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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

And maybe we'll be able to keep more immigrants leeches out!

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You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

And you, sir, have every right to tell me that you disagree with me and my sociopolitical beliefs. Now, try doing the same to a Muslim fundamentalist. Then come back and tell us how that went for you.

All wonderful stuff and you insert Muslims into it?

Sorry, Alan. I only did so because the accusation of racism was a reaction to my remarks against Islam - which, of course, is NOT a race. But why let facts get in the way of knee jerk liberal insult?

I do apologise.

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

What a bonus - Cameron has gone!! What is worrisome is that we could have Laurel (AKA as Boris Johnson)) and Hardy (AKA Donald trump) leading two of the worlds most powerful and influential nations!!

So why are you happy? And to say Britain is the second (or do you think first?) most powerful nation is a bit of a troll. Witnessed a small part of the US airforce deploy overseas, had more aircraft than the RAF.

I said " two of the leading" nations - factor in our history and this is justified.

How amusing that you measure the strength of a nation in terms of the number of war machines it possesses. Say's a lot about your mentality.

American mentality, what do you expect. Like the EU another sinking ship so they have to try and big themselves up with statements in an attempt to avoid the inevitable collapse.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

And maybe we'll be able to keep more immigrants leeches out!

If everyone who is entitled to a British passport due to the days of the Empire decided to move to the UK the island would sink.

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The exchange rate has dropped nearly 5 baht to the pound already. I presume all you Brits who are delighted with this result aren't relying on a British pension to support themselves in LOS.

Shhhhhh don't talk about that, they don't want to hear it. Those poor old fellows will have to stay in another night each week to make up for the shortfall.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

my gut feeling is, gentlemen, that the exact opposite will occur.

your 'great britain' will split apart. scottland will separate and re - unite with the eu. what will happen to london, the financial hub of europe?

what means do you have to make you great, (again?)?

and apart from that, given the magnitude of this event, the margin of 'win' over 'loose' is way too slim. there will be a lot of disgruntled brits having to live with and suffer from this short sighted decision.

Your gut must be full of sauerkraut mate...

Best decision in 40+ years.

4% is a fair and decisive result with 72% turn out.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Only the German and UK economy contributes to the EU out of the 28 members.

The UK's net payment is about £10Bn/a, I wonder where that is going to come from now?

Get your facts right.

One of the strange things missing from the campaign were facts. Figures bandied arround by both sides with no or little truth. Democracy is a fallacy these days based on lies.

Emotion and sentiment always gets in the way of real facts. You only have to read the countless buffoons on this forum using this topic to be negative and spread a bit of hatred. But, people nowadays have access to a lot of information and a lot of people read this. During all the campaigns and such there were a lot of facts and numbers banded about, you just had to ignore the noise to see them.

Fact is the numbers could be argued either way. My initial thoughts were stay in, now i am looking more at the consequences of being out and I don't think it will be a disaster at all.

Time will tell.

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And you, sir, have every right to tell me that you disagree with me and my sociopolitical beliefs. Now, try doing the same to a Muslim fundamentalist. Then come back and tell us how that went for you.

All wonderful stuff and you insert Muslims into it?

Sorry, Alan. I only did so because the accusation of racism was a reaction to my remarks against Islam - which, of course, is NOT a race. But why let facts get in the way of knee jerk liberal insult?

I do apologise.

No need. Your comment was intelligently and politely presented. I'm glad my explanation eased your concern about my point.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Glad to be going, enjoy being sheep led by the unelected baaaaaa

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Interesting that Bae systems an English Company, should treat other UK workers in this way. Is this the way Brexit is going to work? Have you ever tried to find a builder in London? They are usually of Eastern European extraction. What happens now? One thing is for sure life is going to become more expensive in the UK.

Good Riddance to the European Union and all the M.E.P.'s with their sinecures and massive pension plans. Mr & Mrs Kinnock will now have to find another gravy train. Yes, the pound will drop at first but markets will recover.

Hopefully, a drying up of the cheap labour from Poland and Ukraine.

A typical example for you.......Bae Systems in Scotlands Shipyards recently laid off hundreds of Scottish workers....then hired Polish workers at about 6 pound an hour less.....bah.gif

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Only the German and UK economy contributes to the EU out of the 28 members.

The UK's net payment is about £10Bn/a, I wonder where that is going to come from now?

Get your facts right.

One of the strange things missing from the campaign were facts. Figures bandied arround by both sides with no or little truth. Democracy is a fallacy these days based on lies.

Emotion and sentiment always gets in the way of real facts. You only have to read the countless buffoons on this forum using this topic to be negative and spread a bit of hatred. But, people nowadays have access to a lot of information and a lot of people read this. During all the campaigns and such there were a lot of facts and numbers banded about, you just had to ignore the noise to see them.

Fact is the numbers could be argued either way. My initial thoughts were stay in, now i am looking more at the consequences of being out and I don't think it will be a disaster at all.

Time will tell.

Unfortunately the internet is prone to half truths. Not accusing either side of lies as such. Half truths and statistics are the way to go. Have to accept it.

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

So what's the plan this time? Subjugate Africans and Asians at gunpoint and steal their resources? It's the only thing Britan has ever been "great" at. Well it worked last time. May as well give it a go again. There is bugger all else the UK has at its disposal to be "great".

"Great" as in Great Britain, is a geographical term & refers to the main island.

