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Trumped: PGA Tour event at Doral headed for Mexico City


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Trumped: PGA Tour event at Doral headed for Mexico City

DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) — Donald Trump is losing business to Mexico — a prestigious golf tournament at his resort at Doral.

The PGA Tour announced Wednesday that a World Golf Championship, which attracts the best players in the world and has been at Trump-owned Doral in South Florida since 2007, is relocating to Mexico City next year.

The decision incensed Trump, who suggested Tuesday night in a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, "I hope they have kidnapping insurance."

Cadillac did not renew its title sponsorship of the event, and PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem said another sponsor that wanted to be at Doral could not be found. The tour signed a seven-year deal with Grupo Salinas, a group of Mexico City companies overseen by chairman Ricardo Salinas.

That means Doral, the longest-running PGA Tour event in Florida dating to 1962, will not have a tournament next year.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, called it a "sad day for Miami, the United States and the game of golf" to leave Doral after 54 years for Mexico.

"No different than Nabisco, Carrier and so many other American companies, the PGA Tour has put profit ahead of thousands of American jobs, millions of dollars in revenue for local communities and charities, and the enjoyment of hundreds of thousands of fans who make the tournament an annual tradition," Trump said. "This decision only further embodies the very reason I am running for president of the United States."

Trump also addressed the topic at a rally in Sacramento, California

"They moved the World Golf Championships from Miami to Mexico City. Can you believe it? Can you believe it?" Trump told the crowd. "Not good. But that's OK. Folks, it's all going to be settled. You vote for Donald Trump as president, if I become your president, this stuff is all going to stop."

Finchem said the move had nothing to do with politics, only finances.

"As we anticipated, some of the reaction revolves around the feeling that somehow this is a political exercise, and it is not that in any way, shape or form," he said. "It is fundamentally a sponsorship issue. We are a conservative organization. We value dollars for our players. We have a strong sense of fiduciary responsibility. So we make decisions that are in the best interests of our players, short term and long term."

The coincidence of the move from Trump's resort outside Miami to Mexico City was not lost on some of the players.

When he announced his candidacy last year, Trump said Mexico was sending its unwanted people to the United States, and that in many cases they were "criminals, drugs dealers, rapists."

"It's quite ironic that we're going to Mexico after being at Doral," Rory McIlroy said. "We just jump over the wall."

McIlroy said it was good for the World Golf Championship to be in Mexico because these events were meant to be played around the world. Three of them had been held in the United States. The other is in Shanghai.

Trump's son, Eric, said Cadillac was "ready, willing and able to continue as the title sponsor for the tournament." A Cadillac spokesman said only that it made the decision not to extend its sponsorship after six years.

Trump purchased Doral in 2012 and poured $250 million into renovations. He also brought in Gil Hanse, the architect chosen to design the Olympic course in Rio de Janeiro, to redo the course long known as the "Blue Monster."

The tour signed a deal with Doral through 2023, though there was a provision in the contract that a new title sponsor had the option to move it elsewhere. Finchem suggested that Trump's ownership of Doral might have contributed to the difficulty in finding a sponsor willing to pay an estimated $12 million a year.

But he said it was much the presence of Trump as the caustic comments that have marked his campaign.

"I think it's more Donald Trump is a brand — a big brand," Finchem said. "And when you're asking a company to invest millions of dollars in branding a tournament, and they're going to share that brand with the host, it's a difficult conversation. ... So I think the difficulty there is more that and less politics," he said. "The politics might have contributed some since he's been running, but it's more that. And he knows that."

Finchem said he met with Trump on Tuesday to tell him the tour's decision.

Salinas, whose properties include TV Azteca, was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2005 over accusations he engaged in an elaborate scheme to conceal his role in a series of transactions through which he profited $109 million. He settled a year later for $7.5 million.

Finchem said the tour researched his history and was aware of the SEC civil suit but that "given the facts, it should not be something that would preclude us to do this particular transaction."

The tournament will be called the World Golf Championships-Mexico Championship and will be held March 2-5. Finchem said the 2017 schedule is not set, so it was not clear if Mexico would be in the middle of the Florida swing or be held before the tour reached Florida.

Still to be determined is the golf course. Finchem said the tour has narrowed it down to two options he did not disclose.

The PGA Tour already has one tournament in Mexico in the fall, the OHL Classic at Mayakoba, held at a beach resort south of Cancun.

The tour has had problems in Mexico City in the past. When a PGA Tour Champions event was held there in 2003, six players were robbed at gunpoint in a restaurant, and thieves got away with expensive watches. No one was hurt.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-02

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Edited by Jingthing
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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

That's the kind of talk that will get him elected. Don't forget he employs a lot of people (including blacks and Hispanics) and also people, in your country I'm sure, are probably generally sick of the same old, same old.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Agreed. His 'brand' is everything. As to his 'brand' being overvalued, I can't see any value at all in him or anything with 'Trump' stamped on it. He's an oxygen thief, and quite frankly so are his easily led (sheep) followers.

