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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

You just can't help yourself

We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I thought you might have stopped since Brexit

But no, YOU have to continue with your cheap unpleasant Chavish comments. You are now ignored

Having a conversation about the topic in hand is fine, listening to you go on about what you have and don't have is not what we are here for. So why is telling the truth chavish. So what is ignoring? Ummmm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/

You want to talk about dreams Changers.

2 days ago we had a conversation on economic illiterate Osborne and his financial forecasts based on 6% growth for 2016 and why his monetary policy was a bag of spanners.

I even offered you a wager that it would not exceed 2.8%

So I saved this one just for you.

Economists Downgrade UK Growth Forecast

IHS Global Insight said that is "substantially cutting" its GDP growth forecasts to 1.5% from 2% for 2016 and to 0.2% from 2.4% for 2017.


Think we can ignore anything you have to say.

And in light of the economic damage caused by Brexit it surely comes as no surprise that GDP growth forecasts have been cut, expect them to go negative in the not too distant future.

Skillfully avoided on the GBP/THB part BTW.

And to be crystal: what happens to day next week or for the next few weeks in respect of the economy and all its facets is just one small part of an unravelling that we'll see play out over the next six/twelve months would be my guess. So calling trend or upticks on cable or the FTSE today is meaningless, this book has got several chapters and we haven't even reached chapter one yet.

Fell to a predicted 1.5% from a predicted 2%. Nowhere near the Gidiouts 6% prediction that he made 2016's economic policy on. But we dont want to talk about that do we Changers, just like all the other figures you do not want to talk about because it makes you look really stupid.

Never avoided anything CM. I will wait to the end of the trading day before making a judgement on where the £ - Baht lies, not on the kneejerk reaction of Brexit. Nearly 1100 hrs in the UK, what is the rate now ? Is it still 47.50 or is it nearly 49.50 ?

You really need to try a bit harder.

Edited by SgtRock
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Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/

You want to talk about dreams Changers.

2 days ago we had a conversation on economic illiterate Osborne and his financial forecasts based on 6% growth for 2016 and why his monetary policy was a bag of spanners.

I even offered you a wager that it would not exceed 2.8%

So I saved this one just for you.


Think we can ignore anything you have to say.

And in light of the economic damage caused by Brexit it surely comes as no surprise that GDP growth forecasts have been cut, expect them to go negative in the not too distant future.

Skillfully avoided on the GBP/THB part BTW.

And to be crystal: what happens to day next week or for the next few weeks in respect of the economy and all its facets is just one small part of an unravelling that we'll see play out over the next six/twelve months would be my guess. So calling trend or upticks on cable or the FTSE today is meaningless, this book has got several chapters and we haven't even reached chapter one yet.

Fell to a predicted 1.5% from a predicted 2%. Nowhere near the Gidiouts 6% prediction that he made 2016's economic policy on. But we dont want to talk about that do we Changers, just like all the other figures you do not want to talk about because it makes you look really stupid.

Never avoided anything CM. I will wait to the end of the trading before making a judgement on where the £ - Baht lies, not on the kneejerk reaction of Brexit. Nearly 1100 hrs in the UK, what is the rate now ? Is it still 47.50 or is it nearly 49.50 ?

You really need to try a bit harder.

No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

Edited by chiang mai
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You want to talk about dreams Changers.

2 days ago we had a conversation on economic illiterate Osborne and his financial forecasts based on 6% growth for 2016 and why his monetary policy was a bag of spanners.

I even offered you a wager that it would not exceed 2.8%

So I saved this one just for you.


Think we can ignore anything you have to say.

And in light of the economic damage caused by Brexit it surely comes as no surprise that GDP growth forecasts have been cut, expect them to go negative in the not too distant future.

Skillfully avoided on the GBP/THB part BTW.

And to be crystal: what happens to day next week or for the next few weeks in respect of the economy and all its facets is just one small part of an unravelling that we'll see play out over the next six/twelve months would be my guess. So calling trend or upticks on cable or the FTSE today is meaningless, this book has got several chapters and we haven't even reached chapter one yet.

