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Farang beach rubbish collectors wowing Thais


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Farang beach rubbish collectors wowing Thais

Image: Thairath

BANGKOK: -- A group of tourists collecting rubbish on the beach at Koh Lanta in the south of Thailand has been attracting the attention of Thais on social media.

Pictures of the holidaymakers collecting rubbish both man made and natural have impressed the locals.

High waves and storms have brought in a lot of flotsam and jetsam to the Phra Eh beach. One Lithuanian tourist said he had been on the island for a week with his wife, reported Thairath.

The beach was in a bit of a mess and he was doing his best to clean up with a group of other people. They split the rubbish up into natural stuff such as bits of wood and twigs and human waste such as plastic bottles for appropriate disposal. Sometimes they made designs on the beach of the natural stuff just for a bit of fun.

Local administration chief Sompong Damrongorntrakun said that about ten tourists were helping to clear up and that this was most impressive. He said that his department was not sitting idly by - there are regular weekly collections of rubbish by his men too helping to keep the beach as clean as possible.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-20

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What i never get is with all the money that is made from tourism that they can't hire some people to clean beaches. I must say in most smaller Islands they do clean the beaches. (at least the ones I went to in the South of Thailand)

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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


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The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.


Try again without police and immigration. The fact you never heard it does not mean anything. Try to exchange a fuse (electric) in the public at a place not yours.

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What i never get is with all the money that is made from tourism that they can't hire some people to clean beaches. I must say in most smaller Islands they do clean the beaches. (at least the ones I went to in the South of Thailand)

Yes the beaches are one of Thailand's greatest assets but mostly they can't be bothered to remove the trash. So tourists hold their nose and then book another country for their next vacation.

In a country where they commonly have 5 girls behind the counter at an Amazon coffee shop and an endless supply of migrant labor willing to do such work. It boggles my mind that every beach does not at least have 1 guy that picks up trash.

What are people looking for in a beach holiday. Number 1 has to be, a clean beach.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


You don't see a problem and I understand why but you are not in an official position and as a civil servant warned me it only takes one person to complain to set things in motion.

I know a couple of foreigners whose wives are the registered owners of a small restaurant / bar and they were warned by officials to do nothing that remotely constituted work or they could find themselves in trouble.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


Take that risk and you're a fool there have been many instances of 'volunteers' being in deep trouble from Phuket at the Tsunami to teaching kids for free at the local temple. Just upset ONE Thai and you are in deep s**t but YOU know best right?

Edited by LannaGuy
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Taking jobs away from the Burmese.

Littering here, whether on a massive scale where people dump trash by the tuck-load in vacant lots, or the folks in the back of the pick-up throwing some trash from the moving vehicle, or just the Thai chap at 7/11, throwing a wrapper on the ground millimeters away from the trash can, is definitely a pet peeve.

The lack of respect, or complete unawareness, is always surprising.

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Taking jobs away from the Burmese.

Littering here, whether on a massive scale where people dump trash by the tuck-load in vacant lots, or the folks in the back of the pick-up throwing some trash from the moving vehicle, or just the Thai chap at 7/11, throwing a wrapper on the ground millimeters away from the trash can, is definitely a pet peeve.

The lack of respect, or complete unawareness, is always surprising.

It doesn't surprise me. It is 'Thainess' not to take responsibility for anything "mai bpen rai" is their creed

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Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

Then you never researched the aftermath of the tsunami in Patong and Phi Phi.

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When i went to retrive my ladder last week from my ex wife's house,i was stunned by the state of the place the front yard was covered in trash,i used to pick it up daily when i lived there,. It seems strange that Thai's are so proud of their country,but see no problem in throwing garbage everywhere.

Edited by marko kok prong
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


The Thai Government's definition of 'doing work' is 'expending energy'. It is endlessly variable and subject to interpretation, as many Thai laws are, for the purposes of extracting money not to apply the law. It does not have to be paid work, as I'm sure someone else will also say.

Prosecutions are normally the result of complaint or personal prejudice. This law is the same as many laws, it is used when there is an ulterior motive. It is discretionary, normally to the police, and I understand the current 'make it go away' rate is 30,000THB.

"Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!"

How do you suppose so many foreigners came to think this about Thais? Because Thais are honest, hard-working and well-educated?

I suspect not.

It's the same when BKK Thais call Isaan Thais 'kwai' - meaning they are lazy, dirty and stupid. If there were no truth to that, it would not be so widespread a belief. Same same, it's not all, not even mostly, racism.

