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Obama: Allies 'rattled' by Trump; Trump blasts Obama


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Obama: Allies 'rattled' by Trump; Trump blasts Obama

SHIMA, Japan (AP) — President Barack Obama said Thursday that foreign leaders are "rattled" by Donald Trump and have good reason to feel that way, as he accused the presumptive Republican presidential nominee of ignorance about world affairs.

Weighing in on the Democratic race to replace him, Obama also downplayed concerns that the protracted fight between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is hurting his party's chances, brushing off their escalating attacks as the inevitable "grumpiness" of a primary campaign.

Obama offered his assessment of the presidential campaign on the sidelines of a Group of Seven advanced economies summit in Japan, the latest world gathering to be colored by global concerns about Trump. Obama said foreign leaders at the conference were unsure how seriously to take his pronouncements.

"They are rattled by it — and for good reason," Obama said. "Because a lot of the proposals he has made display either ignorance of world affairs, or a cavalier attitude, or an interest in getting tweets and headlines."

Trump, campaigning in Bismarck, N.D., lashed back at Obama, saying "he's a person who's done a terrible job." Referring to foreign leaders, Trump said, "If they're rattled in a friendly way, that's a good thing, not a bad thing."

Questions about the unpredictable Trump have increasingly trailed Obama when he travels overseas, with world leaders incredulously sizing up a leading presidential candidate who speaks of banning Muslim immigration, starting trade wars and spreading nuclear weapons to Japan and South Korea. Obama has said that Trump now comes up in every one of his foreign meetings, with the president offering reassurances that he doesn't believe Trump will be elected.

Though Obama has generally avoided opining on the presidential race as the Democratic primary as it continues to play out, he's made no secret of his distaste for Trump, whose election would mark a sharp departure from Obama in both tone and substance. In addition to opposing the sweeping Asia-Pacific free trade deal that Obama brokered, Trump has threatened to renegotiate Obama's nuclear deal with Iran and the global climate pact reached in Paris.

Obama, taking questions the day before he pays a historic visit to Hiroshima, said foreign countries pay more attention to U.S. elections than Americans do to theirs because they count on the U.S. to provide stability and direction in addressing global challenges.

"I think it's fair to say they are surprised by the Republican nominee," Obama said, referring to Trump.

Obama's comments to reporters came amid growing Democratic impatience to see the party unite behind Clinton, who is close to netting the number of delegates needed for the nomination but has been unable to persuade Sanders to exit the race. Many Democrats, including prominent senators, have started publicly voicing frustration with Sanders, who shows no signs of a quick departure despite near-impossible odds of overtaking Clinton.

Rather, Sanders has warned of a potentially "messy" Democratic Convention in Philadelphia in July, stoking concerns for the Democratic Party and for Clinton's campaign, both of which are eager to shift their focus to attacking Trump and courting voters needed to win the general election in November.

Yet Obama brushed off calls for him to get more personally involved in brokering a resolution, saying that he's still inclined to let the Democratic primary play itself out. He likened the hard-fought campaign between Clinton and Sanders to the one he waged with Clinton in 2008.

"During primaries, people get a little grumpy with each other. Somebody's supporter pops off and there's a certain buildup of aggravation," Obama said. "Every little speed bump, conflict trash-talking that takes place is elevated."

He urged both Democratic candidates to "try to stick to the issues," adding that the grumpiness often stems from voters' frustration when the campaign instead becomes dominated by talk about "personalities and character."

Asked about the Taliban's new leader, Obama said he was not optimistic about a change for the better any time soon despite the U.S. drone strike that killed former Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour, who had refused to engage in reconciliation talks with Afghanistan's government.

Mansour's replacement, Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada, has signaled intentions to continue Mansour's aggressive approach. But Obama said he never expected "a liberal Democrat" to be the newly appointed leader of the Taliban.

"In the short term, we anticipate the Taliban will continue to pursue an agenda of violence," Obama said. He added that he was hopeful that eventually "when there are those within the community that surround the Taliban that recognize their goals are best achieved by negotiations."


Associated Press writer Josh Lederman in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-27

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I think the world has been screaming for an US president to be somewhat "ignorant" of world affairs for a long time now. Since the end of World War Two in fact. Unfortunately it is just catching on domestically in North America now. But better late then never. The over indulgence of US presidents in global affairs is what has caused this world to be the unfriendly, dangerous place that it is today.

A US president that is more concerned with what is going on at home, especially the US-Mexico border issue and the wave of crime entering the USA from south of the border is where homeland security needs to be focused. Not being the global dictator she has been for the last 5 or 6 decades. Propping up proxy governments here, arming future enemy terrorist groups there etc etc. The only world leaders that are feeling "rattled" by Mr Trump are those of US proxy states.

Rattle away Mr Trump. thumbsup.gif

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I was watching a Trump rally on TV. Someone mentioned this subject. Trump responded that he wanted foreign leaders to worry about him. It's part of how you play the game if you're a real leader.

I once read a book titled "Winning Through Intimidation". It's not what it sounds like. You just don't let other people intimidate you or get you off balance. There are ways to maintain your stature and status without the other person even realizing you're doing it. I'll give an example.

