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Clinton attacks on Trump fire up supporters


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Clinton attacks on Trump fire up supporters

CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — Hillary Clinton's savage takedown of Donald Trump in her recent foreign policy speech has her supporters fired up.

As the likely Democratic nominee toured California Saturday, crowds burst into applause at the mere mention of Thursday's speech, in which Clinton cast Trump as dangerously unqualified to be president. Supporters say they feel more confident and excited in the wake of the address — which could benefit Clinton, who has struggled to inspire enthusiasm throughout the drawn-out primary contest.

"I loved it. I was waiting for that," said Leslie Milke, 56, of Woodland Hills, a professor at Los Angeles Mission College, who saw Clinton. "I knew she was capable of that kind of speech....It really made me feel energized. It made me feel like we can win."

Clinton's speech in San Diego previewed her intention to mount an aggressive campaign against the real estate mogul. In it, she said Trump would lead the nation toward war and economic crisis, contrasting it with her long years of diplomatic experience and public service. Looking to the November general election, Clinton, who is expected to clinch the Democratic nomination in the coming days, said that electing Trump would be a "historic mistake."

Since then Clinton has only increased the heat.

"I think it is time to judge Donald Trump by his words and his deeds. I think his words and his deeds disqualify him from being president," Clinton said in Oxnard, Calif., on Saturday. She later mockingly cited some of Trump's past remarks, saying: "One of my personal favorites is he said he knows how to deal with Putin because he took the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow."

Later in the day, a raucous crowd of more than 1,400 in Fresno started chanting "Hillary, Hillary," when Clinton mentioned her speech.

"Donald Trump is not qualified or temperamentally fit to be president of the United States," Clinton said amid applause.

As she shifted her focus almost entirely to the presumptive Republican nominee, her rival Bernie Sanders continued his quest for the Democratic nomination, defiantly declaring Saturday that Clinton will not have enough pledged delegates after Tuesday's contests, and the Democrats are headed toward a contested summer convention.

Still, Clinton supporters like Walter Guzman, 44, of Oxnard, said it was time for her to turn to Trump, saying "she needs to stop concentrating on Bernie and start concentrating on Trump."

Of course, engaging with Trump — who has shown little restraint with negative campaigning and is skilled at sucking up media attention — has its risks. Many of Trump's GOP primary opponents sought to take him on unsuccessfully, most notably Sen. Marco Rubio, whose Trump attacks were viewed as out of keeping with his inspirational message.

Sandy Emberland, 72, of Thousand Oaks, said she knew the race was "going to be dirty and bad," but said "I think she will stay above the fray."

Meanwhile, Sonia Prince, 60, of North Oxnard, said that while she is confident Clinton can fight fire with fire, she'd prefer not to hear about Trump at all.

"Because bad publicity or good publicity, it's publicity for him," she said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-05

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It was a great speech.

Hillary Clinton has got her MOJO back.

Many of us had wondered if we would be seeing that.

More of that "right stuff" and the vile monster will be TOAST.

That speech is EXACTLY the right tone to take on the vile monster.

You can tell he's been blindsided. Watch him crumble.

Don't pay any attention to the polls until AFTER both conventions and the Bernie supporters start getting solidly on board with Hillary ... not because they love her so much but because they realize the horrific DANGER of a vile monster regime.

I smell a LANDSLIDE for Hillary Clinton. The democrats take the senate for sure, and now even have a shot at the HOUSE.

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LOL Hillary is a snake in the pockets of corporate America and a traitor to the armed forces. She has already shown the world her true colors and can't be trusted . Trump is megalomaniac and as brash as they come. He knows how to play the game with the media so his name is mentioned more often. Like it or not he is a successful businessman and it is yet to be seen what kind of leader he will be. He is the better choice.

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Yes the irony that a rabid war monger like Hilary would have the sheer audacity to claim anyone else was dangerous.

Trump may be a whacko (and probably just another establishment shill) but Hilary is the one that is dangerous and has the track record of death and destruction to prove it. Even many of the psycho neocons now support her.

Most politicians are shady and puppets of the money men, but Hilary is the poster girl of all that is wrong with politics.

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It was a very Presidential presentation by Hillary. Absolutely nailed it. A winning strategy if she can stay focused in highlighting just how moronic Trump is and how dangerous he is and why. It really isn't all that difficult a strategy.

Thought the whiny Tweets from Trump were funny. Oh she's reading from a Teleprompter, oh she's a liar. Man what a #whinylittlebitch lol

Hopefully he didn't learn anything.

Trump is a competitor that just keeps giving.

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Between shaking off the FBI and fumbling around with Bernie,

I am surprised she even had the time to say more than her usual

20 minutes of krap.

Leave the easy beats till last I suppose. Have you noticed Trump seems to becoming more orange?

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Just a lot more Blah! Blah! Blah! Like watching a game of tennis being played in quicksand. Both sides desperately trying to score points whilst sinking into the mire that this election has become. It will go backwards and forwards and then Clinton will win. That has been obvious from day one because when it comes to it the American people are not nuts and won't want to sink their own ship.

It will be a rocky ride, no doubt about it and lets hope that then the republican party can find someone electable to challenge Clinton in 4 years time!

Edited by dunroaming
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It was a great speech.

Hillary Clinton has got her MOJO back.

Many of us had wondered if we would be seeing that.

More of that "right stuff" and the vile monster will be TOAST.