Boycott his brand, boycott his BS and boycott the man. It looks like it's the only thing he understands.

Could it be that some of the grown-ups are starting to realise an association with Trump is toxic? Here's hoping a few more step up to the plate and hurt Trump where it hurts most... his BRAND.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

That's the kind of talk that will get him elected. Don't forget he employs a lot of people (including blacks and Hispanics) and also people, in your country I'm sure, are probably generally sick of the same old, same old.

I disagree. Expose what he is everywhere can only help. Don't Trump "University" the USA. Enough with his scams.
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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

That's the kind of talk that will get him elected. Don't forget he employs a lot of people (including blacks and Hispanics) and also people, in your country I'm sure, are probably generally sick of the same old, same old.

I disagree. Expose what he is everywhere can only help. Don't Trump "University" the USA. Enough with his scams.

"His brand" is toast after this Trump University fiasco. Now that the reality show star has been exposed, non-wingnuts will be avoiding anything "Trumped" forever.

Trump is taking down the Republican party with him. He's an unbelievably bad candidate. The Republican party is...you know.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Your right he has his "brand" on everything. The White House is next. There is not much else left for his ego to conquer. I rather suspect that his rants and raves will begin to grate on peoples nerves by election day. Peaking to early is not good. Peeing off the electorate well he is also good at that. He is just joining the ranks of past politicians.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

That's the kind of talk that will get him elected. Don't forget he employs a lot of people (including blacks and Hispanics) and also people, in your country I'm sure, are probably generally sick of the same old, same old.

I disagree. Expose what he is everywhere can only help. Don't Trump "University" the USA. Enough with his scams.

"His brand" is toast after this Trump University fiasco. Now that the reality show star has been exposed, non-wingnuts will be avoiding anything "Trumped" forever.

Trump is taking down the Republican party with him. He's an unbelievably bad candidate. The Republican party is...you know.

Taking down or humbling the GOP is the best thing that has happened in decades. Drive a stake into that vampire.

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"They moved the World Golf Championships from Miami to Mexico City."

PGA wants to internationalize its tournaments, it truly World Golf Championships. Going to Mexico or any other country for that matter makes sense to broaden the franchise base. In fact wasn't there a Pingan Bank China Tour-PGA Tour China Series earlier this year? I don't recall Trump complaining about that event.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Of course his brand is way overvalued, but so are many other companies in the US and

around the world. As far as his statements they are for the most part taken out of context

to sell newspapers and drive eyes to news coverage. Trumps statements that many

Mexicans coming to the US are murders, criminals, rapists. Well when central American

Hispanics from Honduras and other countries have reported being raped, robbed and

beaten on there journey to the USA. Many migrants are reported to mule marijuana and

Mexican black tar heroin into the US to pay coyotes and fund there migration. The murder

rate in Mexico is astounding. The drug trade, kidnap for profit, and endemic corruption in

Mexican police force and politics is out of control. So he is probably not to far off the mark.

As far as his statement on Muslins coming into the US, what he said is to stop Muslims

traveling into the US who are not US citizens, until we understand what is going on. The last

part is never reported. What is wrong with that. Understand what is going on, deporting

Wahhabi Saudi Imams who preach hate in US mosques, and put the onus on the Muslim

community to stop any terrorism. There are many reports of people in the Muslim community

knowing what the San Diego terrorist couple had been radicalized but they said and did

nothing because they did not want to be involved and it would reflect badly on the community.

Only the Muslim community can stop these attacks, and if they choose not to they will suffer the

backlash of the wider community. So while Trumps statements sound racist and xenophobic

when taken out of context, they are probably not too far off the mark and at least have

stirred debate. Just my opinion.

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It's a harbinger of how things would happen if Trump were to become prez.

He thinks everyone under him would be his underlings, so he would expect everything to go his way. He hasn't grasped that it's a big world out there, and there are a lot of independent minded people in and out of business. Trump would tally up a lot more losses than gains if he were prez. This golf thing is just a little drop in a bucket.

Having a loud voice and giving people infantile names does not inspire confidence. It's like going to a track meet and wearing track shoes with the spikes facing in toward the feet rather than down and out.

Keep talking Donald. Don't be shy. We're loving it !

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As Bill Maher said on his TV show "I think we're at the part of the movie where we figure out how to defeat the monster."

The 'news' media helped to get him where he is, now it's time for them to pull him back.

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PGA Tour event at Doral headed for Mexico City "

That's ok He will get it back, because he is smart, he is very smart. You know how I know he is Smart?