If you have a meeting with an attorney I guarantee you'll go to his very nice office rather than him coming to yours. You're always a bit uncomfortable on someone else's turf and it puts him one up and you one down. That's just one example of many but there are dozens of things you can do without the other person realizing it that gives you an edge.

Trump is a master at being the big dog and leaders of other countries aren't going to get the best of him. He's worked and had good relationships all over the world in some mighty big deals. He wrote "The Art Of The Deal" and he won't be a weak Obama on the world stage.


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Obama...bless his little black heart...is trying hard to appear Presidential and relevant...of which...he is neither...

The country would be so much better off if he would just play golf everyday until he leaves office...he has already sealed his legacy...and I suspect he will be surprised at how unflattering he will be remembered...kinda like a festering boil that you keep getting goo out of the pie hole...but it just keeps filling back up...

Soon he will be history...but never forgotten...like a reoccuring nightmare...

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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



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I think the world has been screaming for an US president to be somewhat "ignorant" of world affairs for a long time now. Since the end of World War Two in fact. Unfortunately it is just catching on domestically in North America now. But better late then never. The over indulgence of US presidents in global affairs is what has caused this world to be the unfriendly, dangerous place that it is today.

A US president that is more concerned with what is going on at home, especially the US-Mexico border issue and the wave of crime entering the USA from south of the border is where homeland security needs to be focused. Not being the global dictator she has been for the last 5 or 6 decades. Propping up proxy governments here, arming future enemy terrorist groups there etc etc. The only world leaders that are feeling "rattled" by Mr Trump are those of US proxy states.

Rattle away Mr Trump. thumbsup.gif

So what the world needs is an ignorant American President. clap2.gif That over indulgence of US Presidents in global affairs is a real problem. The President should have his head stuck in the ground or be out golfing, clearing brush from his ranch. Pull the military into bases or put them out into the streets...or the border. Yeah, that's the ticket, put them on the border! Line em up and dare the Mexiricans to show their faces.

A low-information, true fan of Donald Trump.

Wow. Breathtaking.

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I was watching a Trump rally on TV. Someone mentioned this subject. Trump responded that he wanted foreign leaders to worry about him. It's part of how you play the game if you're a real leader.

I once read a book titled "Winning Through Intimidation". It's not what it sounds like. You just don't let other people intimidate you or get you off balance. There are ways to maintain your stature and status without the other person even realizing you're doing it. I'll give an example.

If you have a meeting with an attorney I guarantee you'll go to his very nice office rather than him coming to yours. You're always a bit uncomfortable on someone else's turf and it puts him one up and you one down. That's just one example of many but there are dozens of things you can do without the other person realizing it that gives you an edge.

Trump is a master at being the big dog and leaders of other countries aren't going to get the best of him. He's worked and had good relationships all over the world in some mighty big deals. He wrote "The Art Of The Deal" and he won't be a weak Obama on the world stage.


Yeah, he wrote a book. He'll be great. The low-information buffoon will be a big hit with the rest of the world. Do you really write this stuff with a straight face? You're being sarcastic...no?

The more we learn about the principles and values espoused by Trump and his surrogates, the more we must acknowledge their lack of human decency. Essentially, America should abandon all sense of decency, in every single avenue, to 'Make America Great Again.' I hope the standards of human decency that we really want for our country and world can survive this Trump nightmare in one piece.

If he is elected there will be no need to plan on a Trump Presidential Library. Just send every American the link to his Twitter account.

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

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Obama and his sidekick, Hillary, are the reason someone like Trump will win. Americans are sick of slick, useless, money thieving politicians and will welcome anyone who might actually love America for a change. Trump would never be my first choice, but it appears he may be my only choice.

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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



......and yet you can't afford public health care, like the rest of the Western world.

Get cancer as a US citizen and it's time to re-mortgage your house.

The rest of the world look on in bewilderment when people vote against their own welfare.

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

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Plenty of time to talk about Trump but no time to discuss Hillary's email issue.


Obama snaps over Clinton emails: 'I'm not taking another question'
President Obama snapped at a reporter during a Thursday press conference in Japan after being asked about Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system at the State Department, an act that the department's inspector general said violated the rules.
Obama had just offered to answer one additional question from reporters, but then bristled when the question was about Clinton's emails.
"You know I take it back – I'm not taking another question," he said. <<snip>>
Edited by chuckd
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I think the world has been screaming for an US president to be somewhat "ignorant" of world affairs for a long time now. Since the end of World War Two in fact. Unfortunately it is just catching on domestically in North America now. But better late then never. The over indulgence of US presidents in global affairs is what has caused this world to be the unfriendly, dangerous place that it is today.

A US president that is more concerned with what is going on at home, especially the US-Mexico border issue and the wave of crime entering the USA from south of the border is where homeland security needs to be focused. Not being the global dictator she has been for the last 5 or 6 decades. Propping up proxy governments here, arming future enemy terrorist groups there etc etc. The only world leaders that are feeling "rattled" by Mr Trump are those of US proxy states.

