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Scottish dad fears ex-soldier son is murder victim after he goes missing during trip to Thailand


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Not something that is unique to bargirls. Thai mentality dictates that losing face will result in revenge, whether concerning males or females. I made it clear to friends and family in the UK that if anything happened to me in Thailand or I disappeared there then they should look towards my wife or her family for answers. As horrible as it is I have seen examples of it many times and even now I wouldn't feel easy being there after a break-up (not that I am planning one).

Wow, why not leave her now?

Not a good basis for a marriage.

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How is it that the topic is about a father who has gone missing and presumed murdered and all you children on TV can do is bicker with each other.

Grow up already.

Well done Rayk, Steve is a close mate, a great lad who absolutely adores his daughter, he is dependable, organised he does not just dissapear... he like millions of people married and divorced, he actually lasted a lot longer married than i am sure half of the absolute nuggets posting on this forum.. he married because he loved, his daughter was the result of love and he was sure not going to let her suffer because that marriage failed. he spoke to her twice a day, made sure money was there for the daughter, he is a great dad and probably a better ex husband than most of us are husbands. ,

He is loyal, honest and possibly a better man than me, he has not been seen, everyone is worried,his parents must be beside themselves as you would if your child went missing, no matter how old, your still a parent and they are still a child. Yet all the majority of you lot can do is make assumptions, slag each other off, with the odd concerned person, the odd bit of humanity towards Stevens plight and that of his friends and family, Be a forum, be a group of people, dont bombard this forum with trash, use it to pass on your thoughts to parents desperate, to a daughter that just wants her dad, post photos, keep your eyes and ears open and if murder has been committed, help bring the guilty to bear.

Before you go posting on sights like this, just stop. think. and at least be respectful of the topic.. if you lot want to bash expats abroad, or oldies, or thai working girts etc then i am sure there are forum topics to do so... not on the topic of someone missing presumed murdered.

You are right in a way but what makes this news is that he didn't may like millions of other people, he married a Pattaya woman,with tattoos.We all know what that means although many who also have done it are in denial.

I hope your friend turns up alive.

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Crikey some father is tearing himself apart that his son has possibly been murdered and all you get on here is the usual "i am wonderful i've been here for 100 years and haven't been ripped off".

Expats are generally jumped up to55ers the world over who think they're great because they have a couple of quid more than the natives, but expats in Thailand are on a whole different level.

Irony is he has survived doing a dangerous job in the most dangerous place on earth, and some dainty girl may have led to his demise.

Dainty! Look at the photo dude.

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Well she has been with me for over 20 years. We are a married couple, we have joint bank accounts. Both cars are in my name anyway and my elder son uses his mothers car most of the time. Don't jump to conclusions based on your own experiences with Thai women.

I don't know any English people who feel the need to boast about not being divorced and sharing a bank account, the fact you do says what you really think about Thailand.

Seems strange you need to have both cars in your name, not a lot of trust after 20 years it seems.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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facts: less then 60 days and stuff in hotel

lets see could it be a beach break thats taking longer then usual, or needy worried relatives?

i go for months without reporting in, sometimes i leave my hotel and passport,

im still very much alive

I wonder what the american bashing him was all about?....

Yes....Did he get the sulks and take off to an island or something with the weight of the world seemingly on his shoulders.......I hope so!

If so......then he's really putting his family and friends thru hell......

i guess he dropped that hint pretty well before leaving. now they feel obligated to follow up and exact some sort of blood justice.

next mission he should be more forthcoming, go with backup or keep in touch via satellite uplink with an encrypted line...

better have a good reason if he stiks his head above water again.

better be bush liking it in the jungle somewhere taking out charlie, copy it roger...

Edited by fey
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Well she has been with me for over 20 years. We are a married couple, we have joint bank accounts. Both cars are in my name anyway and my elder son uses his mothers car most of the time. Don't jump to conclusions based on your own experiences with Thai women.

I don't know any English people who feel the need to boast about not being divorced and sharing a bank account, the fact you do says what you really think about Thailand.

Seems strange you need to have both cars in your name, not a lot of trust after 20 years it seems.

Boasting? I'n not boasting and the fact that you think I am says a lot about yourself.

You are strange, goodbye.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Well said. Ditto plans.

Great two bitter ones on the way out.

I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

What's wrong with being over 50?

Are you jealous or just complaining? gigglem.gif

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Well she has been with me for over 20 years. We are a married couple, we have joint bank accounts. Both cars are in my name anyway and my elder son uses his mothers car most of the time. Don't jump to conclusions based on your own experiences with Thai women.

I don't know any English people who feel the need to boast about not being divorced and sharing a bank account, the fact you do says what you really think about Thailand.

Seems strange you need to have both cars in your name, not a lot of trust after 20 years it seems.

What's it to you whose name the cars are in? He says they have a joint bank account and had been married a long time. I sense jealousy.
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I really wish more of you guys who "hate this country" would leave. The sooner the better.