Fell to a predicted 1.5% from a predicted 2%. Nowhere near the Gidiouts 6% prediction that he made 2016's economic policy on. But we dont want to talk about that do we Changers, just like all the other figures you do not want to talk about because it makes you look really stupid.

Never avoided anything CM. I will wait to the end of the trading before making a judgement on where the £ - Baht lies, not on the kneejerk reaction of Brexit. Nearly 1100 hrs in the UK, what is the rate now ? Is it still 47.50 or is it nearly 49.50 ?

You really need to try a bit harder.

No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5%, the Office of Budget Responsibility called 6%.

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

You really want me to dig out the link Changers ?

We had this convo already. It was based on 6% and it does not matter what the OBR says, Gidiout is the Chancellor.

Its Friday and dealers will be squaring their positions ? Really Changers. Wake up, they will be trying to make as much money as they can due to this unusual and monumental day.

So what, if the BOE is underpinning Sterling, happening just about everywhere throughout the EU.

A whole 2.5 Baht in the £ since yesterday. Hardly worth shouting about.

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"Nigel Farage is 40/1 odds. Boris J on the other hand is something like 11/8?"

As to the significance of that, perhaps we could recall the odds for and against Brexit less than 24 hours ago.

Except that with Brexit, it was always a closely run thing.

The day UKIP assumes control of the UK is the day I won't live there anymore. Hang on a sec, I don't live there anymore... hmmmm

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

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"Nigel Farage is 40/1 odds. Boris J on the other hand is something like 11/8?"

As to the significance of that, perhaps we could recall the odds for and against Brexit less than 24 hours ago.

Except that with Brexit, it was always a closely run thing.

The day UKIP assumes control of the UK is the day I won't live there anymore. Hang on a sec, I don't live there anymore... hmmmm

Dont be making promises like another poster on here and ending up shooting yourself in the foot they way he did LOL

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Fell to a predicted 1.5% from a predicted 2%. Nowhere near the Gidiouts 6% prediction that he made 2016's economic policy on. But we dont want to talk about that do we Changers, just like all the other figures you do not want to talk about because it makes you look really stupid.

Never avoided anything CM. I will wait to the end of the trading before making a judgement on where the £ - Baht lies, not on the kneejerk reaction of Brexit. Nearly 1100 hrs in the UK, what is the rate now ? Is it still 47.50 or is it nearly 49.50 ?

You really need to try a bit harder.

No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5%, the Office of Budget Responsibility called 6%.

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

You really want me to dig out the link Changers ?

We had this convo already. It was based on 6% and it does not matter what the OBR says, Gidiout is the Chancellor.

Its Friday and dealers will be squaring their positions ? Really Changers. Wake up, they will be trying to make as much money as they can due to this unusual and monumental day.

So what, if the BOE is underpinning Sterling, happening just about everywhere throughout the EU.

A whole 2.5 Baht in the £ since yesterday. Hardly worth shouting about.

You don't know what squaring is or why it's done, do you, we can tell from your answer.

But that's good though, we've finally got you to admit that it's not in fact +3.5 at 52! gigglem.gif

And as stated previously, just wait and watch what happens over the next two weeks or so..

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

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Fell to a predicted 1.5% from a predicted 2%. Nowhere near the Gidiouts 6% prediction that he made 2016's economic policy on. But we dont want to talk about that do we Changers, just like all the other figures you do not want to talk about because it makes you look really stupid.

Never avoided anything CM. I will wait to the end of the trading before making a judgement on where the £ - Baht lies, not on the kneejerk reaction of Brexit. Nearly 1100 hrs in the UK, what is the rate now ? Is it still 47.50 or is it nearly 49.50 ?

You really need to try a bit harder.

No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5%, the Office of Budget Responsibility called 6%.

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

You really want me to dig out the link Changers ?

We had this convo already. It was based on 6% and it does not matter what the OBR says, Gidiout is the Chancellor.

Its Friday and dealers will be squaring their positions ? Really Changers. Wake up, they will be trying to make as much money as they can due to this unusual and monumental day.

So what, if the BOE is underpinning Sterling, happening just about everywhere throughout the EU.