Rattle away Mr Trump. thumbsup.gif

So what the world needs is an ignorant American President. clap2.gif That over indulgence of US Presidents in global affairs is a real problem. The President should have his head stuck in the ground or be out golfing, clearing brush from his ranch. Pull the military into bases or put them out into the streets...or the border. Yeah, that's the ticket, put them on the border! Line em up and dare the Mexiricans to show their faces.

A low-information, true fan of Donald Trump.

Wow. Breathtaking.

As long as his ranch is in the USA then great.

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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

pay for it


I agree 100%! Why should America pay 75% of the costs of NATO? They should pay 100% and America would be their backup only! How about

Merkel's idea of an EU Army? Who would pay for it? That's the question of the year! Rather than the Germans sending 6 cooks to the

front, they would be required to send the whole cooking battalion! The Brit's are good soldiers, I would hate to see them join an EU Army! And Yes, I am Voting for President Trump!

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A Trump Presidency will see America totally isolated from the World. It is pretty clear few countries will align themselves with his Presidency. China and Russia will fill the vacuum. There will be little to no support for anything Trump attempts to coordinate. He is seen as a dangerous fool Globally. When even fellow dictator Dear Leader Un gives him the finger it gives you a pretty good indication of how low Trump is regarded on the World stage.

You can relax. I'm sure the US Military will still protect you Aussies from those big, bad Chinese.

After all, we've been doing it since 1942.

When has China ever threatened Australia?

Australia would have a stronger alliance with China than America. China is Australia's strongest trading partner. America just gets Australia caught up in idiotic wars that cost a fortune and cause more problems than they solve. To be honest I think Australia is over America for now.

Mate good luck getting Australia involved with a Trump administration he is viewed as a racist fool.

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Looks like the free world are getting worried about their free ride on America's defense budget. Good on Trump to shake em up.

You sure must be an American.


The US spends 40% of the world's military budget. It has so much military parked in Europe that Germany, for instance, can spend almost nothing on defense. The US has big naval and air bases there.

Why? Does Europe do anything of the sort for the US?


Trump is right. <deleted> Europe. Let them buy their own defense. They trash the US for being "the world's police" and then cower in the protection of the US.



And how do you think the big military contractors and the Pentagon will react to significant cut backs in military spending .... knowing what you know about how the Senate and Congress is run? The lobbyists and paid for politicians will fight tooth and nail to maintain and increase military spending or find another war to spend billions on. Trump is many thinks but he is not naive. It's just political posturing.

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The US Military has already been cut back to the bones by Obama.

The Army is at it's lowest numbers since before WW2

You are watching Fox News right? What does cut to the bones mean? Projecting US military power in foreign countries by maintaining bases? Useless wars like Iraq?

Under Obama, military spending has increased dramatically vs the Clinton term. The number of people serving in the armed forces has been cut back over time. No surprise, there has not been a global conflict of the size of WWII to warrant it.


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Look at all that wasted tax payers money. Can't afford Food Stamps but all the money in the world for weapons. That money could have easily funded affordable health care, tuition paid education, rebuilding infrastructure. What fools.

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No, non-information poster it was Congress (mostly the Republican part) that cut the budget across the board, not just the military, ah duh. There was this little bill they passed that did that. The across the board cut was right up their no heart alley as it has had great effect on needed social programs that help the people. The military budget is bloated and wasteful. F-35-can't fly, can't dogfight, can't provide close air support, can't bomb. Two fold problem with the bloated military budget, the lack of real oversight and the over payment to contractors. The orange monster is nothing but a proto-fascist con man. Only a masochistic fool would vote for scum like him.

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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

What's wrong with Socialism? I think you have to be found guilty of a Felony before you can be one.

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Todays media fix is better than ever. It is true that the Clinton/Sanders fight will weaken the democrats in the short term. I guess the big question is will the republicans really press the self destruct button and vote Trump into office. Surely in the end common sense will prevail and they will reject the moron. If not then I fear that they only have themselves to blame for the outcome.

The circus rolls on and on and we are all enjoying the ride. Let's hope that it doesn't end with the big top collapsing and everyone running for the exit!

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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

And only an idiot would vote for a glorified market stall barker with more failed business than you can shake a large stick at. Oh look, here's another Trump scam.

CHILL PILLS 05.25.16 8:00 AM ET
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.
You give the Donald your urine and a stack of money? That’s what he wanted, in exchange for a customized vitamin regimen that a Harvard doctor deems a ‘scam.’

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”


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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

What's wrong with Socialism?

Had a look at Venezuela lately have you?

They're eating their pets! No food in the stores nor toilet paper nor electricity and we are asked: "What's wrong with Socialism"? laugh.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Heh, only deluded far left loons would vote for a raving socialist such as Sanders or a Felon as we see in Clinton. smile.png

What's wrong with Socialism?

Had a look at Venezuela lately have you?

They're eating their pets! No food in the stores nor toilet paper nor electricity and we are asked: "What's wrong with Socialism"? laugh.png

Yes and Venezuela problems are nothing to do with Socialism.

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