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Rebellious US Democrats disrupt House, stage protest over guns


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Rebellious Democrats disrupt House, stage protest over guns

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rebellious Democrats shut down the House's legislative work on Wednesday, staging a sit-in on the House floor and refusing to leave until they secured a vote on gun control measures before lawmakers' weeklong break.

Exasperated Republicans were forced to recess while cutting off cameras that showed the protest. But in an unprecedented step, C-SPAN used live video feeds from one lawmaker's Periscope account and another's Facebook page to transmit words and images from the House chamber.

More than 200 Democrats led by Georgia Rep. John Lewis demanded a vote on measures to expand background checks and block gun purchases by some suspected terrorists in the aftermath of last week's massacre in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people in a gay nightclub.

"No bill, no break," shouted Democrats, who demanded that Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., keep the House in session through its planned break next week to vote on gun legislation.

Democrats accused Republicans of political cowardice by failing to schedule a vote.

"Are they more afraid than the children at Sandy Hook?" asked Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., referring to the 2012 shooting that killed 26 people, including 20 elementary school children, in Newtown, Connecticut. "What is so scary about having a vote?"

Lewis, a veteran civil rights leader, asked what Congress has done, then answered his own question: "Nothing. We have turned a deaf ear to the blood of innocents. We are blind to a crisis. Where is our courage?"

Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., called Republicans "cowards."

Ryan dismissed the protest as "nothing more than a publicity stunt." In an interview with CNN, the Speaker said the House will not vote on a "bill that takes away a person's due process."

Republicans emerging from a closed-door meeting said they would hold votes on other legislation, but not the gun votes demanded by the Democrats.

"We are going to go about our business starting tonight," said Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo. Democrats were certain to challenge any move.

The protest began around 11:30 a.m., interrupted briefly when Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, tried to start the House's work at noon. The customary prayer and pledge of allegiance went ahead, but Poe was forced to recess the House when dozens of Democrats refused to leave the well.

By late afternoon, 168 House Democrats — out of 188 — and 34 Senate Democrats joined the protest, according to the House minority leader's office, and there was no sign of quitting.

Congress remains gridlocked over gun control, a divide even more pronounced in a presidential election year. The sit-in had the feel of a 1960s-style protest, as some lawmakers sat on the floor, others in their seats.

Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said he was proud of his fellow Democrats and offered a rebuke to Ryan and other GOP leaders, who were absent from the chamber most of the day.

"You can run, but you can't hide," Rush said to cheers from his Democratic colleagues.

Republicans had staged a similar protest in 2008. Democrats controlling the House at the time turned off the cameras amid a GOP push for a vote to expand oil and gas drilling. Republicans occupied the floor, delivering speeches after then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent the House on its August recess. Pelosi ordered the cameras turned off.

Republicans ultimately forced the drilling provision to be attached to a stopgap spending bill.

C-SPAN, a cable and satellite network that provides continual coverage of House and Senate floor proceedings, does not control the cameras. They're run on authorization by legislative leaders.

Although the cameras were turned off Wednesday, lawmakers relied on social media to transmit video, using Facebook, Twitter and Periscope. C-SPAN broadcast live video streamed on Periscope and Facebook from lawmakers' accounts. Democrats posted the Capitol's main telephone number, which was overwhelmed, and urged constituents to call and request a vote. They also encouraged tweeting under the hashtag #NoBillNoBreak.

Joining the protest were more than a dozen Democratic senators, including Minority Leader Harry Reid, and Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who had waged a nearly 15-hour filibuster last week to force votes in the Senate on gun legislation. Those votes failed on Monday night.

Ryan said Wednesday that House leaders were "waiting to see what the Senate does before proceeding" on gun legislation, including a possible compromise that Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, is seeking.

Democrats cited polls showing broad public support for expanding background checks for firearms purchases and blocking suspected terrorists from buying guns.

Pelosi, now the minority leader, said the House needs to act on gun legislation, rather than continually hold moments of silence in memory of victims of gun violence.

"We truly believe that if there were a vote that we would win the vote, because 85 to 90 percent of the American people ... support responsible background checks legislation," Pelosi said.


Associated Press writers Mary Clare Jalonick, Andrew Taylor, Erica Werner and Darlene Superville contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-23

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This great. I think Bernie has gotten to them. Some of these old folks actually were protestors in the 60s I think. You don't see anything like this from democrats in the US. Maybe they are trying to break away from the sellout label that is one most politicians these days. It's didn't do much but this is the second act following that democrat fillbuster. It's a good sign.

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Right. Instead of concentrating on Terrorism these losers want to keep banging on the Second Amendement.

