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E-cigarettes - "light up" and face years in jail


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What's next? Penalties for breathing fumes from street kitchens roasting chili, if the street kitchen isn't properly registered and taxed; or what about inhaling the Bangkok air, or enjoying the smell of wild flowers? Sniffing glue and eating cough medicine is OK, because it's been properly taxed. Land of awkward smiles and contradictions. Take it or leave it!

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Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

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Might want to do some fact checking. Nicotine is not classified as a carcinogen... Not enough information to classify it as such. Like saying that caffiene is a carcinogen really.

Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I wish I could like it a million times.

I'm smoking mine now while drinking coffee sat with the father in law and 2 high ranking police officers while preparing our cockerels to go illegal cock fighting! The officers are howling with laughter and highly recommend monster melon.

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Yet another news day in Paradise of Contradictions.

Gov't announces E Smoker could face 5 years in slammer, due to fact no tax paid on E devices. Simply answer, change the tax law...not threaten people with jail!

Gov't considering legalising Meth Amphetamines. It's a great drug to legalise; look at all the problems caused by illegal users of Meth... murders,shootings, road fatalities, etc.

Come on, in one breath, virtually ban one type of addiction & legalise another!

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I'd like to this enforced first before I believe it, I guess vaping in public would be a no no but further than this the effect of any of this is highly questionable.

The ONLY chance that it will ever be 'enforced' is if some group can find a way to make money out of the 'fines', a la the scam perpetrated by the BMA in which 'city police' fined those seen dropping cigarette butts. They can still be seen from time to time outside MBK, CP Tower and other places.

Vaping is a more discreet activity and unlikely to attract the same scrutiny ( other than the cloud chasing Milleniums).

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Sirirat said that while there is actually no law forbidding the possession of E-cigarettes they fall into a category of goods that have not had tax levied on them and their possession therefore is illegal. Offenders could face five years jail or a fine of four times the value of the goods or both jail and fine.

It's all about taxes....money, money, money. An untaxed product is a bad product.

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It must be a big crime , Thailand wake the hell up. Paradise lost.

No, you get it wrong. It's not about the E-cigarettes themselves, which are probably much safer than the ordinary variety which are loaded with health damaging toxins!

It's the tax issue. The Government wants to get money from this product. Thailand is no different from anywhere else.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

From the American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.th/

Starting in August 2016, FDA will begin to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes.

We don't presently know what is in e-cigarettes. However, in initial lab tests conducted in 2009 the FDA found detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in anti-freeze, in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study found that aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The findings are alarming, and underscores why the American Lung Association called so urgently for FDA oversight of these products.

Flavors in e-cigarettes are also a cause for concern. Not only are flavors used to target kids, but they may be harmful on their own. E-cigarette and flavor manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavor ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have FEMA GRASTM status for use in food, but such statements are false and misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRASTM status only applies to food, meaning it's safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has also been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."4

Poisoning concern

Aside from concerns about e-cigarette use and emissions alone, data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that calls to the nation's poison centers for e-cigarette exposure poisonings are rapidly increasing. One study found that while most calls involving e-cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidental ingestion of the e-cigarette or its liquid, about one-sixth of the calls related to someone inhaling these items. Exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported.

Isn't it against the rules to post false or misleading information?

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Another reason for me to not come back.I vapour now.It would mean that i would have to start smoking again.Thai,s ugly head again.Money number one.The place has become so scary now.they will give you a brain opp for a head ach.Think this is a joke.ITS NOT.Seen it happen.Lucky the guy had a good freind to stop them doing it.a COUPLE OF HOURS LATER HE WAS FINE.Many people who go to thailand.Do not know the dangers they face.The less tourism means less money.means.more danger.No respect anymore.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco, 19 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic.

As for nicotine, the jury is still out on that one, What has been demonstrated is that nicotine does cause chromosomal aberration and sister chromatid exchange, the damage of DNA, which is related to tumor growth. Nicotine also decreases the tumor suppressor Chk2 which is formed when DNA is damaged to limit tumor growth. So, it does appear that nicotine increases the risk of oncogenesis, malignant tumor growth, although it may not do this alone it may well serve as a catalyst to carcinogens that the body would otherwise be able to control. It may be that E-cigarettes and other nicotine replacement therapies are leaving people more vulnerable to developing cancers however, this is not fully understood yet.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

From the American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.th/

Starting in August 2016, FDA will begin to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes.

