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Trump's movement campaign likely to turn on the margins


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Trump's movement campaign likely to turn on the margins

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump calls his presidential campaign a mass movement, but he must show he can coax enough support from voters who twice delivered the White House to Barack Obama.

The billionaire businessman depended almost exclusively on conservative and GOP-leaning whites — a majority of them men — to secure the Republican nomination. Now he must look ahead to a wider, more diverse voting population in his likely general election matchup with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

His ability to seize on marginal shifts in the electorate may determine whether he can pull off a victory once unthinkable. Trump's task is critical to flipping back into the GOP column some of the most contested states that Obama won twice.

This challenge is perhaps best evident in Florida, a culturally, racially and ideologically varied state where Obama defeated Republican Mitt Romney four years ago by fewer than 75,000 votes out of more than 8.4 million cast.

That means small shifts anywhere in the electorate could make a difference — from turnout changes among white small-town and rural Republicans or urban, nonwhite Democrats to partisans, embittered by contentious nominating bouts, choosing third-party candidates or declining to vote at all; and if Trump can't close the gaps in Florida, he has little shot of winning key Rust Belt and Great Lakes states where Obama's advantages were greater.

"We still elect presidents using the Electoral College ... depending on states that are made up of diverse electorates," cautions GOP pollster Whit Ayres. "There aren't enough angry white people to create a majority in the new America of 2016, (and) running up your numbers with white males in Mississippi doesn't get you one more electoral vote than Mitt Romney."

One of Trump's vanquished primary rivals, Sen. Marco Rubio, told reporters this week Trump can win Florida, which has gone with the winner in every presidential contest since 1996, as long as he can "continue to be Donald." That brash outsider pitch has sewn up support from white men like Jack Oliver, a 66-year-old construction worker from West Palm Beach, Florida, and 84-year-old Frank Papa, a retired grocery manager from Clearwater, Florida.

Oliver cites Trump's hard line on immigration and calls him a leader "who will finally give a damn about people like me." Papa, a New Jersey native, says Trump "speaks my language, talks and thinks like me."

But Trump must expand his reach. "If he can't unify Republicans, there really isn't enough votes for him to make up elsewhere," said Steve Schale, who ran Obama's 2008 campaign in Florida. He said Florida elections have been close for decades, noting 41 million combined presidential votes have been cast since 1992, with fewer than 131,000 votes separating the combined totals of Democratic and Republican nominees.

Trump gives lip service to the electorate's diversity, suggesting "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy" and that he can win 25 percent of African-Americans. The highest won by any GOP nominee since 1980 is about 12 percent. He said recently he could lure "40 percent" of voters backing Clinton's primary opponent, Bernie Sanders.

Some nonwhite Floridians mock Trump's claims about his own appeal.

"I haven't heard any of my (black) friends say they'll vote for Trump," said Tanisha Winns, 39, a black Democrat in Lakeland, located along central Florida's Interstate 4 corridor that twice helped give Republican George W. Bush the statewide victory before swinging in Obama's favor. "If anything, I'm hearing my white friends say they won't," Winns added.

For now, Florida polls suggest Trump and Clinton are running about even, with about 15 percent undecided. But there are variables that should give Trump pause.

In 2012, nonwhites accounted for almost a third of all votes cast in Florida, compared to 28 percent nationwide. But population growth, driven by Hispanics, suggests both numbers could be higher come November.

Obama beat Romney with Florida's black vote with 95 percent. The president won Hispanics by a 60-40 margin, closer than his 71-27 advantage nationally, with many of Florida's conservative Cuban-American voters accounting for the difference. Those numbers still left Romney too reliant on whites. He managed 61 percent of Florida's white vote — better than his 59 percent nationally — but he needed to get closer to 63 percent to win the Sunshine State's 29 electoral votes.

Demographers and pollsters from both parties say Trump likely would have to push into the mid- to high-60s with whites — a level no candidate has reached since Ronald Reagan's 1984 landslide — to have a chance nationally. That's even more daunting considering an AP-GfK poll, taken in April, that found two out of three white women view Trump negatively.

Among them are Republicans the nominee absolutely must get.

In Clearwater, Republican Barbie Sugas says she's always voted for the GOP nominee, but the 47-year-old surgical technician said she's "kind of leaning toward Clinton" because she doesn't "trust Trump" with international affairs.