Lots of luck...thumbsup.gif

Did you read the article? Seems even your hero Trump would like it. Or perhaps 'losers' you were referring to the Republicans. smile.png

"Democrats cited polls showing broad public support for expanding background checks for firearms purchases and blocking suspected terrorists from buying guns."

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Right. Instead of concentrating on Terrorism these losers want to keep banging on the Second Amendement.

Lots of luck...thumbsup.gif

Just another step in hiding Obama/Hillary total failure on terrorism. Doctoring the tapes last weekend from Orlando, Obama's BS gun control speech on that terrorist act, the radical left attorney general on the talk shows, "it was hate, it was Latin night" and on and on.

Reminds me of the Benghazi lies and the president's fix on Hillary's email espionage investigation. Obama should know that all America don't buy the lies, like their liberal lackey's do.

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Right. Instead of concentrating on Terrorism these losers want to keep banging on the Second Amendement.

Lots of luck...thumbsup.gif

What terrorism? Chances of 20,000,000 to 1 being killed by an Islamic terrorist.

Guns are a REAL danger to everyone. "Two-thirds of all murders between 2003 and 2007 involved guns. The average number of Americans shot and killed daily during those years was 33."

This was 10 years ago, that figure has undoubtedly gone much higher. 33 people a day and guns are easy to get.

When the next Supreme is seated, they'll be taking a hard look at the second as determined by wingnuts. Militia and muskets doesn't cover AR-15s. Guns are a health problem that will be addressed.

Enough is enough.


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What the quote didn't say:

Government of the people, by the people, for the NRA, shall not perish from the Earth.

What it DID say:

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

Abraham Lincoln

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Cheap political stunt to use the deaths of Americans from Islamic terrorism to obtain video footage and sound-bites to use in their upcoming election capaigns.

And hopefully evict a load of useless, do-nothing Republican NRA puppets from the House as well.

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Republicans won't allow a vote on a bill that would prohibit those on a no-fly or terrorist list from buying a gun or sub-machine gun.

Meanwhile Republicans introduced a bill to take away guns from Govt IRS CI / special agents:

IRS “CI” agents serve a niche role in law enforcement. The criminal investigators have jurisdiction over crimes such as money laundering, terrorism financing and U.S. tax-evasion schemes often done through offshore foreign accounts.



Edited by sujoop
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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

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Republicans won't allow a vote on a bill that would prohibit those on a no-fly or terrorist list from buying a gun or sub-machine gun.

Meanwhile Republicans introduced a bill to take away guns from Govt IRS CI / special agents:

IRS “CI” agents serve a niche role in law enforcement. The criminal investigators have jurisdiction over crimes such as money laundering, terrorism financing and U.S. tax-evasion schemes often done through offshore foreign accounts.



They two are related. Gov't agencies being illegally used as political weapons against the people.

The no-fly list is an arbitrary list created in secret and without due process. It is VERY vulnerable to manipulation by the President's Justice Department and Homeland Security. Lefties love it now that a Democrat is in office. But if Trump gets in they will join the ACLU in denouncing the no-fly list as a violation of Constitutional rights.

The IRS has also been used as a political weapon against people who oppose the Obama administration. That right there is America's biggest political scandal in generations and what you can expect with Leftists in the White House. In that way they are no different than their counterparts in the USSR, China, etc.

So, yeah, take guns from the IRS. If they have a problem, they can call a cop and wait like everyone else.

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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

What, are you angry that they take time away from your master trump? But don't worry about that. I'm sure he will react on his normal full of BS way and than he will get his time in the media again.

In the meantime, why don't you get some more ammo for your guns.

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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

How does a staffer refusing to answer questions to a conservative lobby group witch hunt mean "Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI"?

Boy you must jump through some hoops in your mind.

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Unfortunately they are wasting their time. Americans like guns and as far as they are concerned innocent people getting shot over and over again is a small price to pay for that pleasure. It may be dumb but it's their choice

But it's not.

The majority of people are in favour of the most discussed measures.

Republicans are representing the NRA, not their constituents.

Shame on them, and if they get a black eye in the elections because of it, they deserve it.

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Cheap political stunt to use the deaths of Americans from Islamic terrorism to obtain video footage and sound-bites to use in their upcoming election capaigns.

And hopefully evict a load of useless, do-nothing Republican NRA puppets from the House as well.

As I said, that was the purpose of their stunt...to use the grief of Americans over terrorism to advance their political careers. They have no interest in addressing the real issues of terrorism and inadequate mental healthcare services.