Because he told us so !!

and once he get's it back , you know how he will keep it here?

He will build a wall, a big wall !

People complain about all the idiots in the states, I love it ! It makes me look like a fn genius .

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As Bill Maher said on his TV show "I think we're at the part of the movie where we figure out how to defeat the monster."

The 'news' media helped to get him where he is, now it's time for them to pull him back.

The #1 way to 'defeat the monster' (using Maher's words) is to give him a microphone, stand back, and watch him bludgeon himself. Try not to let the bits of flesh, blood and orange hair tarnish your clothes.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Agreed. His 'brand' is everything. As to his 'brand' being overvalued, I can't see any value at all in him or anything with 'Trump' stamped on it. He's an oxygen thief, and quite frankly so are his easily led (sheep) followers.

Boycott his brand, boycott his BS and boycott the man. It looks like it's the only thing he understands.

Could it be that some of the grown-ups are starting to realise an association with Trump is toxic? Here's hoping a few more step up to the plate and hurt Trump where it hurts most... his BRAND.

Expatriates or Ex-patriots?

You 2 should be ashamed of yourselves. That golf tournament could have moved elsewhere in the US and contributed to the US economy.

But no - it goes to Mexico and benefits their economy and you two just couldn't be happier.

How very sad.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Agreed. His 'brand' is everything. As to his 'brand' being overvalued, I can't see any value at all in him or anything with 'Trump' stamped on it. He's an oxygen thief, and quite frankly so are his easily led (sheep) followers.

Boycott his brand, boycott his BS and boycott the man. It looks like it's the only thing he understands.

Could it be that some of the grown-ups are starting to realise an association with Trump is toxic? Here's hoping a few more step up to the plate and hurt Trump where it hurts most... his BRAND.

Expatriates or Ex-patriots?

You 2 should be ashamed of yourselves. That golf tournament could have moved elsewhere in the US and contributed to the US economy.

But no - it goes to Mexico and benefits their economy and you two just couldn't be happier.

How very sad.

You got me Dags, I'm ashamed. Ashamed I hadn't started posting earlier about the true horror that faces the world, not just the US, if Trump becomes your Prez.

Second part of your question, I choose Ex. I checked with a few old girlfriends and apparently I'm definitely an Ex

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Agreed. His 'brand' is everything. As to his 'brand' being overvalued, I can't see any value at all in him or anything with 'Trump' stamped on it. He's an oxygen thief, and quite frankly so are his easily led (sheep) followers.

Boycott his brand, boycott his BS and boycott the man. It looks like it's the only thing he understands.

Could it be that some of the grown-ups are starting to realise an association with Trump is toxic? Here's hoping a few more step up to the plate and hurt Trump where it hurts most... his BRAND.

Expatriates or Ex-patriots?

You 2 should be ashamed of yourselves. That golf tournament could have moved elsewhere in the US and contributed to the US economy.

But no - it goes to Mexico and benefits their economy and you two just couldn't be happier.

How very sad.

Sad you don't understand that the PGA Conference is an international organization.

But you can be excused for understanding global economics - not for everyone.

One reason for the slowdown of Mexican/Latin American immigration (legal & otherwise) since 2008 was the worsening economic situation in the USA. As the Mexican economy improves more Mexicans will seek opportunity at home and avoid the difficulties of immigration and struggles of cultural adaptation. While the USA economy has improved to the levels of pre-2008, the new PPT trade partnership favors the Mexican economy that will increase employment in Mexico. A healthy economy in all the Americas equally benefits the USA.

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Boycott everything trump.

His brand is way overvalued. Time to TANK IT.

In the middle of what is going to be the dirtiest presidential campaign in American history, to spend penny one on anything branded trump is showing support to his despicable racist, American fascist movement.

A movement loved by the KKK, American Nazis, American white supremacists of many kinds, is a movement that deserves to be tossed in the trump can of history.

As so many have noted, trump doesn't care about anything but trump, and his brand of course. His political promises are vaporware.

Agreed. His 'brand' is everything. As to his 'brand' being overvalued, I can't see any value at all in him or anything with 'Trump' stamped on it. He's an oxygen thief, and quite frankly so are his easily led (sheep) followers.

Boycott his brand, boycott his BS and boycott the man. It looks like it's the only thing he understands.

Could it be that some of the grown-ups are starting to realise an association with Trump is toxic? Here's hoping a few more step up to the plate and hurt Trump where it hurts most... his BRAND.

Expatriates or Ex-patriots?

You 2 should be ashamed of yourselves. That golf tournament could have moved elsewhere in the US and contributed to the US economy.

But no - it goes to Mexico and benefits their economy and you two just couldn't be happier.