We don't presently know what is in e-cigarettes. However, in initial lab tests conducted in 2009 the FDA found detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in anti-freeze, in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study found that aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The findings are alarming, and underscores why the American Lung Association called so urgently for FDA oversight of these products.

Flavors in e-cigarettes are also a cause for concern. Not only are flavors used to target kids, but they may be harmful on their own. E-cigarette and flavor manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavor ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have FEMA GRASTM status for use in food, but such statements are false and misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRASTM status only applies to food, meaning it's safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has also been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."4

Poisoning concern

Aside from concerns about e-cigarette use and emissions alone, data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that calls to the nation's poison centers for e-cigarette exposure poisonings are rapidly increasing. One study found that while most calls involving e-cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidental ingestion of the e-cigarette or its liquid, about one-sixth of the calls related to someone inhaling these items. Exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported.

Isn't it against the rules to post false or misleading information?

read what it says,They dont know whats inside them.It was 7 years ago 2009.Now they are regulated and constantly tested.Unless you buy in thailand.But you wont be seeing it sold in the bars anymore.

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Yet another problem if Thailand wants to invite tourists. You know they are not going to inform incoming tourists of these penalties for e-ciggies, it would reflect badly on Thailand's image and they know that, and as few if any countries have such draconian penalties let alone laws against them few would guess what are the consequences for firing up and a few will fall between the cracks to the complete indifference of the authorities, with long jail sentences. Rather mind blowing.

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How the hell bad could the tax law be written? You have to individually name each product and its rate? There are no categories? And a clause at the end " any product sold not specifically named or falling into any of the named categories shall be taxed at x%?

Is this difficult?

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Ok I understand as they have been imported without duty they are illegal ........That's the legal angle What about the people who buy them legally in their own country and bring them to Thailand and smoke them while on holiday . Only illegal if Thailand bans E cigarettes altogether and they have not done so .... yet !!!.

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Might want to do some fact checking. Nicotine is not classified as a carcinogen... Not enough information to classify it as such. Like saying that caffiene is a carcinogen really.

Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

There are mixed results whether pure nicotine is carcinogenic.


As in analog cigs there are thousands of real killers besides nicotine and it's hard to understand which chemical triggeres cancer. I understand that there are also not enough proof whether e-cigs with pure nicotine can cause cancer but people who chew or suck tobacco snus are also suffering from month cancer which might be from pure nicotine. Better quit anyway.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

From the American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.th/

Starting in August 2016, FDA will begin to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes.

We don't presently know what is in e-cigarettes. However, in initial lab tests conducted in 2009 the FDA found detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in anti-freeze, in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study found that aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The findings are alarming, and underscores why the American Lung Association called so urgently for FDA oversight of these products.

Flavors in e-cigarettes are also a cause for concern. Not only are flavors used to target kids, but they may be harmful on their own. E-cigarette and flavor manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavor ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have FEMA GRASTM status for use in food, but such statements are false and misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRASTM status only applies to food, meaning it's safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has also been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."4

Poisoning concern

Aside from concerns about e-cigarette use and emissions alone, data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that calls to the nation's poison centers for e-cigarette exposure poisonings are rapidly increasing. One study found that while most calls involving e-cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidental ingestion of the e-cigarette or its liquid, about one-sixth of the calls related to someone inhaling these items. Exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported.

Isn't it against the rules to post false or misleading information?

But that is actually all true.

The FDA found diethylene glycol in some E-cigs, the extremely toxic form of antifreeze, the normal ingredient is propylene glycol, also an antifreeze ingredient, but the eco-antifreeze that is food safe, nothing false or misleading about catching out those unscrupulous manufacturers unless you were to become confused between the two antifreezes.

It is true that the higher the voltage the higher the formaldehyde, and it is true that this is a carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer, whether any E-cig ever has a high enough voltage to release a dangerous level is not stated, therefor it is not actually false nor misleading unless the reader was to jump to conclusions.