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As I said, that was the purpose of their stunt...to use the grief of Americans over terrorism to advance their political careers. They have no interest in addressing the real issues of terrorism and inadequate mental healthcare services.

I think you are either confusing "grief" with "anger", or pretending that they don't have popular support.

More to the point, how can stopping terrorist buying military grade weapons not be "addressing the issue of terrorism"?

As for healthcare, if you are trying to paint the Republicans as having any interest in it where backhanders aren't involved, there is something quite wrong with you.


House adjourned until July 5th but they are carrying on.

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Republicans won't allow a vote on a bill that would prohibit those on a no-fly or terrorist list from buying a gun or sub-machine gun.

Meanwhile Republicans introduced a bill to take away guns from Govt IRS CI / special agents:

IRS “CI” agents serve a niche role in law enforcement. The criminal investigators have jurisdiction over crimes such as money laundering, terrorism financing and U.S. tax-evasion schemes often done through offshore foreign accounts.



The Senate Democrats also voted against an amendment that would keep guns out of the hands of those on the terrorist watch list. But all we hear about are the ones Republicans vote against.

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As I said, that was the purpose of their stunt...to use the grief of Americans over terrorism to advance their political careers. They have no interest in addressing the real issues of terrorism and inadequate mental healthcare services.

I think you are either confusing "grief" with "anger", or pretending that they don't have popular support.

More to the point, how can stopping terrorist buying military grade weapons not be "addressing the issue of terrorism"?

As for healthcare, if you are trying to paint the Republicans as having any interest in it where backhanders aren't involved, there is something quite wrong with you.

What "military grade" weapons are you talking about? Gun law advocates would have some credibility if they didn't get just about everything wrong.

I was debating someone about this the other day and the first suggestion he had was to ban automatic weapons. I was polite, but I was also thinking he was clueless and should go educate himself at least a little before forming an opinion. (fyi - automatic weapons have been banned for decades)

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nut cases...

rosie odonnel and whoopie goldberg tactics and people.

not a lick of sense....

and not a clue to go by.

Add to the list of left wingnuts antics.......sitting and crying on the floor, jumping on cars, egg throwing.....

They think they have all the answers. Stop driving...no more accidents.

good grief. Wonder if that British National was involved with left wing radicals in his assassination attempt of trump.

I hope the police are looking for a connection there. Seems pretty likely...the extremes that they go through.

Edited by slipperylobster
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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

What, are you angry that they take time away from your master trump? But don't worry about that. I'm sure he will react on his normal full of BS way and than he will get his time in the media again.

In the meantime, why don't you get some more ammo for your guns.

Being against Hillary does not make someone a Trump supporter. Ask any Bernie supporter that question (and not in the context of a choice between her and Trump).

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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

What, are you angry that they take time away from your master trump? But don't worry about that. I'm sure he will react on his normal full of BS way and than he will get his time in the media again.

In the meantime, why don't you get some more ammo for your guns.

Being against Hillary does not make someone a Trump supporter. Ask any Bernie supporter that question (and not in the context of a choice between her and Trump).

Democrats are not very savvy.

They still think it is all about Hillary.....

Their goddess of stupidity.

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The day will come when most US citizens will be on the 'no fly' list or are suspected terrorist. These list are made up by functionaries and the everyday citizen has no idea how to get off a list. Do not trust the US government.

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House Speaker Paul Ryan is wrong, this is not a publicity stunt.

It looks like the Clinton campaign has taken a page from Trump...how to upstage the opposition in the nightly news.

This gun debate "sit-in" is a distraction from the real news Democrats that came out the same day...

Judicial Watch: Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


So now CNN and other news outlets (including online forums) can report about Democrats sitting on the floor doing nothing instead of reminding the voters that Hillary is in serious trouble with the FBI. And people still wonder why Bernie is still in the race?

Like the Democrat "race" for nomination, the fix is in on this as well. It will go quietly

Edited by NovaBlue05
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More childish antics from those crazy democrats who think love-ins and sit downs are still in vogue.

Disrupting democracy. Go home and listen to your Whoopie Goldberg and Rosie ODonnel reruns.

Wow....it just gets worse. Their credibility is totally gone.

You Democrats who still have half a brain should be calling your reps and telling them to settle down and behave.

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The NRA are cosponsors and in a joint venture with the Republican Party so there will never be sensible gun control in America. Mass murders are simply a way of life for Americans. Just part of their 'got a problem? Shoot it' violent culture.

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"I've had it with the gun grabbing Democrats and their sit-in anti 2nd amendment jihad Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, said in a post on Twitter. Im going to go home and buy a new gun."

Source: New York Times

My thoughts exactly.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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