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The fight for Europe’s soul is continuing say Merkel and Hollande


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The fight for Europe’s soul is continuing say Merkel and Hollande
By Catherine Hardy


-- Merkel and Hollande mark centenary
-- 300 days, 300,000 dead
-- France emerged the victor
-- Joint commemorations seen as symbol of good relations between the two countries

VERDUN: -- The Chancellor of Germany and President of France have held a joint and poignant ceremony to mark the 100-year anniversary of the Battle of Verdun.

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande began the day by laying a wreath at the German military cemetery of Consenvoye in north-eastern France in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the battle.

Douaumont Ossuary
The main commemorative ceremony was held at the Douaumont Ossuary, where 130,000 of those who died are buried.

4,000 French and German schoolchildren took part in a performance choreographed by German filmmaker Volker Schloendorff and meant to symbolise the battle.

Church bells were then rung throughout the Verdun area.

Merkel and Hollande both signed the commemorative book before giving impassioned speeches stressing the importance of European unity.

Angela Merkel evoked the migrant crisis:

“Thinking and acting purely on a nation-state basis will set us back. This goes for conquering the economic crisis in Europe, for dealing with the many people who seek refuge here and for all the great challenges of our times.”

The German Chancellor’s words were echoed by the French President, Francois Hollande.

“The forces of division, of obstruction, of withdrawal are once more among us, they are spreading fear and hatred through weakness, delays, mistakes, all of these things that are faults, without a doubt. Europe is seen as the root of all evil when in fact evil is what led to it being created.”

Did Merkel and Hollande talk politics?

The two leaders had lunch together and made joint statements later in the day.

Hollande said earlier this week that talks would focus on the future of Europe, including the migrant crisis, security and the rise of populist movements.

Commemorations of Verdun has come to signify the close relationship between Germany and France.

A photo of leaders Francois Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl holding hands at Douaumont cemetery at the first joint commemoration in 1984 has become a potent symbol of Franco-German reconciliation.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-30

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The battle of Verdun was fought to prevent Europe being run by a German dictator. Present situation in Europe is strikingly similar to being run by a German dictator. There is one difference between the possible Europe-wide dictatorship under Hitler and the one under Merkel, and that is that AH was fiercely proud of the caucasian race and their history, culture and certain future. Merkel seems intent to wipe out the ethnic caucasians favoring mid east/N African persons instead. It is my opinion that current leaders have TOTALLY forgotten why the wars were fought in the first place. This I find very offensive. Hopefully I will be allowed my respectful say on this matter and not suffer another TVF glitch and disappearing post.

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The battle of Verdun was fought to prevent Europe being run by a German dictator. Present situation in Europe is strikingly similar to being run by a German dictator. There is one difference between the possible Europe-wide dictatorship under Hitler and the one under Merkel, and that is that AH was fiercely proud of the caucasian race and their history, culture and certain future. Merkel seems intent to wipe out the ethnic caucasians favoring mid east/N African persons instead. It is my opinion that current leaders have TOTALLY forgotten why the wars were fought in the first place. This I find very offensive. Hopefully I will be allowed my respectful say on this matter and not suffer another TVF glitch and disappearing post.

Merkel, Juncker and others seem to want their legacy to be that of great humanitarians and it's backfired big time but only thing being they will suffer the least, it's the people they supposedly ' lead ' that will have their culture and way of life eroded as their leaders bend to the wishes of the new arrivals over their own people.

A small example, the traditional corner pubs in Britain disappearing as Muslims get into positions of authority in local government, licensing authorities etc and impose their religion on others whether they want it or not.

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I just read that about 49% of migrants have dispersed without registration and subsist on petty crime. It's obvious they know they will not qualify as a refugee. I think Europe will see a Muslim Mafia that will make the New York Mafia look like posers. Another Angela Merkel contribution to the future of Europe. I hope several EU states decide to opt out of the EU and leave Merkel holding the bag of sh** she brought into the EU.

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I just read that about 49% of migrants have dispersed without registration and subsist on petty crime. It's obvious they know they will not qualify as a refugee. I think Europe will see a Muslim Mafia that will make the New York Mafia look like posers. Another Angela Merkel contribution to the future of Europe. I hope several EU states decide to opt out of the EU and leave Merkel holding the bag of sh** she brought into the EU.

