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Potential pedophilia sex scandal brewing at one of Thailand's oldest secondary schools


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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.

And sadly very common everywhere that those with power, wealth and celebrity feel free to conduct themselves as they like and can control any investigation attempted by the police or government appointed panels.

A dossier on paedophiles allegedly associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984. The whereabouts of the dossier is unknown, along with other files on organised child abuse that had been held by the Home Office.[1]

In 2013, the Home Office stated that all relevant information had been passed to the police, and that Dickens' dossier had not been retained. It was later disclosed that 114 documents concerning child abuse allegations were missing.

And those who chair investigations seem compelled to resign before anything is ever done.

On 7 July 2014, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced a review into the handling of historic child abuse allegations, to be led by Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC… and chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss. Butler-Sloss later stood down as chair of the inquiry.

On 5 September 2014, it was announced that it would instead be chaired by Fiona Woolf but on 31 October 2014 she, too, resigned from the role.

On 4 February 2015 it was announced that the inquiry would be chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand High Court judge.

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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.

Teenagers are not young children. Teenagers are pubescent.

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children."


"Hebephilia is the strong and persistent adult sexual interest in pubescent (early adolescent) individuals, typically ages 11–14"


"Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19"


Get your facts right.

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Teenagers are a bit old for the typical pedophile aren't they. I thought they liked em prepubescent.

It sounds swankier in the news. The correct term here is likely Hebephilia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebephilia or Ephebophilia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia.

EDIT: Seems I was late, no matter, the info is the same. All under the umbrella of Chronophilia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronophilia. I suffer from Teleiophilia myself, a horrible condition which seems incurable, unless I turn to a Gerantophile in my old days.

Edited by DrTuner
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I wonder, when I read posts by people arguing over the semantics of the word 'Paedophile' why it bothers them so much?

Because it's become on of the PC news agency words used to brand people porking women a couple of hours short of 18 or horny teenage school boys nailing their 19y old teacher. Far cry from a paedo forcing 7y olds in the woods.

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a paedophile molests prepubuscent children


Children, in other words under the age of consent.

Nothing to do with pre-pubescent

the age of consent is different from one country to another and paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder - please explain.

BTW, from Wikipedia:

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Depends on which reference book you use for your definition.

Yes it is a psychiatric disorder, not sure why that is relevant to what I wrote.

So it refers to underage children, again it is irrelevant that different counties have differing ages of consent.

Sex with underage children is generally referred to as paedophilia, yes you can break it down into exact words if you wish but the general public will never have heard of them, that it why it is grouped under one word which everyone can understand.

Whatever you wish to call it, it is disgusting and illegal, underage children are supposed to be protected by these people, not preyed upon by them.

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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.

Can you post where you got your information to confirm this?

How about starting with this link

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and then just keep scrolling down the page there's a shit load of information on this as well as catholic schools

they say 1 in every 50 catholic priests are pedophiles and it's been going on for DECADES !!

But for some no matter how much proof that you give them about their catholic pedophile priests they refuse to believe it !! Very sad and pathetic.

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the age of consent is different from one country to another and paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder - please explain.

BTW, from Wikipedia:

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Depends on which reference book you use for your definition.

Yes it is a psychiatric disorder, not sure why that is relevant to what I wrote.

So it refers to underage children, again it is irrelevant that different counties have differing ages of consent.

Sex with underage children is generally referred to as paedophilia, yes you can break it down into exact words if you wish but the general public will never have heard of them, that it why it is grouped under one word which everyone can understand.

Whatever you wish to call it, it is disgusting and illegal, underage children are supposed to be protected by these people, not preyed upon by them.

no, it doesn't refer to underage children, as then it would refer to children of different ages depending on the country, or no children at all if the country lacks age of consent laws...

If a majority of people understands and uses a word wrong, it doesn't make the wrong meaning correct, otherwise we will soon end up in an "idiocracy" as in the movie of the same name.

Here we have medically uneducated forum members reserving the right to call anyone indulging in sex with any underage partners a pedophile, while the proper medical definition restricts the definition of pedophile to the preference for pre-puberian partners.

A while ago, we also had a forum member who considers himself very versed in the ways of IT trying to explain to IT professionals that his definition of what a "hard disk drive" is correct and not theirs...

I think we witness what we can call an "education gap".

