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Sometimes I just can't understand Thai mentality.


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I don't see the argument about a car stopping more quickly than a small motorbike (when going the same speed)

For example....the more weight you have...the harder it is to stop. Cars need better brakes...because of that fact. Then buses, then tandem trailer trucks, then trains.....

Can't use the brake excuse. Nobody considers that a motorbike stops in about the same distance a car does, The heavier vehicle always has better brake, but the weight negates the effectiveness.

In all the countries (40) I have driven in, you are wrong if you are not driving safely (following to close). The car in front of you is not wrong, as they were only reacting to an emergency. The third vehicle never had contact with the one in front of you....and is long gone, anyways.

400 is ok....don't see that as excessive, as she was a cheapskate on her insurance.

Edited by slipperylobster
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youre right the girlfriend uses the normal "Thai get out" excuse , she was too close, first rule is to allow enough space to stop in any conditions.

The law will say that if you hit a vehicle from behind, then you are automatically at fault, but there are times when it would be unfair

to blame the person who hit the vehicle traveling in front. Think about it.


Legally the girlfriend was in the wrong, but in reality it was the stupid driver.

I did the same thing about 5years ago. I was looking for a bar, saw it as I drove past it and slammed on the brakes. A bar girl rammed into me on her bike. It was my fault, but not legally.

She was justifiably pissed off. She was going to be late for work, so I paid her bar fine and told her to go to a repair shop, and if it was under 2000 to get fixed, I would just pay it. More, then we use my insurance. She was quoted 4,000, so we went to the broker who was only 1km away.

I told her to say that I backed into her. I thought she understood why.

We wet to the broker, I told her "happened" but she said we had to wait for the insurance rep to come and look. It took about an hour for him to show up. I told him what happened. Then he started speaking to her.

To my horror she started telling him the truth.

It was unravelling, so I have tried to tell her discreetly "go hok" lie. She then started crying and screaming that she wasn't lying.

So the insurance bloke said he wasn't paying and I got exposed for insurance fraud. Luckily he just left, and the broker who saw it all was also cool.

The girl, mustn't have known legally it was her fault, much like I expect the the OP's girlfriend didn't. Legally, she was wrong, but in REALITY it was my shit driving that caused it.

She won't admit she was wrong, because she actually wasn't wrong. She will be questioning the OPs farang mentality.

You are a good guy, and this is a good story, all I can say is well done and good luck to you.

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I coached female college athletes a while back. One of my pitchers showed up with a ticket (following too closely and failure to control). Situation was; 4 lane road with extra lane for turn. Approaching the intersection, the vehicle (a large truck) in front of her moved into the left turn lane (USA rules) and smack in front of her was traffic halted waiting for light to change green. She gave the auto in front of her a Prestone enema. She was livid to be charged. No matter how hard I tried, nothing I said could convince her she was at fault. Good ole American corn-fed heifer, 100% Nebraskan for generations. Point being- not an exclusive Thai thing. She just could not ( or would not) grasp the concept that some accidents are preventable.

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I wonder at the mentality of a person that does not regularly check his girlfriend's motorbike's brakes.

It's not just the condition of the brakes that's important, you also have to know how to use them.

In my observations and having had to maintain the bikes of a number of family members, many Thais seem to only use their rear brake rather than front & rear together - rear brake pads/shoes worn out, front hardly used.

Using just the rear brake can easily lock the back wheel resulting in a skid.

Teach your wife/gf to use both F&R brakes together or, if they really can't get the hang of that, use the front brake only rather than rear brake only. Front brake only greatly reduces stopping distance compared to rear brake only. F&R together reduces stopping distance even more.

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I wonder at the mentality of a person that does not regularly check his girlfriend's motorbike's brakes.

It's not just the condition of the brakes that's important, you also have to know how to use them.

In my observations and having had to maintain the bikes of a number of family members, many Thais seem to only use their rear brake rather than front & rear together - rear brake pads/shoes worn out, front hardly used.