To be sure, Clinton also must shore up her Democratic base, still divided with Sanders in the race. Jennifer Perelman, a Sanders supporter, says she won't back the former secretary of state. But she won't vote for Trump either. Her plan: to vote for Sanders as a write-in candidate.

Ayres, the Republican pollster, affirmed that it's "not impossible" for Trump to fashion a winning coalition. But, he says, "You're basically arguing that somehow, a constant 20-year-plus demographic trend is just going to magically stop."


Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire in New York contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-30

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Again we have the 'establishment', the 'regime', the 'illumati' whatever the hell this SINGLE group that dominates american politics giving you their 'narrative':

Trump is a 'racist' only 'angry white men' vote for him--this completely ignores the mmany non-white people i see at his rallys, like that black guy who beat the crap out of a trump protester who was dressed as a KKK klansman. Trump is also an 'anti-semite' because he said he would be neutral between the israelis and palestinians, instead of blindly backing israeli apartheid and settlement expansion.

'Free trade' agreements which have destroyed the american middle-class and enriched the 1% are good for america, trump doesn't know anything about economics by not towing this line.

The 'World' is against Trump and the 'fear' that he will be elected, he will 'lower america's standing in the world' The world has so much respect for the current single party(democratlicans) dictatorship that owns america like the way the regime illegally invaded iraq, creating a mess that killed millions and continues an endless expensive war there so they can prop up a puppet regime in baghdad.

Trump is 'dangerous' because rejects The Climate Science, which is 'settled science' and according to The Climate Science, 'global warming' is real and happening now only stupid people reject science based on fake and adjusted charts that show 2015 was the hottest year ever, and April is the hottest april in recorded history.. and its not really a bunch 1%s profiting from the billions of dollars in taxpayer money that goes into the global warming industry.. by the way it's almost June and winter this year finally ended about a week ago, you don't believe me? Im not making this stuff up, can you see the hottest april ever in there somewhere:

* 2016 March: cold records broke all over US and more snow in tropics, NY and Boston have coldest March in 100 years. Vietnam had 1 foot of snow 300km south of hanoi.. Heavy snow again in central mexico. New York's Whiteface Mountains reached an insanely cold minus-78.88C ; Taiwan and Kuwait receive first snow on record.
* CROP FAILURE wheat crop fail from intense late colds: http://www.agweb.com/article/concerns-mount-over-freeze-damage-to-winter-wheat-crops-naa-associated-press/
* 2016 Pakistans meteorological dept. issues a report predicting global cooling as a result of solar activity. Pakistan is 2nd government so far to issue global cooling warning after Russia did earlier.

* 2016 March 22 wheat crop damage in US due to freeze. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-22/freeze-across-great-plains-has-farmers-watching-winter-wheat

* 2016 Russian wheat crop damaged by ice.

* 2016 April snow in PA,USA in april, media refers to phenomenon as 'snow-showers'. The forcast is then upgraded to 3-12" of snow blanketing PA & MW, and NE region. NY and other states record their coldest April day on record. Heavy snow in Colorado-between 15"-32" snow in April. Snow records for April broken in CO & WY.

* 2016 April 1st snow reported in the Carribian. Guadelupe snow in April described by Dominica News as "extrodinary weather phenomenon"

* 2016 April, less than 5% of wheat and oat crop planted as of mid-April; cold and wind preventing fieldwork http://www.agweb.com/article/cold-wind-hamper-fieldwork-in-north-dakota-naa-associated-press/

* May 16, 2016: 4to7 inches of snow in Maine-record breaking snow for May, New England record spring snowfall 6+ inches, Vermont, PA, Michigan, Ohio 3+ inches, Tennessee US Highways closed because of Ice + snow. This is the first time there has been snow in Maine this late, last time was 1972 but that was may 2nd.. this is past middle of may. Vermont snow record for may broke by 15X.. Ohio snow during this years marathon.. Michigan cities all get snowed,not since may 13, 1912 have they had snow and that was .01 inch.. this time it's 3 inches.. Strange 'snowpellets' in PA, odd type of snow,hail combination not before seen.. Wisconsin cold and snow record broken, 5" Snow in Montana and WY, Waterloo and Dubuque Iowa record cold, Dallas FtWorth record cold.

