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Caution: Parking attendant at Dawan Daeng near Future Park

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This is not a cheap charlie thread or shouldn't be... that is not the issue here.

If you are friends with the people who own Tewan Daeng, then you should certainly tell them... and I would ask about it in Central too...

If parking is free, then that should be that... if the guy is "working" the place of his own accord, in hopes of a tip, a charity, then he should never ever be aggressive. The next guy/gal may not get off as easy as you did...

I have seen a few situations here in Thailand where there is a street mafia of sorts, "helping" people pull into available spots in exchange for a tip - if not, the spot is "taken" - if you take the spot, you are definitely expected to give a tip, if not, there will be trouble.


My Dad used to occasionally remind me:

Would you rather be right, or rather be still alive?

He was usually talking about defensive driving, but the lesson seems to apply across the board in my international adventures.


This is not a cheap charlie thread or shouldn't be... that is not the issue here.

If you are friends with the people who own Tewan Daeng, then you should certainly tell them... and I would ask about it in Central too...

If parking is free, then that should be that... if the guy is "working" the place of his own accord, in hopes of a tip, a charity, then he should never ever be aggressive. The next guy/gal may not get off as easy as you did...

I have seen a few situations here in Thailand where there is a street mafia of sorts, "helping" people pull into available spots in exchange for a tip - if not, the spot is "taken" - if you take the spot, you are definitely expected to give a tip, if not, there will be trouble.


Just wonder if getting him fired from his job is not a bit harsh for what he tried. Now I hate guys trying to get money that they are not entitled too but getting fired for this. he has not assaulted anyone or damaged cars.


I honestly don't know why people write serious issues on this site to help others, because most time idiots, fools and trolls come out and condemn the people who are only trying to help. I suppose that is why other sites so often condemn this site and when people wish to have some contentious issue tell the writer to come over to here to air their issue so they can get the low lifes to come out of the woodwork to express their opinions. It is pleasing to see that there are some genuine people who give feedback, but so many just see it as a chance to express their sarcasm and personal wit, if you can call it that.

Agreed. Thanks to the Op from me as I will be staying around that area in a weeks time. It's always useful to be aware.


He actually never said anything until now. Annoying, but harmless. So I didn't consider him a problem, just a nuisance. Of course I am not going back there, but it was preferable to other locations due to the close vicinity to the supermarket.

I often tip parking attendants for special services like I used to at Pantip ot Times Square. They would then give me a space close to where I wanted to go. After nearly 20 years driving and parking I know my way around.

The story was meant as a warning to others as I think he has upped his game. I was always very polite to him and this erratic change was somehow unexpected. Earlier I had passed him with my trolley and he left me alone.

Furthermore, I didn't say anything to him after he confronted me, stayed calm, though slightly frightened, and drove off. There were his colleagues sitting nearby. Any provocation from me could have resulted in a silly escalation.

Perhaps the attendant was angry as he was saving the space for someone who tipped him twenty baht for reserving a space near where they wanted to go, like you used to do at Pantip and Times Square.

Who knows, maybe those parking attendants at Pantip and TS used to treat other people like this attendant as they were being tipped by 20 baht by you for giving you a space where you wanted to be.

Anyway, just park somewhere else. This guy has obviously got a screw loose, or the feels slighted in some way. Just easier to park elsewhere. Also are you 100% sure that an agreement for free parking was reached, and what times of day or days it was? e.g. not just Saturday and Sunday?


I noticed how no one takes offence to the attendants behaviour.

Please remind me when any of you get attacked, say gang raped, and I happen to walk by, so I can tell you that it wasn't a good idea to get into a situation such as this in the first place and it's probably your fault getting attacked.wai2.gif

I learned a long time back never to expect helpful comments on TVF. You do get the odd one or two but the number of snide, sarcastic and abusive retorts make it not worth the bother. Surprised me really, I niaively thought that a bunch of farang living in a foreign country would be only too pleased to support each other. Trouble is, you have the Thai bashing police on here who won't hear a word of criticism against Thailand or it's people, even if it's warranted. Actually, I'm surprised no one suggested you return to farang land.


I feel really uncomfortable in these situations ..

I guess, These guys work for tips, for a service I don't require. I don't need some guy with a torch and a whistle standing in the way when I want to reverse I have wing mirrors and eyes.

