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Jo Cox 'died because of her political views'


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Jo Cox 'died because of her political views'
By Catherine Hardy


“Jo died because of her political views”

LONDON: -- The husband of UK politician Jo Cox says she died because of her political views.

Brendan Cox says his wife had been deeply troubled by the tone of the EU referendum campaign.

“She had very strong political views and I believe she was killed because of those views,” Mr Cox said in moving interview.

“She died because of them and she would want to stand up for those in death as much as she did in life.”

Managing their grief
Brendan Cox spoke of the grief of the couple’s two young children.

He said public support for the family had been a consolation.

“It also helps the children see that what they are feeling and other people are feeling, that the grief they feel is not abnormal,” he said.

Campaigning was suspended
Campaigning was suspended for three days after Jo Cox’s killing in her parliamentary constituency in northern England last Thursday.

Britons vote on Thursday on whether to quit the 28-nation bloc.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-22

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I thought it was someone who had mental health problems decided to kill her.

That might well be the case but we already know from what her assailant was shouting at the time and evidence that has emerged since why she was killed.

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I thought it was someone who had mental health problems decided to kill her.

You mean Mr "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain' who brutally murdered a vocal remain activist.

I don't doubt that he had mental problems but i am sure that the hate speech emminating from the far right didn't help his state of mind, particularly the Springbok club that he was involved with, a far right group with 'fraternal' links to The Swinton Club that seems to have close links to key Brexit figures and UKIP.

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by rijit
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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

What looks a bit different - are you implying she brought it on herself?

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Lots of strange coincidences here. Jo Cox a pro-EU British MP was killed by a right winger anti EU gunman who has been branded a "nutter' by some. In 2003 Anna Lind, Swedish foreign Minister was killed as she was shopping for clothes in a Stockholm Department store as she was due to take part in a televised debate that evening on the eve of a poll as to whether Sweden should adopt the Euro. She was killed by a lone "nutter" who knifed her to death Sounds like a bit of a coincidence here. In both cases polling was suspended as a mark of respect to the dead, and to reduce the emotions of the campaign. Swedes voted to reject the Euro, I wonder if the British will vote to reject the EU?

Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.
"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."
From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

What looks a bit different - are you implying she brought it on herself?
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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

What looks a bit different - are you implying she brought it on herself?

Of course not. The main stream media didn't bother to report this, which is why it looks a bit different now. Get it?

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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

What looks a bit different - are you implying she brought it on herself?

Of course not. The main stream media didn't bother to report this, which is why it looks a bit different now. Get it?

Since there is a claim that not many news stations showed her screaming obscenities at fishermen leads me to believe that some news stations do have some coverage of her doing so which i would be fascinated to see.

Can't say i was that impressed by Geldof but he was always a little uncouth like the 'fisherman' he was having a go at - i assume his claim to be a fisherman is from his seat on the EU Fishing Commitee where he attended 1 of 43 meetings.

Couple of pics from the day:



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I thought it was someone who had mental health problems decided to kill her.

That might well be the case but we already know from what her assailant was shouting at the time and evidence that has emerged since why she was killed.

Evidence why she was killed? Has the trial of the man finished.wink.png

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

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I thought it was someone who had mental health problems decided to kill her.

He would need to have health problems to do a thing like that. I detest Jo Cox's politics, but like all of us she is entitled to her views.

I hope the murdering scum gets put away for life.

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

More crap. She was killed for her beliefs by a brexit extremist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

Another member of the Labour Party, the party of the working classes. Are there any Labour MPs who are not Champaign Socialists?
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Yes a tragedy no debate on that. Not many news stations showing her screaming obscenities with her husband on the river Thames at the fishermen. The husbands belief and fact are not the same.

ok, murder is wrong. I didn't know about this, looks a bit different now.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

From https://theholisticworks.com/2016/06/19/the-truth-about-the-late-jo-cox-mp-and-her-husband-brendan/

Her husband supports funding for a military organisation in Syria and had to resign from the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.

"The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen."

Another member of the Labour Party, the party of the working classes. Are there any Labour MPs who are not Champaign Socialists?

Not exactly a 'Champaign' socialist - you would be better off sticking to mainstream websites rather that crank ones selling 'holistic' products.


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I feel for the man, but he is doing a disservice to his wife's memory, as well as the cause of justice and the Brexit debate, by perpetuating the unproven allegation that Joe Cox was killed for her political beliefs.

The way this woman's dreadful death, seemingly at the hands of a man with a history of serious mental illness and no particular political persuasion, has been hijacked by the Remain lobby and their venal media cohorts as a means to discredit the Leave campaign is nothing short of sickening - and about as unBritish as it gets.

One can only hope that, while sharing the grief and outrage at this popular Labour MP's untimely death, the British public will have the good sense to vote objectively on the most important issue in their lifetime.