May 19 2016: Blizzard hits Xinjiang and Gansu China just a few weeks prior to summer, 7+ inches of snow. Snow in Hubei near Beijing, in all 5 provinves blanketed with snow in May CCTV reports phenomenon as RARE. China media declares that this winter was the coldest in 60-80 years.

YOu know when it's a regime when every garbage media outlet quacks the same line, whether it's The Economist, or The New York Times, or CNN, or CBS, or AP, etc are all pushing the same bullshit..

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Yeap - I'll say it again: the truth here is that this election is becoming - if it isn't already, and it may well be - Trump's to lose. The protester turnout yesterday in San Diego consisted of one thing and one thing only - immigration protesters who're scared s***less than anybody might actually & finally lower the boom on illegals streaming across the border. Mexican flags & colors, "viva mi raza", everywhere. (Funny thing - you don't hear quite as much crap from our 'more evolved' brothers across the pond about America's cruel and heartless immigration policies anymore. Now isn't that strange...)

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At first I like many others thought Trump was a joke and would not have gone far at all. But just like FOX news being the #1 TV news channel in the US. Trump also has a strong chance of winning now.

If folks don't get the Fox News reference, its because Fox News has very bias and false reporting, yet it is still the most watched news channels. Hence you can see why Trump has a high chance of winning, Fox News are on Trumps side. Its amazing how gullible and what people will believe in.

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"Ayres, the Republican pollster, affirmed that it's "not impossible" for Trump to fashion a winning coalition. But, he says, "You're basically arguing that somehow, a constant 20-year-plus demographic trend is just going to magically stop."

And yet, these are the very same people that predicted Trump would just get tired and go away 8-9 months ago.

When will these people wake up and figure out that Donald plays by his own set of rules. He has crossed lines drawn in the sand. He has spoken aloud things that were never to be said. He has tapped into a demographic that has been asleep for the last 60+ years in America, thus NO ONE has paper to refer to on it.

Their "constant 20-year-plus demographic trend" doesn't count worth a hill of beans in this election.

Ah well, with all these heads buried in the sand, there'll be plenty of places to park our bikes. thumbsup.gif

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All the GOP has to do is work harder at marginalizing black voters who traditionally vote Democrat. I see now that if you have served time you have lost your right to vote. The jails are mostly filled with ? I also hear that "special" chips can be inserted into the electronic voting machines. It matters little who you pull the handle for. The GOP lately have become a Sh*t ball throwing machine hoping to make something stick. Its all attack attack attack forget about what is good for America that will come later?

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Again we have the 'establishment', the 'regime', the 'illumati' whatever the hell this SINGLE group that dominates american politics giving you their 'narrative':

Trump is a 'racist' only 'angry white men' vote for him--this completely ignores the mmany non-white people i see at his rallys, like that black guy who beat the crap out of a trump protester who was dressed as a KKK klansman. Trump is also an 'anti-semite' because he said he would be neutral between the israelis and palestinians, instead of blindly backing israeli apartheid and settlement expansion.

'Free trade' agreements which have destroyed the american middle-class and enriched the 1% are good for america, trump doesn't know anything about economics by not towing this line.

The 'World' is against Trump and the 'fear' that he will be elected, he will 'lower america's standing in the world' The world has so much respect for the current single party(democratlicans) dictatorship that owns america like the way the regime illegally invaded iraq, creating a mess that killed millions and continues an endless expensive war there so they can prop up a puppet regime in baghdad.

Trump is 'dangerous' because rejects The Climate Science, which is 'settled science' and according to The Climate Science, 'global warming' is real and happening now only stupid people reject science based on fake and adjusted charts that show 2015 was the hottest year ever, and April is the hottest april in recorded history.. and its not really a bunch 1%s profiting from the billions of dollars in taxpayer money that goes into the global warming industry.. by the way it's almost June and winter this year finally ended about a week ago, you don't believe me? Im not making this stuff up, can you see the hottest april ever in there somewhere:

* 2016 March: cold records broke all over US and more snow in tropics, NY and Boston have coldest March in 100 years. Vietnam had 1 foot of snow 300km south of hanoi.. Heavy snow again in central mexico. New York's Whiteface Mountains reached an insanely cold minus-78.88C ; Taiwan and Kuwait receive first snow on record.