I don't want some guy with a dusty rag scratching my wing mirrors.

I have two arms to put my shopping in the boot and arrange in a way I see fit.

Just please, go away. I don't want to pay for an unwanted service.

Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum - New Year's Eve - We went out for countdown. We asked the attendant - are you going to be here all night ? Oh yes, 24-7 .. If so can you look after our helmets ? Here's 100B.

Only to return and he's packed up his little table with his dinner box, radio and torch and nowhere to be seen, while 30,000B of helmets are sitting on the wing mirrors of my bike in a dark car park.

I feel, it's not about cheap Charley behavior - I'm better off making my own judgements.


My thinking is that the Op has behaved perfectly up until now. However if he has been aggresive enough to frighten then its time for him to go. I am sure the owners of Tawan Daeng and Central would not like their customers being treated like this. Sooner or later one of the customers is not going to be so patient and may get assualted, why wait for that to happen. The guard has a problem and needs to go. It is correct to feel sorry for people like this but Op must still consider the "greater good"


This is not a cheap charlie thread or shouldn't be... that is not the issue here.

If you are friends with the people who own Tewan Daeng, then you should certainly tell them... and I would ask about it in Central too...

If parking is free, then that should be that... if the guy is "working" the place of his own accord, in hopes of a tip, a charity, then he should never ever be aggressive. The next guy/gal may not get off as easy as you did...

I have seen a few situations here in Thailand where there is a street mafia of sorts, "helping" people pull into available spots in exchange for a tip - if not, the spot is "taken" - if you take the spot, you are definitely expected to give a tip, if not, there will be trouble.


Just wonder if getting him fired from his job is not a bit harsh for what he tried. Now I hate guys trying to get money that they are not entitled too but getting fired for this. he has not assaulted anyone or damaged cars.

Yeah Rob - I did not say he should be or will be fired - if he is working a job, which was not established... that would be up to his employer. As a former employer, I would want to know how my employees are behaving - maybe they will just tell him to chill out a little and tipping is optional - or whatever they want from him - but I think as either a boss or property owner, they should know what is going on.. who knows, maybe the property owner splits the tips with him - always tough to be judgmental with little information.


This is not a cheap charlie thread or shouldn't be... that is not the issue here.

If you are friends with the people who own Tewan Daeng, then you should certainly tell them... and I would ask about it in Central too...

If parking is free, then that should be that... if the guy is "working" the place of his own accord, in hopes of a tip, a charity, then he should never ever be aggressive. The next guy/gal may not get off as easy as you did...

I have seen a few situations here in Thailand where there is a street mafia of sorts, "helping" people pull into available spots in exchange for a tip - if not, the spot is "taken" - if you take the spot, you are definitely expected to give a tip, if not, there will be trouble.


Just wonder if getting him fired from his job is not a bit harsh for what he tried. Now I hate guys trying to get money that they are not entitled too but getting fired for this. he has not assaulted anyone or damaged cars.

Yeah Rob - I did not say he should be or will be fired - if he is working a job, which was not established... that would be up to his employer. As a former employer, I would want to know how my employees are behaving - maybe they will just tell him to chill out a little and tipping is optional - or whatever they want from him - but I think as either a boss or property owner, they should know what is going on.. who knows, maybe the property owner splits the tips with him - always tough to be judgmental with little information.

I agree, but given how it goes here in Thailand.. either nothing is done or a guy is fired.. and if the OP really is a friend of the owners the guy might git fired right away. I just find that a tad excessive. Not that nothing should be done but losing a job is a bit harsh.


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

Why should he hav to pay? It's a FREE car park. An hav to be intimidated by a prick. Read the post properly. Ur the Axxxhole.


Why not give him the 20 baht ?

It's not as tho you'd miss it.

As you are incredibly short sighted I will tell you why. If someone gives money to a person that does not deserve it. such as scammers, bad waiters, this parking attendant etc. it encourages them and others to be more aggressive in getting the tip. Americans are some of the worst for this, they will tip anybody for anything. An American friend was horrified when we did not tip a waiter even though the service and food was well below what it should have been. If you reward bad behaviour you will get even worse behaviour in the future.

