good many people supporting Trump are tired of the professional politicians on both sides. It might (and I say might) just work for Trump, but I certainly would not predict the outcome based on who I want to win. Obviously you feel superior to people who support more conservative views and political agenda, but you surely would not win any points in a political discussion.

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The reason Donald Trump looks so 'fat' is due to the kevlar vests he has to wear in public.

You know there's some deranged leftists out there that would love to see him 'gone'...

Most certainly there are millions and millions who like to see him "gone". Don't have to be deranged for that.

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Although he will probably be assassinated if he actually wins the election, I am encouraged that many Americans are choosing to buck the mainstream liberal media mind control.

They said Obama would be assassinated as well...

Not quite the same story, is it?

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