* CROP FAILURE wheat crop fail from intense late colds: http://www.agweb.com/article/concerns-mount-over-freeze-damage-to-winter-wheat-crops-naa-associated-press/

* 2016 Pakistans meteorological dept. issues a report predicting global cooling as a result of solar activity. Pakistan is 2nd government so far to issue global cooling warning after Russia did earlier.

* 2016 March 22 wheat crop damage in US due to freeze. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-22/freeze-across-great-plains-has-farmers-watching-winter-wheat

* 2016 Russian wheat crop damaged by ice.

* 2016 April snow in PA,USA in april, media refers to phenomenon as 'snow-showers'. The forcast is then upgraded to 3-12" of snow blanketing PA & MW, and NE region. NY and other states record their coldest April day on record. Heavy snow in Colorado-between 15"-32" snow in April. Snow records for April broken in CO & WY.

* 2016 April 1st snow reported in the Carribian. Guadelupe snow in April described by Dominica News as "extrodinary weather phenomenon"

* 2016 April, less than 5% of wheat and oat crop planted as of mid-April; cold and wind preventing fieldwork http://www.agweb.com/article/cold-wind-hamper-fieldwork-in-north-dakota-naa-associated-press/

* May 16, 2016: 4to7 inches of snow in Maine-record breaking snow for May, New England record spring snowfall 6+ inches, Vermont, PA, Michigan, Ohio 3+ inches, Tennessee US Highways closed because of Ice + snow. This is the first time there has been snow in Maine this late, last time was 1972 but that was may 2nd.. this is past middle of may. Vermont snow record for may broke by 15X.. Ohio snow during this years marathon.. Michigan cities all get snowed,not since may 13, 1912 have they had snow and that was .01 inch.. this time it's 3 inches.. Strange 'snowpellets' in PA, odd type of snow,hail combination not before seen.. Wisconsin cold and snow record broken, 5" Snow in Montana and WY, Waterloo and Dubuque Iowa record cold, Dallas FtWorth record cold.

May 19 2016: Blizzard hits Xinjiang and Gansu China just a few weeks prior to summer, 7+ inches of snow. Snow in Hubei near Beijing, in all 5 provinves blanketed with snow in May CCTV reports phenomenon as RARE. China media declares that this winter was the coldest in 60-80 years.

YOu know when it's a regime when every garbage media outlet quacks the same line, whether it's The Economist, or The New York Times, or CNN, or CBS, or AP, etc are all pushing the same bullshit..

Trump will get all the climate change deniers. They're low-information wingnuts who see the fact that man is changing the environment as a big conspiracy. Wingnuts love conspiracies and no one embraces conspiracies like Trump. It's one of the things that makes him dangerous.

Imagine living your life embracing all the conspiracy nonsense?

Conversing with climate change deniers is tedious. Go here and argue with yourself http://grist.org/series/skeptics/

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I'm not going to argue climate change because that's not what this thread is about, and i'm not denying it, the question is the direction and the cause natural variability vs AGW , you can start a new thread on the subject and pm me and i'll be happy to respond if you dare engage.. you can use your little booklet to argue the case there..

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Again we have the 'establishment', the 'regime', the 'illumati' whatever the hell this SINGLE group that dominates american politics giving you their 'narrative':

YOu know when it's a regime when every garbage media outlet quacks the same line, whether it's The Economist, or The New York Times, or CNN, or CBS, or AP, etc are all pushing the same bullshit..

Trump will get all the climate change deniers. They're low-information wingnuts who see the fact that man is changing the environment as a big conspiracy. Wingnuts love conspiracies and no one embraces conspiracies like Trump. It's one of the things that makes him dangerous.

Imagine living your life embracing all the conspiracy nonsense?

Conversing with climate change deniers is tedious. Go here and argue with yourself http://grist.org/series/skeptics/

Lenin referred to certain people as "useful idiots". (Perhaps he would have used the term "wingnuts" if he were alive today.)

Here is an example of what he probably had in mind - people like pkspeaker who do the job of the "Establishment" (in this case the vast industry of people, jobs, government funding, university research grants etc etc who make their livelihoods from supporting the myths that currently prevail.)

The scientific "establishment" 500 years ago thought Galileo was a madman (or "wingnut" as some might prefer) for suggesting that the sun did not go round the earth.

And the Church condemned him for proposing something that was counter to Scripture.

And so it goes....

Edited by blazes
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Wingnuts are driving the Trump campaign.

Crackpots are expanding it.