The problem and danger today with internet, social media and copy-paste journalism is that the riff-raff takes over the meaning of things.

When the general public considers their approximative knowledge to be correct and superior over specialists' knowledge, we witness the victory of the stupid or the victory of the social media generation, where "consensus" is more important than "fact".

very worrying.

watch idiocracy:


Edited by manarak
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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.

Can you post where you got your information to confirm this?

I hope you have a lot of spare time. Over a million cases against over 40,000 fiddlers.


Plenty of other sources also. I am surprised about the amount of denials. And also question why?

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How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??
Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.

"Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent?" Yes, In Thailand often he/she is. Children grow up here much faster than in Europe, women ( or girls) have children at a much earlier age and frequently so and Thai youth are much earlier sexually active too.

well 14 shouldn't be the age of consent. I don't think they are more mature than children from the west. Geez 27 yr old thai men are still referred to as teenagers and run to mummy, look at the red bull child
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What do you mean this country?

The Catholic Church systematically moved and still does move paedofile priests out of their parishes once a complaint is made and they are free to continue with their abuse.

There's one Australian bishop they want back to answer questions about his role in all this but is hiding and protected by the Vatican itself and guess what just like the monk he is to sick to travel even after being filmed a couple of weeks ago having a steak and beer at a upmarket restaurant.

Rockspiders how could any defend them!

Well summed up. Too sick to answer questions about thousands of raped kids, but not too sick to drink beer. And protected by the Vatican.


Child rapists. How could anyone defend them?

They have thier supporters who are in the the same social groups. Paedophile supporters are supporting thier own actions and desires. Those that defend and support them are just as sick as them.
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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.

And sadly very common everywhere that those with power, wealth and celebrity feel free to conduct themselves as they like and can control any investigation attempted by the police or government appointed panels.

A dossier on paedophiles allegedly associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984. The whereabouts of the dossier is unknown, along with other files on organised child abuse that had been held by the Home Office.[1]

In 2013, the Home Office stated that all relevant information had been passed to the police, and that Dickens' dossier had not been retained. It was later disclosed that 114 documents concerning child abuse allegations were missing.

And those who chair investigations seem compelled to resign before anything is ever done.

On 7 July 2014, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced a review into the handling of historic child abuse allegations, to be led by Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC… and chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss. Butler-Sloss later stood down as chair of the inquiry.

On 5 September 2014, it was announced that it would instead be chaired by Fiona Woolf but on 31 October 2014 she, too, resigned from the role.

On 4 February 2015 it was announced that the inquiry would be chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand High Court judge.

Suradit69 wrote: "..And those who chair investigations seem compelled to resign before anything is ever done..."

Not sure what point you're trying to make. It wasn't the establishment that forced Butler-Sloss and Fiona Woolf to stand down to stifle any investigation. It was the victims themselves - victims' groups representing the abused had asked for both to stand down. In Fiona Woolf's case, they cited her social links with ex-Home Secretary Lord Brittan who was at the time himself under investigation for child abuse.

In Butler-Sloss' case, she was asked to stand down because her brother served as attorney general in the 1980s, when reports of child abuse were allegedly not examined properly so it was felt her family links left her compromised.



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i was at an international school some 6 years back.A Thai teacher there was arrested for taking a Korean girl student of 11 off of the school premises.He used to take her for lunches and then,of course,the girls mother found out that she was being taken his place of stay,where he was having sex with her.Strangely,the father didn't seem too perturbed.The mother went Ape shit and called the police The teacher was dismissed and i remember him being removed from the school.i taught her in classes m3 and m4.She left the school soon after m4.A police man visited the school one day and informed the HM that the guy had been given 11 years.Now,i didn't think that sort of sentence was levied on that sort of crime.But it turned out that the Korean family were very well connected.

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And of course there are the always the people who know about it and do nothing who are almost as sick as the pedophiles.

Like in this very case, other teachers are reported to have known about it and done nothing. Victims were silenced with money(and probably threatened.)


Over 40,000 priests and teachers (brothers) and over 1million victims reported with more coming forward daily.

I would think that it would be only the tip of the iceberg, it is the sort of thing a lot of victims would want to forget.

I went to an all boy catholic school as did all the males in my family for a number of generations. The worst that happened to me and my kin was utterly tedious teaching methods.

