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Ubon woman claims rape and theft ordeal at hands of Jomtien police


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people talk about good cops and bad cops. make no mistake they are all in same business. they all make money off crime to support the very small salaries they get. some get out of had and take it to far, this becomes a problem if the victims story makes into public view. these cops are then moved to inactive posts where they have a lesser chance of being able to over do it again. coming from a western country it is very hard to get your head around how the system works, but the fact is that it does work, at least to some extent. 10 years in thailand and i have never felt that i was in any way in danger of anything. i have had a couple small thefts from my business but they were mostly from ex employees. partly my own fault for not having proper security. it would be nice to have an efficient government funded police force, but this is thailand and it is not going to change.

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Only three turned up at Pattaya Police Station to positively identify the suspects.

The police is not inviting any media for the "pointing at the suspects" session... No reenactments....No official foot-in-mouth statements...

Somehow I don't think the police is giving it their usual full investigative attention...

Edited by klauskunkel
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written by a policeman no doubt

Hmm...after reading the additional information posted above it is becoming clear that these rogue police officer are simply taking advantage of the situations in a most sinister way.

Under most circumstance when someone is arrested for illegal drug trafficking and or illegal drug consumption, which we all know well is considered a serious crime here in Thailand, the police have all the rights in the world to arrest the people and begin the prosecution of the law breakers.....as that is what they are supposed to do...correct.

That being the case then all too often the law breakers are hoping and wishing and or attempting to just pay a fine and hoping the officers will take the money and let them go.

However, they know full well there is no simple fine to be paid so often enough the law breakers will try to pay the police an unofficial pay off to put an end to the law enforcement and have the police let them go....and better known as bribery and happens all the time.

To me it seems the police are using this fact to their advantage but rather than wait for the law breakers to suggest a pay off the police are aggressively and blatantly coercing the arrest person(s) to pay them money ...or be kept in Jail under threat of going to prison for a long time...which the police have the right to do so under the law....but not the right to extort money.

To make matters worse they sexually molest and or sexually force themselves upon the females that they arrest knowing full well the women are vulnerable.

The rape charges they can deny while they can argue that the person was arrested for illegal drug trafficking and or illegal drug consumption and then they tried to bribe their way out of the situation...which is also illegal...

So it becomes a matter of they said .....she said .....while she can still be arrested for drug law violations and prosecuted and incarcerated in prison because she DID break the law and she was consuming drugs.

So now...after all the revelations about the terrible police conduct she will still have to face the charges of drug possession and or drug consumption which she openly admitted to.

That being the case then the police officers will be thinking: OK girl, you just sank your own boat because now we are going to prosecute you to the full extent of the law and make damn sure you spend 10 years in prison because that is the law and you did break the law and for the record you broke the law and rather than extort money out of you and let you go free ...we have decided to do the right thing and enforce the law upon you......so how do you like that...because, you girl, are going to prison for 10 years.

The point being, the fact that she is revealing the awful conduct of the police does not change the fact that she has to answer to the law breaking activities that she was originally arrested for and openly and publically admitted to.

So what will it be girl???...Go to prison for up to 10 years or have money extorted from you and pay the money and move on and consider yourself lucky the police did not prosecute you and consider yourself lucky that you are not going to prison because the Thai prison system is full of drug users and drug traffickers that believed they could simply bribe police officers to stay out of prison ...but that was not the case for them and they now languish in prison.

Those people would tell the girl: You are lucky they just wanted to get some money out of you rather than ending up here in this hell hole of a prison.....so.....Just pay the money and move on and keep your mouth shut.....like that.

I am not condoning the actions of the police rather pointing out the bitter reality of the girls situation.


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transfered to in active posts, ( for six months), so there is the punishment let that be a lesson to you corrupt officers money jewllery gone money gone, can' prove anything, so no problem coffee1.gif

so 3 Arabs are arrested with claims they ruined Pattaya's image for having a brawl

Well it pales to insignificant when compared to this Joimtien police station and its officers - rape - extortion - abuse - blackmail and possibly a lot more perpetrated by those tasked and trusted to serve and protect, I hope they get what is coming to them and that all those harmed at the hands of these thugs are well compensated and have their money returned hopefully including asset seizure

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people talk about good cops and bad cops. make no mistake they are all in same business. they all make money off crime to support the very small salaries they get. some get out of had and take it to far, this becomes a problem if the victims story makes into public view. these cops are then moved to inactive posts where they have a lesser chance of being able to over do it again. coming from a western country it is very hard to get your head around how the system works, but the fact is that it does work, at least to some extent. 10 years in thailand and i have never felt that i was in any way in danger of anything. i have had a couple small thefts from my business but they were mostly from ex employees. partly my own fault for not having proper security. it would be nice to have an efficient government funded police force, but this is thailand and it is not going to change.

The fact is it doesn't work or come close to any general expectation of what a police force should be doing, saying that somehow it should be accepted how they function and why is complete and utter nonsense

Police are there to uphold/enforce the law and protect society from criminality, in no uncertain terms should they be participating in that criminality and those that do should be severely punished

When you walk into a police station in the UK there is absolutely no doubt they are there to act on your behalf and not their own.