Republicans are confirming the whole of it to include themselves.

This will not end well for them after the broad and centrist middle has voted in the general election. We don't accept wild radicals high-fiving it inside the White House, which is why it won't happen.

While extremists can win in a congressional district here or there, and can elect a senator from some states -- and some governors in some states -- the extremes have never gained the upper hand in a national election.

Donald Trump is just another William Jennings Bryan on steroids...Bryan lost three times in elections of Potus*. Let's hope Trump goes for twice that.

*1896, 1900, 1908

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There is a very interesting online toy for examining the election outcomes.


I was intrigued by the discovery that if Trump does nothing else but increase (from 2012 figures) the proportion of non-college-educated white people who vote Republican, from 63% to 69%, he would sail into the White House by 302-236.

I wonder if that's a demographic where he's strong .....

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" Trump gives lip service to the electorate's diversity, suggesting "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy"

Another great example of how delusional he is and how little he knows about our government.

Hey Donald! You must be an American citizen to vote in the United States.

Mexicans are , well ,Mexican citizens and can not vote for you...not that they would if they could.

People from Mexico who can vote here, are Americans citizens, or "Americans", not Mexicans.

Is that clear now Donald?

Edited by willyumiii
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Who would have thought that hate could be such a powerful motivator. Without the duck then Ted Cruz would be the republican candidate. What does that say about the republican party. Well hate and anger only takes you so far and if that is the catalyst for the rise of Trump then what future does the US have in the outside world?


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Who would have thought that hate could be such a powerful motivator. Without the duck then Ted Cruz would be the republican candidate. What does that say about the republican party. Well hate and anger only takes you so far and if that is the catalyst for the rise of Trump then what future does the US have in the outside world?


Alternatively, you could consider what it is about the US in the present and recent past, which is generating such hate against the entrenched political class and therefore opening the door for someone like Trump.

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Totally understand why people in the US are disillusioned with the political class, quite similar to the UK at the moment. I am all for kicking the politicians into touch and bringing in the mavericks. The problem is that you need someone who can put together realistic changes and policies rather than going after the mob culture based on hatred. If you take away the ban on Muslims and the wall (neither which would happen) then what positive things does Trump bring to the table?

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When Trump went over the top in the delegate count it was because everyone else had turned tail to skedaddle out of the race. Trump simply wore 'em down and out, the best the Republican party had on offer. That won't happen with Hillary Clinton.

HRC btw made her statements on the recent emails stuff to get that out of the way, then she went home to New York where she and Bill are taking in the Memorial Day parade and hosting quiet events. HRC recognises that when your opponent is storming around with a bunch of rightwhingenuts and network cameras focused on the million dollar question then one should rightfully get out of the way.

Trump going OTT in the delegate count got new Republican support of him which is reflected in the polling bounce upward. What Trump does not know is that HRC will get her own polling bounce when she clinches the D party nomination.

It is at that point the 7-point HRC lead can be expected to return. That btw is more than by which President Obama defeated Romney in 2012 and nearly by how much Barack beat McCain in 2008.

National polls are btw cute but the election is won by getting 270 electoral college votes from among the 50 states, state by state. Trump is behind in every state that Obama won in 2012 plus he is behind also in North Carolina (which Obama lost in 2012 but won in 2008) and he is behind in Arizona (which Obama lost both in 2008 and 2012 but which Bill won in 1996).

Trump is not ahead in the in-state polls of ANY state that voted for Obama in 2008. So guess what -- HRC is currently ahead of where Barack Obama was in 2012 -- and by quite the healthy lead indeed.

For instance, take a gander at this....

A new Bloomberg poll finds Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton among likely voters with annual family incomes of $30,000 to $75,000 in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin back Clinton over Trump, 46% to 39%.

“The findings should sound an alarm for Trump because they show he’s failing—at least so far—to dominate among the sort of voters thought to be more sympathetic to him. The poll also splashes cold water on suggestions that the real-estate developer and TV personality is well positioned to win in the Rust Belt.”

A new Public Opinion Strategies ® poll in Wisconsin shows Clinton leading Trump, 43% to 31%.

HRC also remains the odds-on favorite in Vegas (1-2 = 66%). Donald Trump in Vegas simply has odds (9-4 = 36%). Trump is getting ready to go north to Cleveland while his campaign is instead going south.