Using just the rear brake can easily lock the back wheel resulting in a skid.

Teach your wife/gf to use both F&R brakes together or, if they really can't get the hang of that, use the front brake only rather than rear brake only. Front brake only greatly reduces stopping distance compared to rear brake only. F&R together reduces stopping distance even more.

Normally rear brake pads worn out because they keep their foot on the brake pedal continuously while driving.
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It is through this association that I have observed and formed my personal opinion that a Thai brain does seem to compute somewhat different than their peers in North America. It is the way it is and I accept that.

Not casting stones at you Neeray but your post should have ended right there.

I never understand why foreigners from western countries consistently come on here and compare the people. What does one hope to gain from it? As you said "It is the way it is, and I accept that".

I am not saying I disagree with some of what a few have posted but I am not going to change it. HOWEVER if you work here in Thailand and interact with educated professionals you find they complain about Thai people who behave poorly, act stupid etc just like us foreigners do about people in our homeland. They don't like it like we don't. To me it all boils down to the company you keep. That is how you will perceive all Thai people to be in general. That's why sweeping generalizations do not work. Look at your surroundings, consider the age of the people you associate with, the professions they are in.

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youre right the girlfriend uses the normal "Thai get out" excuse , she was too close, first rule is to allow enough space to stop in any conditions.

The law will say that if you hit a vehicle from behind, then you are automatically at fault, but there are times when it would be unfair

to blame the person who hit the vehicle traveling in front. Think about it.


Legally the girlfriend was in the wrong, but in reality it was the stupid driver.

I did the same thing about 5years ago. I was looking for a bar, saw it as I drove past it and slammed on the brakes. A bar girl rammed into me on her bike. It was my fault, but not legally.

She was justifiably pissed off. She was going to be late for work, so I paid her bar fine and told her to go to a repair shop, and if it was under 2000 to get fixed, I would just pay it. More, then we use my insurance. She was quoted 4,000, so we went to the broker who was only 1km away.

I told her to say that I backed into her. I thought she understood why.

We wet to the broker, I told her "happened" but she said we had to wait for the insurance rep to come and look. It took about an hour for him to show up. I told him what happened. Then he started speaking to her.

To my horror she started telling him the truth.

It was unravelling, so I have tried to tell her discreetly "go hok" lie. She then started crying and screaming that she wasn't lying.

So the insurance bloke said he wasn't paying and I got exposed for insurance fraud. Luckily he just left, and the broker who saw it all was also cool.

The girl, mustn't have known legally it was her fault, much like I expect the the OP's girlfriend didn't. Legally, she was wrong, but in REALITY it was my shit driving that caused it.

She won't admit she was wrong, because she actually wasn't wrong. She will be questioning the OPs farang mentality.

Which all goes back to ....Aren't we suppose to keep a SAFE distance from the car in front ? The Law ? Common Sense ?

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youre right the girlfriend uses the normal "Thai get out" excuse , she was too close, first rule is to allow enough space to stop in any conditions.

The law will say that if you hit a vehicle from behind, then you are automatically at fault, but there are times when it would be unfair

to blame the person who hit the vehicle traveling in front. Think about it.


Legally the girlfriend was in the wrong, but in reality it was the stupid driver.

I did the same thing about 5years ago. I was looking for a bar, saw it as I drove past it and slammed on the brakes. A bar girl rammed into me on her bike. It was my fault, but not legally.

She was justifiably pissed off. She was going to be late for work, so I paid her bar fine and told her to go to a repair shop, and if it was under 2000 to get fixed, I would just pay it. More, then we use my insurance. She was quoted 4,000, so we went to the broker who was only 1km away.

I told her to say that I backed into her. I thought she understood why.

We wet to the broker, I told her "happened" but she said we had to wait for the insurance rep to come and look. It took about an hour for him to show up. I told him what happened. Then he started speaking to her.

To my horror she started telling him the truth.

It was unravelling, so I have tried to tell her discreetly "go hok" lie. She then started crying and screaming that she wasn't lying.