Sick & tired of hearing the bleating

They are leaving, by the thousands, most don't bother posting on a forum to tell you about it. must be something in it, feels like abandon ship over the past 2 years.

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"Wow, why not leave her now?
Not a good basis for a marriage"

Maybe not but after nearly 16 years and the fact that we live in the UK with our 13 year old son means I would sooner be in this marriage than out of it. It is not her I worry about but some of her family are gun happy cops who wouldn't accept any loss of face for anyone in the family. Just part of the baggage I guess . ​

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the only training that can ever prepare you for the Thais is to live here for at least 10 years. After that if you haven't seen it all then you never will.

1-10 years is still a novice, 25+ years for an "Old Hand".

As an old friend used to say:

"The only thing that still surprises me about Thailand is that it still surprises me!"


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wonder of the guy he got in a fight with was his girls new man. bar girls are amazing at manipulating their customers. you never know what a thai is thinking behind their smile. i know a couple guys who thought they had great relationships who got dumped and told their girl always hated them. i have 2 kids with a thai girl and we get along ok. i pay her a monthly salary. i am worth more to her alive so hopefully it will stay that way.

Why do you pay her a monthly salary? Does she not actually love you?

was trying to think of all the ferang/ thai relationships i have seen over the last decade. i was trying to think of any that have lasted more than 10 years. could only think of one and they are only together because they have kids. i have a good working relationship with my kids mum. i love my kids and she loves being their mum. as for love between me and her, no thanks, that kind of love is fickle.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

You're in for a nasty shock if your plans come to pass - you will find the UK, Australia or the USA - wherever you are going to is just as bad if you look at the place closely. Good luck - people carry their emotional baggage with them so I doubt you will be happier. Your failure in Thailand is a reflection of your expectations. I can see the same thing happening again when you go 'home'.

Failure? I have a very successful business here, 1st in Phuket and now in Bangkok, but the shitass people make me want to throw up. Smile to your face then stick a knife in your back... thank-you for giving me a wonderful wife and child Lieland but goodbye. And yes they and our business will be going too.

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I know , I know , but It would have been better chatting to the tourist police on arrival and advising of his intentions , instead of doing it to a mate on F/B, There is no mention of the RTP being informed, she would have left a trail a mile wide having a daughter and relations in Thailand..............................coffee1.gif

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Not so sure about the family and a farang.

Must admit it doesn't look good for this poor guy and I'm not sure the Thai police will ever get to the bottom of what happened. Lets face it Thailand is a beautiful country but it has a dark side and life is cheap. Anybody in the same position as this guy whether visiting or living in the country needs to be careful about what they say and do and try not to put themselves in vulnerable situations. We have dealt with many cases of broken or difficult relationships between Thai's and Farangs our advice (as a previous poster has already stated) is to make yourself worth more alive than dead. This might ensure you have whole family looking out for your health and a long and happy life.

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Why guys just come here rumble them pay and go. When they marry them make them kids and start believe the hooker is an angel cause an excellent blo. ob was delivered that's the time when things become difficult to be bitter about the place is the lessest what can happen to one

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Marriage time span doesn’t count at all for Thai women.

Well she has been with me for over 20 years. We are a married couple, we have joint bank accounts. Both cars are in my name anyway and my elder son uses his mothers car most of the time. Don't jump to conclusions based on your own experiences with Thai women.

I don't know any English people who feel the need to boast about not being divorced and sharing a bank account, the fact you do says what you really think about Thailand.

Seems strange you need to have both cars in your name, not a lot of trust after 20 years it seems.

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Why the prominence of the "ex-soldier" meme...is the dad trying imply he's some kind of tough guy or something? I highly doubt he was often visiting Pattaya to see his daughter.

The title soldier is supposed to carry good qualities, such as responsible, protecting, etc. It's the MSG of news stories, journos never forget to add it.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Staying away from expat forums would be a good start if you hate the country.

I've lived here 3 times as long as you and personally love the country and the people - good riddance.

Sometimes, maybe now and then, you might consider the source of your Thai misery-maybe, just perhaps-has something to do with your stinking rotten attitude. Not that it matters at this point but you should exit this country as quick as your miserable little legs will allow. I doubt if anyone would notice and fewer would care.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Well said. Ditto plans.

Great two bitter ones on the way out.

I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

Watch your words, because you also gonna be over 50 one day.

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Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

Why bitter ??? Open ur eyes ? and u see it all the first day.. The smile ? is a way to handle this rough place look how many women work as hookers or as paid wifes etc look and see how strong corruption and violence prevails everywher if u are ok with it. like me don't give a shit ? just take it easy and stay away of the hard people cause there are plenty there is good and bad in every place of the world Thailand SUREis no exception but all this up can see on ur first holiday here the facade the con or just look online country statistics traffic death a year etc so its all an open book

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