There needs to be a willingness by the powers that be first to recognise the extent of the problem and then have the will to do something about it, denial is not the answer and never will be

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people talk about good cops and bad cops. make no mistake they are all in same business. they all make money off crime to support the very small salaries they get. some get out of had and take it to far, this becomes a problem if the victims story makes into public view. these cops are then moved to inactive posts where they have a lesser chance of being able to over do it again. coming from a western country it is very hard to get your head around how the system works, but the fact is that it does work, at least to some extent. 10 years in thailand and i have never felt that i was in any way in danger of anything. i have had a couple small thefts from my business but they were mostly from ex employees. partly my own fault for not having proper security. it would be nice to have an efficient government funded police force, but this is thailand and it is not going to change.

The fact is it doesn't work or come close to any general expectation of what a police force should be doing, saying that somehow it should be accepted how they function and why is complete and utter nonsense

Police are there to uphold/enforce the law and protect society from criminality, in no uncertain terms should they be participating in that criminality and those that do should be severely punished

When you walk into a police station in the UK there is absolutely no doubt they are there to act on your behalf and not their own.

There needs to be a willingness by the powers that be first to recognise the extent of the problem and then have the will to do something about it, denial is not the answer and never will be

but the fact is that it works TO SOME EXTENT thailand is safer than most second/third world countries. i am not saying we need to accept situations where woman are raped and people are extorted large sums of money for their crimes. (or alleged crimes) no one effectivle polices the police. there is only the media to highlight things when they get out of hand. not a very efficient system but i guess it works TO SOME EXTENT.

think there is a unit to investigate police corruption but they do not have enough power and/or are just as corrupt as the cops themselves. only hope is to pay the cops a decent salary and come down hard on any using other means to illegally supplement their incomes. neither of these things is going to happen so it is just all small talk by foreigners on some website.

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How many more police act like this in Thailand , Maybe we will start to see some bad apples purged from the force.


and another reason why this military government is needed

all the "democratic" governments before did nothing, and T. did even the opposite

And what exactly is this military government doing about it?

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Organised criminals in police uniforms.
Hopefully this time a review of their assets will be performed.
How many more people the have kidnapped, robbed, raped and extorted.

They are the scum of society.
The total reversal what police actually intended to be.

Thailand needs a neutral reporting office where ordinary citizens can report such crimes, without having to fear for their life later.

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I hope you all understand that we need the military government.

It doesnt' matter if the rules are getting stricter for all of us who obey the law, as long as we can get rid of these scumbags

has anything really changed over the last 2 years of military rule? if anything things seem to be getting worse. ok the rice scam has been stopped, i will give you that one but anything else? blatantly corrupt officials seem to be carrying on as usual and rich important people are still avoiding jail for serious crimes. there would be an all out war if the army tried to interfere with the police.

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There will never be a reform of the police.There will never be a complete rehash of the whole law enforcement organization,as some people have stated.It cannot and will never happen.Why? Because brave bastard that instills it, makes a start on it, will be murdered,within the first month of office.

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I had a run in a few years ago with the Na Jomtien revenue collecting police on a trumped up motoring charge and was so incensed that I tried to see the "Big Boss" every day at the Na Jomtien police Station, after making a definate meeting time several times the "Big Boss" eventually appeared in a brand new Mercedes coupe, (surprise suprise) and of course he had no time to see me and what surprised me was how young he was.

Early on this year I was attacked in the Rompho bar complex after refusing to pay someone else "Check bin" that was not mine, result I suffered many cuts and 3 broken ribs, on reporting this next day at the Jomtien police station on the beach front I was taken to the hospital in his pick up and on the way he pulled into a petrol station and did not notice really at the time as I was in pain and conversation with the BIB that he took on board 500 tb of fuel and my good lady in the back seat had to pay for, over the next week or two I was told that the so called "Big Boss" was turning up at this time and that time and he never did, however after waiting on the final day that he was supposed to turn up and another no show I went for a beer, on returning to the condo there was a note on the door left by my good lady that she had been taken to the beach front polce station, as I was on the way to go to see her she arrived and then told me that she had been threatened, shown hand cuffs thrust into her face and also told that I was likely to be jailed (for what) she was taken to the back room at the police station on the beach front and the inevitable envelope was thrust at her, not understanding what this was about she was told that 2000 baht was to be put into it and all would be OK, for a falang lady in her 60s this would be scary however she took this well bless her, at least people worldwide are now becoming aware of the rip off "Land of Smiles" and what scum the average BIB is.

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On one level I almost admire the Thai " police".

Just when you think they cannot possibly sink

any lower, a story like this comes along and

proves me wrong......cheesy.gif If Prayut actually

wants to stop crime in Thailand, first thing he

needs to do is fire every policeman...

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40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

"Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

"A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.


Your deduction skills are amazing leaving me feeling somewhat humbled considering the backbreaking research you armchair sleuths put into your theory's.

Definite candidate for Gumshoe of the month.

Just saying .......

Spot on!! facepalm.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

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