So the insurance bloke said he wasn't paying and I got exposed for insurance fraud. Luckily he just left, and the broker who saw it all was also cool.

The girl, mustn't have known legally it was her fault, much like I expect the the OP's girlfriend didn't. Legally, she was wrong, but in REALITY it was my shit driving that caused it.

She won't admit she was wrong, because she actually wasn't wrong. She will be questioning the OPs farang mentality.

Which all goes back to ....Aren't we suppose to keep a SAFE distance from the car in front ? The Law ? Common Sense ?

I see where you are coming from, but look back to my point. Possum.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

That`s exactly how I think about Thai people. All races and nationalities have their good and bad sides. I don`t judge people by race, people are people wherever they are.

The short time I have been posting on these forums I have been shocked by how too many posters seem to be anti Thai and also noticed the most critical get the most likes. It seems that to become a popular poster is to slag off the Thais and Thailand as much as possible. What is it with these people? Are they just sad old loners disgruntled with the world or with themselves, or what is it? What`s their problem?

Sad old loners? Yeah.

The thaibashers I know personally all have the following traits

1) no male Thai friends.

2) no one from their own country ever bothers to visit them here. (So no real friends back home either)

3) girlfriend/wife comes fro the "entertainment" industry. ( once again, not real)

4) they have poor Thai language skills, so rely on their rented girlfriend for even basic things, if something doesn't go exactly as they want, they spit the dummy.

No one likes them, they are insecure, intimidated by happy people with friends and they constantly complain.

They can't hold a conversation that is positive for longer than a minute, they manage to turn the most positive things into a complaint somehow.

They are always farangs. I am yet to meet an anally retentive Thai..

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youre right the girlfriend uses the normal "Thai get out" excuse , she was too close, first rule is to allow enough space to stop in any conditions.

The law will say that if you hit a vehicle from behind, then you are automatically at fault, but there are times when it would be unfair

to blame the person who hit the vehicle traveling in front. Think about it.


Legally the girlfriend was in the wrong, but in reality it was the stupid driver.

I did the same thing about 5years ago. I was looking for a bar, saw it as I drove past it and slammed on the brakes. A bar girl rammed into me on her bike. It was my fault, but not legally.

She was justifiably pissed off. She was going to be late for work, so I paid her bar fine and told her to go to a repair shop, and if it was under 2000 to get fixed, I would just pay it. More, then we use my insurance. She was quoted 4,000, so we went to the broker who was only 1km away.

I told her to say that I backed into her. I thought she understood why.

We wet to the broker, I told her "happened" but she said we had to wait for the insurance rep to come and look. It took about an hour for him to show up. I told him what happened. Then he started speaking to her.

To my horror she started telling him the truth.

It was unravelling, so I have tried to tell her discreetly "go hok" lie. She then started crying and screaming that she wasn't lying.

So the insurance bloke said he wasn't paying and I got exposed for insurance fraud. Luckily he just left, and the broker who saw it all was also cool.

The girl, mustn't have known legally it was her fault, much like I expect the the OP's girlfriend didn't. Legally, she was wrong, but in REALITY it was my shit driving that caused it.

She won't admit she was wrong, because she actually wasn't wrong. She will be questioning the OPs farang mentality.

Which all goes back to ....Aren't we suppose to keep a SAFE distance from the car in front ? The Law ? Common Sense ?

Legally I was 100% in the right.

Common sense. I was 90% in the wrong.

I caused the accident. My stupid maneuver caused it. Lucky she wasn't injured.

I ended up giving her 3000 baht, and my mate who I was with chipped in the other 1000.

It would have been wrong for her to be out of pocket. She was a battler, she was a bargirl, and not the prettiest.

Or the brightest, as I discovered when we were attempting the insurance fraud.

To deny that it was my fault would have been morally wrong, even if legally correct.

Common sense prevailed.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

So true. This isn't a Thai thing. The OP's GF is a moron and he's coming on here to complain about her. Why is he even with her? Desperate?