The flavors may not be designed purposely to attract children, but the flavors have been demonstrated to have a design that does attract children, in controlled studies it has been shown that children are more likely to be attracted to trying an E-cig if it flavored with candy. I do not see anything false or misleading in this statement, it is clearly irresponsible to use childlike flavors such as gummy-bears and candyfloss for a highly addictive product.

Diacetyl does cause the condition known as popcorn lung, it is also found in some E-cig flavors, the fact that it is in 100 times lower concentrations that in a regular cigarette is irrelevant, as is the fact that the only people who seem to have developed pop corn lung as a direct result of diacetyl exposure have been people working in factories exposed to massive doses.

You might note their careful wording, no chance of a prosecution there as they rely on the reader to read between the lines in order to be misled.

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Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

The word you're looking for is "carcinogenic" and you are completely wrong - nicotine on it's own is generally agreed to NOT be carcinogenic and has actually been shown to have possible health benefits like reducing the likelihood of Alzheimer's and other neurological conditions in later life. Just google it. It's all the tar and nasty chemicals in the smoke that makes cigarettes carcinogenic, not the nicotine.

Please get your facts straight before posting in public. Spreading your "opinion" without first checking the facts is a highly irresponsible activity that does not benefit anyone.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco, 19 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic.

As for nicotine, the jury is still out on that one, What has been demonstrated is that nicotine does cause chromosomal aberration and sister chromatid exchange, the damage of DNA, which is related to tumor growth. Nicotine also decreases the tumor suppressor Chk2 which is formed when DNA is damaged to limit tumor growth. So, it does appear that nicotine increases the risk of oncogenesis, malignant tumor growth, although it may not do this alone it may well serve as a catalyst to carcinogens that the body would otherwise be able to control. It may be that E-cigarettes and other nicotine replacement therapies are leaving people more vulnerable to developing cancers however, this is not fully understood yet.

But traffic fumes are understood.So why are all cars not made electric(.MONEY)Toxins cause cancer,not nicotine.2 main places toxins are today.are in the air and in the sea,caused by oil related.Yes benzine in the fish.Did you know that half the men in america develope cancer and about a third women.Im sure this is not because of nicotine.Did you know that vitamin c causes cancer.Why do you think if you drink to much orange juice,you get the shits.Its your body trying to dump it from you.SMOKING AND E CIGS ARE BEING USED AS A DISTRACTION FROM THE TRUTH OF THE REAL CAUSES OF CANCERS..yES .HEART DESEASE AND LUNG CANCER.. CIGS IS A NO NO...wHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY.i NEVER HEARD OF SOMEONE HAS DIED OF CANCER.NOW TODAY.ALL I EVER HEAR IS PEOPLE DYING FROM CANCER.

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Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

The word you're looking for is "carcinogenic" and you are completely wrong - nicotine on it's own is generally agreed to NOT be carcinogenic and has actually been shown to have possible health benefits like reducing the likelihood of Alzheimer's and other neurological conditions in later life. Just google it. It's all the tar and nasty chemicals in the smoke that makes cigarettes carcinogenic, not the nicotine.

Please get your facts straight before posting in public. Spreading your "opinion" without first checking the facts is a highly irresponsible activity that does not benefit anyone.

I think his point was smoking causes death.

and is probably the most stupid thing you could do.

Nicotine is extremely addictive. Not proven cancerous, but when packaged with other chemicals, that are dangerous, makes you a glutton for self punishment and early death.

Highly unfashionable. no excuse for it. A filthy, disgusting habit.

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My best friends son was smoking an e-cigarettes when it exploded and took out all his front teeth and broke his jaw. Also, the battery shot across the room and caught the drapes on fire! He had to put out the drapes while bleeding while in extreme pain. So if health hazards don't bother you maybe a few missing teeth and a broken jaw may convince you.

My best friends daughter was smoking a real cigarette in bed when she fell asleep and the bed caught fire and she and all her family were killed!

What is your point? One apocryphal defective e-cigarette of unknown provenance is not an argument against them, any more than a defective car is an argument against driving or a defective mobile phone is an argument against using phones.

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"they fall into a category of goods that have not had tax levied on them and their possession therefore is illegal." Well, who's fault is that? Contact your elected representative to pass tax law. Oh, don't have elected rep? My bad/

Looks like just another way to shake down farangs.....

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