The word has been hijacked to mean great as in greatness.

You should read a bit more.

Hope this helps.

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It is interesting that it's pro-business that voted Remain while more agricultural and older people went the other way. Reminds me of when Switzerland had a similar referendum (to join or not). Zurich and main business cantons said yes, French speaking, Bern Basel etc said no and the no's won it.

There was then talk of doomsday for Switzerland as well. Didn't happen though. The CHF is practically on par with the Euro (1.08, last I checked, last week)

This is part of the reason why I point to the Muslim invasion as motivation for the "leave" voters. The "ordinary working man" neither fully understands nor cares about macro economics. He cares about the safety of his family, and the preservation of his way of life. While intellectuals preach the philosophy of "open borders" and "one world", the realists who work for a living see the injustice of Sharia Law and absolute suppression of freedom of religion (as well as so many other freedoms suppressed by Islamic rulers).

So, while the article atop this thread, as well as most of the posters here, have focused primarily on the economic issues and impact of the Brexit vote; I must ask again, if the deciding factor in the outcome wasn't the Muslim invasion!

I agree; some people seem to know the price of everything and the value of nothing, mind you, there are the eight Economists for Brexit who include Prof. Patrick Minford CBE.

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I am absolutely gutted about this decision to leave.

Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted> this up and must now resign. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now everyone will pay the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And being Scottish myself, I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

as someone else stated on this forum before: this is a blatant and convincing display of the short comings of 'democracy'.

giving a bunch of bald - headed old - timers the opportunity to destroy the dreams and ambitions of the young people who will shape our nations was the biggest <deleted> - up in british post - war history.

What are you talking about? The voting was not restricted to "bald headed old fools"

Go back to sleep, we will wake you in 2 or 3 years and let you know whats been going on.

i'll wait for it, if i don't die before.

'bald headed old fools' - like me (!!!) - unfortunately make up an ever growing and very large proportion of our civilization.

most of us are non - productive, do not contribute to our countries economy other than by spending, and it is my honest opinion that we should not be entitled to participate in making decisions that effect our countries future past our expected use - by date.

perhaps its time for you to wake up?

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Interesting that Bae systems an English Company, should treat other UK workers in this way. Is this the way Brexit is going to work? Have you ever tried to find a builder in London? They are usually of Eastern European extraction. What happens now? One thing is for sure life is going to become more expensive in the UK.

Good Riddance to the European Union and all the M.E.P.'s with their sinecures and massive pension plans. Mr & Mrs Kinnock will now have to find another gravy train. Yes, the pound will drop at first but markets will recover.

Hopefully, a drying up of the cheap labour from Poland and Ukraine.

A typical example for you.......Bae Systems in Scotlands Shipyards recently laid off hundreds of Scottish workers....then hired Polish workers at about 6 pound an hour less.....bah.gif

Used to work for them. If I owned a business I would pay a lower hourly rate if it was legal. I don't tell a builder I will pay double the going rate. Jet skies are a different matter.

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Brexit. If ever there was evidence that democracy doesn't work this is it. Or to paraphrase Churchill.. 5 minutes with the average voter will convince you that democracy is a bad idea.

And yet you benefited from the economy that a liberal democracy offered, and are here in Thailand living off of it.


A free market economy which goes hand in hand with democracy is what gave him his wealth. If he doesn't like democracy because it "doesn't work", he's very welcome to move to North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia and Laos.

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

When was the last time Britain was great? The Empire? Faintly remember Rhodesia being handed over. The past is long gone for "Great" Britain.

And now it's time for Australia to get Britain out of its flag and Britain's monarch off its coins.

But the majority of us want to keep the Queen & the Union Jack on our flag as past referenda have shown.

Do you want force the majority to your will?

Wouldn't you call that undemocratic?

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I have a gut feeling that something will happen so the UK remains in the EU.

Perhaps more concessions and another referendum until they get the result they want.whistling.gif

Not if German politicians like Manfred Weber get their way, lots of faces liked slapped &lt;deleted&gt;, talking about making sure we leave in 2 years although Cameron has said he will not invoke article 50 to leave as the next prime minister can invoke it.

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

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17th May 2016:

"The question of a second referendum was raised by Mr Farage in an interview with the Mirror in which he said: "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it."

According to his statement the actual vote shows that it is indeed "unfinished business".

Wonder if Farage wants a 2nd referendum as the vote is even closer (51.9/48.1) but in his favour?

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

Sniffle. Sniffle. You lost. Deal with it. People want the right to determine their own fate, instead of having foreign bureaucrats rule over them. Money is not their god, as apparently it is for all the Mr. Markets out there who believe that what is good for bankers and financiers is good for the proles who wash their Bentleys.

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Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

Sniffle. Sniffle. You lost. Deal with it. People want the right to determine their own fate, instead of having foreign bureaucrats rule over them. Money is not their god, as apparently it is for all the Mr. Markets out there who believe that what is good for bankers and financiers is good for the proles who wash their Bentleys.

Nothing has been lost or won.

An Act of Parliament is required to leave the EU.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

There is absolutely no way the UK is going to stop immigration, so many industries have become completely dependent on them, expect immigrants from poorer countries in the future.

Immigration will not stop, the UK needs immigration, but now it can be controlled immigration, to allow in skilled people from anywhere in the world rather that eastern european fruit pickers and labourers

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