The OPs girlfriend is not a moron, if I was the OP, I would be very angry at this comment, the real moron is the person who backed out in front of the car the OPs girlfriend hit.

Yes, the law says that if you hit the car in front then you are automatically to blame, in most cases yes, but sometimes the law is an ass.

Edited by possum1931
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OP you have to learn something about Thais, they are never wrong.

My wife will argue all day, even when she is wrong she will not admit to it.

That is so true and there within lies the reason a Thai female will never be a wife to me.

Married to someone / anyone with that mentality and attitude is I'd say death by a thousand cuts, but anyone who can put up and withstand this, deserves a bravery award.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

So true. This isn't a Thai thing. The OP's GF is a moron and he's coming on here to complain about her. Why is he even with her? Desperate?

The OPs girlfriend is not a moron, if I was the OP, I would be very angry at this comment, the real moron is the person who backed out in front of the car the OPs girlfriend hit.

Yes, the law says that if you hit the car in front then you are automatically to blame, in most cases yes, but sometimes the law is an ass.

Yeah, maybe, providing what the OP's GF says is true. That, even the OP would not know for sure 100%.

Excuse, excuses, excuses. At the end of the day, as the OP story states, it's clearly her fault. If I am reading correctly it's not a debate on whose fault it was, but the fact his GF refused to accept being at fault and escalating what seems to be an easy problem to fix into a much bigger one.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

So true. This isn't a Thai thing. The OP's GF is a moron and he's coming on here to complain about her. Why is he even with her? Desperate?

The OPs girlfriend is not a moron, if I was the OP, I would be very angry at this comment, the real moron is the person who backed out in front of the car the OPs girlfriend hit.

Yes, the law says that if you hit the car in front then you are automatically to blame, in most cases yes, but sometimes the law is an ass.

Yeah, maybe, providing what the OP's GF says is true. That, even the OP would not know for sure 100%.

Excuse, excuses, excuses. At the end of the day, as the OP story states, it's clearly her fault. If I am reading correctly it's not a debate on whose fault it was, but the fact his GF refused to accept being at fault and escalating what seems to be an easy problem to fix into a much bigger one.

Yes, but I do see the OPs girlfriends point. She had a good reason to refuse to accept she was at fault. The idiot who backed out without looking is mostly to blame in my opinion.

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OP you have to learn something about Thais, they are never wrong.

My wife will argue all day, even when she is wrong she will not admit to it.

That is so true and there within lies the reason a Thai female will never be a wife to me.

Married to someone / anyone with that mentality and attitude is I'd say death by a thousand cuts, but anyone who can put up and withstand this, deserves a bravery award.

You're making some idiotic

assumptions. You think

that just because you're a

Westerner, you're superior

and, consequently, you're

always going to be right in

an argument with a Thai


I'd take anything colinneil

says with a pinch of salt.

If you've read even a few

of his posts, you'll

understand why his wife

won't quit in an argument.

The guy's totally clueless

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This is a great topic. Thanks for posting it OP. I am pretty new at this Thai thing (2 years). But the seemingly different Tai (perhaps Asian in general) thinking has been quite challenging to adjust to. I have encountered numerous situations where that face saving thing has reared its ugly head. And that's amongst much more than one Thai.

Accountability, responsibility, moral compass ...... I don't think "many" Thais are taught these things.

But they are well schooled in "deny, deny, deny" !

I think most of you people

generalizing about some

mythical, collective Thai

mentality have spent most

of your time scratching

around the lowest of the

low in this country.

You wouldn't go to

Thamesmead in London or

Compton in Los Angeles

and expect to find the

cream of the crop would

you? Yet you come to

Thailand, move to some

shithole in Isaan then

whine because Phichai

doesn't take responsibility

when he takes off your

door mirror on his souped

up Fino or when your wife

who finished school at 13

refuses to yield in an

argument - assuming of

course she even

understands what you're

saying to her.