Generalisations such as the ones you are making (no doubt because you wish to deflect from this case) are utter nonsense.

I assumed you must have been a catholic from your post. Who else would defend what is the biggest peodophile network the world has ever seen?

The denials are part of the problem and have aided the cover ups which the Catholic Church have spent well over 500 million on. Cardinal Pell makes me sick. He knew what was going on for years, parents complained that their kids were being raped. The church sometimes paid them off, and instead of defrocking them and calling the police like they should have done, these sickos were just moved on to another town to rape other kids.

Money they collected from people who were the followers of this strange religion and weird beliefs. The bible is a work of fiction, Mary was a Virgin, yeah right, Noah's Ark etc etc.

A poster above called it a "money collecting pedophiles club". A fair call in IMO.

So who do I believe, an internet troll or hundreds of thousands of victims. A lets not forget the many priests that actually have admitted their guilt. (Usually only because the evidence was overwhelming and so as to get a lighter sentence)

You are denying the indefensible. Your reason that it couldn't be true because it didn't happen to you personally.

Why is the topic being evaded?

Priests are not usually private school teachers.

I have grown up in a Catholic Private School and the only teachers we had were nuns...not Priests.

lets get back to school teachers.

Thailand has very few things in common with Catholics. This is not about religion.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Why is the topic being evaded?

Priests are not usually private school teachers.

I have grown up in a Catholic Private School and the only teachers we had were nuns...not Priests.

lets get back to school teachers.

Thailand has very few things in common with Catholics. This is not about religion.

Campion Hall is part of Oxford University and home to the Society of Jesus in Oxford. Notre Dame is a private research university inspired by its Catholic character to be a powerful force for good in the world. The Catholic Church operates the world's largest non-governmental school system There are many teaching orders such as Jesuits and Franciscans and Augustinians. They operate high schools and colleges all over the world. Assumption University in Thailand is operated by and Brothers of St. Gabriel, a worldwide Catholic religious order. Google Catholic prep schools or Catholic boarding schools. There are tens of thousands of teaching priests and brothers all over the world.

There are 300 Catholic schools within the limits of the Archdiocese of Bangkok with approximate 400,000 students; 65,775 are in the city of Bangkok itself.

Edited by Scotwight
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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.


a paedophile molests prepubuscent children

What dictionary are you using? Ratcatcher's definition is correct in all the major dictionaries i.e. Cambridge or Oxford dictionaries

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As for references don't worry about the internet just get the movie Spotlight and watch it through to the end credits.

As for debating over age if anyone can't see anything wrong with an adult having sex with a fourteen year old and trying to justify it then you certainly agh I won't say it.

It seems with some people it's all good until it affects them.

Defending rock spiders in a position of trust.

That'll do me.

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What's with these people so predisposed with terminology? Are you totally unable to see right from wrong? Do you fight the good fight because you are so incensed by the fact that "your Rachel" was 13 when her teacher began molesting her, and yet he was labelled a pedophile... Which was just so, so wrong...! He was clearly a hebephile...But mud sticks, and so he will have to go through the rest of his life with the pedophile label hanging round his neck... Poor fella! As a result of this he's been shunned by the entire hebephile community...

Geez...!!! Surely the only people who would focus on such detail are those with a scary amount of knowledge about such activities... Who the eff makes it their business to know about such details...? If I said: "Richie Mccaw was a great back-row forward"... Only someone passionate about NZ rugby is gonna tell me: "Well, he was a great open side flanker, but kinda average when he played No. 8 or on the blind side..." In fact, I would be highly surprised to hear those words from anyone who had never played the game...

Oops... but thanks for outing yourself guys...

The bottom line is that parents entrust the well being of their kids to these people in authority who are supposed to be trustworthy... Whether they are teachers or priests... They have power over our kids and in the wrong hands that power can be used as leverage to coerce or blackmail kids into doing things that they should never be doing... Don't try to obfuscate things by questioning the age of the kids and the appropriate term that should be used to describe the deviant SoB's getting their rocks off with that child.

Who could possibly argue the toss on this? Hmmm... Well, I suppose those that will never have kids of their own may find it harder to comprehend...

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/06/2016 at 8:41 AM, Krataiboy said:

This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

It says in the report 13 to 18 year old.  

If you don't consider someone who sleeps with a 13 year old to be a paedophile thend you are deluded.

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