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Totally understand why people in the US are disillusioned with the political class, quite similar to the UK at the moment. I am all for kicking the politicians into touch and bringing in the mavericks. The problem is that you need someone who can put together realistic changes and policies rather than going after the mob culture based on hatred. If you take away the ban on Muslims and the wall (neither which would happen) then what positive things does Trump bring to the table?

World class bombasity!

I mean he out Mussolini's Mussolini!

I'm not being entirely flip.

People find him mesmerizing and entertaining.

Based on that alone, it's time to take his chances of actually winning, and the disaster that would bring, quite seriously.

Even though the electoral college math still looks promising for Hillary Clinton, nobody has really yet figured out how to stop the American people from wanting to be constantly entertained with his style of demagoguery.

Edited by Jingthing
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" "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy" "

Finally something I agree with Trump .Only crazy Mexicans will vote for himlaugh.png now if you could get the crazy black and the crazy woman vote..........

PS: are Mexicans allowed to vote in the American presidential election? crazy or not.

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" "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy" "

Finally something I agree with Trump .Only crazy Mexicans will vote for himlaugh.png now if you could get the crazy black and the crazy woman vote..........

PS: are Mexicans allowed to vote in the American presidential election? crazy or not.

But your opening quote doesn't say "the crazy Mexican people" will....

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" Trump gives lip service to the electorate's diversity, suggesting "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy"

Another great example of how delusional he is and how little he knows about our government.

Hey Donald! You must be an American citizen to vote in the United States.

Mexicans are , well ,Mexican citizens and can not vote for you...not that they would if they could.

People from Mexico who can vote here, are Americans citizens, or "Americans", not Mexicans.

Is that clear now Donald?

Even he knows it's Mexican-Americans - If the illegals aren't allowed to vote and you must be an American citizen to vote and you must read,write and speak English to become an American citizen, then why are the ballots for POTUS printed in English AND Spanish?

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At first I like many others thought Trump was a joke and would not have gone far at all. But just like FOX news being the #1 TV news channel in the US. Trump also has a strong chance of winning now.

If folks don't get the Fox News reference, its because Fox News has very bias and false reporting, yet it is still the most watched news channels. Hence you can see why Trump has a high chance of winning, Fox News are on Trumps side. Its amazing how gullible and what people will believe in.

I knew Fox news was biased just as every news outlet is these days. But the "false reporting" part is news to me. I wonder if it is anything like the NBC altering 9/11 call recordings to rile people up? Or like Memogate that forced Dan Rather of CBS to resign? Or anything put out by RT?

Fox is the #1 news channel only because they have a monopoly on right wing opinion. Every other TV outlet has a left-wing bias.

As for Fox being on Trump's side, they are now, after he finally became the nominee. For many months there was plenty of anti-Trump stories on Fox. He even had a running feud with one of their most popular hosts after the first debate on Fox.

Perhaps the most gullible people this election are the ones who keep thinking it is only angry, white men who support Trump. Anyone reading these threads on a regular basis has seen the many videos of his non-white supporters. Even his non-Republican supporters.

America is probably doomed because there are no really good options this election. I'm not talking about the over-the-top name calling that some people around here spew about a candidate being "evil monster", etc...I simply mean no good options. Ugh.

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At first I like many others thought Trump was a joke and would not have gone far at all. But just like FOX news being the #1 TV news channel in the US. Trump also has a strong chance of winning now.

If folks don't get the Fox News reference, its because Fox News has very bias and false reporting, yet it is still the most watched news channels. Hence you can see why Trump has a high chance of winning, Fox News are on Trumps side. Its amazing how gullible and what people will believe in.

I knew Fox news was biased just as every news outlet is these days. But the "false reporting" part is news to me. I wonder if it is anything like the NBC altering 9/11 call recordings to rile people up? Or like Memogate that forced Dan Rather of CBS to resign? Or anything put out by RT?

Fox is the #1 news channel only because they have a monopoly on right wing opinion. Every other TV outlet has a left-wing bias.

As for Fox being on Trump's side, they are now, after he finally became the nominee. For many months there was plenty of anti-Trump stories on Fox. He even had a running feud with one of their most popular hosts after the first debate on Fox.

Perhaps the most gullible people this election are the ones who keep thinking it is only angry, white men who support Trump. Anyone reading these threads on a regular basis has seen the many videos of his non-white supporters. Even his non-Republican supporters.