Climb out of the gutter and

meet some good people

and your outlook might



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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

So true. This isn't a Thai thing. The OP's GF is a moron and he's coming on here to complain about her. Why is he even with her? Desperate?

The OPs girlfriend is not a moron, if I was the OP, I would be very angry at this comment, the real moron is the person who backed out in front of the car the OPs girlfriend hit.

Yes, the law says that if you hit the car in front then you are automatically to blame, in most cases yes, but sometimes the law is an ass.

"If (you) were the OP"....? You're not the OP. Is he a 9 year old who can't answer for himself? If the OP wants to say he doesn't understand his GF's mentality, that's fine. But his thread title is suggesting that the other 60 million Thais are the same as his moronic GF. Perhaps he is the moron.

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This is a great topic. Thanks for posting it OP. I am pretty new at this Thai thing (2 years). But the seemingly different Tai (perhaps Asian in general) thinking has been quite challenging to adjust to. I have encountered numerous situations where that face saving thing has reared its ugly head. And that's amongst much more than one Thai.

Accountability, responsibility, moral compass ...... I don't think "many" Thais are taught these things.

But they are well schooled in "deny, deny, deny" !

I think most of you people

generalizing about some

mythical, collective Thai

mentality have spent most

of your time scratching

around the lowest of the

low in this country.

You wouldn't go to

Thamesmead in London or

Compton in Los Angeles

and expect to find the

cream of the crop would

you? Yet you come to

Thailand, move to some

shithole in Isaan then

whine because Phichai

doesn't take responsibility

when he takes off your

door mirror on his souped

up Fino or when your wife

who finished school at 13

refuses to yield in an

argument - assuming of

course she even

understands what you're

saying to her.

Climb out of the gutter and

meet some good people

and your outlook might



Two hi-so's................coffee1.gif

Struck a nerve, I see.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

That`s exactly how I think about Thai people. All races and nationalities have their good and bad sides. I don`t judge people by race, people are people wherever they are.

The short time I have been posting on these forums I have been shocked by how too many posters seem to be anti Thai and also noticed the most critical get the most likes. It seems that to become a popular poster is to slag off the Thais and Thailand as much as possible. What is it with these people? Are they just sad old loners disgruntled with the world or with themselves, or what is it? What`s their problem?

Sad old loners? Yeah.

The thaibashers I know personally all have the following traits

1) no male Thai friends.

2) no one from their own country ever bothers to visit them here. (So no real friends back home either)

3) girlfriend/wife comes fro the "entertainment" industry. ( once again, not real)

4) they have poor Thai language skills, so rely on their rented girlfriend for even basic things, if something doesn't go exactly as they want, they spit the dummy.

No one likes them, they are insecure, intimidated by happy people with friends and they constantly complain.

They can't hold a conversation that is positive for longer than a minute, they manage to turn the most positive things into a complaint somehow.

They are always farangs. I am yet to meet an anally retentive Thai..

Pretty accurate description of the typical Thai-basher on TV. They think they have refuge here on TV where they can mindlessly bash the Thais with impunity. So when they're caught out, they screech and whine/whinge like a bunch of little girls.

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

That`s exactly how I think about Thai people. All races and nationalities have their good and bad sides. I don`t judge people by race, people are people wherever they are.

The short time I have been posting on these forums I have been shocked by how too many posters seem to be anti Thai and also noticed the most critical get the most likes. It seems that to become a popular poster is to slag off the Thais and Thailand as much as possible. What is it with these people? Are they just sad old loners disgruntled with the world or with themselves, or what is it? What`s their problem?

Sad old loners? Yeah.

The thaibashers I know personally all have the following traits

1) no male Thai friends.

2) no one from their own country ever bothers to visit them here. (So no real friends back home either)

3) girlfriend/wife comes fro the "entertainment" industry. ( once again, not real)

4) they have poor Thai language skills, so rely on their rented girlfriend for even basic things, if something doesn't go exactly as they want, they spit the dummy.