A whole 2.5 Baht in the £ since yesterday. Hardly worth shouting about.

You don't know what squaring is or why it's done, do you, we can tell from your answer.

But that's good though, we've finally got you to admit that it's not in fact +3.5 at 52! gigglem.gif

And as stated previously, just wait and watch what happens over the next two weeks or so..

Are you drunk or just extremely obtuse ?

I will refer you to my earlier post where I suggested that you do not throw yourself off a balcony and give the markets a week.

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Who will be the next P.M ? Winston Churchill ?


Rolf Harris ?

Rolf Harris is currently undertaking the re-qualification process for Aussie citizenship, once he gets out of jail, there is a plan to deport back to Aussie and its rumoured he plans to stand as the next Aussie pm

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Who will be the next P.M ? Winston Churchill ?


Rolf Harris ?
Rolf Harris is currently undertaking the re-qualification process for Aussie citizenship, once he gets out of jail, there is a plan to deport back to Aussie and its rumoured he plans to stand as the next Aussie pm

No can do Sir, he's bruttush now and since ur out of the EU, the Ozzie immigration dept won't communicate with you.

Australia will vote for a republic.

The next British pm will be Rolf Harris. ;)

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5%, the Office of Budget Responsibility called 6%.

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

You really want me to dig out the link Changers ?

We had this convo already. It was based on 6% and it does not matter what the OBR says, Gidiout is the Chancellor.

Its Friday and dealers will be squaring their positions ? Really Changers. Wake up, they will be trying to make as much money as they can due to this unusual and monumental day.

So what, if the BOE is underpinning Sterling, happening just about everywhere throughout the EU.

A whole 2.5 Baht in the £ since yesterday. Hardly worth shouting about.

You don't know what squaring is or why it's done, do you, we can tell from your answer.

But that's good though, we've finally got you to admit that it's not in fact +3.5 at 52! gigglem.gif

And as stated previously, just wait and watch what happens over the next two weeks or so..

Are you drunk or just extremely obtuse ?

I will refer you to my earlier post where I suggested that you do not throw yourself off a balcony and give the markets a week.

No flames now, forum rules forbid it plus they're not nice, CLEAR?

Just facts and opinions and in your case, please be clear which it is that you are stating!

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

Unfortunately I'm a bit "Captive" (cash sat in an SG Citi account & needs to be in an UK Barclays account by Tuesday/Wednesday)

Last time it cost me £500 to move £15,000 but I'd be the last person to complain about how that worked out, so hoping for the same [emoji1303]

Edited by JB300
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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

Unfortunately I'm a bit "Captive" (cash sat in an SG Citi account & needs to be in an UK Barclays account by Tuesday/Wednesday)

Last time it cost my £500 to move £15,000 but I'd be the last person to complain about how that worked out, so hoping for the same [emoji1303]

Give TransferWise a look. Been using them all year to send the monthly housekeeping to the Big Angry and the kids.

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

Unfortunately I'm a bit "Captive" (cash sat in an SG Citi account & needs to be in an UK Barclays account by Tuesday/Wednesday)

Last time it cost me £500 to move £15,000 but I'd be the last person to complain about how that worked out, so hoping for the same [emoji1303]

I transferred a similar amount, HSBC UK to HSBC HKG and didn't have to pay any charges. Not sure about the exchange rate though

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

Unfortunately I'm a bit "Captive" (cash sat in an SG Citi account & needs to be in an UK Barclays account by Tuesday/Wednesday)

Last time it cost me £500 to move £15,000 but I'd be the last person to complain about how that worked out, so hoping for the same [emoji1303]

Cost you 500 for 15k!!!! I'll move 15k for 300, any day of the week and you'll still be getting raped.

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No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

Haha, yes, I mentioned also in another post that Xe.com's servers must be struggling to cope. The website itself is not down, it's just it's currency functions.

I transferred some GBP to HKD just before close of business (Hkg time) yesterday via HSBC. Because the accounts are linked, the transfers were instantaneous and also free of fees. So on the one hand, I made a small profit on what I transferred but on the other, lost on what I left behind in the UK.