How very sad.

Sad you don't understand that the PGA Conference is an international organization.

But you can be excused for understanding global economics - not for everyone.

One reason for the slowdown of Mexican/Latin American immigration (legal & otherwise) since 2008 was the worsening economic situation in the USA. As the Mexican economy improves more Mexicans will seek opportunity at home and avoid the difficulties of immigration and struggles of cultural adaptation. While the USA economy has improved to the levels of pre-2008, the new PPT trade partnership favors the Mexican economy that will increase employment in Mexico. A healthy economy in all the Americas equally benefits the USA.

Incorrect on PGA.

PGA Tour, inc is a Florida corporation.

This IS another US company relocating outside of the US. The local economies around the old location will suffer and self-hating liberals could not be happier.

On the other hand, corrupt Mexican officisls will have a new source if back-handers.

You must be very pleased.

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"the PGA announced a new sponsorship deal from Grupo Salinas, a media and financial conglomerate based in Mexico City. The deal was reportedly valued at $16 million a year, roughly double what Cadillac was willing to pay to extend its sponsorship in Doral."

It's just business. Trump can surely understand that. Anyways, Trump said he can make more money with PGA's departure from Doral, so what's the problem?

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Incorrect on PGA.

PGA Tour, inc is a Florida corporation.

This IS another US company relocating outside of the US. The local economies around the old location will suffer and self-hating liberals could not be happier.

On the other hand, corrupt Mexican officisls will have a new source if back-handers.

You must be very pleased.

They are not moving the PGA, just a tournament. There is a reason it's called the WORLD Golf Championship and not the US Golf Championship.

Perhaps you are confusing it with the "World Series".

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I always find it amazing how little Liberals actually know, but yet they always think they know what is right (for us all).

The WGC/PGA event at Trump Doral was moved to Mexico by the PGA - during an election campaign involving Trump?

Spare me your platitudes and excuses - this was obviously either very policitically motivated - or at best stupid - or both.

This will bite the PGA on the backside - just wait and see. The event will be held in March 2017 - plenty of time for the truth to come out.

Which begs the first obvious question - why did the PGA move the event when they still had 10 months to find another naming sponsor?

Second - do you reckon maybe certain 'vested interests' in Mexico see Trump as a threat and decided to throw money at PGA to steal his event?

Third - Trump seems to have been caught off-guard by this - he knew that Cadillac and PGA were negotiating a new deal. Was Trump told that Cadillac and the PGA couldn't agree??

Fourth - Why didn't the PGA give Trump time (say 3-5 months) to find another naming sponsor (or to put up the money himself)??

Fifth - Did certain 'vested interests' in Mexico see Trump as a threat to their 'money train' and throw heaps of money at the PGA to steal his event??

And there are a lot more very obvious questions like above that the media are not asking the PGA or the new Mexican sponsor - but if it was the other way around they would be all over it like a Liberal on a new free social welfare benefit - demanding answers to any questions the Liberals can think of.

Trump has said that this is exactly what is wrong with America - American business is going to third world countries for increased profits and at the expense of the people of America - and the Liberal media say nothing about it. But if Trump phharrts in a carpark - they are all over him like a rabid Liberal complaining about social welfare benefits being cut.

The more this happens, the more the media shows bias, the more the Liberal protesters burn USA flags (and dont get criticised by media), the more the Liberal protesters use violence and intimidations (and the media blames Trump), the more HRC and the whole 'Clinton Industry' gets caught out (their College Fund next), the more the GOP gets behind Trump and supports him, then the more the people will support Trump and vote for him.

You know it makes (common) sense.

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What this proves is that Donald Trump is willing to risk the loss of personal profit in order to advance principles that help Americans and the United States. Whereas the Clintons, the Democrats, and most of the Republican establishment just want to pad their bank accounts through the cheapening of American citizenship and residency, Trump is willing to lose money in order to do what is right. The Clintons are in bed with multinational corporations and banks whose only interest is to turn 99 percent of the people on the globe into their serfs. And to do that, the first goal, ever since Clinton was president and pushed Nafta, has been to destroy the American middle class. Flood the country with foreign cheap labor and export American jobs to India and China. That did the trick.

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Incorrect on PGA.

PGA Tour, inc is a Florida corporation.

This IS another US company relocating outside of the US. The local economies around the old location will suffer and self-hating liberals could not be happier.

On the other hand, corrupt Mexican officisls will have a new source if back-handers.

You must be very pleased.

They are not moving the PGA, just a tournament. There is a reason it's called the WORLD Golf Championship and not the US Golf Championship.

Perhaps you are confusing it with the "World Series".

A US organization is moving a tournament from the US to Mexico.

I am not sure why you find that so hard to grasp.

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