"It's not as tho you'd miss it." What an arrogant statement. Just because you come from the land of milk and honey does not mean we all do. I see this a lot on TV where some smug well off person looks down on those of us with less than ten million Baht in the bank to waste away. A lot of people work hard for their money and don't want to waste it.

It may be just 20 Baht today but if people just roll over and pay it every time it will be 40 Baht very soon and so on.

If it is a free car park only fools (and Americans) would you pay for it. Stand up for yourself instead of letting these scammers walk all over you.


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

More idiocy from the " lets cal anyone with principles a cheap Charlie" brigade


Why not give him the 20 baht ?

It's not as tho you'd miss it.

As you are incredibly short sighted I will tell you why. If someone gives money to a person that does not deserve it. such as scammers, bad waiters, this parking attendant etc. it encourages them and others to be more aggressive in getting the tip.

Not my problem. My goal is to have a nice day. If that means I cough up 20 baht to get a pest off my back, that's 20 baht well spent.

Someone else can incur the guy's wrath for ratting him out or putting him in his place. Not my job, nor my responsibility. Too often, it ends badly here in LOS.


Did you not just avoid paying for parking?

That is like using a bar's toilet without buying a drink!

Beware, your car may develop a scratch or two next time you do this.


Did you not just avoid paying for parking?

That is like using a bar's toilet without buying a drink!

Beware, your car may develop a scratch or two next time you do this.

Apparently, parking is free.

So it's more like using the can without tipping the attendant who hands you the comb and the refreshing hot towel. See if you get your hot towel next time you get pee on your fingers...

I could just talk to my friends, the couple that owns Dawan Daeng, and he will be gone in a heartbeat.

Strange that you mention your friendship with the car park owners so late in the thread.

If they really are such good friends why didn't you just call them after you'd safely left the car park instead of starting a bickering match here where no one can do anything? As you said yourself, the problem would have been solved in a heartbeat and there would have been no necessity for you to warn anyone about the guard.


Did you not just avoid paying for parking?

That is like using a bar's toilet without buying a drink!

Beware, your car may develop a scratch or two next time you do this.

Apparently, parking is free.

So it's more like using the can without tipping the attendant who hands you the comb and the refreshing hot towel. See if you get your hot towel next time you get pee on your fingers...

So they have a parking attendant on free parking, who pays him?

Perhaps this enterprising guy has set up his own business, or works solely for tips!

Refreshing HOT towel, in Thailand, cold please.

My hair so short a comb has little effect.

I am a bit miserly and do not like these toilet attendants, am able to turn on my own tap, wash my hands and carry my own small towel....really!


Best thing to do is make an official complaint against this idiot. Don't listen to our apologist friends on this forum.

Fix a couple of cameras to your car, and if he damages your car, that is hard evidence. And if that doesn't work, run the bugger down.

Update: I talked to a guard nearby. He helps with my dogs when I visit the vet and I tip him plenty, but don't tell the righteous people of TV. He said that many people don't like him but don't want to complain for fear of (not damage to the car) him losing his income.

I could just talk to my friends, the couple that owns Dawan Daeng, and he will be gone in a heartbeat. I still am not convinced that this is the right move. He 'only' banged on my door, but didn't assault me.

The camera idea is nice. I already have one in the car. But your idea requires repair work and subsequent lose of my car for about a week.

You absolutely should complain to your friend / couple owner. Its Tawan Daegn Country Place right?


Did you not just avoid paying for parking?

That is like using a bar's toilet without buying a drink!

Beware, your car may develop a scratch or two next time you do this.

Apparently, parking is free.

So it's more like using the can without tipping the attendant who hands you the comb and the refreshing hot towel. See if you get your hot towel next time you get pee on your fingers...

So they have a parking attendant on free parking, who pays him?

Perhaps this enterprising guy has set up his own business, or works solely for tips!

Refreshing HOT towel, in Thailand, cold please.

My hair so short a comb has little effect.

I am a bit miserly and do not like these toilet attendants, am able to turn on my own tap, wash my hands and carry my own small towel....really!

I never liked them, either. But when I was paying $28 (plus tip) for some fru-fru drink, another buck didn't really matter.

I especially hated the ones that stared at me while I was peeing. Bashful bladder and all... Sometimes I had to pay them 3 times to get one good lizard draining.


