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do you donate


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most of my life donated to many groups

later years found the money went into pockets of evil people

14yrs ago we had a group of people with many skills to build a orphanage in north border

we though we could bypass the con people

no. there were more people here had to give money in there pockets

before could start the project

over the years have not seen a honest group

now they put ads on internet one now all the time from nz kids donate b/S

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most of my life donated to many groups

later years found the money went into pockets of evil people

14yrs ago we had a group of people with many skills to build a orphanage in north border

we though we could bypass the con people

no. there were more people here had to give money in there pockets

before could start the project

over the years have not seen a honest group

now they put ads on internet one now all the time from nz kids donate b/S

Only group I will put my hand in my pocket for is The Salvation Army.

By the way I'm not religious.

Edited by overherebc
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most of my life donated to many groups

later years found the money went into pockets of evil people

14yrs ago we had a group of people with many skills to build a orphanage in north border

we though we could bypass the con people

no. there were more people here had to give money in there pockets

before could start the project

over the years have not seen a honest group

now they put ads on internet one now all the time from nz kids donate b/S

Only group I will put my hand in my pocket for is The Salvation Army.

By the way I'm not religious.

I look on money for the Salvation Army as an investment for my future
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Long, long ago I sponsored a child through an org. I became suspicious when I received the same exact picture from the kid two years in a row.

I sent a letter asking why this child didn't seem to grow or change at all, never had a reply.

Many, many years later while working in Thailand I accidentally was in an hotel right opposite Don Muang airport for a job meeting.

There was a UNICEF meeting in another (much larger) room and I managed to take a peek before leaving in the evening. They had a dinner buffet there. You would not believe the kind of very costly food and beverage I saw. It was outraged... so that's where the money goes, right?

Never donated to an org since then. I still donate a lot, but directly.

Edited by Lannig
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Find your nearest orphanage.Visit them and ask to speak to someone in charge.Make your donation,first make it clear you want

an official receipt.Or ask what they need and go buy it for them.

In your local community,speak with people.Ask witch family-or single mother-is having trouble.Go visit them,speak with them,

ask them about their problems without saying you want to give money.After you meet the people,you can decide if you want,

you can give them money straightforward,or you can buy them what they need.

In the street,have a beer and watch carefully the people passing by,and hanging around.After a while(if you re good at

evaluating people)you can spot who is in real need.

Stay away from kids.Do not speak or socialise with them under any circumstance.(in the orphanage only when adults are


Do not allow anybody to take advantage of your good will.You have to be able-and strong enough-to say no when in doubt.

Live with peace in your mind and love in your heart.

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Many charities are big business like cancer and heart foundations. Big offices, many employees, expensive everything,

big salaries and expense accounts. Once saw an article that for every $1 in donation, .90 cents is for the overhead.

Best way to donate is not money but things that target group can use.

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Many charities are big business like cancer and heart foundations. Big offices, many employees, expensive everything,

big salaries and expense accounts. Once saw an article that for every $1 in donation, .90 cents is for the overhead.

Best way to donate is not money but things that target group can use.

Check out Rotary Foundation.....?

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I have been investing in peoples futures through www.kiva.org. the money is micro-loaned, the default rate is extremely low and when paid back, I reloan it. The money keeps recycling and you get reports back.

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We all know, that "popular" charities waste a lot of donations on exorbitant high salaries, travelling costs and such.

Therefore I only give to charities, whose accounting can be viewed online completely. In that case one can exactly see, where the donations are being spent and what for. In doubt, a copy of the written voucher can be send upon request. For a serious working charity 100% transparency is a must.

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I find a needy school, the number of students by year group, and put together individual packages of stationery, pens, coloured pencils, rulers etc etc that parents would find difficult to purchase and would last a year. I also put in a few sweets as treats and make sure each child is given a pack and not taken by greedy teachers. Helps the parents, and hopefully helps the kids with their education.

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I read an article recently that gave the salary of the president of some worldwide charities .Two of the highest where World Vision and the Salvation Army .Now i make direct contributions .However i have found worthy causes especially in Northern Thailand are either over funded by foreign people or suspect as to would all my donation [cash ]would benefit the poor people or children it was intended for.

If any one has a 'bona fide' worthy cause please email me.[No jokers please ]

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For those who are saying the Salvos are good a couple of things to think about, as they say up to you what you do, but is better to be informed.

1/ They are religious fanatics, I never trust any fanatics, especially religious ones.

2/ In Western Australia it used to be the norm to go for a couple of drinks after work on Friday. The salvos would come around rattling their tins for donations and many would give, including myself. Then it came out that all the money raised by the Salvos went to Sydney and only about 10% of what was raised in WA was coming back to WA. Thus pretty much ended the Salvos coming around rattling their tins on a Friday in WA.

With the giving question what I have learned over the years is if you are going to donate to the Institutions then do it officially and aim to get a receipt for tax purposes (in Aust anyway), also do your research on the % being skimmed along the way and make sure you are comfortable with what your hard earned is going to be used for. If giving to charity works in Thailand then the closer to the end user you donate the less is likely to be skimmed eg the wife organised to take lunch one day for a class at Father Rays, so right at the end user.


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Spot on - I worked for a top airline, and I used to see the Red Cross and Save the Children"execs" and their fat-cat "Entourages" flying in biz and first - and staying in 5 star hotels.

SallyAnns and also Rotary are the only ones I'd cough up for.

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I give (as directly as possible) directly to the people.

AFter the tsunami, I had many friends from back home wanting to donate.
They gave me the money, I added some of my own, then I went around to some of the areas that were destroyed.
Handed 1,000 baht notes to women who were sitting around their ruined homes.
Never gave it to the men, as I heard they would just go drinking.

How can you ever be sure your money goes to the best place to help?

I know some people (farangs) who were renting longtails and going to islands with water bottles to help out those on the nearby island.
I gave the remainder to them.

I don't trust ANY of the so called "relief agencies"

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When I give i never give money ,I buy toys and gifts for children ,never give in original boxes so parents can't resell them ,I can which children not have toys ,that is the best way ,and also buy sweets and shoes things like that are a better choices

If you want to help sponsor a kid for school ,pay for food and teaching costs ,uniforms books ,look their home ,see if they have a car or parents that are drinkers

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