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PM Prayut invokes Section 44 to resolve student violence


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PM invokes Section 44 to resolve student violence


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, in his capacity as head of the National Council for Peace and Order, decided to invoke Section 44 of the interim constitution to resolve the long and ongoing student violence problem that has taken toll on the lives of many innocent people in the past several decades, and at present.

The invocation of the sweeping power under the section was announced in the Royal Gazette released Tuesday night.

Under the order, law enforcement officers are empowered to temporarily detain students engaged in violent clashes for six hours before sending them to police or to their headmasters or parents for action.

For those who incite student violence, or give support to students to violate law, they will face three months in prison and a fine of 30,000 baht, or both.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-invokes-section-44-resolve-student-violence/

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-22

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PM invokes Section 44 to deal more harshly with brawling students and their parents


BANGKOK: -- In light of increasing student violence, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha to use sweeping powers under Section 44 of the interim constitution to deal with brawling students in public places.

Under the order issued by virtue of Section 44, authorities are empowered to detain students preparing to fight with their rivals for up to six hours after which they will be sent to the police, to their schools or to their parents.

Parents will be held accountable for their children after they are caught preparing to engage in a fight with their rivals. Authorities will notify the parents to acknowledge the conduct of their children and to warn them against engaging in street brawling.

The authorities are empowered to demand a certain amount of surety from the parents as a guarantee that their children will not get involved in violence again within a period of two years otherwise the surety will be confiscated and goes to the students protection fund to be set up.

Those who incite, promote, assist or support students to engage in violence or street fights will be liable to three months imprisonment and/or a fine of 30,000 baht. The imprisonment and fine will be doubled if student violence occurs as a result of their incitement, promotion, support or assistance. In case there is a death as a result of the violence, the imprisonment will be increased to one year and fine up to 100,000 baht.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/169608-2/

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-22

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Goodness me - so there were no laws in place that could be used to prevent student violence or prosecute those aiding, abetting or fomenting it!

Well it's a jolly good thing that the authorities have section 44 isn't it?

I'm sure that they will be on the case as soon as they have finished examining the electricity meters in the capitals massage parlours...

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Goodness me - so there were no laws in place that could be used to prevent student violence or prosecute those aiding, abetting or fomenting it!

Well it's a jolly good thing that the authorities have section 44 isn't it?

I'm sure that they will be on the case as soon as they have finished examining the electricity meters in the capitals massage parlours...

I take it you don't remember the laws passed that held the schools accountable and as it was stated that if students did this their respective school would face fines and closures? Ohhh wait!! That worked once and was hence forgotten about.
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Under the order, law enforcement officers are empowered to temporarily detain students engaged in violent clashes for six hours before sending them to police or to their headmasters or parents for action.

Wonder what kind of "law enforcement officers" they are talking about since the same statement refers to the police separately like there is a difference between law enforcement officers and police.

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Its a job for the police not the army and this is just another way of tightening the grip of the government..

How about the judges handling down stiffer sentences.

yes, a job for the police - but without any success over long time

I am happy the army is taking responsibility

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It sure has disintegrated since I first came to Thailand , teenagers up to 16 were still going out with their parents, and if you looked at them they'd look away, if you want to analyze you need to go no further than their respected peers, within three decades some teenagers have drifted of course in some area's, the majority like everywhere are your normal teenagers , but look who's to blame, take a good look at these supposed leaders of the community, their role models , , the unabated corruption , the big banana money , greed and now taking over drugs ( ICE) , you only have to see the soaps to gather were most get their idea's from , not one is from the poor side of the tracks, all are based on being rich and drive Merc's or Beemers like a lot around the world the dream has or is fading ,some just don't want to be poor , I don't blame them. .................................................coffee1.gif

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Okay...that problem is now solved. Gee, that was so easy it makes one wonder why the magical super powers of Section 44 aren't simply applied to everything.

A couple more years and they will be - perhaps sooner if "it" happens.

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"Under the order, law enforcement officers are empowered to temporarily detain students engaged in violent clashes for six hours before sending them to police or to their headmasters or parents for action"

He invokes section 44 to do somethiong the police should have been doing ll along.

This must be Thailand...


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Slippery slope indeed, this thing can be conveniently twisted to hold students arbitrarily, like e.g. university students wishing to demonstrate against the junta. There's nothing that says this is limited to students of technical schools.

"But they were preparing to fight". Sure.

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Its a job for the police not the army and this is just another way of tightening the grip of the government..

How about the judges handling down stiffer sentences.

Students of the Tech Schools have been at war ever since I was here from 1975.The police have always been involved in the after mess and not doing anything for the prevention of violence. The army is in charge here now and will still be until the constitution is rewritten in their favor.

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Goodness me - so there were no laws in place that could be used to prevent student violence or prosecute those aiding, abetting or fomenting it!

Well it's a jolly good thing that the authorities have section 44 isn't it?

I'm sure that they will be on the case as soon as they have finished examining the electricity meters in the capitals massage parlours...

Well, perhaps the government feels the Police are unable or unwilling to enforce the available criminal laws on these youths. Don't forget so many of these little (and not so little) Shi&s are insulated under youth laws that make it too difficult as the police are dealing with adult-sized violence from people defined by law as children. Is it possible that the army operating under S44 are not hampered in the same way? That could be the reason and also to enforce some response and responsibility from otherwise reluctant parents that is not available under current legislation.

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"Under the order, law enforcement officers are empowered to temporarily detain students engaged in violent clashes for six hours before sending them to police or to their headmasters or parents for action"

He invokes section 44 to do somethiong the police should have been doing ll along.

This must be Thailand...


Perhaps the police can't. See post 19! We constantly read about how the police can't do this or that because the offenders are under- age.

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