Why not give him the 20 baht ?

It's not as tho you'd miss it.

As you are incredibly short sighted I will tell you why. If someone gives money to a person that does not deserve it. such as scammers, bad waiters, this parking attendant etc. it encourages them and others to be more aggressive in getting the tip.

Not my problem. My goal is to have a nice day. If that means I cough up 20 baht to get a pest off my back, that's 20 baht well spent.

Someone else can incur the guy's wrath for ratting him out or putting him in his place. Not my job, nor my responsibility. Too often, it ends badly here in LOS.

One day you may not have 20 Baht, then it will be your problem.


Did you not just avoid paying for parking?

That is like using a bar's toilet without buying a drink!

Beware, your car may develop a scratch or two next time you do this.

Apparently, parking is free.

So it's more like using the can without tipping the attendant who hands you the comb and the refreshing hot towel. See if you get your hot towel next time you get pee on your fingers...

So they have a parking attendant on free parking, who pays him?

Perhaps this enterprising guy has set up his own business, or works solely for tips!

Refreshing HOT towel, in Thailand, cold please.

My hair so short a comb has little effect.

I am a bit miserly and do not like these toilet attendants, am able to turn on my own tap, wash my hands and carry my own small towel....really!

I never liked them, either. But when I was paying $28 (plus tip) for some fru-fru drink, another buck didn't really matter.

I especially hated the ones that stared at me while I was peeing. Bashful bladder and all... Sometimes I had to pay them 3 times to get one good lizard draining.

Are you totally spineless? You are unable to use a sink, give money to every leech that asks for it, how do you survive in Thailand? You appear to be more suited to Hawaii than a third world country.

I could just talk to my friends, the couple that owns Dawan Daeng, and he will be gone in a heartbeat.

Strange that you mention your friendship with the car park owners so late in the thread.

If they really are such good friends why didn't you just call them after you'd safely left the car park instead of starting a bickering match here where no one can do anything? As you said yourself, the problem would have been solved in a heartbeat and there would have been no necessity for you to warn anyone about the guard.

If you had read a tad more you would have discovered that I didn't want the thug to lose his income. There was a scare, nothing else.

I also didn't want the topic of this thread to be whether we should use 'connections' to solve problems.


Why not give him the 20 baht ?

It's not as tho you'd miss it.

As you are incredibly short sighted I will tell you why. If someone gives money to a person that does not deserve it. such as scammers, bad waiters, this parking attendant etc. it encourages them and others to be more aggressive in getting the tip.

Not my problem. My goal is to have a nice day. If that means I cough up 20 baht to get a pest off my back, that's 20 baht well spent.

Someone else can incur the guy's wrath for ratting him out or putting him in his place. Not my job, nor my responsibility. Too often, it ends badly here in LOS.

One day you may not have 20 Baht, then it will be your problem.

Can I watch?


Thanks for the later posts, some sharing experience, some agreeing and some offer half-decent advice. A special thanks to post 2 by taotoo

Then there are the not so honourable mentionings: someone as sure as Chamberlain called me Brit. What? Was it my banter? Brits can't spell this well. Or do I appear to be hanging on in quiet desperation? You know who you are and I looked at some of your other posts on TVF; it appears you are insensitive, rude, vulgar, racist, ignorant but all-knowing. Like someone said earlier to you when you called me a name, it takes one to know one, so (yank?), go out and drink with your buddies the parking attendants and settle for moonshine as you cannot afford bourbon.


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

Such hatred in your comment just because he does something differently to you. I personally feel the aggression shown by westerners, unwillingness to smile or be polite causes more damage than someone who won't be bullied in to throwing his cash away.

Regarding the Op, I doubt he will have remembered your car, just the white face. You've got to decide if you want to risk another confrontation or spend an hour looking for parking again. Personally I would continue to use the car park(going on your previous comment that it's free) and wait for him to stop trying. Once he figures out you're not his cash cow he will leave you alone.

20 baht?

Cash cow?


Now this is a real cash cow http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/920847-holy-cow-or-should-that-be-a-cash-cow/?utm_source=newsletter-20160528-1531&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news


i just realize these thai apologists are just a bunch of sissy... these apologists they bend down at the first problem with thai peoplewhistling.gif

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