That speech is EXACTLY the right tone to take on the vile monster.

You can tell he's been blindsided. Watch him crumble.

Don't pay any attention to the polls until AFTER both conventions and the Bernie supporters start getting solidly on board with Hillary ... not because they love her so much but because they realize the horrific DANGER of a vile monster regime.

I smell a LANDSLIDE for Hillary Clinton. The democrats take the senate for sure, and now even have a shot at the HOUSE.

Channel Jingthing.

For your daily dose of delusion.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Between shaking off the FBI and fumbling around with Bernie,

I am surprised she even had the time to say more than her usual

20 minutes of krap.

The only difference between her and Obama is she just reads the text by rote.

A real failure on the campanign trail.

Nobody likes her...thumbsup.gif

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Clinton needed some positive news...positive press...and momentum...

The elephant in the room is not Trump...but that old white man...who will just not go away...

Even though she went into this election season with a coronation on the horizon...ole Bernie has not given-up or given-in...

He has two things going for him...Clinton could be indicted for her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and the Dems Convention could turn into a free-for-all...pitting Clinton's welfare, wall-street, establishment minions against Bernie's young somewhat militant voters...begging for a change of the old guard...

Great entertainment for those who find it interesting to watch the world of politics evolve...

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Not suggesting that USA should take a leaf out of another countries book. Not their style. However take Australia as one example. Currently soon to have a federal election. Whoever wins, if the public becomes discouraged with vision of current leader of governing party, then the party can have internal vote and displace him. Takes a day. Apart from that federal election was called short time ago and whole process will take about 6 weeks start to finish. Also what of the billions or very least millions spent on campaigns. Guess the money needs some sort of "pay back" .

Most USA folk I talk to are so black and white with their politics.

Frankly I think most of the world laughs at how USA governments conduct themselves. (That does not equate to American citizens).

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Sometimes it is easier to believe a Lie, because the truth hurts. This woman is dangerous and only a fool could not see it !!

Sorry to say but of the two Trump is far more dangerous. No I am not American just someone concerned that a buffoon like him would be entrusted with the "button"

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Sometimes it is easier to believe a Lie, because the truth hurts. This woman is dangerous and only a fool could not see it !!

Sorry to say but of the two Trump is far more dangerous. No I am not American just someone concerned that a buffoon like him would be entrusted with the "button"

To Americans, who have been subjected to the Clinton's BS for decades, your first point isn't a universally held opinion. Hand her the White House and her party the Congressional majority and her potential for catastrophe easily surpasses Trump.

As far as being entrusted with "the button", no President can unilaterally launch nukes

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It's a simple fact: Objection to Trump is emotional, objection to Hillary is factual. (Trump has never been an official).

Here's the rub- Progressivism is always appeal to emotion. It's the only tool to dull reason. Through this lens it's all quite obvious.

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All Hillary would have to do to get elected is promise that she will stand down and let Bill handle everything. Anybody else notice Bill doesn't want to touch this with a ten foot pole? He is one of the greatest public speakers, a popular president and known to be a good statesman. Not even he can get behind her with enthusiasm. Behind every power hungry women stands a decent man I suppose.

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Hopefully by close of business Tuesday the old guy will be history, and I doubt many of his supporters will turn to support Trump.

But they will show up at the convention in July,..... not so much the polls in November

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All Hillary would have to do to get elected is promise that she will stand down and let Bill handle everything. Anybody else notice Bill doesn't want to touch this with a ten foot pole? He is one of the greatest public speakers, a popular president and known to be a good statesman. Not even he can get behind her with enthusiasm. Behind every power hungry women stands a decent man I suppose.

Bill has already been to the mountaintop and I doubt he really wants anything to do with being under the microscope again......but, a deals a deal....wink.png

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All Hillary would have to do to get elected is promise that she will stand down and let Bill handle everything. Anybody else notice Bill doesn't want to touch this with a ten foot pole? He is one of the greatest public speakers, a popular president and known to be a good statesman. Not even he can get behind her with enthusiasm. Behind every power hungry women stands a decent man I suppose.

Bill has already been to the mountaintop and I doubt he really wants anything to do with being under the microscope again......but, a deals a deal....wink.png

Really. Trump is going to have a party with the Crooked Clintons. This is an actual TV commercial. Cheers. intheclub.gif

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Sometimes it is easier to believe a Lie, because the truth hurts. This woman is dangerous and only a fool could not see it !!

Could you please list some Truths that have come out of Trump's mouth? Not a one including his overstated estimates of wealth and business acumen

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LOL Hillary is a snake in the pockets of corporate America and a traitor to the armed forces. She has already shown the world her true colors and can't be trusted . Trump is megalomaniac and as brash as they come. He knows how to play the game with the media so his name is mentioned more often. Like it or not he is a successful businessman and it is yet to be seen what kind of leader he will be. He is the better choice.

America will get what the country deserves. An incompetant president, certainly not a world leader. The people have brought it on themselves with their own stupidity such as refusing to change their gun ownership laws, if indeed their are any, which no other western country is so liberal with and allowing big business to dominate their government.

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Sometimes it is easier to believe a Lie, because the truth hurts. This woman is dangerous and only a fool could not see it !!

Could you please list some Truths that have come out of Trump's mouth? Not a one including his overstated estimates of wealth and business acumen

How about this one..."Hillary is crooked."

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