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Possible lead on fair priced Barbasol Shave Foam...

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A Thai man in BKK told me that he buys the large can for 70 THB at Villa Markets in BKK, and was sure there was one in CM. I checked, and there is not, but there is one in UTH...and quite a few in BKK. It sounded familiar, so maybe there was one here. Might be worth a look next time you are down in BKK, perhaps someone can give us the exact size/price. He also mentioned that for years Gillette had been running some kind of scam here, but lately their mini-monopoly has been losing ground. Would be nice if I didn't have to bring back four cans in my luggage from America, will save room for cotton sheets...


Humm... I'm pretty sure I've bought Barbasol shaving cream from a Tesco Lotus supermarket (and a smallish one upcountry) so I presume that any big one in one of the major cities should have it too.


Yes a total rip off, guess also has something to do with supply and demand. I always figured most thsis don't use it or use something else.

Not that cheap in Dubai but in the UK its cheap amd you can get palmolive or own brands cheaper. less than a pound.

Worth getting a couple of cans if you visit the UK?


The better quality gillette razor blades also seem expensive here I have noticed compared to the UK. Its not just tea bags and marmite that you want to bring back from the UK when you visit!


The better quality gillette razor blades also seem expensive here I have noticed compared to the UK. Its not just tea bags and marmite that you want to bring back from the UK when you visit!

seen marmite in tops ksk this week did not check price,

Razor blades are locked up in a lot of US stores now due to their high price and being a shoplifting target. The best deal for Gillette Fusion blades on walmart.com is 36 USD for 12 cartridges. It seems like just a few years ago that the price of razor blades tripled or quadrupled over a relatively short period of time.



Tesco Lotus do stock Barbasol shaving cream/foam. The smaller can is 125 and the bigger one is around 145 baht. Far superior to the Gillette Foamy which tends to end up spluttering the last third of a can.

As for the price of blades.... crazy prices. I switched some time ago to a far inferior blade due to cost. I really like the Gillette Fusion 5 blade razors but refuse to pay about 100 baht per cartridge.

I switched to a Bic razor which co-incidentaly Tesco's also stock. The initial Razor handle with 2 cartridges cost 75 baht, a replacement pack of 4 cartridges is just 69 baht. They aint no Rolls Razor (For those that remember that brand) but for a triple blade cartridge its ok.


I have a tough beard and indeed razors are the only thing I still don't buy in Thailand due to their inferior quality and/or high prices.

I usuall come with my packs of Gillette Blue II from Europe...

Prices quoted above by CMKiwi match what I can recall. Very reasonable indeed for good quality shaving foam from a brand that is virtually unknown in Europe.


I brought the 6 oz cans from the US for 1 Dollar each...good for about three months....there is at least one larger size. If you could get the 6 oz for 70 like he said, might be worth a look at Villa Market... OTOH, Number One Brand green tea was 130 thb in that gourmet grocery in the basement of T21....I've been buying it at Jampha for 65 thb...200 gram....but now I know it is a respected brand.


I've got to say that I find it hard to understand why anyone still uses foam when gel is so much better. I discovered gel while working regularly in the US years ago before any of the major brands had it and always brought several cans back to the UK in my luggage. Boots do regular promotions here for about 100(ish) baht a can.


I'd never heard of Barbasol shaving foam before moving to Thailand. I think it might be an American brand not sold in the UK. Anyway, I bought some from Tesco's, tried it and thought it rather good. The large can seemed to last forever ever, although it did go a bit rusty towards the end. The last time I was in CM Tesco, the can seemed to have shrunk. Maybe they stock two sizes, and had sold out of the larger one.


Tesco Lotus do stock Barbasol shaving cream/foam. The smaller can is 125 and the bigger one is around 145 baht. Far superior to the Gillette Foamy which tends to end up spluttering the last third of a can.

As for the price of blades.... crazy prices. I switched some time ago to a far inferior blade due to cost. I really like the Gillette Fusion 5 blade razors but refuse to pay about 100 baht per cartridge.

I switched to a Bic razor which co-incidentaly Tesco's also stock. The initial Razor handle with 2 cartridges cost 75 baht, a replacement pack of 4 cartridges is just 69 baht. They aint no Rolls Razor (For those that remember that brand) but for a triple blade cartridge its ok.

Thank you very much for the info.

I've been to Lotus today (Hang Dong, Chiang Mai) and got the last big can. I also bought a small can, because it's with Aloe Vera. They still have 5-6 left of those.

Now; I would like to get some Wilkinson Sword razors to finish off Gillette completely!.


Oh, my God....a thread on how many baht you can save on shaving cream...Just a notch up from feeding the pigeons on the park bench, I guess....


wouldn't surprise me...the first farang I ever talked to here, in 1998 mentioned it, as the number one item he gets brought to him from the US. It's been about 500% more here, on an ounce per ounce basis. What are those 1.25 oz cans of Jewlette? 69 thb? It's not going to break most of us, but I really don't like to get extorted.


Oh, my God....a thread on how many baht you can save on shaving cream...Just a notch up from feeding the pigeons on the park bench, I guess....

Well you can always join the troll thread on egg prices. LOL

I use bar soap cheap and as good a job as any cream. Never tried Gel might consider that.

O like the Aloe Vera in it did not realize that.


Wet your face and put 5-10 drops of oil in your hand and rub it in your face, much better than shaving cream. Any oil will do, edible oil is probably better than engine oil. Add some essential oil to taste if you like some fragrance.


I've tried the oil routine. King of Shaves stuff actually. Wasn't impressed....went back to foam.

I do use soap if no foam left but find it dries out my skin a bit too much. Thereby I now have 2 cans at home and when one empties out I buy another as reserve.

The gel stuff is okay too but found the aerosol cans ran out of puff before all the gel was used. Hopefully companies have fixed that problem by now.


I've got to say that I find it hard to understand why anyone still uses foam when gel is so much better. I discovered gel while working regularly in the US years ago before any of the major brands had it and always brought several cans back to the UK in my luggage. Boots do regular promotions here for about 100(ish) baht a can.

That's what I have ended up using, as it seems the best and most affordable option for shaving cream/gel. The gel really does a better job in covering and cushioning my face than any of the shaving creams I've found here.

For some reason, the prices at Tesco, Big C etc. are ridiculously expensive, even for the smaller size cans.

The one from Boots, on the other hand, is currently labeled as Boots Max Shave, Sensitive Shave Gel, a dark blue can in 200 ml/6.7 oz. size. I think the regular price is 140+ baht, but they seem to regularly have sales or percent off discounts that tend bring the per can bottle to 100b or less.


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