America is probably doomed because there are no really good options this election. I'm not talking about the over-the-top name calling that some people around here spew about a candidate being "evil monster", etc...I simply mean no good options. Ugh.

I agree, they are just as bias as CNN and other news networks out there. But their reporting is simply absurd and too over the top exaggerated and full of the hosts personal opinions, not based on fact. FOX has been a long time Republican supporter since day one. There are always hosts that take jabs at politicians, its not surprising, that does not make FOX News any better just because the hosts supports one republican over the other.

I said FOX because time and time again, its proven that what they report is full of controversy. This is dangerous because being the #1 news network channel, it skews peoples perceptions. For many who only watch FOX News, this is how they view the world and outsiders.


The fact is that IT IS mostly white male folks who support Trump, of course there are your black but they are like around 10%. The biggest issue supporters of Trump raise now is about outsiders, the non-whites, heck even an Asian American is accused of being an outsider. A black man who is giving free hugs at a Trump rally is given the finger, not one Trump supporter dare give the black man a hug, one even said are you trying to sell drugs? There are too many examples where at a Trump Rally, if you are not white, you are automatically told to get out of the USA if you don't support Trump.

Polls by many sources show these facts.....if you don't think 80% plus of the white is majority, I don't know how you would word it.

I agree the two leading candidates are unfit for president duty

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" "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy" "

Finally something I agree with Trump .Only crazy Mexicans will vote for himlaugh.png now if you could get the crazy black and the crazy woman vote..........

PS: are Mexicans allowed to vote in the American presidential election? crazy or not.

But your opening quote doesn't say "the crazy Mexican people" will....

It's supposed to be a humorous play of words. while making a point.

Question, do you think Mexicans can vote in the US election?

and he actually said , Mexicans will vote for him because he will get them Jobs.

Dont he need to be president first before he get's them Jobs????

So Mexicans will vote for him to bePresident , after he is President and get's them jobs?

Has all logic gone out the window in this election?

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Totally understand why people in the US are disillusioned with the political class, quite similar to the UK at the moment. I am all for kicking the politicians into touch and bringing in the mavericks. The problem is that you need someone who can put together realistic changes and policies rather than going after the mob culture based on hatred. If you take away the ban on Muslims and the wall (neither which would happen) then what positive things does Trump bring to the table?

World class bombasity!

I mean he out Mussolini's Mussolini!

I'm not being entirely flip.

People find him mesmerizing and entertaining.

Based on that alone, it's time to take his chances of actually winning, and the disaster that would bring, quite seriously.

Even though the electoral college math still looks promising for Hillary Clinton, nobody has really yet figured out how to stop the American people from wanting to be constantly entertained with his style of demagoguery.

You have been away from the US too long...you better scurry on back there and get back in touch with your people. tongue.png

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Yeap - I'll say it again: the truth here is that this election is becoming - if it isn't already, and it may well be - Trump's to lose. The protester turnout yesterday in San Diego consisted of one thing and one thing only - immigration protesters who're scared s***less than anybody might actually & finally lower the boom on illegals streaming across the border. Mexican flags & colors, "viva mi raza", everywhere. (Funny thing - you don't hear quite as much crap from our 'more evolved' brothers across the pond about America's cruel and heartless immigration policies anymore. Now isn't that strange...)

Which is why Trump can make strong inroads among black people. First, blacks and hispanics hate each other, especially as illegal alien dominated congressional districts are gerrymandered to cut out blacks from every position from congressman to dogcatcher. Black wages are undercut even more than white wages by illegals. The truth is that the Democratic coalition is a frail one, apt to splinter into a million pieces the first time all the aggrieved minorities start arguing over the spoils, which is what is happening now. The economic interest of black people is strongly on the side of Trump's immigration policies. Just watch.

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" Trump gives lip service to the electorate's diversity, suggesting "the Mexican people" will "vote for me like crazy"

Another great example of how delusional he is and how little he knows about our government.

Hey Donald! You must be an American citizen to vote in the United States.

Mexicans are , well ,Mexican citizens and can not vote for you...not that they would if they could.

People from Mexico who can vote here, are Americans citizens, or "Americans", not Mexicans.

Is that clear now Donald?

Do Mexican people cease being Mexican ethnically once they are citizens? Or are you saying that there are no Mexican Americans by ethnicity?

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