Ask yourself this question: Would Jo Cox, a fair-minded woman of great integrity, have wished otherwise?

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I feel for the man, but he is doing a disservice to his wife's memory, as well as the cause of justice and the Brexit debate, by perpetuating the unproven allegation that Joe Cox was killed for her political beliefs.

The way this woman's dreadful death, seemingly at the hands of a man with a history of serious mental illness and no particular political persuasion, has been hijacked by the Remain lobby and their venal media cohorts as a means to discredit the Leave campaign is nothing short of sickening - and about as unBritish as it gets.

One can only hope that, while sharing the grief and outrage at this popular Labour MP's untimely death, the British public will have the good sense to vote objectively on the most important issue in their lifetime.

Ask yourself this question: Would Jo Cox, a fair-minded woman of great integrity, have wished otherwise?

A troll,, not by any chance in st Petersburg are you ?

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

More crap. She was killed for her beliefs by a brexit extremist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You getter better by the minute. So please tell us how you definitely know this? Are you psychic? Are you one of the police investigating team for her murder. Or did you see it on the BBC. I would stop now if I was you.

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I feel for the man, but he is doing a disservice to his wife's memory, as well as the cause of justice and the Brexit debate, by perpetuating the unproven allegation that Joe Cox was killed for her political beliefs.

The way this woman's dreadful death, seemingly at the hands of a man with a history of serious mental illness and no particular political persuasion, has been hijacked by the Remain lobby and their venal media cohorts as a means to discredit the Leave campaign is nothing short of sickening - and about as unBritish as it gets.

One can only hope that, while sharing the grief and outrage at this popular Labour MP's untimely death, the British public will have the good sense to vote objectively on the most important issue in their lifetime.

Ask yourself this question: Would Jo Cox, a fair-minded woman of great integrity, have wished otherwise?

So Mr 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain' had no particular political persuasions? Is this despite his involvement with The Springbok Club who appear to be a bunch of white supremacists. You can check out their website here and even find him being mentioned in their newsletter.


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What looks a bit different - are you implying she brought it on herself?

Of course not. The main stream media didn't bother to report this, which is why it looks a bit different now. Get it?

Since there is a claim that not many news stations showed her screaming obscenities at fishermen leads me to believe that some news stations do have some coverage of her doing so which i would be fascinated to see.

Can't say i was that impressed by Geldof but he was always a little uncouth like the 'fisherman' he was having a go at - i assume his claim to be a fisherman is from his seat on the EU Fishing Commitee where he attended 1 of 43 meetings.

Couple of pics from the day:

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1466570689.147771.jpg

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1466570706.215719.jpg

Yes the fact that Farage only went to one meeting gets bandied about a lot. He himself stated that the meetings were a complete waste of time and tax payers money, nothing could be changed or voted on. He does know something about fihing though.

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She was locally high profile and was killed by a local nutter. Who's heard of Jo Cox before this. This has as much to do with Brexit, as the cost of bringing coals to Newcastle has to do with the cost of tea in China.

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She was locally high profile and was killed by a local nutter. Who's heard of Jo Cox before this. This has as much to do with Brexit, as the cost of bringing coals to Newcastle has to do with the cost of tea in China.

The local nutter wasn't shouting about local issues when he said in court,' death to traitors and freedom for Britain', no mention of Batley there. And as mentioned he belonged to some far right groups abroad. A looney can be far right, it's not a prequisite but a lot of them are.

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

More crap. She was killed for her beliefs by a brexit extremist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How do you know it was a Brexit extremist? Perhaps it was a Bremain initiative.

Here's an opposite view to throw in the mix:

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

More crap. She was killed for her beliefs by a brexit extremist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How do you know it was a Brexit extremist? Perhaps it was a Bremain initiative.

Here's an opposite view to throw in the mix:

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



The most disturbing thing about this conspiracy theory is that where previously I had thought that this far right nutter had been taken out of circulation and the world was a slightly safer place i am now concerned that there are now a whole crowd of right wing nutters with a limited grasp on reality waiting to step into his jackboots.

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Irrelevant of your interpretation She was killed by someone screaming nationalistic bullshit directly linked to this nonsensical brexit campaign.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In a reply to this and the other one which has gone.

Please do your research and you will find that the official version spouted after the first few hours is not true.

in response to the reply from your other post that he since gone.

Did someone have a different opinion to yours? What makes this nasty? Maybe you should read it again. Do a bit of research and stop believing everything on mainstream media as that is being ignorant.

More crap. She was killed for her beliefs by a brexit extremist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How do you know it was a Brexit extremist? Perhaps it was a Bremain initiative.

Here's an opposite view to throw in the mix:

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



Well , you'd better hurry up and interview her killer Thomas Mair ,a patsy according to your link, before he's assassinated by Britain's version of Jack Ruby.

His words in court, his internet links to far right groups- they are all just a lie right, made up by the world media?

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