You could do a lot worse than to look at the UOB Thai exchange rate on: https://daytodaydata.net/

Historically they have proved very accurate and forward looking in situations such as these.

Unfortunately I'm a bit "Captive" (cash sat in an SG Citi account & needs to be in an UK Barclays account by Tuesday/Wednesday)

Last time it cost me £500 to move £15,000 but I'd be the last person to complain about how that worked out, so hoping for the same [emoji1303]

I transferred a similar amount, HSBC UK to HSBC HKG and didn't have to pay any charges. Not sure about the exchange rate though

It's the Exchange rate that kills you, charges were £10 of the £500

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520 civilian jobs depend upon Faslane directly. Of course, it would be a tragedy for those individuals to lose their jobs, but the cost saving from not having to pay for Trident would be ploughed back into the economy and create many more than those lost.

Where will the money come from to pay the Scottish pensions, the Scottish health service, police and fire services?

Scotland has NO legal currency of its own as it uses GBP.

What will happen if England withdraws all its troops and its airforce? Just think how many jobs both directly and indirectly will be involved.

As for the North Sea oil, who actually owns it? Just because it comes ashore in Scotland it doesn't mean that they own it. The developments of North Sea oil was done by UK firms and the leases were sold by the UK government, NOT by the Scottish government.

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520 civilian jobs depend upon Faslane directly. Of course, it would be a tragedy for those individuals to lose their jobs, but the cost saving from not having to pay for Trident would be ploughed back into the economy and create many more than those lost.

Where will the money come from to pay the Scottish pensions, the Scottish health service, police and fire services?

Scotland has NO legal currency of its own as it uses GBP.

What will happen if England withdraws all its troops and its airforce? Just think how many jobs both directly and indirectly will be involved.

As for the North Sea oil, who actually owns it? Just because it comes ashore in Scotland it doesn't mean that they own it. The developments of North Sea oil was done by UK firms and the leases were sold by the UK government, NOT by the Scottish government.

Without Brussels the dream of an independant Scotland will fail...what they want is "independance" but still tied to "England" friends with benefits if you will...

The north sea in the British sector is vitually drilled out and at current oil prices most of the fields are getting to the point of not being ecomomically viable anymore, the current oil price dive has already cost 250k jobs, and one only has to look at the property market around Aberdeen to reveal the impact..the once boom town is screwed

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It's fair to say sterling is rallying already. No doomsday scenario, sorry.

It's fair to say that what you know about any Sterling rally or indeed Forex is nada.

Hint BOE is intervening in the markets currently so the Pound is being supported. When it stabilises any future falls in its value will come as related economic news is released, expect a series of drops and partial rebounds from this point on.

It's fair to say that the banks backed the wrong horse.

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520 civilian jobs depend upon Faslane directly. Of course, it would be a tragedy for those individuals to lose their jobs, but the cost saving from not having to pay for Trident would be ploughed back into the economy and create many more than those lost.

Where will the money come from to pay the Scottish pensions, the Scottish health service, police and fire services?

Scotland has NO legal currency of its own as it uses GBP.

What will happen if England withdraws all its troops and its airforce? Just think how many jobs both directly and indirectly will be involved.

As for the North Sea oil, who actually owns it? Just because it comes ashore in Scotland it doesn't mean that they own it. The developments of North Sea oil was done by UK firms and the leases were sold by the UK government, NOT by the Scottish government.

If the leases were "sold" and they are in Scottish waters (200 mile economic zone) then the future revenue (royalties - which make up the bulk) would just transfer to Scotland since it would be their territory.

No matter what the scare tactics that are used this time they will fall flat just like the remain in England failed. The exit poles indicated that the majority backed independence given the status-quo but Scotland was made a bunch of promises (which have not been kept) and one of the big "scare" tactics is they would be out of the EU. If the EU (northern countries) remain in tact... the next referendum would likely succeed -- regardless of the scare tactics (or reality if you believe it) are employed.

Of course if Scotland left they would have to revert to using the Euro, which means the oil bought from Scotland by England would require an outflow of GBP which would also alter the demand/supply curve on the GBP thus likely making the GBP stabilize at an even lower exchange rate.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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