But too much Kool-Aid will predispose you to think what it suits your outlook on life to think, rather than what is real.


Edited by Winniedapu
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When i went to retrive my ladder last week from my ex wife's house,i was stunned by the state of the place the front yard was covered in trash,i used to pick it up daily when i lived there,. It seems strange that Thai's are so proud of their country,but see no problem in throwing garbage everywhere.

Aren't you lucky you don't live there anymore ?

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Good on the tourists.

Thais have to get away from this 'that's beneath me' or 'it's someone else's job to do that' mentality. It's your rubbish so put it in the bin. We were given arms and legs, etc. It's really not that difficult and makes a huge difference.

My Thai family thought I was mad when I returned my shopping trolley to it's depot. "Just leave it here" they said. No, If I leave it here it means someone else will have to move it or the trolley collector will have to come and get it. "Yes, that's their job" they said. Just because someone is employed to do something, doesn't mean I can't do my bit.

It's usually not people being selfish - it's just lack of foresight. The bigger picture. Put your rubbish in the bin. Takes 10 seconds. Keeps things looking nice and clean. "Ah, that's a good idea!". Common sense ain't always so common.

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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

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"A group of tourists collecting rubbish on the beach at Koh Lanta..."

They better watch out that they don't get arrested and deported for not having a work visa, and taking away job opportunities from Thais.

If they keep it up, prospective tourists are going to wonder why Thailand is so dirty and foreigners need to clean up the rubbish. Although most people appear to dispose of their trash in an appropriate manner, there remains a large sector of the population, especially children, that has no concept of garbage being dirty. I am fortunate to be living in a community where the streets and rural roads are kept clean. However, as soon as I travel to central Thailand, the first thing I notice is the dirty trash that appears to have been lying there for months. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't see many people tossing their cups, plastic bags filled with trash, etc., on the sides of roads and streets.

Edited by jaltsc
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


You don't see a problem and I understand why but you are not in an official position and as a civil servant warned me it only takes one person to complain to set things in motion.

I know a couple of foreigners whose wives are the registered owners of a small restaurant / bar and they were warned by officials to do nothing that remotely constituted work or they could find themselves in trouble.

Working for a profit is not what he was talking about.

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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


You don't see a problem and I understand why but you are not in an official position and as a civil servant warned me it only takes one person to complain to set things in motion.

I know a couple of foreigners whose wives are the registered owners of a small restaurant / bar and they were warned by officials to do nothing that remotely constituted work or they could find themselves in trouble.

Working for a profit is not what he was talking about.

It doesn't matter if it's for profit or an act of kindness, community service etc no work without a work permit and that's all there is to it. Like so many things here ' work ' will be defined as whatever the official dealing with a complaint sees fit.

People can try to excuse it away as much they want but I too have been warned about the consequences of helping with English without charge.

It's pointless to apply our own reason to a situation here. If anyone wishes to take a chance good luck to them but be aware of the potential consequences.

Anyone who wishes to risk it, good luck to them

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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


You don't see a problem and I understand why but you are not in an official position and as a civil servant warned me it only takes one person to complain to set things in motion.

I know a couple of foreigners whose wives are the registered owners of a small restaurant / bar and they were warned by officials to do nothing that remotely constituted work or they could find themselves in trouble.

Working for a profit is not what he was talking about.

Thank you, i could never have understood without your help.

Now do you understand that a work permit is needed no matter what and payment or otherwise doesn't come into it ?

Of course you do but you're just being yourself trying to get a ' smart ' comment in.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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manual cleanup is nice, but a small tractor with the right rake equipment can drag the beach daily at low tide and do so in a fairly small amount of time.

I saw this every night in Spain when I anchored my boat off shore. Raking with a small tractor. Every night and every beach. What is the matter with TOT ? Angiolo


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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

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Taking jobs away from the Burmese.

Littering here, whether on a massive scale where people dump trash by the tuck-load in vacant lots, or the folks in the back of the pick-up throwing some trash from the moving vehicle, or just the Thai chap at 7/11, throwing a wrapper on the ground millimeters away from the trash can, is definitely a pet peeve.

The lack of respect, or complete unawareness, is always surprising.

It doesn't surprise me. It is 'Thainess' not to take responsibility for anything "mai bpen rai" is their creed

You don't know what "Thainess" is do you? Instead of looking smart you look the opposite!

Edited by Sawan Chan 7
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