No one likes them, they are insecure, intimidated by happy people with friends and they constantly complain.

They can't hold a conversation that is positive for longer than a minute, they manage to turn the most positive things into a complaint somehow.

They are always farangs. I am yet to meet an anally retentive Thai..

Pretty accurate description of the typical Thai-basher on TV. They think they have refuge here on TV where they can mindlessly bash the Thais with impunity. So when they're caught out, they screech and whine/whinge like a bunch of little girls.

Yeah.........brilliant post rolleyes.gif

Refutes one generalization by using another.

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Yeah.........brilliant post rolleyes.gif

Refutes one generalization by using another.

I think a generalization about a handful of Thai bashers on an interent forum is far more likely to be accurate than one attributing a hive-like mindset to a nation of 66 million+ people

Edited by Agent Sumo
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Yeah.........brilliant post rolleyes.gif

Refutes one generalization by using another.

I think a generalization about a handful of Thai bashers on an interent forum is far more likely to be accurate than one attributing a hive-like mindset to a nation of 66 million+ people

theyre all Buddhists........ oh <deleted> Ive generalised again

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Assuming there is a shared, singular, all-encompassing, one-size-fits-all Thai mentality is part of your problem.

Start thinking of Thais, as you would of individual people in your home country, as individuals.

If someone in your home country says or does something quirky, you don't immediately think of what they did or said as farang mentality. Even in Thailand we all know rational, normal farangs despite the depressing impression of "farang mentality" one could take away from reading so many posts on TV.

That`s exactly how I think about Thai people. All races and nationalities have their good and bad sides. I don`t judge people by race, people are people wherever they are.

The short time I have been posting on these forums I have been shocked by how too many posters seem to be anti Thai and also noticed the most critical get the most likes. It seems that to become a popular poster is to slag off the Thais and Thailand as much as possible. What is it with these people? Are they just sad old loners disgruntled with the world or with themselves, or what is it? What`s their problem?

Sad old loners? Yeah.

The thaibashers I know personally all have the following traits

1) no male Thai friends.

2) no one from their own country ever bothers to visit them here. (So no real friends back home either)

3) girlfriend/wife comes fro the "entertainment" industry. ( once again, not real)

4) they have poor Thai language skills, so rely on their rented girlfriend for even basic things, if something doesn't go exactly as they want, they spit the dummy.

No one likes them, they are insecure, intimidated by happy people with friends and they constantly complain.

They can't hold a conversation that is positive for longer than a minute, they manage to turn the most positive things into a complaint somehow.

They are always farangs. I am yet to meet an anally retentive Thai..

Pretty accurate description of the typical Thai-basher on TV. They think they have refuge here on TV where they can mindlessly bash the Thais with impunity. So when they're caught out, they screech and whine/whinge like a bunch of little girls.

Yeah.........brilliant post rolleyes.gif

Refutes one generalization by using another.

No. I didn't say all, that would be generalization because I don't know them all.

I said the ones that I know personally. That is not a generalization.

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Roomuck , what if your sudden braking was due to the avoidance of a kid running out of the road ?

Legally, the girl who rear ended me.

But common sense, it was the parents of the kid for not supervising the kid that CAUSED the accident.

In that case, not my fault, not her fault. The parents fault.

Clever people these Thais.

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Roomuck , what if your sudden braking was due to the avoidance of a kid running out of the road ?

Legally, the girl who rear ended me.

But common sense, it was the parents of the kid for not supervising the kid that CAUSED the accident.

In that case, not my fault, not her fault. The parents fault.

Clever people these Thais.

it was all meant to be ...therefore buddhas fault

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Roomuck , what if your sudden braking was due to the avoidance of a kid running out of the road ?

Legally, the girl who rear ended me.

But common sense, it was the parents of the kid for not supervising the kid that CAUSED the accident.

In that case, not my fault, not her fault. The parents fault.

Clever people these Thais.

If they are so clever, why are they the second worst drivers in the world ?:

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