Make no mistake. Merkel and her cronies want a fully federal European super state. And of course, they see Germany running that. France, the current government and bureaucrats, have stupidly believed Germany will let France be co-leaders. Dream on.

I lived and worked in Germany several times and have many German friends. Lots of them are concerned at the way things are going. They don't want to be part of a super state run by Merkel and her cronies along the lines of the DDR.

Germany tried twice to rule Europe by military might. This third attempt is much more covert, subtle and unfortunately likely to succeed unless France, and other key member wake up.

Note Hollande, like his Matron, is worried about rising populist movements. They only like democracy when it doesn't challenge them. Otherwise another inconvenience. Both France and Germany see increasing bureaucracy, appointed commissions and the like as a way to neuter elected officials and democracy. Encouraging hundreds of thousands of migrants is another way to undermine the people who they should be representing.

This isn't going to end well.

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I just read that about 49% of migrants have dispersed without registration and subsist on petty crime. It's obvious they know they will not qualify as a refugee. I think Europe will see a Muslim Mafia that will make the New York Mafia look like posers. Another Angela Merkel contribution to the future of Europe. I hope several EU states decide to opt out of the EU and leave Merkel holding the bag of sh** she brought into the EU.

And no doubt the police will be forbidden from giving any crime statistics out that confirm this.

I know from experience of small English towns who were allocated East Europeans, often Romany, who suddenly found that the drugs, prostitution, and burglars were all suddenly from this foreign community that had been largely made welcome. Turf wars became common. A close relative knocked a handbag snatcher of his bike and made a citizens arrest. The scumbag hardly spoke a word of English but was happy robbing old ladies' handbags.

There have been several cases in UK of convicted murderous moving to UK after serving their sentences and then emigrating and re-offending. No checks on movement or sharing of information by police services.

The fight is indeed continuing for Europe's soul with Merkel and her sidekick firmly on the Devil's side.

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Financial sector is the Hitler figure and all others are participating in it as marionets.

Puppets on a string, they dont care about any man or woman, just for themselves.

People are just "collateral damage" . Ranks as in the army.

It's just another Verdun, but then in a sneaky way.

We will assimulate you, resistance is futile.

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Really ....as the war with Isis etc rages on they have a ceremony to mark the only battle France has won---over 100 years ago.......coffee1.gif


Who won the 1940 Tour De France?
The Third Panzer Division

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Let's not confuse WW1 with WW2, the first world war was a clash of empires, millions died as the idiots in charge fought a modern war with old strategies. Really about the British Empire putting an upstart German empire back in its place.

In theory a united Europe is fine, in reality it is becoming more a dictatorship of bureaucrats, and isn't that what communism really is when you break it down? As they solidly their power things will invariably get more repressive, all the signs are there for those who open their eyes.

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Let's not confuse WW1 with WW2, the first world war was a clash of empires, millions died as the idiots in charge fought a modern war with old strategies. Really about the British Empire putting an upstart German empire back in its place.

In theory a united Europe is fine, in reality it is becoming more a dictatorship of bureaucrats, and isn't that what communism really is when you break it down? As they solidly their power things will invariably get more repressive, all the signs are there for those who open their eyes.

The former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has called the European Union bureaucracy a "democracy-free zone" and a "catastrophe" and points out that it already over-rides national sovereignty almost everywhere.

Don't like an Austrian politician because he is right-wing? Apply diplomatic sanctions against the entire country.

Don't like an Irish referendum rejecting the Lisbon Treaty? Make them do it over, with some extra cash to sweeten the pot.

Don't like 62% of the Greek people voting to turn down another useless bailout? Force their government to ignore the people's mandate and sign anyway.

Still, Varoufakis thinks that the EU can be successfully reformed and urges the UK to stay in, to fight a battle for transparency and democracy in the EU.

Whether he's right or not, there can't be much "soul" in an organisation whose two most important leaders are Merkel and Hollande, two of the most soulless characters on the continent.

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